Cooking Sorghum In Appalachia (part 2) v293

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Howdy Folks it's justrow at Metcalfe meals on a beautiful day this is part two of my sorghum video so we're gonna jump right back into the cooking part and I'll show you that whole process and like I said before we'll take it all the way to the biscuit I hope you enjoy it all right I should have put juice in it first but now looking down in this Barrel here I tilt these barrels up after I drain them and get the rest of the juice but you can see that old white coating on the bottom of the barrel that's what we don't want in our sorghum so you got to be real careful not to get none of that and get as much of the juice out as you can thank you yeah it isn't it I want you to see here in this Barrel you can see what settled out and that don't go into our final product it stays in the bottom of this Barrel that old junk chlorophyll bitter enzymes all little nasty stuff stays in the barrel that's after letting it settle oh shoot we don't have a poker down here where's one at I think everyone at the back of the house we'll use the pizza I think bear was laying down up there on the ramp I told him to get his butt down oh is he gonna help us huh is he gonna help us there my hands over High pool land didn't you oh yeah probably close to three fourth so I'm probably Nanny would be down here come on Nanny would be down here yeah oh no foreign the ground real good all around the furnace a little bit no dust comes up while we're walking around here we don't want no dust coming up while we're cooking all around we wet it down all around under here he does from anywhere no it does see ya like we got skimmons coming up okay all right you gotta get them off of there all right folks you can see here where the fire is it's pushed the scammins back here to the back and I'll show you is how we get skimmins off we got these paddles and stick and what we do is we just touch it down and lift up see there can see this that gets all the skimmons off of the top of the juice without taking any of the juice off just like a magnet see foreign work from the back and the heat will push the skimming back to us you have to get it when it's there to get or it'll go back in try not to rub against the side of your fan because it'll it'll get hot and just burn up there and it'll clean it off more just like a magnet a lot of times they fire a furnace with big sticks of wood I like to use little wood not a whole lot of it folks you can see right here after I throw the wood to it it's starting to boil starting to boil right there in the middle that's what we want we'll keep it boiling the whole time until up close to the end and we'll start slacking off always fine you never know what color they're gonna be light or dark sometimes you can guess good by the ground you grow a man if you know it's pretty good but foreign starts dying down it's time to throw a little more wood in the fire oh yeah one thing I really like about the paddle method you don't see nothing on there to ski them right now but if you check it with this paddle real good see there see that green stuff you get all that out you can't see that when you're using a skimming a skimming Dipper you don't never see that you don't know it's there to get that's what I like about these paddles they're just like a magnet they just pick up the skimmons and leave the juice look at there couldn't even see that on the surface but the paddle got it you can see here we went down in the pan a couple inches and it's getting a more brown color to it if it stays nice and light I'll be tickled to death I've never growed sorghum in the ground where this has grown but it does look like kind of clay and you want clay or Sandy long to make nice Brown Golden looking serve so I'm hoping for a brown we'll see how it turns out some of us is working and some of us is taking it easy buyer what a dog foreign s here another thing you want to do is right where the pan meets the Sorghum you'll get a little bit of uh the skimmons will stick right there and try to burn a little and you want to keep that cleaned off so what I do is just take my my cleaning stick and just skim right along just make sure there ain't nothing stuck to the edge of the pan there because what will happen middle sticker and burn and it will alter the taste of your sorghum so I just scrape right along and any that don't stick to the stick you can you can get it it'll be down in the in the juice and you can get it with your skin and paddle boy I tell you what them sorghums is looking good in the sunshine they're brown and Purdy man they're gonna be good folks we've got down here to pretty low in the pan still got a little bit of chlorophyll coming up you can see it but we got down pretty low in the pan and I don't want to heat it a lot longer because the danger of it scorching so we're going to take them off now ready okay [Music] [Music] pick up [Music] that's good this is what we just did oh yeah you surprised it's just smoother than I expected all right bless you girl I get off huh I gotta what about that now be careful okay ready nope [Music] [Applause] look at that brown stuff that is the color it needs to be right there wow [Music] you think Char I think I think hold on actually I don't know what it's gonna hold it all can we carry it all the next question I can smell it we're scraping the scraping the pan down and you get a lot of foam at the end usually keep it separate it's good to eat on certain things I like it on winter squashes just try to break down as much of it as you can hard for me to hold this phone and show you what I'm making at the same time about enough what do we got about one more pot I don't know how thick this is going to end up being it's not as thick as I like it but that's a certain amount of cane we had out of that volunteer patch and what was a that Trailer Load was supposed to yeah cut it off Trailer Load was supposed to yield 100 gallon but it didn't it was low on juice I talked to some other people said they had the same thing happen quiet is good I'm telling you that is some pretty colored stuff too well it looks like the sand that's just weird for me pops too sweet for you Charlotte I don't think so it is this one for me that's what I was hoping it'd work out like that when it gets low like that you can't tell much about the consistency of it because you can't you can't cook it hard enough to see what see the changes all right and what we like to do folks normally is take some apples and cut up pieces of Apple and sop all that sweet stuff up and have candied apples out of this pan before we wash it something that always amazes me is you'd think this would be a sticky mess to clean up spray in there with the hose and just wash around that stuff will come right off it just it's not like old sticky sugar it'll it'll just come right off when you're washing it foreign but got real good flavor and good color that biscuit was so good you'll have to take my word for it hit that like button if you will subscribe if you ain't already tell your friends about us this is jestro at Metcalf meals I look forward to seeing you real soon
Channel: Appalachia’s Metcalf Mills
Views: 3,845
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Id: _1r73ryXeW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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