Corn planter technology inside the cab-Deere 2630

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hey guys quick update with where we're at with things we switched to beans for a few days we were waiting for the blast fields of corn to the scent of dry up and get ready so we did switch the beans and we put in about 4 to 500 acres of beans we switch back to corn this afternoon and now I'm on my last 45 acres of corn sounds like there's some rain coming tomorrow night so we should easily finish up for and well before tomorrow night maybe get a few more beans in and I actually little bit of rain right now would be good instead of funny how quickly we went from being too wet to dry you can see the dust is flying tonight and don't like to see that much stuff flying so it's pretty dry when when I date through and look at the seats but I thought I would kind of run through last week or a few days ago I ran through my field fuel review and that was kind of more for the farmers I had a lot of farmers wondering about few field view what I think of the product and and what my thoughts are on it now I'm going to go through some of the stuff on the monitor as far as the 2630 on the deer monitor and what we're doing as far as technology with what's actually controlling the planter this will probably be more for some of the non farmers to see what we're doing and how we're planting this stuff so this is the 26:30 monitor this is John Deere's monitor that controls the planter some people will run like a twenty20 they'll call it 20 20 feet 10 which will go along with your field view a lot of the time that's a precision planting product from the company of precision planting that I've never run I've looked into it I just don't have any experience with it I have a lot of guys that do have experience with and a lot of guys seem to really like it my opinion of the deer stuff is that the deer monitor does a pretty dang good job or from what it does so we're pretty happy with it anyway we'll get on to things here so the first thing I look at here is our population and I went over a lot of this last year in a video but I've got a lot more viewers now and figured I'd go through this a little bit better and so my target population is here this is where I want a plant I want to plant 34,000 seeds per acre so when you look down there we got the disc openers opening into the ground and planting and we want to put down 34,000 seeds per acre if accurately as we can this is our target this is our actual so this is the left side of the planter on the right side and they're never going to be a hundred percent perfect but they're awfully close and what we want is to make sure those seeds are spaced as evenly as possible so I believe if I remember right thirty four thousand were probably six six and a quarter to six and a half inches apart on each seed I'm guessing somebody can correct me there if I'm wrong but this is our target line right here this is above and below so these lines that are above are saying that those rows these are our 24 rows the lines that are above our planting a little bit high and the lines below our planting a little bit lower than what our target is so everything is looking pretty good here you can see that they fluctuate up and down a little bit they're never going to be perfect but we move on to our skips and doubles here we can see our cingulate is 99.1% 99% obviously if that's a hundred percent things are perfect that's right where we want to be but ninety-eight 99 percent up in that range is pretty good I'm pretty happy with that especially on this field we got a little bit of compaction on this field because of some of the work we did to it so it's a little bit lumpy things are riding a little bit rougher here so I'm going a little bit lower just so that those roll units don't bounce quite so much so that our cingulate can stay up there again here this is showing this this line would be perfect so everything's looking really good right there I'm at ninety nine point three above the line is planting doubles and below as singles or skips which means that for every time that that meter there's a disc with a meter in it we can't see it from here but it up in those rural units up in there there's little holes in those discs that hold the feed and once in a while you'll get a skip there's some skips going on there on row six right now and once in a while you'll get a double so you get two seeds in each hole so you can see there's not a lot of that going on if you see one roll jump in way above or below the line that's when you kind of get nervous about things you got to stop and figure out what's going on right here this is watches our coefficient of variation I don't watch this page a whole lot because as long as my population and my doubles and skips are correct this is going to be correct so I don't watch this a whole lot if something jumps out at me if there's a specific row that's always got too much variation and then I'm going to check into it otherwise I don't look at this page a lot this is our downforce there's five sensors across the planter that are checking our downforce and right now I've got a target margin set of seventy-five pounds I believe if I hold this you can fill them up my target margin is 75 pounds which means I want the planter to hold 75 extra pounds on those gauge wheels and on that row unit to keep those pressing into the ground I want 75 pounds more than what it needs to keep those in contact with the ground this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately as I fit in here with Auto scared I get more to tell me right now row six wasn't planting which happens pretty often if you catch a rock there you go row 13 we got something going on with 16 so I've got a bunch of rows right now all of a sudden so the first thing I'll check there is my vacuum pressures vacuum pressures are good so it's not that I'll look back at my air system look at that gauge right there that's right where we want to be those two things are good well the button on the phone there wasn't sure if you did anything those two things are good and things have cleared up now those are the first things I check when things start going funky like that I'm guessing we probably ran through a vein where maybe there was some rocks or we just ran over a lot of compaction lumps and the roll unit started bouncing and they'll bounce the feed out of where they're supposed to be because that compressor can't hold them in place or they'll fall out of the seat field at the wrong time and it will start telling me that so it's nothing to worry about I don't get too concerned about it but it's something we want to watch if it starts doing that much more-- we definitely pay attention to that so as I was saying with the downforce I've got 75 extra pounds on there and it will show this will come up so this is above and below this line again is my perfect line that's my 75 pounds right now we're running pretty good the average is 81 pounds 77 phones that'll jump up and down if you get to different spots of the field that will jump up and down just depending on the soil I don't have active cell force in here which is another