CORE 423: Zelda Actual

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[Music] the show let's turn off this Elden R Music that'll get me banned somewhere there we go okay excellent everything's ready so I'm just going to go ahead and play the stuff in 3 two 1 your guns are dead Your World Is Ours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to core this is core if you thought that was some kind of weird anime intro credits opening well guess what that's what Bo's idea was when he made it I don't know if anyone knew that when you reminded me of that last week I wondered how many listeners know that Bo is going for like a big extravagant sort of anime intro there you know well now they they should know I I assigned them with a task to make us a um anime intro but no one's stepped up yet that's right you guys are all Slackers compared to Bo who is eating right now uh let us get to the that's the end of it don't no nobody write in and complain please do not fill up the core Discord with complaints about me eating on the microphone yeah it's done it's done it's all gone it's all gone now uh but I would like to firmly welcome everyone to core the podcast that thinks twice before eating shrimp cocktail in landlock States I mean may have had a recent experience with that uh anyway uh I won't get too deep into it also I want to say right up top of the show before we get too far today's a big day I didn't even know it I put this in the notes before I talked to him but now that he's told me it's even a more more time to celebrate um long time ago or some time ago uh dude named Michael reached out to me says hey I've been listening to your shows for a long time love it all blah blah blah um he gave me at the time three codes for a game they were working on uh called tower song it's an RPG and I gave a couple of to or I gave one to John and boo hung on to one myself and I noticed as that game's been growing uh in Early Access state it was up to 97% positive reviews which is pretty freaking high and I thought you know what tonight I'm just going to randomly give him a shout out and say grats on on the high percentage that's amazing that's not an easy thing to do but I also found out full release today on Steam boom bam so grats to Michael and all the folks at Omega entertainment for uh for doing a rad thing and also being listeners of the show I think that's great yeah congratulations yeah we should celebrate one another's accomplishments here on the show and that includes you listeners we will we'll do a show that's how we'll celebrate That's How we'll the only way we know how that's that's right we'll do a show and then we'll talk about Mario for some reason not really there is not a lot of Mario news there is one Mario game but for those who don't think we talk enough about switch stuff today is a day for you because we're we're going to talk about switch stuff despite the fact that that console is now getting pretty long in the tooth came out in 2017 and I don't know that puts it at what8 years something like that we're pushing 10 uh yeah eight yeah because in two more years it'll be 207 2027 um they're milking it for all they uh think it's worth and usually I see that as kind of a bad thing at the tail end of a life cycle of a console I'm like oh my gosh just kill it and hurry and get here with something new something better it's already behind in terms of Hardware uh Power when it launched that's okay cuz it's Nintendo that's what they do but instead they dropped a bunch of pretty rad bombs on us at the Nintendo Direct a few days ago and um while you're all sitting around waiting for a switch to or if I get my way the Nintendo no how no the Super Nintendo switch switch super switch I want Super Nintendo switch that's what I want if they don't do that no no deal no sale not buying one that's not true I'll probably buy one anyway uh let's talk about some of the stuff they dropped um it's all rather exciting for first sees we're getting a Legend of Zelda game in the style of links Awakening however which is already very cool and I'm excited about that in its own way but here's the best part uh you play as you play as Princess Zelda and you have table powers or something a Powers Yeah it's become quite the meme in the last couple of days but uh yeah she's uh up front and center in this thing they should call it uh The Legend of Link because what's the point you know what I mean like if you're going to do this oh right right right right like if it's always the Legend of Zelda and suddenly you're playing as her let's flip it around man let's have some fun with it but uh anyway it looks delightful and like a game I want to play and um I'm kind of I'm kind of thinking this would get me to to dust off my switch because I've not played my switch in a very long time uh for good or real I just haven't gotten around to it it looks cool yeah what do you guys think of this I mean links Awakening is a personal favorite of mine the old Game Boy game was amazing and the Remake was really good I bought that uh played that through again it's not the longest of Zelda games uh as you might expect but I love the style of it this little chiby looking you know big-headed characters pseudo top down view thing uh big fan of that and this looks like they're going to carry that forward and you get to be the girl this time and and she does stuff at tables John how on a scale from Z to 10 are you excited about the Legend of Link oh I should give the real name sorry The Legend of Zelda Echoes of wisdom there it is all right give me your give me your I think I think it looks cool I think it's a cool idea I think the idea of being able to play as Zelda almost feels like it's been a long time coming it feels like every time there's a new Zelda game it sort of feels like that's a discussion point where people are saying like hey wouldn't it be kind of cool if you could play zel Zelda or you could play Zelda and Link and it kind of comes up here and there I do think it's you know I we'll see how it how it goes I always kind of pictured like it would be kind of neat if they had their own little like wheelhouse as far as like you know link uses a sword and shield maybe Zelda you know you frequently see her with a bow um you know if they had their own like Marshall abilities but uh you know she's going to duplicate some tables stuff and it's maybe a different direction than I would have gone but I I mean I also think that you know breath of the wild and stuff like that has really encouraged the the Zelda series to kind of go further on this creative aspect so it looks like they're leaning a little bit more into um puzzle solving which I definitely associate with Zelda you know like to to me you talk about uh Link's Awakening um or Link to the Past things like that and I I think of the puzzles that were involved in it so it's not exactly you know it's not exactly what I would have wanted but uh I think it's cool and I'll give it a try I like the look of it for sure this is more what I want out compared to say another breath of the wild style one so I I I guess I do like that it's not like this is a Mainline one so I'm I'm not trying to say it is or should be but you know give me something where we were not just riding that train forever B uh your thoughts oh yeah it looks cool I like the summoning like it feels like it's for kids like you know kids will really enjoy the laugh out loud moments that'll happen from you know building a bunch of tables and beds to climb up a wall or summoning a turtle to fight another turtle or whatever it is sure it looks you know it looks cool like I'm I dig it it's going to be an $80 deal and oh at that at that I'm pretty sure it's going to be like links Awakening which is like links Awakening was appealing to me but I never wanted it wasn't $80 appealing so I never played it I always forget that 69 here is going to be 79 there I always forget that yeah or not 69 59 even I think so I don't know if it's on like a sale it's like it's just it's not nothing bad about the game it looks exciting and cool but I'm I'm not going out my way to play it but looks amazing this looks like one I'm going to probably have to play just because I I don't know I like a game I want so looks like fun it's it's a novel take I think there's a lot of Novel what novity what how do you say that word noil no novelty novelty novelty that's it yeah there's a lot of novelty novil novil there's a lot of there's a lot of novelty I think with what you're doing within that game world like it's not the same old yeah like I I don't think people would mind playing link again and like John just said that and that's totally fine but the novelty of like you know doing the weird puzzly things it's probably a good thing yeah I think I'm sure there'll be some good pure Nintendo magic gameplay in there which is what I always look forward to I like the style too the earthart style I don't know why it just appeals to me let's talk to the more let's talk about the more adult uh game in the room the Metroid Prime 4 Beyond game it's got a title now it's got a Beyond in it and it's been seven years I think or so since they announced Prime 4 is being worked on and then nothing radio silence forever and everyone assumed vaporware but now we got video we got some uh you know kind of some ideas of environments uh looks a lot like what you might expect from Prime you zoom into uh her head and and and you shoot first person style and there's like a you can turn into your ball your grav ball or whatever what's it called not grav ball uh no it's a gra ball gra ball morph ball morph ball that's right morphball morphball grav ball is an upgrade for the morphball that might be why that sounded familiar um anyway as a big fan of the Prime series this looks great I'm all in on this it's also respawn not respawn um I forgot the name of the company who's making it it is the same people that did the previous Prime games uh are working on it which I think is a good pedigree um this is normally a kind of game that I would think they would hold on to for a new console and I still think they might we didn't get anything close to like a a a release date here they may have said 2025 can't remember they said 2025 in the trailer yeah did they okay yeah I feel like Nintendo has a longstanding history of having some game that is really exciting to people and they've been they they've kept them on the hook forever and then it comes out right at the end of their current console and it ends up being on both the old console and the new console I I feel like that happened with Twilight Princess um what's another good example of they've done it multiple times princess bre of wasn't breath of the Wild on yes oh is that true yeah so two zeld two zeldas in a row actually did this feel like it happens pretty often I wouldn't be surprised if this is that um I think this you know I love the Metroid Prime games I I really do but I do think one of the things that made me laugh about this is so one of the big things in uh Metroid Prime is you scan stuff you get more information you got to scan it and then the they show her scan a space pirate and it's like Samus you've been fighting space pirates in every single game that you've been in forever what are you gaining by scan what is this yeah a SP space pirate well it is it is beyond so who knows what that means um um but I I mean that that made me laugh just because I was like oh no not not a space pirate but uh it's I I think it looks cool you know I I feel like my metric is always is it going to get me to get my switch out and buy it and download it and uh it's definitely a contender like I I really loved all the Metroid Prime games a lot yeah same big question before making any purchases in the switch is will the libraries just carry like I think Super switch yeah or Super Nintendo switch whichever it ends up being called yeah should just play and run all games you bought for switch on that Library it should no more yeah no more of this like oh sorry invalidate like that's going to really dict like I don't really want to buy anything for my switch until I know the answer to that question that's that's actually a really good point Nintendo I I think they have a reputation well deserved of saying I don't know so I I think until I've heard I think Bo has a a pretty good point with that yeah I agree with it 100% I don't want to buy now you're making me question whether I'll even get the link game cuz or the Zelda game cuz I'm like I mean I thought we'd be hearing about it they did say that they'll be news about a console soon there was a tweet well it implied like there won't be anything now but it implied at some point this year I think we hear about it so yeah probably this fall I'm you know I'm I I'm never mad about a reason to want to pick up the switch and play it again like I think it's exciting you know sometimes I do think about oh man maybe I should buy a switch game and just there's a game that came out was released on switch I can't remember what that made me think maybe I'll buy that and play that on my switch and have that for portable I can't remember what game it was Nintendo game or a third party game I think it's a third party but it's not one that I've played like on Steam and it seemed like a good sit in bed game I can't remember but there I had that conversation with myself at one point like oh what if I bought that for the switch and yeah you know maybe they'll come to me I I don't know there's a ton of games but um you know but with the switch 2 being a factor I'm like I probably pick up a switch 2 you know probably maybe I don't know why but I think I would you know I'm still kind of I still kind of tell myself at some point I'm going to play some Nintendo games but I never get around to it but yeah um this does feel like their time though if they if they're not backwards compatible this time like there have been lots of times before and we can kind of let some of that go but if you're not this time going to piss off a lot of people there's like an expectation that we didn't used to have for this I think anyway and there's absolutely no reason not to um let's say the only thing that could get weird and even then they can Port it but if they stick to the arm architecture which they are currently using and I can't imagine they won't cuz arm is on fire right now they're there's stuff happening with arm chips that are unbelievable stuff like Nintendo's a little bit shaky in their boots right now because of it not Nintendo uh intels what I meant to say so if they're going to stick with that architecture there's no problem porting it's easy super easy upgrade path not a problem if they don't do it it'll be purely some business reason and it will piss me off I mean we're making a lot of assumptions here there's an assumption that the next one's going to be a switch like it's so successful why wouldn't they make the same thing doesn't have a track it could be a VR headset that attaches to your dong for all we know like I think that's why they have gotten away in the past with not being as good good at backwards compatibility and I will say there is some effort that gets made sometimes you know like I I certainly remember my switch having all the little like hey plug this in here so you can do backwards compatibility and all that like it's not like it's something they abandon every time um and sometimes it feels like the more gimmicky they get the more they feel empowered to go well we don't have to do backwards compatibility for that because how would we LOL right um and but I do think you know the the Press kits and stuff for the not the Press kits the um the dev kits that have gone out have been labeled we've seen like leaks of it being called The Switch to um doesn't guarantee that it's exactly like the switch but I do think that it there is a bit of an expectation that this is going to be a direct sequel to the device and I feel like if you're going to do a direct sequel to the device you better have backwards compatibility on it um if if this is going to be the Super Nintendo switch the switch 2 any version of like hey it's this device updated you better have backwards compatibility or you're going to have a lot of people upset sure they did this back with the GBA it had uh original Game Boy and Game Boy Color carts would work in it they were awkward because they stuck out pretty far and was just weird but they did it so I'm not saying this is the same world I mean cartridges was all you had there was no digital option back then um and I think their first Digital Store was 3DS or I'm sorry 2DS what was the 2DS that had this music hold on I even have the music I think one of them had this going on here it is oh DSi that's what it was yeah so the DSi had had um uh the ability to download games but none of those were ported or portable to the 3DS when that came out which did you know had full-time uh uh store and all that the Wii same deal the Wii U would not do the Wii games or no or did it no GameCube games worked on the so the you're right there's like Little Steps GameCube games worked on the Wii right you could put the little teeny disc in there and it would play but it was because it was basically a GameCube anyway so they've made these little efforts here and there to make your physical media move forward but only so far right only so much not like multiple Generations or whatever um and so I suppose they could do the same thing here where it's just this onetime bump but I think they are smoking crack if they think in 2025 and beyond that you can't do that you can't have backwards compatibility to your to your modern games that's just crazy if they do that I think the biggest thing they need to solve like it seems silly that this would have me cheering but if they came out and said hey guys uh we have figured out to consolidate give you a singular Nintendo account this is going to be your account for all consoles purchased if you buy a game digitally for any of our systems it's stored there and backwards compatibility will allow you to take it on any of our consoles now with the intent of going forward that would be amazing right because uh that that doesn't exist and I see people saying they have it they don't let me tell you as somebody who lost their entire 3DS Library they say they do and then you call them to get it restored and they don't yeah I can't tell you how many Nintendo games I've had to Reby because well we switched this do you have the original console no that's why I needed to get a new console is because I don't have the original console anymore oh well we don't that's not tied in that way to your account where we can get like it's not good yeah and they need to get they need to figure out how the internet works how accounts work and find a way to give you anything you purchase going forward to where it was like you know one of the coolest things about getting a uh getting the new Xbox was I logged in and there were my digital purchases from the 360 games I forgot I had purchased it remembered uh it had a better memory on my purchases than me and that's how these should work yeah um and that's how Nintendo product should work it shouldn't be like hey well it's time to sell you another copy of the original NES Super Mario Brothers no yeah stop it yeah and it can't always be hidden behind services like you know Virtual Console before or the current uh switch online stuff where that's how they they breastfeed you little bits of nostalgia like you have to I think they should honor our B our purchases I think it will drop way down on they they have the biggest problem with piracy for two reasons one their stuff's kind of amazing and everybody wants to play it and so there's more people driven to Pirate their content but also they don't give them too many other options if you really want piracy to stop the way it currently is Nintendo you make this [ __ ] you know you make it so when I buy a thing I can keep playing it in a near perpetuity you know well anyway there's that how about Mario and Luigi brothership I love the Mario and Luigi games huge fan uh the GBA Game the 2DS game and then I forgot the 3DS name of the game that may have just been a remake I can't remember but okay so this wasn't this isn't the first of its kind then no it's a there's a whole it's funny it's been forever so it kind of does feel that way I'm sure some