Copper and Zinc Roofs

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rolled metal roofs of copper and zinc have been used for about 400 years copper is often seen on blocks of buildings with mansard roofs in the 1860s metal roofs became popular in house building especially the flat part of copenhagen roofs are roofed with zinc metal roofs can be adapted to roof services in various forms and are therefore a good solution for dormers turrets and spires zinc and copper roofing were first produced in sheets of 1 x 2 meters from that came the most used sheet size of 66.6 x 100 centimeters for roofing to assemble the sheets tacking solutions were developed to fasten the sheets with one another here we see the replacement of a copper roof that started leaking after a storm as water had seeped into the wooden underfloor it had rotted and now everything has to be replaced a new underfloor of rough boards has been laid it's important that the rough side is turned upwards so that condensation of moisture can be ventilated out the wood must not be impregnated as this will corrode the roof here are the six meter long copper rolls that have been prepared in the workshop the sheets are delivered in pieces of one meter which are clenched and bent so they are ready for tacking the joinings are filled with umber putty and braces are placed in the flange before the sheets are tacked together the work is finished in the workshop and the sheets are ready to be put onto the roof fvv sq feet area sandstorms girl open point and are mine well here we got me a height option fits so we leave it like you chew gum changable days and Sinhalese in hi hey after the cosine and also charity itself ugh this is fasting if you have this case this is you have all behind in traffic Slayton so this K itself Eschete a travesty they are here and strike you if the four had set up Sophie before indeed working top for the veloute minbar knob there's a pilot chef Anne Sandusky still here the Musetta Pina say I brought here Costa so here new table Hulu or kids off the fence or summer class needs to pay in again we're having a relative atomic war chest or something behind hammer in Fez armor here also having with Elsie and he's looking to know what moon also having a female out here we are knocking on well medium Celia also having civilian socks there you go here there's a these really like tensed I am thanks hey 250 meters lofty Bilhah it was a Buddhist I be rock you can see huh turns a pain eating a burger life instant as a star I'm a loser a pheasant yea-ah suppliants hockey occurred me if the mill here over here how cute allow hands here I said having pork Liberty so they left I was clapping in unison yeah since I've intensity of all then - sir I don't the keel of insipid Orson movie beans are keel exact 1/2 and us alone let's haul yen now the tacking itself begins first the high fold is tacked over the low fold here the low and the high fold are tacked together it's called a single folded joint then a single well fit made it's hammered together into a double welt a final wedging is made so that the wealth is sharp and perfect the hip is the place where the roof surface and the gable surface meet here is a noisy garden avi Armand Silva Veldman fasts for one area tents go ahead and Col de su at the elbow be fezzes let's give our Hoya but in here to definitely moments hidden first first base of the roof must be closed and the redundant material is cut off techie is now done as seen here so sway going flying off of among Nets villain obvious get double fares in this guy the long welts must be flattened before the hip tacking can be done rather than in store take tongue so no type of object garden I have a long face and w-will you killing it for your knee provides a week for alerting me Big Top Chef il circlip Expo little key look at the other than Buffalo Bob again let's get one partly so our visitor scary only occur if the home again this is also clipped or student flask a consumer and Samsung belong salesman car fell source : faces new leo PLC since mid-ohio these are long fashioned come - Congo wound here oh dear the first is dr. slow Sam here so doesn't see far away who seems QC hello good this is the travel yeah IV started me go out of here / garden hello kitty know what hello love it she's the amateur for one the houses give you back him from some the quarters are suffer faded that eg door before Victor Susilo so many over foul students at honey for measuring laying and tacking a copper and the zinc roof is done according to the same basic principles minor damages can be riveted soldered or patched with new metal sheets copper roofs patent eight in a natural process and change from a reddish to a darker brown color this is a layer that protects against corrosion and after some 40 years the roof changes again to the green patina that we know from many old buildings often it's the details in a building that are brought out with the covering of copper and zinc solutions which plumbers have refined and carried out for generations the unique details accentuate the character of the building and this is why it is important to renovate the roof correctly so that the architectonic and original expression of the building can be maintained for future generations
Channel: Byggefilm. dk
Views: 190,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:,, copper roof, Copper roofer, metal worker, copper plate, copenhagen, Denmark, Dylov, Chroma Film, Roof (Literature Subject)
Id: gn7mQwKJgZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 08 2014
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