Cooking Sorghum Syrup With Friends v294

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good morning folks I don't have a Sunday morning song for you this morning I've got several other songs that I've had wrote down in the back of one of my Bibles for years and years and years and some of them I can't remember all the words to and as those come back to me I'll share with you sometimes I'll be doing something in the words to one of the songs will come back to my come back from memory and I'll be sure and get it out to you when that comes about but I've got most all the songs that I can remember all the words to out and I'll I've got a playlist on all those that you can go check out if you want to go back and look at some of the first ones I did several Sundays ago you can on this playlist or just look back on my channel either one this video today is about sorghum making again now the last video that I put out about Sargon making that was the first run that me and Virginia made and this next video is more of the traditional way of folks helping and being part of that process and I wanted to share that with you and it's also got some better details about the different prop uh the different stages of that cooking and it shows you in better detail how it changes over the course of a cook reason we couldn't do that last time is because there was a minimal amount of juice in the pan and you can't really cook it hard when you got a minimum amount of juice because you can Scorch it and ruin it now thank goodness we've never had a run scorched and I don't want to have one scored so this video we had a full pan of juice starting out and the the important thing is we got to share this with friends we had Chris and miles in Georgia come up from Sunny truth Farm there are neighbors down the road here and also we had Billy and Michelle come up from Perma pastures Farm our friends and neighbors and we had a great time doing this this was back in November I think the fifth day of November I can stop shaking the camera here the fifth day of November is when we made this sorghum now this second run was a little darker than the first run was and some people say they like the flavor of the second round better than the first the second run was a little bit stronger tasting than the first run and I'll show you what it looks like here it's a little bit darker also how good you can see that but it's it does have a brown tint but it's a little bit darker and usually darker means stronger that's been my experience but like I say some folks said that that batch was their favorite some people like a stronger taste and some people like a a more mellor taste and I like the first run better it was kind of smooth and Melody taste and that's how I like it but anyway I hope you enjoy this video cooking another run of sorghum with us we had a great time a lot of fun also John and Danielle our good friends and Neighbors from up the road come down and stayed late and helped us cook us batch off and we had a big time and I'm glad we can share it with you [Music] [Music] folks we're up here grinding cane today it's just starting to rain on us but we got the 10 up and got everything covered I got my buddy Billy up here feeding the cane meal he's coming to get this experience learning about sorghum and I can't tell you how happy I am he's here it's always good to share things you love with people you love man this is about as cool as it gets brother all right buddy what do you think about this cane Milling business man this is you can smell I'll tell you one of the most evocative things in the world it takes you back is that sense of smell and the cool thing about this is I'm developing a whole new Pleasant memory I mean I'm just watching this juice come out of there and you can smell it already when I was over here the last time you were cooking smell it then and it's just a I mean it's just beautiful beautiful experience oh yeah I just can't get over how much juice is Flowing out of this thing all them things ain't nothing like it are they no man I think it's sharing it with me man this is just absolutely bro it's kind of cool how we teach each other some stuff like I'll show you maybe a do teach me a new way of butchering chickens or at least going after the crops that I didn't see you know how many birds I'll put in the freezer I have never once seen that and then here I am getting a whole new experience man I tell you what it's just the weather might seem a little gloomy but man this is a happy day to me yeah it is brother brother always a lot of fun especially when you get to do something you love with your good friends you just can't beat it just can't beat it man this is fantastic so how much you figure this will make in one well I don't know because I've let this cane lay a while and when it lays the water evaporates out so you got less water in it so you can you got more concentrated sugar juice than you do water so you can get more strong more concentrated juice in the pan you get more yield out of it it's usually ten to one but last time it was way better than that so this is the first year I've ever done it that way I'm looking to forward to finding out exactly what we do give rain started folks we had to put up our little beach umbrella here to keep our juice clean but that'll protect it hey Char what are we doing here girl with all this stuff yeah grinding sorghum king that's what we're doing it real thick cheesecloth filter right here gets all the particles out that come through with the game meal when it's gross foreign likes to feed the cane meal I put her up a guard rail over there she can't get to those gears so I know it looks maybe looks a little closer than it really is but don't nobody panic because ain't no need in it complete the game meal the tank gets squished don't you shower you love that don't you girl and then Biggins are sometimes hard to get started ain't they here let's push a little pressure on it there we go that's going to Sunny truth Farm kids here feeding the Cane Mill today I think are gonna put me out of a job yourself