players are like wait what this is based on I had no idea I had no idea yeah so there so their Super Saga was my favorite I think that was the GBA Game and it was basically turn-based jrpg in Mario's world but not like paper Mario they they went a different direction with it and it's the brothers doing their [ __ ] and brothers has I knew you were GNA I knew that was going to invoke that um but they always had an amazing combat that was a little more active a little more Super Mario RPG I guess is the better comparison and you had to do stuff together it still was a solo game I assume this is too um but I love these they're delightful they're fun or they have been you know haven't played this so I don't know but this is interesting to me but this is absolutely a game that I'm not going to purchase for the switch unless my unless those games move forward the way Bo described if they don't why why am I gonna do that that seems dumb to me so I'm not doing that I'll just go back and play Super Saga on my you know Amber Nick or whatever um yeah cuz I bought that game you know I own that game and I would buy it again but give copied ROM the exactly I mean somebody else may have done the heavy lifting on the ROM conversion but I bought the game you know what I mean I mean yeah no I know I I got you 100% those games are cool though so this is one that's sort of on my radar uh I never played Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii because I wasn't buying a lot of Wii games the Wii the Wii and I had a big falling out very quickly um yeah me too every time the IR sensor fell off the TV I was like well that's gone yeah there's can't be retrieved we is the one the 720p console in the era of 1080p yeah yeah at maximum if you were lucky cranky you're lucky if you got 720 I think most games were still running at 480p but it was just a it was a GameCube in there and they saved a lot of money sold a lot of copies the the motion control gave it a lot of you know initial interest because people are like oo this is I got to get up and like swing that to play baseball and stuff that's awesome you know like they really took advantage of that at the time in 06 and that's the one that would you could weigh yourself on it right yeah yeah yeah they had the we fit we fit is it says Reggie F right anyway uh so what I did what happened there was I remember at the time everybody said oh the best Donkey Kong Country game is actually this Wii one it's so good you guys return to form 3D 2.5d blah blah blah Scott why aren't you playing it I'm like cuz I hate my Wii and I never want to spend money on it yeah yeah pretty much clip that one so and the best Monkey Kong game is they the super Nest ones I mean those are the ones that started them this is like a direct sequel to those so yeah um yeah but this is supposed to be amazing and I'd always kind of regretted not getting a chance to play it so now they're they're remaking this Country Returns yeah yeah so they remade this or you know upscaled it or whatever for the switch and also that's interesting to me if it moves forward these are all ifs 80 another $80 game yeah I'm sure right they're not going to be cheap on that one I mean they all look interesting but I'm like it's not $80 interesting but you know whatever it's Nintendo I should stop complaining about it that's just how it is that's how it is with them John I'm GNA ask you about this one Dragon Quest 3 uh I know you this is an HD 2D remake but term what do you think this I'm excited about this because Dragon Quest we live in a world where uh Final Fantasy grabbed uh our our nation's interest and Dragon Quest had a really hard time making it over here and now it feels like we're getting to a point where we're finally going back and revisiting the old Dragon Quest games and getting the bulk of those over here in a reasonable way to play it I heard I wasn't able to confirm but I think I saw somewhere that this is coming to more than just the switch yeah I think so it's part of square Square's plan is to get it everywhere I don't think they're makes it even more exciting for me yeah I probably would not have gotten this if it was just on switch I will probably get it if it's going to be on uh PC or something like that uh but I'm I'm excited for it you know Dragon Quest is a huge long running RPG series I have a lot of love for that um I've really liked every Dragon Quest game I've ever played and I'm excited about the ability to maybe go back and revisit some of those so um I don't I'm not nostalgic for it so I don't know what to say about the graphics I have heard some some belly aching about the look of it uh but I I don't know what it looked like originally so I don't look at it and go oh my gosh a crime has occurred well it looks a lot better than three on the nest I mean that's where this originally was so like if if this was Chrono Trigger I would be full of opinions Dragon Quest 3 I have no opinion I think it looks nice so yeah they're clearly aiming for the octopath kind of vibe you know little bit of 3D 2D uh pixel mixed with polygon blah blah blah whether they succeed at doing a good job I don't know but elusive age or is that the name of the ninth one the newer one the newest one is such an amazing game that I'll bet they're just new fans itching to go back and try old stuff so yeah so this is cool oh this this is one and two I didn't know it was three or I thought it was three I was looking at the three eyes they're all separated it's one and two so definitely NES oh it's one and two and three yeah it's all yeah wait it's three in there three's part of that too there's there's three of them they did this in the most confusing way calling it HD2 they did it with Roman new Dragon Quest 3 and then the guy came on he's like if you'd like if you'd like to play Dragon Quest 3 we're also doing an HD2 HD 2D remake of Dragon Quest 1 and two yeah so and it's like well why did you why did you just say all that orig like why and then he's he gave an answer he said because three is earlier in the story I guess three is a prequel so you should play it 312 also confusing so I'm like why don't I just play it one two three that's how everyone else experienced but whatever play it's weird I I guess the Creator thinks 312 is the ideal uh order in which to play these games so they emphasize three as the big trailer but they're in fact remaking all three of them so uh someone Sir John C in the chat says now bring back Shining Force I agree that's a Sega thing though so that could happen I suppose but I love Shining Force bring all of the games back bring them all back give them this give them thisat yeah bring them all we paid for them once we're ready to pay again I mean these are good reasons like one two and three on the NES they look like you know NES games sure you can go back and play them the way they were intended blah BL blah blah but if you want like modern ideas and some quality of life stuff and a graphical retreatment this is where I'm happy to repay for a game because you're doing work you know you've done something to it that makes me go well yeah I already owned these but this is amazing I'll play this new thing that you've done I felt that way with Link's Awakening I felt that way with um oh I don't know can't think of anything else but there's plenty like that uh Blaster Master zero I mean I would I'm going to be talking a lot about games that need just tweaks to very minor things to be considered new and fresh so I I think the we always get caught up on graphics and for good reason but I think one of the biggest advances that we've had in video gaming is a more standardizing and understanding of how controls in video games work there is nothing that is a bigger barrier to entry for me to go back and play and I'm not talking about like NR I'm talking about games that are just you know like six or seven years old yeah no bigger barrier to entry than getting into the game and going why does it control like this why does the UI look like this what what is going on like we've gotten to a place where we've really standardized a lot of that stuff where you can pick up a video game and buy the you know for the most part you kind of understand how it plays and when you go back to games before all that happened like that's the hardest shift for me where it's just like what what is this why why is this like this it's like going back to Old Shooters on PS1 or something and then noticing even after dual stick uh started happening on Playstation you'd play a shooter and be like they're shooting with a even though they have a trigger a to shoot you're like why do you think they designed it like a trigger yeah exactly it's a literally a trigger right they're triggers you're so right like that is I driv me crazy I have no problem with the idea that the world has basically standardized shooter controls on on controllers to and and and keyboard mouse for that matter to standard stuff call of dut's arrangement Halo to some degree those work great stick with that don't come into the market and go well what if you strafed with be and X you use the trigger to do an emote and then the stick just looks around like why are you doing that let me play let me get in and play and not have to relearn everything I hate that uh then there's Super Mario Party Jamboree I don't actually care about this game uh but I'd sit on a couch and I'd play with some friends you know if my daughter had it or something i' I'd plop down and we'd give this nobody cares about Mario Party till they're in a Mario party and then they care too much about Mario and then they want to kill each other yeah that's true I mean I don't know Mario part's like oh do you want to play one and whatever one is around is the one you play I don't yeah there must be somebody who's like there's a new Mario Party I'm so excited but I don't know them I don't know who that is either it feels like just you is it parents get it for your kids I guess I don't know they're like when can we all play together Mario party it's too competitive around here it wouldn't go well yeah it seems like it's it's still got the board game thing but there's a lot more focus on the mini games in this one from what I can tell in the trailer um all these games have this really excited guy talking listen to this guy let's see e and flow of the tide can change your path and things really get mixed up when the volcano Blows Its Top he's just yep I don't know I kind of I kind what's funny is that's not from the Nintendo Direct that's a document documentary about Pompei oh I see wow they really should make it less less dark a little more reverence there but that's amazing yeah I don't know a lot I think there are probably people are stoked about this there's a few other things that mentioned that we didn't get into uh one of them I just realized what it is and now I'm sad I didn't include it um for those that wanted to hear more about Marvel versus Capcom fighting collection that's coming to everything so don't you know you don't have to get your Nintendo panties in a bunch on that one I hate that term I shouldn't say that panties in a bunch I hate Nintendo panties no just panties in a bunch I always feel bad because it feels like it's I mean if my panties w't a bunch I'd kind of you know I'd be irritated too if I couldn't unbunch them it just feels like key is not that they're in a bunch it's just that if you can't unbunch them it's like sure it sounds sexist is that what it is yeah it feels sexist it feels one-sided sexist it's also like let me tell you somebody who gets their boxers in a bunch every now and then it's not pleasant no matter what you don't want any undergarments in a bunch is a problem I could say undies in a bunch just undies in a bunch that's what I should say how about that and then it's not just women they were quote unquote they're sold panties that's what they go to the store and see on the shelf and then I'm not then it's not aimed at them it's kind of like when I say uh why I don't like the word [ __ ] as often as I possibly not use it because it feels specifically aimed at women even if it's not today right people could say to Bo H you didn't beat uh Elden ring 50 times you little [ __ ] like you know what I mean like people say this stuff but it just still sounds mean to women mag [ __ ] you know Jesse Pinkman really yeah yeah that's an okay use if if you're like yeah that's acceptable use all right it's time Chang I think it's like it's context I think a lot you know the context originally of panties is it's another guy saying to another guy don't get your panties in a bunch applying that you're a guy that wears girls underwear so that's where that's where it gets like yeah it's one of those like but you know I don't know I think it's still I think we can take that one back you know I think we can Dem say it it's just hard to change these things it's kind of fun to say un's in a bunch it feels I think you know we all need to be sympathetic to getting underwear in a bunch because here's the truth you know as well as I that anytime you do the weird walk to try to naturally get it out yeah without having to like dig MH like you know that that's embarrassing cuz you know everybody that sees you do it knows exactly what you're doing but then you know when you see someone else do it you're Going H yeah that guy he's he's dealing with the trick is like especially with boxers the trick is not to like pick at them the trick is to just shake your like do pelvic thrust until it free up everybody knows what you're doing though you might as well grab it and yank it it's not a big secret like but it depends on your personality like nobody sees someone sitting there shaking their leg like a dog getting belly rubbed my hand like that's a normal thing I'll rip my waistband open and stick my hand right down and go my underwear is stuck you know and just tell people because you're truthful you're a truthful on the face of it kind of guy you don't mess around I'm just I'm we're all embarrassed by different things just that stuff is not what bothers me someone in the chat suggested manties would should call them manties instead of panties no it just sounds like you're talking about the underwater mammal oh the man man pan pan is not feminine there's nothing feminine about the uh the syllable pan right so changing it to manes is not a onetoone conversion no you wear pants you wear pants suits you have to call them potties pots and pants right oh language got your potties in a bunch what even what even is language anymore um all right another game I was excited about I forgot to put in the list but I'm excited because I'd forgotten this is the one that I was hoping they would eventually Port the original creator of Final Fantasy hiri hiran nuu sakauchi I hope I'm saying it right oh I he didn't but I think you were in the isn't it s isn't it way matso or something no it's hobu honobu sakaguchi right I think anyway I thought you talking about no noou oh noou is the the music guy and he's also involved he's also there yeah yeah so these two came together and made this game uh called fantasian and it came out on Apple's arcade Service as like a launch tile played it it's one of the few phone games I've actually play it's quite good I always just was annoyed that I was playing it on my phone and I wanted to have it somewhere else good news they're porting it somewhere else now I don't think this is a switch exclusive I think this has come into everything as well I could be wrong on that I hope so if it's coming to like steam I'll get it on my steam deck um but it's a cool game and what made it cool I thought anyway was this decision to have everything in the world's kind of a diarama it's all filmed and then integrated into the game and they're Miniatures so when you go into a Tavern you can tell it's all like little little wooden carved things that somebody has taken made a real small little version of that and then photographed this this thing imported it in some of it looks like you know like official Warhammer battlefields like yeah the same kind of material they used to make actual like uh Warhammer C like battle campaign met yeah a little a little bit you're not wrong and I also thought that the the combat was really fun and I don't know I just thought this was a cool game when I played it and I would like to play it more completely uh so so yeah this is well it's on switch but we don't know if it's on super switch I'll bet it's on Steam I think this is coming everywhere yeah I think it will too you think so yeah I don't think this is exclusive um in fact very little today they didn't have Nintendo characters in it I don't think most of what they announced was exclusive third party but that's true of a lot of third party these days even when uh Sony and Microsoft do it so so yeah this this looks cool it's got a really neat story going as far as I got anyway it had random battles which don't love but I got used to it um what else did they look like you could save up the random battles to one big random battle Yeah I can't remember there was a way to do something like that there was a mechanic where you could like not it wasn't like run away from the fight like you do in most of these games but it was something else it wasn't flea it was like ah I can't remember and it is still on I don't remember still on Apple arcade if you have a subscription so it's maybe worth checking out this is called fantasian Neo Dimension so the added a little bit to the title keep your eye on that W indeed some primordial Final Fantasy style stuff coming out of that all right uh do you guys anyone have any thoughts on Farm far magia oh did I let's see which one's that farm magia it's a game where you farm but collect Pokemon and battle other Pokemon um let's see if I can find it it felt very like we thought we'd be selling a lot of copies before pal world came out really I don't know if it's not in this official list where the heck is it oh here we go farm magia um okay you know I know we got some people like a good farm game here yeah I'm one of them not to call any one person out or anything I do like a good farm game I got one right now I got my eye on so I'll set in space I can't wait to try it but more on that later so this looks the under uh the under World Felicia do oh yeah look at this this this does look like a Pokemon ripoff oh she was on The Cosby Show right and new world as well right after that Felicia Rashad yeah Felicia Rashad um this looks a little more uh Pikman is like you got a group of these things right yeah I mean it look a little pck Min and you grow them in the you actually hatch them out of your farm and then you go take on creatures that could be it's an obscene Corgi plant is what I just saw yeah this looks all right oh and you try to get weak characters you you you amass an army that's that can fight against the weakness of a dragon or whatever just kind of your rock paper scissors but and then you go farmed for this [ __ ] all right you know what i i i i demoted this but I would consider this and I wonder if this is coming just to switch I don't think so I don't know that's what I was wondering they say marvelous Incorporated marvelous yeah name of the developer um they don't say but usually they will say if it's exclusive so I don't think it is I think maybe there's another one that we have to talk about too not just this one um what the hell is new dempa Men new new dempo men DPA men Dam men uh wow when I searched for that I spelled it probably wrong and the first result got was uh naked women sex so I no no no no not that I'll send you a the direct with the time stamped link okay please do embed embedded link that'd be amazing ises this it right here yeah oh you already did it you're fast okay here we go yeah this is definitely not nude or whatever but they I mean nude is it's still it's in that it's in that vertical so this is already out by two days whatever this is yeah came out on the this is the new dempa men right right so what the hell are DPA men and why would anyone play it like can you let kids play this you know I don't know I don't think I like this no I know that's what I mean like we talked about a lot of the winners I was like what the hell is dempa men uh it's got would any parent freak out if their kid was like I want to play new the DPA men I'm like it sounds it sound they sound like pedophiles