precision planting product where they automatically adjust themselves going across the field and they'll change themselves on their own what I need to do is I set my margin at 75 pounds and then I mess with this number to try to find where that average is happy so 160 has been fairly happy fairly average with keeping keeping my average just right right now I'm going through pen of a sandy spot in the field so I'm going to turn this population down I'm going to turn that down just a little bit here you can see that on here you can see that this area of the field let's go like this zoom out zoom in there you can see that this area is pretty sandy we don't get a ton of crop on this this spot of the field sometimes so I pump my population down oftentimes we write a variable rate prescription which is what this background is here which means that we'll plant different populations of seed automatically throughout the field so the sand in your spots will automatically have a set so that the planter changes population while we're driving across the field I don't have that going on in this field right now because we've only got a couple of spots in this field where we change it and it was almost just easier for me to just switch it manually by using the buttons here so I'm not messing with the variable rate prescription right now I'm just kind of doing it manually I guess you could say manually but it's not a touchscreen so there's not a whole lot of manual labor involved with it so once I pass this spot on the map here kind of gets through the spot I know is dry I'll go back to to my 34000 rate we kind of covered the downpours here's our downforce page and it's jumping a little bit right now because that sandy spot has got some rocks on it so it jumps a little bit you just kind of do the best you can to keep it consistent and it's been fairly consistent today at 160 pounds right here is our ride quality so there's five sensors on the planter again that show us the ride quality we want these rural units to run as smooth as possible and when I watch the ride quality that's kind of a lot of my determining factor on how much downforce I want to run so I want to be able to have my ride quality as good as I can at all times I also need to be able to drive a certain speed and I'm driving a little slower in this field again because of some of the compaction lumps and stuff so I'm going four and a half a lot of the times I'm going to bump that up a little bit here but a lot of the time I'll drive a good five and a half and and I want to keep these as well as good as I can keep them you know kind of find a nice happy medium where these are happy and we're still getting some work done so that's that's where we can adjust that with the downforce we change the pressure on those roll units to keep them running smoother now more pressure on the roll units more downforce it's usually going to be a little bit more smooth because it will kind of break through any lumps or any uneven parts of the field if you get it too stiff it can shatter so it will kind of get a hop to it because it's too rigid also the other thing you get with getting too stiff is if there's a lot of moisture you'll get a lot of sidewall compaction they call it where the disc openers that cut the ground to put the seat in will actually smear the sidewall and they'll compact where the seat is so the seat will lay down in there and the soil right on side either side of it is compacted and compaction is always a bad thing that's never a good thing so we try to eliminate that compaction and running too much downforce on those roll units can cause a little bit of that I'm not worried about that right now because we're dry enough where I really we're not causing any sidewall compaction when I go out there and I dig and I stick a screwdriver through through those of those lines where I've planted there's no compaction going on there that the ground is not tight at all so again would actually be a good thing to get a little bit of rain in the next couple days here a couple other things this is my I'm not going to mess with that planter at a glance right here it kind of shows everything it kind of cycles through everything that I was looking at on that page and again I don't look at this page a whole lot either because it's got everything on it so I watched the population the doubles and skips and I kind of set everything off my ride quality I'll watch that and set my downforce with that that's kind of what I'm watching on the 26:30 next thing I'm going to look at we've got our auto steer that's all set up on the computer there - there's more stuff than on that computer than what I have time for but I kind of wanted to show you guys what I'm watching when I'm when I'm planting kind of the important stuff that controls that the next thing I'm going to try and figure out and we've had the technology for a while I've just never done it because I not something I really care a whole lot about but the eye tech here I'm going to set this up sometime this spring I hope and what up what that will do is kind of add a whole nother layer to my auto sphere so that I can program it when I get to the end of the field it will lift the planter up for me when I program it to do that it'll automatically do it it'll turn me it will set the planter back down and away we go I'll never have to mess with turning I won't have to raise the planter up all I have to do in my understanding is accepted when it tells me it's time to turn I have to accept that turn and it will handle everything for me so I'm kind of excited about that I'm going to kind of mess with that over the next couple days here and see if I can get that figured out I'm sure there's plenty of people watching who have that figured out and they probably think it's great it's probably a lot like Otto's here a few years ago I figured why why would anybody need auto steer how can that possibly you know what why do you really need that I'm telling you if you have never run it run it for a day and then get rid of it it'll drive you crazy it's it's just awesome how this Auto sear allows us to pay so much closer attention to other things you know and not only that but now we're able to make youtube videos awesome YouTube videos while we sit in the tractor so I thank you for watching hope you guys will tune in them some of my other videos and I hope you liked it don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook as well and subscribe to the channel
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 137,229
Rating: 4.9521604 out of 5
Keywords: 2630, FARM TECHNOLOGY, mn millennial farmer, corn harvest, corn harvest 2016, millennial farmer, soybean harvest, harvesting corn, soybean harvest 2016, corn planter, harvest corn, 2016 corn harvest, mn farmer, 2016 harvest, corn harvesting videos, hauling corn, planting 2016, harvesting corn 2016, FEILDVIEW, JOHN DEER, DEER, BIG GREEN TRACTOR, FARM, farms, farming, combine, john deere, agriculture, JOHN DEER 2630, farmequipment, john deere 2630, HOW FARMS WORK, onelonleyfarmer
Id: jwz2NribLYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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