thank you yeah they'll find the fun if they need to find won't they ain't got nothing to find they'll make their own [Music] Chris you got a word for my subscribers this is our buddy and neighbor Chris down at Sunny truth farm he brought miles in Georgia up to grind some gain and play on some games to find when you're working that's the best thing I've heard today thank you [Music] the last of it not the last last but the last of this batch dude there it is [Music] right here is the little filter that I slip up on the end of the pipe and I want to show this is where it goes into settling Barrel after it comes down from the Barrel at the Cane Mill this is where it comes down into the settling Barrel I wanted to show you here what all that catches look at this it's all that mess does not go into the Sorghum or the settling Barrel I mean there's a wad of it in there see that look at that look at that a lot of it so that's a little fine stuff that got by the cheesecloth up here went around the edge of it or over top of it or something but I just wanted to show you that it's not in the Sorghum it's in the strainer right here's a barrel at the Mill that where it comes right out of the Cane Mill here you can see there's some junk in the bottom of that that got settled out before it went down the I barely tilt this up and just to get what juice I can out I don't tilt it up enough to start getting that garbage in the bottom out now I'll get it up out of here and wash it out real good all right that's 50 gallon in that Barrel and it looks like about 45 in this one yeah so that is 95 gallons of juice we got right here and it's been settling for over an hour and we're going to run it out in the pan and see what it Cooks down to what I'm going to do here is filter another another step of filtering when it comes out of the barrel here into the pan [Music] there we go we're ready now we're gonna run this juice into the pan and filter it again oh he's trying to tell me it I wouldn't listen didn't tell me for years and I wouldn't listen I hear you brother well it's drain down we're getting close to the bottom of the barrel now we're going to switch over here to this next Barrel we've got about a half a pan full down here these valves are up off the bottom of the barrel a little bit to keep all that sediment in the barrel and not know where it don't go into the pan here we got a full pan of juice I mean it's right up to almost to the top and then this Barrel right here I wanted to show you some of the saddlings when you let it settle out like that in a barrel tilt it up real easy here see that settling's in the bottom right there coming out see that all that crap settled in the bottom and now it's not in our pan to cook so that's why we settle it I'm gonna Smoke Stacks starting to steam a little bit [Music] you can see this I can get you out of the glare see this white that is the scammins starting to come up right now we're going to start skimming this right now see all that white the way this works back here where the Firebox is it starts cooking right here first and it pushes the skimmons back to this end so you can see them skimmons are starting to turn green on top of the water there on top of the juice they stick right to these paddles and it's like a magnet pick it right up just like a magnet and they'll come up and they'll be green and start out live they'll turn green the schemans have settled down a little bit me and Billy's got a bunch of them off and the way it does is I was saying the heat down here on this end it's about to start boiling but the skimmons will work their way up here and you work right here with the paddles skimming them off you know Billy over there don't you if you don't you need to Perma pastures Farm what do you got to say for them Billy well this is another a little feather in the cap and it's a real joy to be able to work here and do this and learn it it's always a pleasure to have you brother that's a pleasure to be here to be invited pleasure you can see I hear it now it's about to start boiling just any minute now did you look on there Billy well I didn't not when I got them you can see now these scammins are turning green so when you get them off of there on the paddle see how green that is that's what we don't want in here you can see right here we got this thing rolling now we've got a lot of skimmons off so far you can see down here in the bucket you can see them collecting when it's boiling hard up here on this end it pushes the skimmons down to this end you can take them off down there got miles and Chris up here with this cooking operation this evening telling us about tapping maple trees and cooking Maple Circle [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it probably does after Church the car this right here is what they call Tater healing that's what the old timers called it so kind of the first process of the thick and then when it's getting close to being done they're getting real close at this point and boy they are a pretty color make some little indentions like that where it's going down call them mud pots folks with the help of my brother Billy from permafasters Farm we got this monster pot of sorghum brought up to the house as well as the rest of the batch which wouldn't all fit in the big pot and this stuff is beautiful it looks like gold I think it may be prettier than the last batch we made of course this is the foam on top right here it's got a layer of foam on there which will deflate over time but I'm really excited about this batch it looks good it tastes good I think it's going to be wonderful so there it is [Music]
Channel: Appalachia’s Metcalf Mills
Views: 7,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Community, Building Community, Working Together, Neighbors, Friends, Community of friends, Sorghum, Sweet Sorghum, Sweet Sorghum syrup, Making sorghum, Cooking sorghum, Cane syrup, Cooking syrup, Stop Racisim, End Racisim, Love Wins, One Love, Be Kind
Id: e3kXKMTcahI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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