right off the bat like I'm just like oh my God no keep that away from my kids any I don't know what dam men is I don't know why they're called Dam men and I just wanted to say Nintendo it's maybe not a good idea I'm sorry the whole thing just turned into the uh the uh not Metal Gear Metal Slug thing and I'm like what happened to this game and this all of a sudden it's part of I guess they they just did like a montage um yeah it was quick but the DPA men really stood out to me I was like I need to talk about this cuz what are and the way the voice narrator is like You' enjoy playing the new Tempa man and I'm like no it's like will I will I though will I enjoy it no um here let's hear him for a moment I'd like to hear him meet the quirky little dampa man find him catch him and lead him on a joyful RPG Adventure no no I don't want to do that also that I think that this looks like Ro it's got the collect a bunch of men in pajamas like I just why is this a game I have no greater fear than meeting the old DEA men I love the idea that this is like are there middle-age Dam men are there um you know I don't know High School cranky you know everything's sad Damen like well I need to know more about this the whole thing smells like Roblox that's all I'm saying I get a Vibe like a yeah I don't know like a whipped together thing that feels a little like Roblox I think it's like a it might be like a honey Potter fishing thing like rublox whoever actually whoever actually buys and plays this game goes on a list you know what I mean uh ruax in the chat says the chat says the old dempa man is actually tingle from Zelda nice nice one yeah he looks like a dempa man if you ask me Jerry Tolbert says Nintendo tubbies yeah it definitely got Teletubbies Vibes it's all very weird uh but I guess get that I'm not going I just want to meet the people who were like oh you know Mario and Luigi brothership Damen yes is there a single human being that's like this is what I was waiting for the man somebody somewhere and I want to meet that person I just want to know what they sound like and talk like we should revisit it what if it comes out and it's just like a gigantic critical hit like we cannot believe that's great cuz this episode of core is going to age like fine wine we can play this clip forever great Jamie get on it hold that one for us everyone's going to be making fun of me he going to be like oh look at you hating temp dum dum hating on this this future classic that we just don't recognize all right I'll eat my Crow I just don't think I think B's right I think this looks like garbagio I mean it's like scary it's scarier than the scary game yeah I don't love it uh all right well that's enough of that let's get into the games we played here this week where is it here oh my uh all right let's talk about some of these here games let's talk about shared play this week we had at least a couple of us playing one game not together but separately and I assume this is all to beef up your your untarnished so he's ready he or she is ready for the uh the DLC so tell me about your time in there yeah yeah what's the game you got to tell the game oh sorry Elden ring or in past tense Elden rang anyway terrible terrible joke what Happ all right thank you uh let's start with John you're back in and enjoying yourself it seems what do you thinking uh yeah so I started a new character on stream a little while back to uh to get my sea legs back and then I very quickly realized sometime last night after telling my trying to explain to my wife what happens when you die and why it's a bad thing and I walked off a ledge and lost like three levels worth of XP which she found incredibly funny um I I was like I am not going to be ready for the DLC but that's fine I have a character that I beat the game with I can just play that character I've got I figured out how to play this game again I will just go in as my character from then so uh in anticipation I thought maybe I could get in just real quick check it out before the show uh cuz it technically came out about an hour before the show started yeah so I got on my character I was all ready to go and uh I was like all right well I got to I know where I have to go to uh start the DLC and I was like why do none of the like shrines I don't remember I always call them bonfires because that's what they were in Dark Souls but they're not called bonfires in this game do you remember what they're called in this so people don't go crazy little sights of Grace yeah so you sure you're ready to play the EXP well but the problem is I just always use Dark Souls terms for everything so I I always just call it on Fires um I just never bothered to learn new terms um good answer good answer but uh I I went there and I was like well why don't I have any like I almost have no sights of Grace on my map uh and like the game had done an update and I was like did they do something to make you like not able to teleport like across the map or something and like why is it telling me like a path and you know I really should have figured it out by uh spoilers uh for Bas Elden ring um the big tree was just fine and dandy it hadn't burned down or anything I was like tree back what was all my sights of Grace aren't you a new game plus well see that's what happened is apparently sometime after I beat the game I started New Game Plus and never f finished it oh boy and so I am still very early in the game on uh on new game plus I was like but it was so confusing cuz I'm running around literally using a weapon you get from the final boss of the game so there was Zero doubt in my mind that I had beaten the game this wasn't like a old save and uh so I am not going to be able to get to this expansion for a little bit yeah it's take a little bit for me too so it's fine GNA take a while but I got I'm ready to go regardless what I've heard about this expansion is it's a it's it's like uh pretty much the level level of content is comparable to the base game like it's just another gamees worth of content it's supposed to be a lot well but I read is 25 hours but I'm hearing that that's that's if you knew what you were doing so probably a lot more than the base game can be 20 hours if yes you be line to all the key points mhm cuz it's open world like it's like um you know Skyrim can be speedrun in couple hours right right right obviously you're not meant to play that way so what the speed run same deal um you can probably beat Elden ring in a under 10 I think there's a speed run for four hours or something like that like you can Elden ring current leader oh my gosh uh the current new leader and this is as of seven months ago 19 minutes 30 seconds no glitch that's no that's a no glitch run wow I take it back weapon swap chainsaw glitch I don't know what that is all right so uses glitches you need to do like um let's see can I do a not glitch uh oh here we go any no wrong warp all remembrances console all achievements but like Elden ring the game is notorious there's like car like for um being beat like by characters at level one like you can never level your character and you know get to the final boss and beat it and you know that's also a thing you can do too here it is four 5 uh 54 minutes 40 seconds for no glitch glitchless run yeah yeah see so I mean that's how that's how open world goes right like if you have the skill to like never get hit at all and just whatever it is they do to get through the enemies like whatever key weapons you can speed through the game sure obviously it's not most of us like we're going to enjoy the game and it's probably going to be 100 hours to 200 hours in the expansion yeah um yeah these B I'm crazy overpowered too so I will get caught up pretty quick the way I finally confirmed it when I started to suspect I was on New Game Plus was uh if you remember I couldn't I couldn't get into the Magic City and there's a dragon that's guarding where the key is to it and I was just like well I'm going to just go see if that dragon's there because the dragons don't respond when you kill them um so I just went down there the dragon was there and I just casually killed the Dragon it wasn't a big deal so I'm grossly overpowered I was just like all right well Dragon okay he's gone new game plus one is like um very incremental in difficulty Spike like I think the big spikes aren't till like five or six so yeah it's not it hasn't been very difficult at all like it's been pretty minimal fights like most things I mean I still have to hit bosses and Dodge but like it hasn't been that bad so I'll I'll get to the DLC soon um and we'll see how that all goes but um yeah I'll report back when I get to it it might be bo that talks about it for a while though cuz I've got less than a week before I'm going to be pulled away and I don't know if I'll get to it in time but I'm I'm excited for it it looks good and the reviews are great yeah the reviews are clo so far people are loving it um B did you so I started a fresh character oh look at you hardcore boy I played the m I played the main game on Xbox and that's being used right now and I don't even if I had the Xbox I'd rather I bought it remember for the PC to play in VR right right um so I'm just playing regular flat screen right now but like uh I start a new character and uh it's you know to get to the expansion content still you have to beat two major bosses which I'm closing it on one and um and then there's a third boss that's pretty tough you have to beat so I might not be there like I'm not I'm not going fast I'm just playing the game again and enjoying it so I don't I don't know when I'll get there but when it is time like you don't finish the game first you go to the expansion content cool new weapons and discover new things so um and they have a way of increasing difficulty without affecting the base game there's like a a different kind of way that they scale and that you earn stuff that only works in the DLC to increase your damage only inside the DLC so when you bring back all the goodies and finish the DLC and come back to the main game you still have a challenge on your hands apparently cool um with regular leveling is how the system works I'm having makes sense that's nice to know because I my character is insanely high level like way too high and there is a concern I don't want to get in and necessarily just steamroll the DLC so no apparently there's there's a it's like think of it almost as a different leveling system nice so you might still be powerful like I don't know how it works firsthand yet I just know that you earn a specific kind of resource to get more powerful within the context of the DLC only so there's a bunch of com there's a bunch of Articles saying don't go wandering in there thinking you're a badass like there's it's not it's not that it's like extra it's not like they just ramped up the difficulty to be way way harder it's that it's you have to approach it differently the build you are relying on may not be viable some of the bosses are just going to laugh at the [ __ ] you used to do that kind of thing yeah that's the my biggest concern is as I got insanely powerful in the base game I started relying on just stupid cheese instead of skill for a lot of the fights and I'm so I'm going to go in and be like look I poke the Trident in the air and cause damage to everything around me and I feel like all the bosses are going to be like get out of here shut up do do you do you guys think faster builds are still a viable thing like if I start over and buy buy the thing on PC I think I'm I think I want to do I want to try something other than just a big sword or a shield or whatever I kind of want to go everything's viable the one thing I will say is it's just the early game like the first 50 levels everything's going to decimate you like you're not going to be you gradually move into Power okay and you don't have spells right at the start like well I guess you can pick a Cas class so maybe you can I did a an astrologer and I had a glint Stone Pebble that I could fire in a wave and it's very powerful but you know I the thing I found about magic in that game and I didn't spend a lot of time with it like the chat made me play as a caster and I very quickly noticed I kept leveling up non-caster stats and I was like well okay clearly I have a way I like to play these games cuz I'm putting all my points in dexterity and other things but um what I noticed was uh at the beginning the casting felt incredibly powerful but then when you start to hit those like now you're hitting creatures where your stats need to be a little bit better um it feels like a harder wall it feels like as a marshall class you can get by those barriers with skill and you'll kind of overpower it because you are relying on Mana with magic um that might feel like a tougher barrier uh at at certain points but I again I don't know for sure cuz I haven't gone that far with a magic build yeah yeah neither neither of us play casters like in the second playthrough is like at points only into decks like and obviously Vigor and endurance but I've only done decks so far really I'm like I should do something different nope Dexter I got Twin Blade doing what you love it's fine John dropped by my stream to tell me where the twin blade was although I I confused your advice but I figured it eventually yeah you did it on your own you're like I was like hey here's where the twin blade is and you're like Double Sword whatever I don't know and then you did exactly what I said to do and I was like well he did it anyway but it wasn't because he was listening to me unrelated to the stream and chat room I was just kind of like old man cranky like that day like I didn't really realize it till after I stopped a stream and I was like I was kind of [ __ ] today yeah I just so sorry um that was me today until I got to the show by the way I've been having a piss day pissy I've been pissy no one wants to be around me my wife's like you're cranky I'm not hanging around with you you got your potties in a bunch yeah so my B my my potties have been in a bunch all day and uh I decided right before the show I'm like I'm not carrying that energy into here tonight so you guys will have to tell me how I did at the end I guess but I don't think I've been cranky I I did I have no no cranky energy but would would John drop by someone else too like I don't know I did this thing that was really stupid I was trying to keep my desk low and I've given up on that now I've done like 23 times who who gives a [ __ ] um but at the time I was I was trying to keep my desk low and there was a treasure chest and it been a while I'm like I knew this is the trap chest and then I'm like so I shouldn't open it but I opened it anyways of course like an idiot I was just kind of being cranky about it and then I dropped my runes and it was like it was 800 runes then one of the viewers froze fishy was like why don't you go back and get your runes and I'm like okay let me do it and I died again and I was like God damn it I was just I was just like being pissy about it and like guilted him into a sub sorry about that oh no it's fine this is what the businesses that's the transaction they get you streamer business right you you backseat me and fail you got to give me a sub um but uh yeah I was just I was being so pissy that day it was it's kind of like it's a that's a tough thing about streaming you know you don't want to be pissy especially play a game like Elden ring yeah I think that chest is my favorite [ __ ] move that that game plays though it is it is absolutely my favorite that that game does because not only does it it's in a fairly early place in the game and you're like oh you have to fight through enemies to get down there then you open this chest and it teleports you to a place that you are grossly underleveled for surrounded by enemies it does not give you a way out it won't let you fast travel out of there as soon as you step theide there are guys that'll just your inclination is to attack people the funny thing is is there like most of the NPCs around you will actually leave you alone unless you mess with them but you don't know that so you're like well I better strike them before they strike me um it will just kill you and even once you get outside it has put you in a much higher level section of the map and you have to know to fast travel away or ride away and you are just in Nightmare town you were just in the worst place in the game the biome is there's a giant blood River a blood Lake in front front of you and there's blood red sky like it's you're in nice foresty limb grave and then you get teleported to blood blood land it's like like Mad Max land but if it was blood instead of sand blood and mold instead of sand yeah I mean I don't have you seen kid you must have seen in memes or whatever oh I've seen picture I've seen images and video even but kid's pretty striking so you're going to play I think I am going to play I think I want to um you want to play solo or do you want to do the the bow on the shoulder I don't knower I man there's a really great art graphic for that where it's just like Scott and just like your head on a bird on his shoulder it's like yeah that would be perfect I look I'm I don't know I'm I'm at that stage where the the what the bubble that I hate is passed right the hype bubble there's a new kind of hype bubble for DLC but not for the original game so I'm like maybe this is the time this time to grab it it works on Steam deck really well so I can take it with me like there's a lot of reasons why I should probably play it but also here's the thing every time I see video I see one of these new bosses or something like I was showing video a second ago from the from this uh DLC their their boss design creature design in general is unbelievably cool like yeah it's it's like nothing else that exists and it I I just know if I give it the proper headp space I can escape into that place because that part of it is very very intriguing to me always has been um I just didn't feel like going all the way back when it was a everybody in their dog were playing it and puffing up their chest and all the get good crap and then the people saying well it's not actually that hard and you know just all the discourse around it put me off um and it's not the game's fault I just need I I think maybe I can get around to it and do it yeah there doesn't seem to be a lot of conversation on that topic right now no like even though yeah it's a nice change nothing's really changed about the G the game's still the same MH I guess everyone's just moved on to other topics yeah other [ __ ] to stir you know I mean also you're off Twitter so that probably helps that helps a lot yeah I haven't seen it like videos like there it was it was a real Kur fuffle like a lot of people had their potties in a bunch over on one side of the other it's so funny because it in retrospect it feels like such a nothing argument like I've even forgotten how many things that that game has in it to help trivialize encounters and things like that that basically you know it was this huge discussion about like should it have difficulty adjustments and all of that and in the end the answer was it does it's just built into the video game and it's obscure and you get in and you either participate them participate in him or not and like I just struggled to to down a boss on the new character I had made and I was like oh yeah I forgot you know like there's a summon that you can do regardless of whether other players are playing and there's uh a shackle that you can buy from a character that will knock him down so you can get a guaranteed critical hit on him to help the fight and like there's all these little tips and tricks that you can go out and discover in the world if you want and with how you play the game in addition to just grossly overleveling is something that you can ultimately do as well and it just once you realize that all all the discussion around it just seems silly and sure you're still going to have people that are like well I did it without using a shackle or I who cares yeah but like uh it's just all kind of built into it and it's just cool uh it's part of what I think makes the game design so interesting is it it brings back that feeling I had of like old NES games where it was like oh my gosh I discovered something and it felt cool and organic that I discovered it you know like hey did you