COPS Called While Bass Fishing on Highway Ponds!!

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what's going on guys tall fisherman J here and today I am joined by my friend captain Mikey Mosley from saw guys Batson now today we are doing something very very exciting I know all of you guys everyone watching has always wanted to do this we are fishing on the side of the highway now you guys all know those little retention ponds that you see on the on ramps and the off ramps of your local highways it doesn't matter where you are you all pretty much have them so today me and Mikey are gonna go pull over fish these retention ponds which is where we're at right now and hopefully get some big fish or any fish [Music] [Music] Jesus look at that not a giant but two twitches and this guy just killed it here we go little one got the Frog that was kind of cool this is going to be a challenge but I feel like there is fish in here I'm gonna try and cast under this tree obviously all this brush is around me there's not much room there we go told you guys oh he got off oh no bad Hooksett I can't look what's around have no room to do anything oh my god holy good to see that Jesus oh I went and got him guys he didn't go in the water this guy just crushed it unbelievable as soon as the Frog hit the water he demolished it I'm actually doubled up with a mic y'all know if you guys see him holding up that fish on the other side this place is insane my gosh there you go but back into your sewer hole whoo non-stop action with these frogs guys this is insane I just want to get a giant but these are still awesome fish guys what this one's going back I got him right on that tree line as soon as the Frog land around that tree line he grabbed it hey Jesus another one on the tree line are you kidding me this was right after I caught that oh my god oh my gosh the one before this I caught maybe like five feet in front of me and then I casted like ten or fifteen feet on the same tree line they're stacked up this is crazy nice size one super healthy fish right on the side of the highway look at that look at that's the highway you guys a honey hole on the highway unbelievable oh my god three in a row what the heck oh it's a giant what's going on Oh three in a row on this freakin tree line are you kidding me what back-to-back-to-back fast look at this oh my god this is a this is the one we're after you guys whoa look at this chunky chunky Florida bass oh my God look at that just completely inhaled the whole body frog I don't know what they're just they're probably just completely stacked under this tree guys literally three fish in a row two decent ones this was a solid fish I'd say it's a 2 pounder look how fatty is my god this is crazy hey guys we're gonna put them back Oh filthy highway pond water is a super honey hole who knew nobody ready ready to go back it goes Little River at the walk watch this watch this watch watch watch watch watch watch oh yeah look look look look he wants it so bad I don't know why it doesn't explode on oh it's cool them think about putting a smaller frog on Oh site Cassidy's bass what you guys we just got here I'm over here sight casting bass I just sigh casting this guy on the side of the frickin highway other guys have a hard time hearing me think Mikey it's on fire bass number one this is a hot spot you guys throw him back there you go bud decent fish Bob right in the middle you guys look how dark this guy is nice explosion bit right on top kind of barely hooked but look how dark yeah he's dark you got a little suntan on him there you go this top water action on the highway see you later bud oh here we go non-stop another one this time I had them on the sink Oh little guy little thing Wow good Hey the Turnpike anything on the Turnpike it's a private property oh really yes sir I didn't know that could that could be this for a while we drove YouTube videos though I guess nobody's ever told you that we have lots of people class because no one's ever stopping yeah let me say anything yeah unfortunately I got a great break the bad news to you guys oh that's too bad yeah yeah I know but unfortunately don't lie because what happens is it causes attention and something's gonna run to the back to your truck and it's just a whole big yeah I don't make the rules I just have to of course and that's alright alright sorry about that thank you and I know fishing is you know relaxed ranana stuff yeah yeah I saw that but you also enjoy it too oh yeah you know I just let you know that some problems yeah guess what happens is is some somebody you know with a hard-on and stuff so we've had a couple people honking at us they get their attention yeah and unfortunately it it's just the way it is alright guys me and Mike you're gonna call it a day now we did very very well here on these highway pawns I wasn't aware I mean there's never any signs it doesn't say no trespassing doesn't say no fishing anywhere around these areas but as you guys saw the cops showed up and they told us to leave one of the spots but either way we had a fantastic day we caught a lot of fish it was a lot of fun it was really really noisy from all the traffic but regardless it was a ton of fun you guys want to go see another version of highway pond baths and go check out my boy Captain Mike Gmoser and his channel I will leave the link in the description below go show him some love and watch his version of these highway videos they are so much fun if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up it lets me know that you guys enjoy the content that I create for you as always everyone thank you so much for watching liking commenting and subscribing and I will see you later you
Channel: TallFishermanJ
Views: 798,928
Rating: 4.6814523 out of 5
Keywords: cops, cops show up, police, police called, police called on fisherman, cops called while fishing, fishing, how to, how to fish, bass fishing, bass, largemouth bass, topwater fishing, pond hopping, highway fishing, fishing in, fishing with, fishing on, florida fishing, miami fishing, south florida fishing, ponds, lakes, outdoors
Id: NKY-0f320A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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