Cooking the Cherokee Way with Betty Jo Smith

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I just I just like cooking because somebody had to fix a meal while I was growing up there was no stores to go give you thing I can't and that's how we lived and everybody tells me how did you manage I said you manage I'm Betty Joe Smith and I'm chicken national cook authentic cooking it's a little bit tall some of it is and you get the smaller ones they're better tasting so you want us to get the small ones yeah get the smaller one okay I was born in a little log cabin there was no medical people around so my aunt had to be the Midwife so I was born in the woods boy you see that's good those are real be tender I just barely remember when we were moving to Shalako I had a homestead there and that's removed and was worst mostly there it was bear country my father whelmed on the Manley they support everything was called a homestead and we had a two room house so my mother took care of the house we do notice a mess that's good there's plenty it smell good very good very good very good a nice and tender and I had to do most of the caretaking after mother mother got sick so what learning to cook she would explain to us what she liked and how to fix it and then when we would go to church I'd followed the elders around learning from them so I began taking a person that from everyone [Music] where we lived there was a lot of watercress poke the fingers I can come down here Gundy Mike Breen use the watercress cuz it's good on sandwiches got married 29 and then we moved to Hobart it was another world fame house you're getting it for years till we had the house built we were six girls and five boys we're going to show grandma what we got we get her approval oh yeah it's just fine that's great we gather it boil it and then pour the water out and just put them in spilled a little oil I mean I'd your eggs to it but it's delicious I taught my kids you know when to make dumplings you don't make them thick you make kind of narrow so you can have the broth with it and in our time we didn't have measuring spoons or anything like that a speck of a speck that we used to go out in the woods and get the wild grape down there the best taste in money John Allah give knowledge was Mountain when I worked there I would clear 27 years I believe started bringing our children so I was working to killed or not during that time and they got to work in there they got to learn weaving baskets Bobo making Arrowhead make them so they worked there about as long as I did kind of remind me of how I was growing up because that was easy to do course you didn't get to cook in there I think you had to have a far doing your work you raise them in the garden and they start digging up two snaps a real easy this here is kind of aged a little bit kind of tough but you can still do it we did a lot of cooking outside all kinds of hallways growing up mom taught me how I watch mom and I used to get up and watch her make bread all the time they are and be around to help me I owe them with everything I know that's all I can say [Music] so just Morris I'm proud of my kids and what they're doing I enjoy giving my secrets my food I don't want to forget that [Music]
Channel: OsiyoTV
Views: 284,479
Rating: 4.9521298 out of 5
Keywords: Cherokee food, Traditional food, Cherokee cooking, Cherokee, Cherokee Nation
Id: z_u54Vgv6Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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