know if you talk to pches you can buy an item that'll [ __ ] the first boss like no that's a that's awesome what a discovery what a cool thing oh yeah I forgot about that thing that would have been nice to know yeah right y I see I didn't know it on the first character but when I loaded up my second character and I was riding around trying to figure out where all my waypoints where I ran into patches and I saw that item I was like got that item existed I forgot that was in the game I forgot about that too um because not that I Tech like I because I beat margar the fell again yeah um but it definitely took me about six or seven tries partially because I'm trying to do a ranger build a little bit so I'm trying to like main the bow yeah as as an item which is notoriously kind of they're kind of bad like hard but I got I did it I was able to kill it with the bow um uh but it took me quite a few tries it would have been nice to weaken him a little bit honestly um but I did get frustrated I did like I didn't rage quit the game but I Rage Quit an area at one point like there's this area in the C Stormville castle where before you have to take down like three nights and for whatever reason by the time yeah well there's that whole you got not only you have to take down the three kns but that whole area in Courtyard where there's a bunch of those hooded guys and there's rats and there's just a whole Gauntlet of things and by the time I get to the last night I'm like out of flasks and out of like everything and the guy was just barely killing me and it happened like seven times it was taken so long and I was like you know what screw this area so I uh I left to go you know do Southern limb grave that Island you know like that's always kind of the fun thing about the game is just like I'm actually having a hard time with this I'm going to take a break and find some treasure get some runes and level up and you know it does as time traverses uh and as you level up even I think passively you just do get stronger from leveling up it's not just the choices you make per se on the on the thing you do your stats go up right yeah well you pick a stat for it to go up but I think overall globally your your power level does increase too like in the background even if not on the page there's like definitely some uh now that we're on the back end some complaints that are legitimate about the game and it being obtuse in terms of strategizing things because one of the things that's very misleading is um when you look at a at a weapon um it'll tell you like oh it scales well with strength and dexterity um but that might not always be the story because every weapon has like different animations and different things that it does particularly if it has magic attacks or magic thing associated with it so like there's one weapon that says gives it an e for its scaling with uh intelligence but actually um for its uh L2 they call it like the the ash of War ability it scales really hard with intelligence so the actual ideal way to play with that weapon is to have high intelligence but you won't get that from the information it gives you in the UI like the way the UI presents the info is kind of [ __ ] so it's kind of to John's point though like it's obscure and difficult to wrap your head around but once you do you realize there are lots of ways but there's areas where they could do it better cuz like dark tide did this cuz darktide has a similar thing where like you might have three attacks in an animation and there's a screen in dark tide where you can actually see what type of damage it is and how it's affected by various mod it's almost too much info but it's there for the Nerds and people are nerds for Elden ring like for sure so like yes some stuff's obscure but like they definitely could they're it's they're definitely not Angels like I think on if they're going to be like a pen and paper like you need to know what's on your stat sheet to perform well they could be explaining it better because why not I was looking at the list uh Escapist has a whole list of uh best to worst classes um and John they put astrologer as third third best yeah um that doesn't surprise me it felt surprisingly powerful I think multiple times when I was streaming that I think the chat for giving me a powerful class instead of making me be the naked guy yeah I they're they're just like their power or their difficulty spikes throughout the game like um one of the things when a video I watched the other day cuz I just wanted to get a sense of it is that like there's M multiplicative damage and damage mitigation increases by zone for the monsters so the monsters just don't have a default stat sheet The Zone itself globally will dictate the multipliers on it so you can go from one zone to another and because there's no actual order there is an order behind the scenes but there's no actual order in the game that stuff just feels harder because they just incre you know they just 2x HP and and mitigation and damage and it's like it's not obvious when you're playing the game it's just on feel like you're like okay my stuff's not doing damage anymore um and uh that was it's like that's actually kind useful to know so if you do go to kid it's not even just that the monsters are harder but that the difficulty slider is cranked up in those zones uh the top three they give to astrologer third number two wretch because you can do anything with it it's basically the most tailor to your build yeah that makes sense and then Vagabond number one because well they say it's because whether you're new or experienced it is simply the best starting class in Elden ring it has some of the best stat distribution for early game fantastic weapon and some armor you could keep for the rest of the journey because of the stat distribution it's easy to respect or pivot into another build uh when in doubt simply pick the Vagabond so that's what they say the other thing too Scott is um there are um larvel these things called larvel tiers yeah nothing's what they don't call it what it is everything's like a finger or a diaphragm or a tier and but that it lets you resp basically well uh you eventually can be like oh I don't like what I'm playing you can fully refund all your points and just fix it if you start with wret with anything any oh anything will I didn't realize it's lat it's it's later in the game it's not very early at all but you get to a certain point where you meet someone who can just completely you know full respect on your character so you know if you get if you're like I'm not liking this magic thing you can just you know switch out to whatever you want like it's not this game and like the classes are just starting ideas they're not I don't think they're really something that carries with you through the whole game per se like you can always make adjustments you know what I what I find often happens is you're going around you're doing your thing and then you find a cool weapon like I forgot about these the the Wolverine claws are a weapon in this game uhhuh like oh yeah I forgot about this weapon maybe I want to use this instead of stupid Twin Blade you know so like I put some smithing stones into it and I like the Wolverine claw so and this game has like 200 or 500 weapons or something like there's always something where you're like oh this weapon seems cool and some of the weapons alone are just op like that difficulty Spike John's talking about is correct and then you got a weapon uh they probably haven't nerfed all of them there was a couple we found on our first play through that John kept telling me about he's like use this Katana use this Hammer the best and it's like there'll be weapons where you're like oh I found an OP weapon and then you get excited and you start thinking about okay I'm going to use this and build this way and all that so how how are you knowing where is it just from your playthroughs you know where these weapons are can be found or who drops no I I don't know where most weapons are um the only reason why I knew where the bow I wanted was was CU I watched a build video on it so I knew where the to find it it was pretty easy and I know where the first Katana is cu it's pretty easy to get to and I always remembered it it's just you know thas are cool so I'm like I know where to get that but I don't have I don't have it memorized but every time I get an item I'm like oh yeah this item I didn't use on my first playthrough that seemed pretty cool what if I try to use it now one of them blood fangs sword I think or Fang I think it's called is like a really fun weapon that has a unique Ash of War on it that you can't change that lets you you sort of cut and dive back and then if you press y you dive back it's got this cool unique animation unique to the weapon and uh like oh maybe I'll use that one I don't know it's a great sword I'm not going great swords but it's got a lot of cool there's just a lot of cool [ __ ] in it I didn't want to play Elden ring that badly because I played another I played a lot yeah played a lot of another game and then and then I started playing Elden ring and I was cranky I was like gosh damn it how do I put my mount it was this easiest thing there's a way to put your Mount by holding down this button and it's easy but I had my Mount where my potions were and I was bitching and complaining and nobody in twitch chat helped me out thanks guys I was like I KN I was like there I know there's another way I could do it I just I was I was grumpy I'm like I don't I don't why did I buy the DLC I don't really want to play Elden ring but then as I played Elden ring more and more I was like oh I'm having fun just one more dungeon and just like one more area and like oh I want you know I want another challenge again like it gets his hooks into you really I feel like really bad and now I'm like I can't wait to play again today I'm like man I'm going to log in and do some more like it's it's got a really good hook I think yeah you hit a rhythm where you stop being and this will be probably the biggest initial hurdle for you Scott there's kind of this initial phase where you're afraid of everything everything everything is so strong and you feel so weak by comparison you're like oh my gosh everything in this world I am scared to death of um but eventually you start to hit this Rhythm where you're like you know what I've leveled up if I die it's not the end of the world I'm not that far from my body or maybe you lost your XP and it's like well I don't have that hanging over me anymore it's like it's like declaring bankruptcy it's like it wasn't great that it happened but now you don't have to worry about it so you might as well just go crazy again and that's I think that's the thing I need to do with this game is I need to trust that from software are Masters at the balance of that uh knowing that I will go in feeling weak and lame and oh my gosh I don't know why I'm even going against this dude on a horse he's just going to wipe me 15 times to to take that fear is okay but don't fear that the devs don't understand in other words they know there's a way they made a way everyone makes their way so I there's a path for me part of my holding back on some of these games is feeling I don't have a path or that I'm I'm I don't have I'm not in the secret cabal that knows all the secrets I think that would be true of like the other Souls games because they follow a linear path like once you hit a wall you have One Direction which is to overcome it that's it right like so this like this game soon if you do something you're like man that really owned me yeah like oh well there's like there's this other area I'm going to go look at now you know like it just feels you never feel stuck on anything unless you're purposely being like stubborn about it like unless you're like I know I'm beating Melania I don't care how many tries to I'm spending another 60 bucks tonight aren't I that's what's happening yeah I think I think you should play but um John are you know yeah I don't know if you want a a shoulder shoulder bow that was always something that was floated but if you don't need a shoulder bow it's fine maybe um I mean I don't know I'm I'm kind I'm I don't know I don't know what I want there are things the game doesn't answer that I'm sure me and John are taking for granted is just understanding right um yeah you know uh how potions work and you know sure or just jump jump attacks like you know you kind of look at jump attack like just seems fancy like it's a big deal jump attack does a lot more Poise damage does a lot more damage uh jump heavy attack is a big deal uh you know so it's like someone reminding you when you're fighting a boss another big thing is like you know when you dodge R you always Dodge away why don't you dodge towards the enemy you're like oh I don't want to do that but then well their weapon doesn't hit in that area so actually dodging even though it feels like I got to get away from this Agro ass freaking ass that's like pummeling me uh you you roll to them and then you're safe and then you get a little quick hit in then you roll again you know so it's like just someone there to give you like those kinds of little reminders um might be good that's all also this game is cheap at times so do not be afraid to be cheap back I killed the Knight that there's a people know exactly what I'm talking about when I say this there's a part in the game where you go through a door and I knew he was there and I was like oh I can see him I can Target him and I was firing magic at him and it was going through him because the game's like no you haven't triggered the surprise just cuz you know the surprise is coming you haven't triggered it so you can't damage him I was like that's kind of BS so I walked into the room everything goes dark he laughs and now I got to fight this stupid incredibly aggressive Knight and I hate him so much he's such a dick and he killed me and so I went it's one of the longest runs I feel like this game is so good at giving you like shrines where you need it but this one in particular is feels like a really long run back up to this stupid night and I went in I got my uh I got my XP back and I rolled back out and he got stuck on the door and I was like can I hit him so I walked up and I swung at the door and I hit him and he knocked me clear across the room through the door and I was like oh [ __ ] he can do it too but he can't keep charging me so we just played this game of hit him through the door and roll back he'd try to hit me through the door I'd run back hit him again roll back and he got stuck on the door I cheesed him and you know what I don't feel bad about it at all totally fine is that the night in storm Bale Castle on the way up yeah yeah I ha where the lights go out he's such a dick he is a dick that that is yeah but it's a good way it's a it's one of those good moments especially the first time but yeah he's tough one to beat cuz the room sucks I Che someone in Stormville Castle too you know the mini armed guy that you fight at the beginning who ends up in storm Bale um cuz I'm bow build and there's this little kitchen area where there's a bunch of those dumb undead guys warming themselves by the fire and if you're if you're careful you kill them all you know and then you can just fight that guy uh rather than fall down and fall I think there's a way where you kind of encounter him and it's like not in your favor but if you you know path around so I've got a view on him and I'm I have my bow and arrow and I'm building bow and arrow so I've been I bow him from the kitchen and I there's these pillars in the back and I stand in the pillar and because he's this big crab guy he's kind of like can't doesn't know which way to go around he's too far away to reach me so I just like binging binging binging binging and just like kill him till he's dead was like no no combat encounter like I just he wouldn't go away but he wouldn't attack me and I was like I found a sweet spot where I could just cheese him and kill him like that that's you know what sweet revenge for what he does to you at the beginning of the game yeah exactly what a dick yeah I mean if the game's going to cheese you you should cheese it right back I like that attitude I was also hoping I kind of know why I thought this hope against hope but I thought oh they have new DLC coming out perfect time to run a sale you know knock 20 30% off this game they they know what they got they know they know damn it this thing will never be on sale I hate Market I hate market research where they're right I hate that the good news is you don't have to buy the DLC right away if you haven't played the base that's the good news because news yeah just play the game it's going to take you a little while to get to a point where you would be eligible for it and then maybe at that point I recommend maybe buying it if you are liking the game at that point like yeah spend the rest of it yeah may as well just get it I you know Part of Me part of me is like I see a 59 like Space Marine 2's coming up and that's going to be what 69 and I'm not even Bing at that it's like yeah that's what I'm spending that's what we're doing this game I'm like I know you're going to I know I'm going to feel like [ __ ] for a bunch of this this so I'm going to pay you to feel like [ __ ] for a while while I try I bought it twice you wouldn't be the only one so you can at least feel I think I might bought it twice I think I bought it for Xbox as well to play there and also on my PC I think I done both yeah so I guess I'm it is a little [ __ ] I'm looking right now I'm like why is it on sale during the launch week of the like all the New Comers like you could charge half price and DLC full price and that's what I'm saying yeah that oh wait though there's a discount so not on my steam there ain't there's no oh there's no combo discount Shadow the UR tray there there is a combo price for both oh I didn't see that so so Canadian Elden Rings $80 now bu Shadow R Elden ring Shadow the UR Tre Edition which I'm assuming is both games it is is only an extra $26 for the DLC so that's actually half off the a little more than half off for me the DLC the DLC is $53 oh you're right okay so it's 59 for Elden ring 79 if I get the combo okay if I buy it separately I'm spending uh sorry her tree 39 so yeah it's it's roughly the same as what you're saying crazy not to buy the combo yeah this is this is a John thing where he is he loves to watch me Click by on things but it it would be some like at least I can only wish I go by American numbers but like full price for both if you were to do it that way yeah you're saving like $30 off the whole deal either either I'm spending $133 or 106 right if I you know I don't know yeah it's still it's still crazy numbers for video game honestly like but whatever yeah they're but they can get it because they're Elden ring you know oh I still say the base game should be on sale but if I get uh oh that's one of those key sites never mind I'm not going there oh go you want to go to g2a or whatever those scare me they scare me because go to back of it's free it's weird I've bought off g2a before yeah like I got I got um my copy of uh Microsoft uh office like uh not the subscription one but the the pay for once the one that one yeah yeah yeah that's uh i' I buy I don't go there often but every now and then when there the game I want to I don't it's like it's a middle ground between piracy and full pricness on Steam it's like I can go here and maybe it fell off a truck but I'm not buying it full price oh my gosh they these guys have I just I haven't been here g2a has a kind of a gambling thing where it says trying to get Elden ring one random key for a global steam key yeah you pay seven bucks to sort of roll a dice to see if you get it do not do not buy those I'm not doing that my gosh I'm not doing that buy the combo Scott it's a long game you'll get a lot of value out oh I'm not don't trust me as you like it yeah trust me I'm not doing any of this g2a [ __ ] today this is not happening but today yeah I mean for this game I'm not in fact I'm I'm hesitant for any Steam games because I I don't want to f up my steam honestly the savings aren't that much like if I was to buy I'm not sure if these are Canadian prices but it doesn't look like I think steam's pretty comparable to what you can get here I'm talking like they