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[Music] sometimes cops will let you enjoy your bike even if you are riding a bit over the speed limit [Music] [Music] [Music] this cop got angry at bikers because he was stuck behind them with the lights on they couldn't see it because they had no mirrors yeah yeah charging the body camera okay yeah I got mine going to just in case I'm Sergeant all at the State Police let you know being recorded okay yeah I can't see your plate okay I saw it right as I was walking up here so yeah I totally understand that anyway you can bend it back down I can like that I can bend it back down that's I kind of bought it that way I think the guy I bought it from probably did that for that obvious reason yeah but I hear you actually but yeah problem solved right yeah we're good all right I gotta take some notes to get your driver's license with you I do how long you been out riding today I've been out for maybe like two hours I was working earlier today say again where'd you go I came from back roads kinda not really I work at Main Event over on 164th across the bridge and I usually kind of Hit the camera sway but I came over because it was a car meet but there's a lot of cops out so honestly yeah exactly and I didn't want to get into any trouble or anything like that so I didn't want to get into any trouble or anything like that so that's why I said let's get you back out sweet yep thank you I appreciate it take it easy [Music] this biker was running late for his job and he failed to spawn that police once on his field for a moment it looked like he was running from there foreign late for work I'm sorry you're in a hurry late for work how are you yes sir I work at uh yes sir um I just you know that was that was you're I that was completely you're right I'm sorry thank you about to happen dude honestly I'm sure it's taking a long time a longer you take someone okay guilty this just says if you show up to it and uh let the judge know why you're out here speeding gotcha slow down no hey you're doing your job man you do I know it could be appreciate it today was one of them days and you got me on that day you know what I mean that's right yes sir thank you very much you too now that's going to be an expensive ticket one expensive ticket [Music] 106 and a 70. God dang it you knew this was coming eventually bro how many times have we got lucky I wasn't looking either I was tunnel vision me dude this didn't take us to jail at least you didn't go look at the channel that's what I thought he was back there doing for some reason I was like oh he probably called me in and they told him all he wrote me for was his speed he could have hit me for reckless operation and all kind of so you got to give him credit man he's a good guy I could have taken me to jail for 30 over dude I'm very lucky I'm not in jail if there'd have been two of us we'd probably be locked up [Music] [Music] it was an awesome sorry it wasn't you guys do you need my license or why it needs to be down oh yeah it's just zip tied on because I literally lost these um bolts like yesterday so I was riding around with all my backpacks of class and then after Bunnings I'll just fix it up I'll put bolts on it and fix it it's just because it we've got a bunch of cameras a lot I'm gonna do is I'm going to make a request I'll just see all the footage okay just to watch like what exactly you guys did it wasn't me the video thank you for you after he's gone someone was improved before you because I saw three of you last year yeah there's a group of four of us you guys are free to go from there though um if I need to follow up with you guys this week was National Police Week and this biker decided to celebrate it with handout gift cards to local cops take a look happy National Police Week yeah stay safe that's for you too happy National Police Week buddy happy National Police Week buddy happy National Police Week thank you for your service thanks a lot I appreciate that happy National Police Week I appreciate your service thank you thank you that's right National Police Week yeah there's a Subway Gift Card a couple bracelets and stickers in there okay thank you for your service buddy y'all stay safe I appreciate it do you know what this week is like really sweet is that what you were yeah yeah I was like huh yeah all right there's a couple bracelets couple stickers let me give this back I don't need any money now I'll take the sticker and The Wristband all right all right that's cool I appreciate you thank you I'll throw this to somebody else okay let me see some kids I'll give it to him yeah I'll do that enjoy your day man yes sir you as well yep stay safe I see you up there just hanging out in your big old Tahoe hey bud happy National Police Week thank you very much yeah enjoy your day and be safe okay yeah who are you taking me what are you taking me I got you now oh it's hot yeah a little bit very hot are you having a good day so far so good do you know what this week is what's that it's National Police Week that's for you buddy thank you yeah thank you for doing what you do from from me and everybody that watches my video happy National Police Week buddy are you are you getting donuts look I'm not judging okay [Laughter] all right all right man sounds good yeah you too hey avoid the traffic dude don't go north at all I got you now buddy come on red light come on red light what what what just happened did they just pull somebody over all right that's it I don't want to interfere with this traffic stop I was trying to catch you at a light and then you whipped the UE for this guy uh Happy National Police Week buddy thank you and thank you for your service I'm sorry I was following you I was waiting for a red light to get up next to you I was like I'm gonna follow this guy home I appreciate it man thank you yes thank you for doing what you do okay thank you stay safe I also need to find a kid to give us a gift card that that cop didn't want I run a YouTube channel so I pass out bracelets here you can have two and um today I'm passing out gift cards for cops and one of them told me to just give it to some random kids so this is a Subway Gift Card I'm gonna give it to you guys okay thank you that's from a police officer thank you buddy you all have a good day [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: DirtBike Lunatic
Views: 273,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cops vs biker, police vs bikers, motorcycle vs police, bikers, bikers vs cops, cool cop, funny cop, police vs motorcycles, angry cops vs bikers, cops vs bikers, cop yelling, cop rages, instant justice, bikers vs police, insant karma, when cops are on time, motorbike vs police, bikers vs police usa, police vs bikers 2023
Id: aA8yscR_uIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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