Cool Gadgets TikTok Made Me Buy

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some really cool inventions that I saw on Tick Tock the best gift for your kids oh that's a bubble gun these are absolutely insane okay forget the kids I'm buying this for myself do you see the amount of bubbles it's like a machine gun for bubbles they just keep going too you know what I grew up with a bottle of bubble juice and then you could blow literally one bubble at a time this requires no breath no Human Sacrifice from me you know pressing that trigger once at least a hundred times more bubbles than I have ever blown in my entire life combined yeah I'm kind of jealous kids these days get to grow up with this turn anything into a speaker [Music] even works isn't it already a speaker you're just attaching it to something and then it gets louder so this guy's gonna attach it to his car yeah it's just a Bluetooth so like and then it makes it even louder I'm trying I'm trying to acknowledge you as this plot twist is just a regular speaker I mean just sit it down on something and turn up the volume are you an idiot that constantly drives into obstacles well now you can buy this do my hickey it's basically a Band-Aid that prevents car boo-boos so not only can It cover old scratches from your stupidity and lack of driving skill but also creates a cushion if you do accidentally help something with no damage or repercussions don't let Geico see this summer is almost here you need one of these what is this oh I've been seeing these all over Tick Tock somehow everybody has a slushy machine okay I might actually buy one of these because you can literally put any drink in it and it's like the 7-Eleven machines that like spin it around until it's like icy oh I love this you know it is slushy season after all you can slushify any liquid slushy apple cider vinegar slushy milk oh this is cute it's like a little sink attachment you just pop it over and the water comes out of his mouth wow bro just violated him ain't no way I'm like yeah you could technically use it as a water fountain but gonna look real sussy also the face he's making doesn't really help I don't know about this one yeah it'd be nice to have a sink friend but no better lock the door next time y'all make out I saw this little photo frame on Tick Tock you could literally turn on the light okay that's so cool it looks like a piece of art or like a dry erase board and then whoa you just press the button in parts of the picture lights up so it's like lightened photo no light in real life okay I love this it's like bringing the picture to life so I guess the photo is made of a special material that light shines through so that when you press the button the light shines from behind the picture I think gives you this really cool effect I've seen this so many times but it's still so satisfying there's this Fork that you can buy to instantly cube a watermelon like one side is for the slicing and then the other side is for the eat in I've used one of these before and it kind of like makes a mess and you have to be real rough with it damages the Integrity of the melon before you can even get a bite okay but now I'm curious about the bottom layer y'all sick and tired of dropping your phone in between your car seat well there's this device you can buy off Amazon called a seat Gap filler and you kind of just pop it into place over your seat belt so nothing will fall through see I bought one of these so the problem is it keeps popping out of place I don't have to like shove it back in have you ever seen an electric lighter because I haven't what kind of technology is this whoa so instead of using lighter fluid it uses electricity to make fire and you can charge it okay that is genius and way less wasteful than a regular lighter like regular lighter you add a juice you throw it away this you can recharge this is the thermal printer it doesn't use ink wait then how does it print oh you have to use a special paper and the special printer it uses thermal technology to print this is Hogwarts we burning the words onto the paper interesting oh my mom is obsessed with these these silicone stretch Lids she uses it for everything so instead of using plastic wrap these are reusable you can wash them and they basically like stretch over any Bowl it creates an airtight container for your leftovers mini rubber boobs no this is a dream farm jot it's like a suction cup you stick on your mirror glass walls to hold things in place toothbrush pen jotted can even hold your charger in place doing the cushiony comfort of two squishy balls are you a who can't multitask come on pick one scroll through the tick tocks or pour yourself a drink you clearly don't have the skill to do both at the same time well I got just the device for you take the Coke's cap off and screw in the stand yeah that's definitely not gonna leak oh now you have your very own soda dispenser can we talk about the Fizz that almost looks the spicy as McDonald's Sprite does it somehow make it fizzier because that might be worth it I'm not much of a soda drinker but I do love me some Perrier okay mmm spicy water okay that did not look very fizzy neither did that I mean this was slack for a party nothing says classy like drinking Fanta in a mug there are so many wonderful ice devices these days but this one you filled the top part up with water freeze it and instead of cracking the tray like a peasant from the 1900s you could now press a button and it like ejects the ice out okay this is the future that I want to live in and keep refilling it and you have a box of ice ready for you in the freezer this is a new kind of tea bag that I have never seen before so you basically peel off the top part and then you can add your own coffee or tea oh and then it just sits on top of your cup so you don't lose the pesky string into the sea of water you know nothing more unsavory than pulling out the little tea bag string I feel like this one reuse it y'all ever heard of a strainer yeah one of these like the same thing there's a store sign it goes from open then rotate it to close wait do that again oh y'all have to do it slowly for me to understand please go slow yeah okay that was very satisfying to watch 459 open five closed go home off the clock what it's just some cute measuring spoon shaped like cherries oh wow oh and then the leaf is an egg yolk separator oh that's very cute capital is really popped off today you know personally I would not get a utensil dirty to separate an egg from a yolk you can just like crack the egg in half and then kind of just like and then just separate the manually anything to avoid washing another dish me just sharing one of my works the internet whoa that's a plus a plus so cool so it's like a watering can but it's shaped like a cloud and like she hand makes them out of clay they fill it up with water Hold the top and then when you want to water you release it and then it's like raining on the plants okay I love this POV find this inkless notes printer on finals week what do you mean inkless it's another one of them Thermal printers directly from your phone okay where is this technology coming from that I've never heard of can literally print straight from your phone and there's stickers I just pop them on your notes this is perfect for school you know I thought Teslas were cool but like what kind of car is this literally remove the roof where did it go it was glass the entire time how I watched this like 50 times on repeat like the roof is glass it's like a Tesla but better I don't even recognize that logo what kind of car is that one of my kids brought this huge airpod to school it's actually a speaker very cool how did I not know these existed okay I keep forgetting to buy these so this reminded me so I'm going to buy them right now I desperately need these they are blackout stickers for any annoying lights that you have in your room at night so it's like when you lay in your bed and there's a random TV light wall panels that have lights any electronics that have that random tiny little light you can just stick it on for pure and utter Darkness but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though and comment below which one was the coolest one and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,911,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, memes, funniest tik toks, tik toks, tiktok meme, tik tok, tik tok made me buy it
Id: FRrNu9mgwp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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