have sometimes good deals yeah it's like you know 299 deals on like pretty recent games and stuff like every know and that are they legit um oh yeah I can get a Windows 11 CD key for 22 bucks that that's what I would go but are they legit I don't mean do they work I mean are they procured in a legitimate way or are these like SK sketch I mean no it's I I I don't know like I think the answer is I don't know but I I think it's also not back and mug somebody they just break into their house give me your windows 11 CD key like I think if it was like criminal we'd hear about it you know like it's probably just not an ideal method like you're probably not sending as much money to the developer as you want so if you want to support a developer don't buy Keys you know if you want the full of your money to go there but I think like I I think these are advertised like all over twitch and stuff like that like I think there' be uh I I think I just think these sites wouldn't be running for as long as they have been yeah maybe they're all on they were sto if they were like legit stolen like no money is going to the developer for these like that I don't maybe they're all on like oil rigs out in the middle of the Pacific where nobody can they're out of jurisdiction I don't know I have no idea look I you can buy Ballers Gate 3 right now yeah diplomatic immunity 20 bucks Ballers Gate 3 is 20 bucks right now really that's insane and that's 20 Canadians probably 15 here or something yeah so I look at that and I go like i' love Larry to have my money I don't know if I want to buy it for this much but if you were like either I'm never playing the game or I'll pay $20 for it and it's kind of like I said it's a good middle ground yeah um that's why it's like for it's for Windows stuff I'm like I don't want to give Microsoft money I need their OS but I don't want to pay them yeah yeah get it John this is for you I found it diplomatic Community yeah diplomatic imunity it's the best thing about uh these are police officers diplomatic immunity that one's James Bond whole different thing uh all right well there you go uh let's talk about now some games that aren't Elden ring that was a real flash I feel like old episodes of cour came back in my memory of when we talked about elen Ring a play elen Ring again look you talk about it a lot because it does he's right gets your it's hooks in you and you're just you find that Rhythm and you just go and it is a very cool game I got to get in there I think um all right I did get into something that I'd been looking forward to for a while and uh finally came out so I gave it a shot and I think I'm ready to recommend it there's some rough edges but they seem to be working on those rough edges you might be familiar with the uh Airship Syndicate uh this is the company started by Joe Madura uh the people involved on all the Darksiders games battlechasers the ruin King thing they did for League of Legends uh the Joe Mad art very prominent through all that and I'm a huge Darksiders fan anyway they were making an MMO called wayfinder and uh it they pivoted here recently before release it is no longer an MMO it is an action RPG with a lot of MMO trappings but it is no longer like a big giant you know 300 people in town uh free to play MMO which was the original plan uh they went back to they decided to publish it themselves pulled back from the the scale of it and said well what if all our towns are here and all our cool stuff is still in the game and all the mechanics and the and the instances and the and the raids and all the stuff we were planning on doing is all there but it's you and and and you can Solo or you can pull in some buddies sort of uh I don't know um just play like multiplayer like you online yeah it's like playing it's not quite like playing Warframe but that that idea of you know it's a loot it's a looter shooter SL RPG not shooter there's a character that shoots a lot we're looking at him now but there's also you know a character that's mainly a tank there's a there's a wizard lady uh all the stuff you expect in your fantasy games um anyway it's uh it reminds me a lot of Destiny or you know something like that where you you have an Overworld and there's a lot of [ __ ] going on up there but then also you go on these missions and they take you into these instances and inside there if your loot level is high enough you can you know solo through it and get new loot and come out with better weapons better stuff better whatever and it's all in that M like I said the Jo Madura kind of art style which I love I know Jon's a big fan of his stuff too yeah it's really really really good um anyway uh it is very cool it's called wayfinder I should say the name um it is I think it's got a echo is is now the the key or the the new name so it's wayfinder colon Echo some people were mad they wanted a new MMO and they said yeah but to sustain that for a reasonable amount of time you need a lot more money than we can get out of our publishing deal so instead this is a pay for game they stripped out all freet toplay mechanic or all freeto playay uh transactions so there's no it's buy at once no no never pay a transaction for anything um actually a big win because if it's an MMO and they shut it down it's just gone forever like no one complain play Wild Star yeah I totally agree totally agree with that this is a way to keep it alive and make it playable whether you have an internet connection or not you can just play this game and um my big my first impressions are the cities and the zones and kind of just like the environments are amazing they're really cool like some of the most cool detailed stuff I've seen in one of these things um but that that matches with you know what I expect from this Dev they're they're very Visual and I don't know their stuff's very cool made you decide to try it you know just ging those a lot of games What drew you to um play the art style well one is I like a loot loot grinder you know I like Diablo style like I'm going to go in this place and come out with better [ __ ] I like that just as a standard thing um but mainly I was drawn because they've never made a game I didn't like and um Darksiders in particular is just such a great freaking series and I love I love everything about those things and so I was I was like well they've not let me down um ever really I've never played a game of those I didn't like and so I I kind of based a bunch of that on that was also cheap I think it was like 22 bucks on sale to for the launch and um it just seemed like kind of a no-brainer it was also steam deck verified on day one so I'm like yeah this will be some good bedtime stuff too so I can do this you know before bed or whatever only problem with that is they with a patch a recent patch they introduced a bunch of performance issues on Steam deck it's fine on PC but steam deck's got some issues they're working on them now but it's super annoying because um I was really looking forward to playing it there and I I get weird I get lockups and just some weird stuff with it that I haven't really had with other games they're very active though in like telling the community what they're up to what they're working on you know very aware of issues and stuff so it's that's good to see but that's the main reason I just wanted to play a competent one of these and the fact that it was this team was just gravy because I just really like the way they make games and how they look and feel and it's definitely a a very cool stylized thing it's it's funny you mentioned um what was the MMO you just mentioned uh uh dark wildar or Wild Star say Dark Star anyway Wild Star there's there's some Vibes in this visually that are not taken from it but definitely have there's a lot of color in here and there's a lot of fantasy mixed with sci-fi elements um you know you're kind of there's you're kind of in a digital world for parts of your stuff and some of the boss fights are you know dudes with Big Guns mounted on them and then sometimes this more traditional like oh it's kind of a dragon I guess or whatever so there's a real mix here and it reminds me of wild star a lot it's not overtly science fiction but it's got some stuff um it's cool I like it a lot I think that they there's some Polish that needs to be done I think there just need to optimize a few things but it's a game I can see myself returning to a lot and I I hope it finds a a happy home with players I think it's cool yeah well that uh that certainly makes it a little more interesting I went ahead and wish listed yeah keep your eyee on that it's not you know like I say I don't think it doesn't feel it's not that it doesn't feel done it just feels like with a pivot that hard from full-blown MMO to not that but keeping most of the systems in there like Mount collecting and all the Skins all this stuff's still in there all the things you do in an MMO over there crafting you know tweaking your weapons making them awesome all that stuff but also oh the other thing I liked is in the dungeons I've been in there's lots of puzzle solving Darksiders so I feel like that DNA is in there as well and I love the way they do that stuff in third person action games and so I don't know there's a lot here to like and so far players seem to be enjoying it reviews are okay most of the negative ones are mad because they Chang the business model but I think it's better in the long run too H it's got to be fine because like if it's a freeo playay game then it's got to intentionally be withholding and I imagine they get to not do that to people anymore yeah you just let you go out play and unlock stuff and yeah it's a it's a it feels good to me I prefer it so I don't need another you know people don't realize how expensive it is to make a game where you're on all the time and you're all in a shared world and you're all running on these data centers and everybody's doing all this it's not cheap you think it's like standard but it just looks easy it's not it's expensive as [ __ ] and they didn't see a path forward they've been very open about that you can read all that on their on their blog but um anyway so far so good and then as I I told you guys during the week uh I have I cannot stop playing death must die that game dude freaking I was already playing it I already liked it we've talked about it before Jon's a fan like of all these vampire survivors I'm pretty sure this is my favorite I like how you had to put the John vouch in there yeah this is one John and Scott agree on so you know it's good it must be good um well part of it is that I know that you're picky not picky it's not the word I mean but you have you have high taste in this like you want if it's going to be it needs to be demonstrably as good or better than what started this genre I think for John to be on board um and I and we both said a number of times that we we think this one is is one of those that comes real close to the sun it's very it's very very good at what it's trying to do and I love the loot system in it and I just really gave it my all this week for some reason I just got in the mood and unlocked like four new characters which a couple of them I think are brand new on a patch anyway so some of this stuff's brand new anyway um it's this game is great I just couldn't I just wanted to keep going like usually I get tired I'll play these games and go all right one one Run's enough good night everybody this is one of those where I'm like okay but next time I could do this [ __ ] different and you know I start thinking about all the stuff I could do and I get I get really I get really hooked on it I really like it a lot uh not much new to say other than it's continues to be polished nicely and and um I love the way it feels and it's just a great freaking game it's really good death must die if you're home going wait a minute you guys have talked about it before but what kind of game is it it's like vampire survivors but just kind of taking up a notch the the art more active it's you're doing more than you normally would in Vampire survivors and it's like if uh vampire survivors and Diablo had a had a baby yeah like you're you're equipping loot you're you're doing things like that there's also a little Hades in there yeah a little bit with the gods that show up and give you Boon and stuff yeah yeah they talk to you and stuff they're clearly borrowing from a few sources and I think doing a pretty Adept job at doing that um the thing I like uh about the loot system versus say Halls of Torment which I also was complimentary about Halls of Torment is very rude about loot it does it does [ __ ] like oh you picked up a purple and a couple of orange items those look awesome well hope you don't die because you won't be taking those back unless you live somehow and you have to the whole point of this game is you're going to die a lot that's what these games are you're supposed to die be better put some points in things go back figure it out do a better run earn more stuff that game was rude to you about that stuff this game it is not when you die whatever loot you picked up on that fight it is in your bags and you get to go back and some of it won't even equip for you but the other characters can use it so you put it in the stash and then the stash is accessible by all the characters and they can all go out there and you know pick and choose or whatever I can sell the stuff that sucks and buy new things that that I don't have yet and give me just a little stat increase for the next run like there that part of it is much more faithful to Diablo than Halls of Torment Halls of Torment just it has this idea that needs to be difficult upon difficult it's like these games are already kind of hard you're getting swarmed you're doing all this stuff hey what if we made it worse by having you pick up something cool giving you the dopamine of finding a rad thing oh you can't take it back and even if you do take it back the guy has to identify it or whatever decer cane [ __ ] he does I hate it that that compared to this system I mean this has ruined that other game for me and I thought they were doing a pretty good job like combat feels good in that game but this game is like the full package I really like it so anyway I would highly recommend death must die it's so good it's good like I you know I would say probably my second or third favorite of these types of games um probably my favorite of the more active one where you're doing more than just moving moving your character around where you're actually occasionally pushing buttons and stuff like that um so if you're if you're looking for a very passive one I still say vampire survivors is your best bet um it's still number one in my opinion but uh if you're looking for something a little more active uh death Must Die is really really solid and it's one of the only ones of these well one of the only ones of these that I also think is really good where it feels like the characters are actually animating and doing the thing like as much as I love the Deep Rock Galactic Survivor one um it doesn't change the fact that bullets are just kind of shooting out of my body that's that seems a little weird once you start to get to a level of fidelity with the graphics it's like oh I'm just shooting little circles out of me that's weird uh this you you actually see sword swings and whatnot and like the animation and look of the game is just really yeah and it's a very Co it's a very uh complete look like they they've gone for a style and that and it it's consistent like I vampire survivors for all of its gameplay Brilliance is ugly as [ __ ] in my opinion I just cannot get past how ugly it is and for some people that's the vibe they want out of that game this game has like a unified vision for what things should look like and it's consistent across the board everything animates nicely music's cool uh I feel like the oh the other thing I like is the upgrades always feel feel chunky like sizable it isn't just a small increase like you now have a 2% increase of of uh one thing or whatever it's more like you were hitting for 200 with that you are now hitting for 800 and you're just like well hell yeah let's go and pretty soon you're going to need more but it doesn't matter you feel powerful for a minute and that's I don't know they're hitting that real well so anyway worth checking out it's pretty cheap I think it's like 10 bucks is all right I think I don't know have to look it up still on Early Access but they've got to be close cuz it's really polished um and then I just cracked open I got enshrouded finally every was like Sky should playing shrouded come check it out yeah because we talked about it last week and who played it B played a little bit but it wasn't I think you're like well I'd rather wait for 1.0 in this case or I think I'm like yeah I think I'm got 10 hours in it or something small like that well this game is I can see why people like it I've barely cracked it I'm maybe two and a half hours but it's I can already tell there's some things I really like about it I like the I like the deformation of the land the voxel stuff is really cool um I like that every time I go back to my little home base which I can freely teleport to anytime I need toless I'm in combat uh as soon as I touch my my bench all my stuff that has been worn down to a nub because I was out fighting or whatever is immediately repaired like there's just some quality of life stuff where I'm not constantly going oh [ __ ] that razor is down to nothing I better build another one oh I'm out of wood [ __ ] let's go get some it's not like that you have other options if it's not really it's not a real Survival game sounds like a convenience game to me a little bit a little bit you're not wrong it feels like a game that is more of the RPG than it is the other thing that it's also being the emphasis is on the combat and exploration and not as much on the the building side of things yeah and I think do make it bad I'm just joking about that part no I know but it it does make it different and and from what I can tell just looking off into the distance there's a ton of stuff in this world that I want to go get to like I can just see things way off in the distance and go it's not a random world it's this one's a static like Adventure World like what's so you know you uh that's not a bad thing but it's like a big multiplayer Adventure that one of the reasons why I like haven't played it too much because it feels like this is a with friends this game might be better with friends feels a little empty oh that's the other cool thing is if you start a private server that is just you on your off offline save I didn't know this when I started it but when you do one of those the next time you log in It'll ask you again you want to take what you're doing and make it public or do you want to keep it private I'll stay private okay cool uh oh you played Private you played publicly with a couple of friends uh next time you launch it what do you want to do you want to keep it private or go back to you know you just move it around it doesn't it's not you're not stuck with separate saves I really like that a lot um I don't know I just I can tell they're up to something cool here so I'm going to uh keep fiddling about with it uh it runs like ass on Steam deck not because uh it's graphically like Elden ring runs beautifully there so it isn't a problem with what you can show it's they just have not optimized and they're it's probably not a priority for them right now that's fine but it runs great on my PC and looks real real nice so anyway NE it's a good one but uh the policy with these is I'm waiting till launch for a lot of these CU you already spend a lot of hours in them early and then you still don't get the the whole game yeah yeah I have I have 300 hours in bellheim and I've have not you know I can't I've played it too much I can't play right now so I'm waiting till 1.0 so you haven't even tried the new biomes that are in that yet no it's just because there's lots of games to play right like if I'm going to devote another 50 to 100 hours now you know then I'm going to want to take a break and that kind of thing so yeah combat's also quite good uh for a game like this uh I'd love arrows and bows and I don't like how they fire but apparently that's a common feeling and they they are addressing it whatever that means so Early Access you know what that means for most players so get in there if you want or wait till it's out but enshrouded seems neat John you have entered into a vast scientific experiment known as the Dragon Age experiment and I'd like to know how that's going uh a lot less gameplay than you would think for a series that has three games out in it um yeah so Dragon Age has been a Hot Topic in The Gaming Community lately and I decided to go down a rabbit hole I mentioned this last week when I was like man I kind of want to play Inquisition again but I don't know if I should just go back and play Dragon Age Origins again and if that would lead to Dragon Age 2 and then Inquisition or what I should do exactly and so I started with Origins I installed it uh I got it up and running I was excited and it is the game I was talking about when I talk about games that are older but still more modern than a lot of what we dub Classics uh that just we have kind of landed on a control scheme and style and look and feel for these games and maybe it's just that I'm playing it too close to balers Gate 3 which feels very natural and good uh I had a very hard time getting back into Origins um and I still I love that game I love the look of it I love the sound of it uh it's got an amazing score but from a control perspective I'm like uh this doesn't feel modern anymore and I was having a hard time getting into it and I was like am I really going to play through this is the one I know the most this is the one I've beaten the most times like am I going to spend that much time wrangling these controls or am I going to move forward so I said you know what let's let's stop here also worth noting part of this experiment was watching a a damn near thre hour lore background video on the Dragon Age franchise now that doesn't cover any of the events of the video game that is pure backstory lore and I'm going to give him a shout out it's a YouTube channel called wizards warriors um it is maybe the best lore video I have ever seen on YouTube it was presented very clearly it was presented really well and uh it was fantastic um I felt like I understood things quite clearly when I was done with it and then I was mad that they didn't try to cover the events of the games which I understand you make big choices in the game so it's very hard to say like well here's what happened when things can vary so wildly but I was looking for a reminder summary that uh could be presented in as concise a way um but anyway I said okay well let's try Dragon Age 2 uh I watched kind of a a decent Story summary for Dragon Age 1 I was like all right let's go let's try Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age 2 speaking of things that have not aged particularly well is a game clearly designed to be played better with controller but the PC version has zero controller support whoa oh this is back when they this is the time when EA was also putting out like uh what was it Mass Effect 2 amazing controller support not available on PC right kind of the same problem uh I think two might have had controller support maybe but one definitely did not until they remastered it maybe two was the same way but yeah it was definitely an era where BioWare was like people don't want to use controllers on the PC they want to use the mouse and keyboard yeah um and no this this game was not designed for a mouse and keyboard and it's it plays like [ __ ] trying to play with a mouse and keyboard um so I started it up and uh very quickly went o there's a reason I never played the PC version of this cuz I have beaten Dragon Age 2 but I beat it on uh you know either Playstation or Xbox or something yeah and uh it it did not play well on PC so once again I looked up a lore video and I I tweeted this I'm going to say this I don't think this is controversial if you really think about it but uh I want to just give a shout out to Dragon Age 2 this game is considered by most the worst of the Dragon Age video games it feels like it feels like the one that you can say oh yeah it's the bad one and you won't get a lot of push back on it I I think if BioWare had had more time if they weren't being pressured to put a game out super fast and completely reinvent what that series was in the form of like a mass effect Style video game if they could have actually really made a proper sequel to origins or even if it went the route of a more Acy game I don't but just like clearly that was the way they went and they spent more time and money I think Dragon Age 2 might be what we consider one of if not bioware's best video game ever made geez lisus that's some High Praise about a potential future or alternate timeline I guess from a story perspective Dragon Age 2 is phenomenal it takes place over about a decade in time your actions in the prologue effect chapter 1 effect chapter 2 effect chapter 3 it takes really bold like stances on you know like Hey we're we're going to present like BioWare is well known for like their moral choices being you know do you want to save the box of kittens or do you want to drown them for some reason like they is real black and white they don't have a lot of nuance to it that's why people tend to like cotor 2 is it it offered a level of gray that people appreciated I think Dragon Age 2 did a better job of saying like hey you might be hey I think Mages are are mistreated we need to we need to love Mages but then having Mages do really dark [ __ ] throughout that entire story so you get a clear picture of what what was terrible about them um and I think it if it had more time I think it could have really done that story better and been a better game for it and I think we would look back on it and go wow that's one of the best narratives they ever told wow um they take a bold choice of like spoilers for Dragon Age 2 everybody uh one of your party members commits a severe Act of what would be terrorism and you don't have a way to stop him from doing it doesn't matter how much you romance that man he's going to do it um that's what happens when you get your I think it is a I think it is a bold decision to uh to say that no we created a character whose conviction and belief in this thing is stronger than anything else that you can do uh for you know for him or convince him otherwise I think that that's a strong decision now whether they handled it great in the game I think that's where it starts to get murky I think it's an interesting Arc to look at and direction to take um so learning about Dragon Age 2 was really cool especially because I didn't have to play it cuz it did not play well on the PC yeah um so I started up Inquisition part three of this uh experiment here comes the game play right this is where you really sunk it in CL Inquisition feels real dated you guys it feels like a action game or it feels like a RPG a slow tactical RPG that wants really hard to be an action game but it's worried its friends won't talk to it anymore if it overcommits um all right and it as a result it feels a little confused now I might be able to play this one uh i' I've sunk a little bit of time in it which I really want to because I want to play the trespasser DLC that everybody says is so good um prior to the next Dragon Age coming out uh because the end result of this experiment the the grand thing that I've taken away from all of this is that the lore in that world is really interesting and really cool um I think that you know the games have been a little all over the place a little inconsistent um I think you know even even the people who make it seem a little confused as to what the series should be uh I actually think for whether you personally and that includes me as somebody that really only likes Origins um whether it ends up being for me or certain other people you know that that'll be what it'll be but I kind of hope Veil guard is successful for what it is and and maybe they can isolate it and finally say here's what a Dragon Age game is um and maybe if it can be a big enough success uh it would be really cool if they could you know bring back some of the previous games in that style if they find a way to make a hit out of it oh that'd be great I would love that I mean I don't know if they've got the appetite for it but that would be so cool I would love that idea I mean in a world where everybody's getting updates and remasters I I don't know how you would ever do it with Dragon Age because Dragon Age feels like three completely different video games yeah which is part of its problem right the inconsistency of it all yeah and I I think that's why part of the reason why it's so hard for me to hate on Veil guard too much because while yes when I first saw it I was like what is this a herob brawler like at the same time what is the identity of Dragon Age it's been three very very different games with the same lore behind it so who who ultimately knows um so I again I'm rooting for that game success I don't know if I would bet on it I will probably play it and try it especially with how interested I am now in in the lore um but the end result of this Dragon Age experiment was I give the YouTube video a 10 out of 10 and then middling results outside of the YouTube videos that I watch wow um but uh we'll see I'm going to see if I can stick with uh Inquisition I was surprised surprised I liked bald elf when he first showed up I was like I remember hating this guy so far he seems fun but I haven't gotten to the part where he's just Moody and complaining every time you talk to him oh well uh real quick here just for side note um Dragon Age Inquisition fastest run time for a speedrun 25 minutes 14 seconds oh well why haven't I finished it though yeah what's your what's your deal oh my gosh with it if you do that run but get every dragon killed three years ago one person has this record for an hour 18 minutes so anyway I should never look at these because they always make me feel like games I'm buying aren't worth the 60 bucks I'm spending because someone beat it in an hour and I know it's not the same they're not playing it right it's like buying madmax for your road and starting it two minutes before credit scroll like that's what they're doing yeah it's a good way of putting it just skipping all the really Key Parts and I just need to remember that the journey is the reward not you know finishing it yeah I just got to remember that more well John godspeed on Dragon Age uh don tril Comon still and that's like a week right or yeah you got Early Access I think it's next week um oh yeah you're not playing shadow of the UR Trey you're like doing the whole run of Dragon Age and Final Fantasy like next week Jesus yeah well okay the Dragon Age got pushed to the side for Elden ring good thing you don't have a family there's a decent chance Elden ring is going to get pushed aside for Final Fantasy and uh I think my family's going to go on vacation so they can get out of the way of Final Fantasy oh they're taking off so you're you're the just it's just you that's cool they might we'll see we've got uh we've got a crazy it sounds less like they're taking a vacation and you're sending them on vacation well you know six of one half dozen of another yeah so hey guys Disney line seems pretty cool this time here what if hey guys what if you you know how we have a house yeah what if you weren't in it for a couple days I'm next spring I'm sending my wife and daughter to I'm not sending them but they're going to Korea no you just said it yeah you said I'm sending they're going to Korea and they're like why don't in a more terrible way it's like like do you want to go to Korea and I'm like well I've been to Korea but I could go again but I I think that I you're not going to go to Korea I'd rather stay here and play video games by myself all the time you can't tell me that you better go to John and I know I've been so it's not like it you know been again come on been again been again I'm getting my P potties in a bunch but I I want I want this is John and I do your family want you to go or you like who how well at first they said we should all go and I said well it's really just you and Carter that want to go right and she goes well we you know I've never been and she's been Kim know there are two other hosts on the show no wants to go hey Kim we found a we found a a middle ground I'm still not going but Bo's gonna be joining you in Korea she would not say no to that because she likes Bo she thinks both she thinks you're just the most lovable uh creature that I work with I don't know what not creature but you know what I mean yeah I mean creature is pretty good word for it but John and I have this in we have this in common anytime there's a thing like that it's like oh so you say it might just be me getting to do what I want to do yep yeah I like it yep my perk up every time it's like hey something's going on and there's always a discussion of like d like this it always starts the do I have to go is always the question I ask it's like hey this is happening do I have to go I feel like that's understandable like especially for like you know if it's like oh I'm going to you know we're going to Hartford I'm like do I have to go to Hartford like sure sure yeah but for Korea I don't know man you got to go and like have some no that's even worse you got to fly you got like different country things you got to figure out like 14h hour flly I got so much effort and for what I got a poop on that flight multiple times probably probably you know I've seen enough I grew up with three Korean siblings I'm good man I know okay fine okay I that makes sense CU I'd be like if I was somebody was like you should you want to go to Germany and be like I don't know I've seen enough Germany I've had enough actually have to go to German like I okay maybe that that that makes that makes more sense part of it not very interesting to me now there are a lot of people I know that would just jump at the chance my thing is I'm just not well I'm not telling them not to go oh no no exactly same and and it's not part of it is also it's very expensive if I join them so part of my justification is well okay there's two things going on the world the job I have means I need to be around a lot I can't leave for extended periods of time nobody's here doing the work I was supposed to be doing there's no vacation pay for me so I kind of have to just don't have twitch twitch is banned in Korea yeah they don't like it plus the internet is weird right now but anyway and so I I'm just I don't know it's not that I don't want to I I don't want to pee on their parade either so I'm happy that they want to so so what game were you gonna go while uh Kim Carter and me go to Korea what game am I gonna play um yeah I'm gonna beat Elden ring and its DLC while you guys are gone oh [ __ ] I know that means I can't go either I got to do I got to do shoulder bird stuff those got to be here to support yeah you got to be you got to be on call um but we can make work to do too sorry Kim filling filling up on kimchi and tell helping me with your advice I do want to go I think at some point though but not like the thing that everybody because I'm seeing chat being like what do you mean for what this is how I feel regardless of the place like it doesn't matter if it's another country or down the street I don't see inherent value in being someplace other than where I am and it's not to say that everybody has to agree with me on live and watch live Starcraft 2o I mean I can do I I can do that at home and I can do it in my pants like I don't have to go on a big long flight to do that I can just do that right here right now and I don't have to be around other people and other people don't have to be around me I can do it in my pants wow yeah you can do it in your pants I don't know what to make of that I'm just saying there's like there's there's things to do it's it's not a bad destination I'm sure there are things to do there are things to do everywhere but there's also things to do here which I would rather be doing yeah the trick is nailed Us by not just letting Scott be good with it so you know fine Fair John and I are both we are we are your pants it's a dichotomy okay I understand it I am but I am a homebody introvert that talks a lot yeah and it's conf it's confusing it's very confusing to people course most know for it's confusing to people let me tell you my favorite thing on the planet is when there is something planned it's a Friday thing we're all meeting up somewhere three couples movie dinner blah whatever the thing is concert doesn't matter and then it's all set in stone everything's good and then the day before somebody calls and goes we all got covid or food poison or something my gosh Scott be careful how you say it cuz people are going to take that as you're happy somebody got Co I'm not happy they got Co but what but the happens that cancels it and you're happy it's cancel right the reason they can't come is a varied reason doesn't matter what the reason is but that cancellation is like warm flowing water over over me it's so nice don't don't you have to make plans to feel the warm flowing water no and then I just say h I guess we're uh what pizza in a movie here at the house all right oh right yeah that sounds amazing let's do it it sounds not only does it sound amazing it sounds amazing every time and that's what I think people who are different from us don't understand is that getting pizza watching a movie and not going somewhere is just as exciting tomorrow as it was yesterday like and maybe more so it's maybe more exciting for me yeah like if Kim came in here tonight because we do have a thing tomorrow that's happening here and I'm dreading it she came in here and said I got canceled just going to get pizza and watch a movie or play a video game or hang out or go walking at the park or something I go thank the Lord on high is what I would say oh man all right well I know I've said it before I will reiterate it and I will be clear as day with the situation one of my favorite things at BlizzCon is when I check out from all the people and all the hubbub and I go back to the hotel room by myself and I order order a Pizza Hut pizza something I can get literally anywhere and they bring it to my hotel room and I sit in my boxers and I watch the BlizzCon stream on my computer in my boxers in my hotel room I could be a a five minute walk away from seeing it live and in person but I am happier in boxers on a bed in a hotel room by myself that is more fun to me yeah I think yeah like yeah that's exactly me and people and there are people who do not understand it I don't have a fear of missing out I have a joy of missing out I have Joe joeo joeo Joo Joo joeo Joo how do I get foe out of that that's Joy of [ __ ] up I like creating things I like spending my time creating things and doing things I like and that's just it that's all yeah um it's fine like I get it I get it but you know Korea is pretty big deal that that's that'd be tough to say I mean you got to do some things yeah of course I get the can the cancellation Joy uh you know or you know the CJ I get the CJ but like um there just some stuff you got to do something right you if what if you made a 100 plans in a year and cancel all the plans like you got to right you're going to have some one of those some of those I will begrudge more than others but if if you said to me hey Scott if you do go to Korea this fall or next spring the whole thing's paid for uh Hotel food every travel all of it you don't pay a dime I'd go without without hesitation because that's a good value like that's something dumb to turn down it's the best value but when you're trying when you're having me like it's it's one thing to have to go do something you're not in the mood for it's worse when you have to pay to do a thing you're not in the mood for it okay it's that whole think Kim would take care of a lot of it for you if you oh she does and she does a great job of that she's a great organizer and and all that and her and and my daughter Carter they love going to shops to the weird little Consignment places to all that they love each other's company and they love all that stuff and when I go to those things I just go can I go to the hotel and watch Food you'd have to go to those things cuz what if you'd pulled a John and just had Pizza Hut in the Korean hotel that's what I would do I would prefer that give me some kimchi Pizza I'm good I'm all set but maybe but maybe you go see some Starcraft or something something just for you like you know I don't know what the only thing I know that to do is like uh go see Starcraft in I think they have like coffee shops there too that's all it is worth it's worth noting that in this story about BlizzCon I still go to BlizzCon I could do the hotel thing at home I do get something out of it it's not that there's nothing to be gained from it or I wouldn't go at all um but I do need my breakes from it yeah I can only go pretend to be an extrovert for so long yeah so what were you going to play instead of do the thing that's what I I feel we got hung up on the cancellation thing just cuz I got excited but well if I if they're going to I don't know like it's too far off to say for sure but like what's what's next spring I don't know whatever's happening then and John's gonna play a week of Final Fantasy 14 yeah yeah sort of yeah actually I was gonna have I was going to have a lot of time but my son has to have a surgery so oh oh no hope is is anything serious are you okay it's it's fine it's not it's not that serious it's apparently a fairly common surgery but it's a surgery nonetheless I had a I had a herniated something when I was his age and had to have surgery at his age and it sucked I still have a scar from it they're way better at that [ __ ] now though they laparoscopic everything and there's no scars but I still got a big old nasty ass looking like if I was if I was naked in one of them uh like a documentary I don't know why that would happen but it just says Naked like well Scott this is your documentary you got to take off your clothes it's not a documentary unless we show you naked yeah but I always think of like I don't know what what I'm even thinking of but some old ass documentary but if you saw this you'd just go ah you what happened like it's nasty but they don't do them like that anymore so he'll be whatever he's got getting done he'll be all right yeah he'll be he'll be fine it's not I mean I'm worried of course I can't pretend I'm not worried but should it is common enough to where I know I shouldn't be that that worried exactly so um but anyway that's that's going to keep them home for a little longer and that is going to be around Dawn Trail time so it's going to be a little hit and miss and that's that's fine we're going to it's it's a slow burn I think I'm going to probably stream it so I need to get some control on when I actually play anyway but yeah we are coming up fast on that Final Fantasy 14 expansion I'm so excited they released the launch trailer I showed you it good you said it looked good it looked really good I have to admit I I I was not scoffing but as a little bit skeptical about the graphical improvements it's it's very nice it looks real good it's a funny one to do graphical improvements for finally time for vacation yeah because that's all it's going to be nothing everybody's just going to be like right click to get a mimosa ding level9 I assume it's just going to be a bunch of beach volleyball Y what what was the weird thing what was the meme in that game they were like grapes that were square or something like that what was the thing that was uh that was the last expansion yeah they had weird looking grapes so they already fixed that so that's I saw those in game in real life they were very yeah no they're still they fix them they still look iffy yeah they actually there was a quest uh I think in the last patch where they called specific attention to the grapes really somebody made some comment about um oddly shaped grapes or something like that so let's see uh I'm trying to find the old oh it's in final Fant it was in the Final Fantasy 16 Quest yeah there's definitely some part where uh they they have poked fun at The Grapes themselves in game so it's been fun the uh my favorite version of this was in Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man the first Sony game on ps4 yeah there's the grapes look like little crystals they're so good but in 2018 they put out that Spider-Man game and that game was beautiful still is just like wow look at all the detail but somebody figured out a way to get way out in the ocean and capture one of the seagulls out there and the SE and the seagull was made of less polygons than this grape thing just like this little flat paper looking deal that's how they get you you're not supposed to see them up close no yeah you're not supposed to pay attention to it you're not supposed to get in there and look at it but then you do and it's like H it's fun yeah and uh yeah the grapes are particularly they they updated it but it still looks pretty much like that except now it looks like it's got a little like tumor on the side yeah one it's just like slightly less a crystal now let's see what is this format who uses a viif for a freaking format stop with the graphic format what's a VI I don't even know I don't even like I have to convert it all important format but that looks like the new one it's it's a little better it's still pretty much just a textured polygon that it I thought they did I don't think they look like is that not it maybe it is but I don't know it looks weird well definitely not let's see it's not as good the other one has character and with how much they love crystals in Final Fantasy just have grapes that look like crystals maybe they engineered them that way oh yeah lightbringer come forth and partake of the crystal grapes I could hear it I guess they're just supposed to be a bunch just oh I found the new ones so these are the new ones John just different lighting so here's I'll put this up this is a lady standing next to him but they're just a little bit more like Lumpy yeah they're just mushy they still don't look good no I don't want to eat them they just they're slightly more lumpy that's it yeah yeah she looks concerned about it she looks sad that's how I felt when I looked at him I was like I liked the other ones better she looks very concern all right uh that is it for oh no bo tell me about you've gotten back into farthest Frontier and I have been tempted lately just cuz it feels like there's been enough time for them to do a bunch and I haven't checked back in I own this game so how is farth this Frontier going sorry I had to sneeze M all right perfect timing then oh how is it he just disappears off the screen and goes completely quiet just have like a big sneeze thing going it's all right hope not a second one um yeah it's the same old game but but they've uh they I think the last thing that I heard that they had added was like military stuff like they definitely definely changed the way you do combat units for the better um like there's more Styles you can pick between Pikeman and infantry light infantry they have horseback dudes too which are much better for fighting the hordes off um depending on where you would have dropped off there's some other new stuff like religious things that can change up your gameplay make your town better but it's uh pretty much the same old farthest Frontier you new it's just uh okay I got in just to really quick check it out and I got hooked and I started making uh you know a bigger and bigger city I'm I'm up to like 900 in population which really slows down the game to about 15 frames one of the things they are working right now is like [ __ ] in-game optimization because they do it is really a simulation of what the entire population's doing so as your population gets more and more the the game does slow down to a crawl so um you know they're working on this stuff but it was fun I just kind of got hooked and played a lot more than I anticipated I would because you know once your city gets complex you try moving things around it can just take time to get those changes in place like I put my my city hall on top of a mountain and carved out the mountain to make it hard for the uh enemies to get at them and put a bunch of like Tower Defense Towers up which is hilarious but uh boy I sure love Tower Defense so that'll be good took a lot of hours well I mean this game the Raiders attack your village it's not really Tower Defense it's just they want your gold they want your [ __ ] yeah you can play without it but I I don't know I I don't know what I'll do when I finally play it for real but I have a number of games like this to play on the list but a lot of them I want to wait for 1.0 I guess that means I should play fabled them some more but I just same I need that itch scratched I've been trying I like this the the flavor of this one like I think it's uh very much it's very much it's not uh trying to be um you know a combat thing or try to put anything kind of weird on it it's just strictly the city Builder is sort of in its purest form and uh I like it it's good it's the Grim what's their name people G uh Grim Dawn people yeah it's the great crate entertainment CR that's right yep um yeah no it it's really good I think the soundtrack's phenomenal I think the way the game plays is phenomenal um it's a softer version of banish so it's like less punishing in some regards which is great yeah and it's just a good time waster you know uh it's up there with timberborn timberborn banished brother's Frontier kind of my faves yeah um you know and we'll see how manner Lords goes but I haven't really haven't really gone back to it yet so yeah I haven't heard it kind of went from everyone's talking about this to nobody's talking about it and I realize there's just a ton of games and everyone's radar is full of a million things but yeah that's pretty much it like you just need to sit down and get hooked I guess I didn't play long enough in Mandalore where I was like really hooked into what's going on and I think yeah that's usually what a good City Builder does is like oh yeah let me just build this and build this and then you're really invested in the success of the thing you're making and that's when you get hooked so sure sure I just didn't play far I was still figuring out mechanics I think where I was playing so well the good news or the news there's no good news but the news is we're going to take a break now that we've talked about all the games we played there one I played this week that worth a mention we have to talk about it long but I played uh Wolfenstein the New Order oh that's a good game I like that game I was on my Doom Eternal kick and I was just like oh let me play another game and so I started I was I was thinking maybe I'd play all the Wolfenstein yeah yeah but I got you know I got other [ __ ] to do but yeah those new ones are so good though everything up to the one with the two daughters is kind of a bad game but everything up to that was it's starting to feel surprisingly a little dated there's some clunky aspects that I would like expect to be better but it's still fun and it's the vibe is good right it's like I hate you know you're uh you got a piece of traing on your head and you're you know invalid for like 14 years and then all of a sudden Nazis start killing all the patients in the in the psych wward and when he the Nazi comes to you all of a sudden you snap out of your you know uh revery and you're just like Nazi scum and stab the guy in the neck repeatedly it has one of the most disturbing like melee combat things cuz if they get up to melee they just stab you like this and you just stab them back like this and it's just stab stab stab stab stab stab and it's like oh like it's really awful um but uh yeah game's good um real quick I just was I keep forgetting that these are the same guys making the new Indiana Jones game and what's weird about that Indiana Jones game that's coming out game pass and Xbox and I don't know where else PC um is that they don't have a date for it it just says 2024 but all my Social Media stuff that I watch so Tik Tok YouTube shorts anywhere where I'm just like popping something open Instagram they're all running ads for this thing as if it's coming out like tomorrow I don't understand there's no date but let's just advertise the [ __ ] out of it it's really weird um but I'm looking forward to it maybe this will be one of those things that uh you know we don't have to wait too much longer for hopefully it looks good that game it does look good game looks good yeah like the the story in the Wolfenstein games is like it's fun like I you know you kind of get sucked up into it they got great characters and stuff yeah looking forward to that uh all right we're going to take a break when we come back from the break couple of more news stories some quick and uh then we'll send people home where they belong uh but that'll be in about 5 minutes so chat I'll put up a timer for you for the rest of us let's all go pee or whatever and we'll be right back all right after these messages will be ready let's see probably ought to turn the recorder back on and we're back everybody welcome back to the program hey how do you feel about a dear Martha I know how I feel oh no we don't did we do that first oh unrelated have you seen these videos of Taylor Swift's boogers uh no tell me more that sounds terrible so so apparently she was doing a concert while she was like really like a sick or something like that and she just had like giant boogers that she wiped off and held in her hand whole is really awesome for everyone to see oh I love this headline the headline is Taylor Swift struggles to shake it off um let's see wiping snot on person wrote that headline and did a lap around their house they were like y yeah just ran around the whole place I can't believe I'm going to look at this I am going to look at this oh something else they were like massive boogers it was cool e and she's trying to like make it part of the show where she's like doing the moves and then wiping it out this is yeah this is a good one here here's a link oh I'm gonna hate this aren't I uh there you go it's on YouTube okay hold on I know but it's going to gross me out but what will it do to my algorithm okay this it's just the first little bit oh it's hanging oh this is oh the poor thing oh the poor thing I mean that's gross dude I mean the slow motion one where she just clearly just going like this and then holding it in her hand it's leaving a string it leaves the string I hate it yeah that's horrifying mean imagine having that in front of millions of people you know just like it's hilarious as someone who has always had a real grounded look at Celebrities because they're just like us this is your ultimate evidence right here this is you're right it brings it brings her right back down to where we are I likeed her anyway but I don't I'm I'm not even a big I don't I'm not like a fan of her music but I I I think Taylor Swift got going on we're all human and that stuff happens it was just it was pretty epic booger that's why I was like oh yeah yeah this is humanizing her I like that so swifties I'm good don't come after me none of this was negative I just want to point that you have you had run-ins with the swifties because they'll kill you they'll cut a a [ __ ] as they say I was going through a boot like I'm I was like I was kind of concerned maybe something was coming out of my nose right now that reminded me I'm good I think I'm good my wife is my wife is always like so quick to tell me so if I got even just a little we call it she'll say you got a Boog hanging that's how she'll say it and I'll go where she'll go right there and I'll go here and I'll do like this and she goes still there like this nope still there we'll have this conversation for like 20 minutes kex yeah because what's the best what happens if you do this and then a big stringy piece of Booger cheese like is attached you know you go put it in a tissue and that's what I'm saying just start with start with the tissue why do we do the hand thing first when we can go get a tissue that's a good point see if we can resolve the issue without waste or even better the person who's pointing out could be nice and bring you oh yeah Tech 22 in the chat wants to know how did we get here question mark question mark question mark because I got I got a feeling like something nasty is coming out of my nose that's I'm sorry that's how we got here and it's okay we got here however we got here oh my gosh my screen just went nut remember we talked earlier in the show about how when we're un bunching our pants I would announce to the world doing that your putties or your potties there we go tell us about B oh my gosh where are we news I know news wait we're on dear Mar oh dear Martha hey y'all it's time for dear Martha I know I know right where we are um we got another one of these dear Martha suggestions so John's been improving these he doesn't have previous access to the thing we're going to say and today's no different uh chiros in our chat room or in our Discord said uh dear Martha why did it take so long for a Legend of Zelda game to Zelda as the protagonist that's the question okay um and you can treat it as an answer or just to address the whole you know how to do this it's John's Forte so John today's subject lady Zelda protagonist finally in a Legend of Zelda game okay okay uh you can do that you feel good you all right yeah let's do it let's make Nintendo people mad here okay here we go I'm excited now my dearest Martha I write to you cuz I think a crime occurred it's alarming you're telling me that we are going to play a Legend of Zelda game without the titula Zelda as the main character they're going to make it some girl what's next Martha you're going to tell me that I'm going to play a Metroid game without the world acclaimed Bounty Hunter Metroid running around next thing you'll tell me is that's a woman in that suit offensive woke [ __ ] keep politics out of my game yours in this life and the next homelander fan [Music] 37 that may be my favorite one you've ever done that was amazing you took all the stupid discussion around this kind of [ __ ] and made it perfect that's amazing all right well done I don't know how you top that woo uh thank you churos by the way that uh for making that possible that went well now this uh the Elden ring DLC as previously mentioned getting Raves getting 10 and 99.5's and all that just thought it'd be worth mentioning seems like your money will be well spent there a lot of people are like yeah it's uh this should be called fullon expansion not DLC it's a it's a huge add-on and people love it also in the news Nvidia has overtaken Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company period uh done not just in gaming not just in electronics not anything it's the most valuable company in the world and they did it on the backs of making all the chips for all the AI [ __ ] that's going on uh and crypto crypto's part of it but um they make chips for all that stuff and specifically in the AI department they are the go-to right now on AI capable chips and it's because the architecture of these chips are designed specifically to do that so this isn't about the 309s or the 40 90s or 80s selling like cck cakes that's that is no longer their main business they'll keep in gaming I'm sure but their real money is coming from the AI future that we are all engaged in so there's that and then finally Sony uh pulled its Rewards program they're ending it so if you have space points to spend you better go spend them on the PlayStation Store however theirs works I assume it's similar to Microsoft's um I don't use either so I don't even know how Microsoft's worked but the rewards program going away you guys have any points in PlayStation you need to spend don't know I don't know if they gave me points they can keep them yeah I guess I don't know if I have any yeah I don't think I don't think this is well I think there was a time there where on the heels of achievements and everything else that was happening with modern gaming I think I think everybody felt like well you got to have a Rewards program you just have to have one but I'm not so sure you do I don't know how many people care about this so I mean if you care you care I don't even know what the rewards points program was so it's hard for me to have an opinion I don't even know what it is I've got so much steam points whatever they're called it's the same idea they have oh I know what those are yeah idea did more like every now and then I accidentally click my profile and I go oh it's flashy I wish there was a way that I saw it better but I have so many points in Steam that it's like man yeah I know there it's it's ridiculous I have so many I wish I could convert it like let me do I feel like a kid with a ton of tickets at the arcade and I don't know whether to get the plastic spider ring or the freaking you know whatever dumb other thing I want how many points do you guys have I have 292,000 oh my go I don't know I can't open Steam right now because if I do it's going to try and download a gigabyte update to Elden ring and I don't want to I don't want to do that while I'm using the bandwidth where do you how do you find this where do I see it uh just go to press store hover over the store and then go to point shop oh Point shop here we go all right I have uh uh where's my total top right 586 th000 16 of these things and I don't know what to spend them on why can't I convert that to Dollar thing is like 3,000 so like I CU I've gone in and spent down I'm like I need to use my points and I get bored I'm just like oh my god I've spent like 100k and I'm it's been two hours like I just need to move on oh I should buy this Hades steam deck startup movie I think it also works you should the startup movie there you go startup movies seem like a good way to to spend your your points I'mma do that okay but the point is um I can't why can't I convert this to money and buy Elden ring that's what I want to do if they told me today every single of your every one of your 586 th000 points will go to Elder ring if you spend it right now I just do that y like right now one game that's all I'm asking steam Gabe n let's see what my points are I just I just got here I have 77,4 jeez you got me beat that's because you finish more games than I do mine's just I am known for my finishing yeah you're a he good strong finisher John is I don't even understand like some of these collections makes no sense one of them is the capitalism and economy Fest oh yeah I don't know celebrating capitalism in economy oh it's probably like Tycoon G type games or something yeah maybe may I don't know like yeah I'm just like I never even heard of that Fest before so yeah they're coming up with the Fest for everything oh what's today's deal fossil fuel 2 what is this that's a horror game won't be buying that fossil fuel yeah man there are so many animated avatars in Steam that are just implied sex with anime girls yeah people are into it dude because you got all this you got all them dirty games in here you know yeah all the dirty games um okay well there's that this is the still so dumb I get into steam and now I'm like going what's in the top sellers how much [ __ ] can I buy right now know and I just noticed you guys want to hear my TotalOne check out my library today as of today whoops I have 2,294 games many many are codes all right review codes and things but still that's a lot I should have more points they should I am such a good customer here they should give me Elden ring I have a lot less games but that's because they frequently forget there's two other people on the show yep for everyone devb that forgets that it's a it's a point for me every time you send core only one code two other co-hosts go hungry Scott gets his wings and they don't uh all right 943 games that's what this says and I'll believe it I do too and you probably beat more of those than I have so F had to guess all right it's time for your feedback that's a good question uh people call us and leave us voicemails and and uh excuse me text at this number all the time 801471 0462 we're going to do both of those or two of these today the C text from Brady who says right now his main console is a steam deck he says this hey cor gang I have a question for John John are You Ready oh yes my wife and I just had a baby and I'm looking for some good games that I can multitask also while taking care of a newborn uh without feeling too overwhelmed currently I'm playing elen ring and that is definitely not the game for that but I'm making at work especially since the DLC is coming out so just looking for a small fun game to play on the side thanks for keeping me laughing and awake at work all of you are awesome from Brady and again his steam deck is his main thing so we probably can find something there but do you have you got any like the mo as someone with the most recent infant it's been a while for me uh what do you what do you recommend the games I played the best thing you can do here's broad advice and then I'll tell you specifically what I played you're looking for stuff that is turn based stuff that you can very easily pause and walk away from without feeling like you have to be ready at any point to say my night of gaming is over and I'm okay with this yeah and so there turn-based is one of the easiest ways to do it because you just have to train yourself to be okay with that was my last turn now that's hard to do as somebody who's stayed up all night playing Civ right uh that can be difficult to do but that's where that you know that's what you got to figure out and I'll say that when my son was born uh the games I played the most of uh the big one at the time because it was fairly new but it's also fantastic was lupiro uh it was a great game for this because you just go all right I'm gonna set him on the loop all right is the baby still asleep yep do that loop again all right is the baby still asleep yep send another loop and when the baby woke up that's the end of the loops we're going to stop for a while um but I also did play Civ Civ was kind of like my my first attempt um struggled a little bit with Civ because you do get into that addictive like oh but one more turn I was just about to launch an attack on my arrival then the baby wakes up and you're like I can't stop there and you get frustrated yeah um but again turn-based very good and uh Final Fantasy uh 14 I played through most of that while uh I was a new dad and that one was a little trickier because as an MMO it is neither turn-based nor is it a game you pause but the nice thing about Final Fantasy 14 is that it's very uh once you get into that game is very clear where the divides are you know when you're just running around turning things in you know when you're going to be doing fights you know when you're going into a dungeon now they've actually made the game where you can run with AI through dungeons through all the dungeons in the game so you don't have to worry about getting a group for that cuz when I played the first time before I got to where that feature was implemented I'd play until I got to a dungeon and then go well I'm done for the night because I can't risk going into a dungeon cuz my son might wake up and need something or I have to go to bed or you know whatever was going on so now that that's there you can just go okay do I think I'll have time and if I have to abandon in the middle of the dungeon there's no penalty for something like that and that's that worked out really well too so that was a really good game uh to go through because it's very quiet it's very chill um and he would just sit in his little bed next to me while I played Final Fantasy 14 and he would just Zonk out when he woke up I'd just comfort him give him a bottle whatever I needed and the game would just sit there you know if you're in a dialogue or cut scene it would just pause so I would say anything that allows you to quickly and easily walk away for an extended period of time that's not going to drive you crazy is a good game experience but it sounds like they're looking for a small game on the side of Elden ring so Loop hero would be my yeah I would co-sign the loop hero idea mainly because I owned it already and tried it on Steam deck which is where he'll be playing it you might think wait that's like a mouse and keyboard Focus game and it was but they added controller support and therefore steam deck verification to it and it's done brilliantly it's very good and it will not feel fiddly or weird it's it's extremely smart the way they did it and uh can confirm that while I was watching I was in charge of a 5-year-old and a 18-month-old not long ago and that's what I played on the couch while the little one watched Bluey and the older one sat in my lap and was fascinated by going around a loop and then fighting a dude and he'd say those are bad guys I'm like Yep they're bad guys we're going to beat those bad guys he loved watching that so I don't know those I think I can't even think of a better recommendation liro is amazing in this form and you can pause it it's not online all the time it can sleep when you when you sleep the device uh and it'll come right back when you get back in you know you're you're in good shape there b recommend ation for like uh you know that time the cat was sick and you had to spend a little extra time with the cat you know and you were trying to play at the same time for like a pausing kind of game yeah or one that where you don't feel like that that turnbas dice one that you recommended that I ended up loving I can't remember the name now uh turnbas dice oh the uh the card the single player card battler yeah what is that called again that's great on Steam deck also not wizor him gun Gore Rog some rather oh yeah Rogue spell Rogue spell Rogue amazing little turn-based dice card thing I mean all turnbas stuff is technically you can put it down the game will not progress uh every turn so anything turn-based is good so if you like single player card or dice games are good games like Civ or even like um well Sims can be good because you can just PA like anything with the pause pause play mechanics yeah um those work uh Hearthstone maybe online if you're playing like hearstone like single player content again that's the same answer kind of um oh yeah slay the Spire is a good one in the chat they don't have a timer on that so monster train same thing any of these turn-based card battler things are pretty good call for that card Battlers are really good for that because they will not progress there's like tons of them so if it's a genre you don't like well it's not helpful but if you like them then there you go but I don't think any like Adventure game like in theory Ballers gate three is great or any crpg because you can just pause it but if like some games have more of a momentum like story-wise if you're like following Along on a story you're not going to get immersed if you're have to get up every 10 minutes to go away for another 15 or something like that so that might be more frustrating so like games with low narrative or immersion requirements like I never really feel immersed when I'm playing a card battle it's not what I'm playing those games for yeah so like anything with strategy or tactics that's sort of shortterm or simple might be the the right thing you know yeah I agree trying to think of anything else but that's kind of how I would I would go for that that's one area I don't have as much expertise in don't have kids so you know I defer to J or Scott's advice on that stuff I didn't even tell you guys about how I downloaded and played like four football games this week I'm gonna see if that sticks and then I'll talk about it next week all right Football H yeah but don't play football with a kid I don't think that'll work because that's less a new football game on the new and trending in Steam right now called college bowl oh I need to look at that you played no I played something like a retro throwback one developer guy made something called Legend Bowl pretty pretty cool so far and I also played uh I got a key from the people who make what is it called mutant League no sorry mutant Football League too the sequel oh college bowl is made by the same people who made Legend Bowl oh really it just came out today hold on a second that's still an early access he making two games at once maybe it's just same engine just one's got college teams let's see College bow yeah bow it's on my new and trending right now oh here we go oh yeah this is absolutely like same guy um yeah there's not there only 10 reviews it's out today obviously but 100% positive there it's a very he's done a really great job of capturing why the old pixelated 16 bit 8bit era football was so much fun and I love the fake teams I love that stuff some people are like fake teams I want the NFL F that I want like the Cincinnati buttholes and stuff like that I want dumb names and that's what I get for the with these anyway I'm in the mood right now Hockey Club oh my gosh dude everyone here is so annoyed even though it's temporary but I hate it such a bad temp name Utah Hockey Club what is it going to be all white uniforms with helvetic attacks that says Hockey Club on them it's so dumb anyway uh video games they're great let's see moving on to this text from Colin from Seattle who says hello core crew it's Colin here gonna have to plus one JN oh it's a lot of JN today in our feedback plus one JN on the spiderverse different frame great thing love the spiderverse movies hated watching them just watched the trailers for frag Punk and mixtape both which look like they do the same thing too and literally got a headache from each of them uh both seem like interesting games I will never touch with a 10-ft pole until as John put it quote I become an accessibility setting unquote um yeah I the we had a few other aspects of this come up in our Discord and stuff some people are just there with you that they are comfortable with that frame rate combo of like I was surprised I was surprised to hear a lot of people are like yeah there's something about it and it's not again it's not from like a a mean place I love the spider-verse movies it's just something about it that makes me go o and like feel like I need to look away um it's it's not as bad with the movies the games are a little rough it's going to be curious what it what it feels like to play it um although I do have some experience with it because in the uh Marvel Spider-Man games you can get spiderverse suits for the characters and they go at a different frame rate uh from the rest of the game and as much as I like the suits and I was like oh this is a great outfit um as soon as I saw the frame rate thing I had to turn it off uh it really bugged me so that's another reason why I'm a little nervous about these games and you know it's fine I don't want to tell people they can't do it I don't want to go like no cater to me you need to cater to me like I think it's cool that we're exploring new things but uh yeah it is something that I just have a really hard time with apparently yeah I think you're not alone I really like them and don't mind the thing but clearly there are people out there who are annoyed not annoyed by it but like you said it's not it's like a negative reaction it's more like H like you just you like your brain just doesn't want to I don't know my my brain feels like I need to look way to re like reenter or something and and I feel it constantly whenever I'm looking at it so it's weird totally could see that um I misspoke Legend Bowl came out in 20121 it is not an early access I thought I'm thinking of a different game I'm thinking of the the undead one uh and it's only nine bucks right now so if you need like an old school injection of like retro football but a modern more modern you know version of it 9.99 for legend bolts very good see these guys know how to put [ __ ] on sale when they have something new coming up take note Elden ring did you buy Elden ring yet Scott not yet no come on do it the show's almost over if I do it get it you know you're GNA want to play it as if he couldn't buy it after can't forget like we got buying it now while you're weakest he's he's GNA forget and here's the funny thing Bandy namco's doing a summer sale right now yeah are they really games out they're literally doing a summer sale on Steam and Elden ring still isn't on sale right now that's kind of assho honestly it's a little assho that's CU they're trying to get all the bucks from Scott yeah which he should give them you should get into Elden ring there's never been a better time to get trying to get all the Bucks Gamers we heard you there's never been a better time uh well there's your feedback 801471 0462 you can also email us talk Toth core and I would like to take a moment to thank some patrons for being awesome we didn't get any new ones this week so hop in there and be new but uh some some oldtimers we want to mention Steven grander Matt and Chris barowski barasi rather sound like a hockey player now I'm in the mood for hockey I want for some reason I get in occasional mood for sports video games usually on the arcadey style side I don't care that much about realism but I'm just in a mood so thanks barasi you sound like a forward for the Philadelphia Flyers anyway Utah the Utah Hockey Club exactly uh anyway you guys are awesome thank you for being oldtimers if you want to be like them then you can take advantage of things like no commercials or ads of any kind on the show you can get uh pre-show content every week we put some up today good stuff talking about He-Man and the Masters of the Universe today and whether that's anime or not oo intriguing you should tune in and find out as a patron uh other monthly benefits including video game art in the mail and other cool stuff like host specials going up I've got one all ready to go just got to post it give a couple days uh sandwiched in between this and the next episode so you're not getting bombarded but it's a good one I think it's actually kind of John's fault John said once that I am I am often especially with well with any games I'm kind of like I'm at the arcade and I have to be in a very specific mood and sometimes it's just play a little of this play a little of that put a quarter and something else and I've had a long thinking about that and I think I've got some some stuff you guys will want to hear at home about that and why I do it the way I do it anyway that's all coming up and if you want to be a part of it corow is how you do it everything else is at frog cor tell your friends get them involved have them listen it is the best three plus hour show that exists on the internet period yeah all right of any kind there's no other show is good yeah no no one else dares to go this long no nobody well maybe someone does but you know what it's so good they got to they got to keep us down damn straight speaking of being uh straight and Damned Grandma here is a phone here is a microphone for you to tell us once again what we played today so people won't forget take it away and for those of you that don't remember exactly what video games got discussed on the show here they are in quick succession Elden ring wayfinder death must die in shrouded dragon Age Origins Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Inquisition Dawn tril that's Final Fantasy 14 specifically and farthest Frontier and Bo also talked about another game but he didn't write it down and I don't have time oh I forgot what was it Bo it was um Wolstein the New Order oh Wolstein the New Order he's F Wolfenstein fighting the Nazis I forgot about it cuz I lived it it's the old order now uh it's the old order anyway Grandma sound an extra grandma today big time I don't know what's going on either but she's know's going on but for some reason you sound way more Grandma very Grandma it's not there is not one voice for Grandma and really depends on where I decide to lean into it I think typically I normally do stuff like this I just decided to Grandma up a little bit I like it so to this week it was a little sweeter a little tighter in the back of the throat more like I'm going to make you a bunch of cookies you you come over just a a little kiss on the cheek it's a it's a chloris leechman v Vibe I'm getting out of this one tell your mom and dad that they're not respectful they don't listen to me watch Raising Hope you'd swear this was John in that show uh all right well there you have it then thanks grandma that's going to do it for us be here live on Thursday nights 5:00 P PM mountain time at frog pants. TV and listen to us live that's going to do it for us for me for John for Bo we'll see you next time this show is part of the frogpants network yes get more at frog pants. goom Hello China oh hi
Channel: Scott Johnson
Views: 1,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -JAy7rHtyC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 44sec (10124 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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