cooking in returned appliances for a week *is it broken or not*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are doing a sequel of sorts speaking of sequel though this weekend i watched the entire hunger games franchise like all the movies nine hours of hunger games is what i watched this weekend and i had literally like the worst sleep last night because i just kept picturing peta when they rescue him it was emotional i'm not gonna lie i don't know why i did that because actually the reason i watched the hunger games was because i didn't feel like going to the batman movie because it was three hours long and i just felt like that was too long so then i proceeded to watch nine hours of the hunger games anyways this sequel is not gonna be as good as any of the hunger games sequels but this is the sequel to the small appliances return box that i bought if you haven't seen that i suggest watching that first but today we are going to be diving in to a few of the small appliances and we're going to be cooking we'll be cooking some yummy meals in these and see how everything fares in the original video i did lightly test some of the pieces and it seemed to be successful but i have a feeling that diving into them more could bring on different problems like for instance at first i thought the kettle was working but then when i filled it up to the top it started leaking because this was [Laughter] hot water check that one's perfect this one's good alert alert just filled this up and look it water is dripping out of this oh that's what's happening so it is broken thank goodness we did this otherwise we would have literally donated this so maybe the air fryer worked for something but then when you use it longer it lights on fire i'm being very secretive and unbiased because i'm actually when i'm filming the intro i've already filmed the video so i actually know what happens but i'm keeping it quiet but yeah so today we are going to be testing quite a few of these small appliances i looked up some fun recipes i'm hoping it's interesting and fun to watch as i was filming this video i was like why am i filming this and is anybody gonna enjoy this video so make sure to let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video and without further ado let us dive in [Music] the lighting is really bad today okay the first return product we are going to be cooking in is the hot pot i am so excited about this i went to the grocery store yesterday after reading up on hot pot like all day tons of recipes what you can put in them and my mouth is watering so excited i got so many things to use and i'm currently gluten and dairy free so it was sort of hard to pick certain things but i think we have a pretty good spread now we just have to hope that this will work it worked in our little mini test but this will be the serious test initially when i was thinking about getting this i was thinking fondue like two different types of fondue but then i was reading about hotpot and i thought we should try that but i think this is gonna be a ton of fun for a hot pot there are many different ingredients you can use i picked out just a few that would work with my current diet also i'm not dieting it's more of a testing of food sensitivities it's long story we won't talk about it so i picked up this bone broth i also found this miso soup instant noodle which i actually didn't check if this had milk in it no we good so we got that then at the tnt market they had these roasted seaweed snacks which was for one of the broths i'm making i got this when in doubt i will flavor with chicken a whole bunch of potatoes roasted sesame seeds i don't remember if this is for this but i got avocado oil spray these are the pieces i had refrigerated i got all of the fun mushrooms that my grocery store had so some more normal ones then i got portobello and then this one which looks pretty interesting this is an oyster mushroom which i think i've only ever had once so that's kind of fun picked up two steaks which we're gonna have to cut i watched some tutorials on that to make them very thin for hot pot some green onions then i picked up this extra firm tofu this tofu puffs they look so good i'm so excited about that i've never had these a rice noodle these are all the ingredients lots here as you can see i think a few of the ingredients i already had here too like i think we're gonna be incorporating a bit more but let's get into it first i'm going to pop the steak into the freezer for 15 minutes to get it half frozen i got two broth recipes let's do it we're going to keep it simple on this broth we're going to use the miso mix green onions and some of the seaweed papers okay so now i'm just going to mix this up oh my goodness it smells good okay i'm gonna get this to simmer and that'll be our first broth and now we need to cut the steak so how the steak works is when it's whatever when it's half frozen you can slice it really really thin so i'm going to try and do that oh they're a little soft still okay in mind the steak needs 10 more minutes we're going to make the second broth this one is a little bit more me making it not just a pack actually yeah a little bit like i knew i needed bone broth for this one but i didn't realize this was like packets for a single cup for sipping because i guess it's good for you but i got it for this so hopefully it'll still work that one smells good it's a little bit of a darker color i'm gonna add a little bit of red chili flakes just because this is my hot one even though it's not hot at all because the hot hot pot option looked so spicy i thought i might die so i thought better not now i'm gonna also add this ginger stir and paste and usually i don't measure anything but for the sake of this video i will because i love you guys okay we're gonna do a fair bit of this ginger oh this one smells so flavorful i feel like garlic would be really good in here i might add some nice okay yes it makes my hand smell like garlic yes i do like it checking on the steaks again how are you guys oh gosh get out get out different knife for safety okay that's too thin that's not gonna work the tutorial i was watching it was like a lot colder than this you know like it was like almost like a rock okay that's a little better it's a little bit better sorry if this grosses anyone out you can skip to this time if you don't want to see me cutting this meat [Music] not bad for my first attempt i actually did hot pot now that i'm thinking about it when i was in japan it was so cool it was on like the seventh story of this super super tall building and we went in not really knowing what it was and then when we sat down they took this fabric and covered up our purses and i now know why because when you do hot pot and it's like smoking everything smells like hot pot i was wearing this one sweater and it literally i watched it like twice and it still smelled like hot pot it was really really good though we had all these like little thin pieces of meat flip it there were different vegetables different things so yeah very cool now please hot pot don't have a hole or start leaking or something crazy these have been simmering pray for me you guys oh my gosh oh my gosh and like so almost the perfect amount it smells so much like ginger okay i accidentally poured a little bit of that one in this one but it'll be okay yummy okay okay i'm gonna cut up the portobello mushrooms for in this one i don't know i saw that online so i'm gonna do that i don't know if i've actually ever had a portobello mushroom oh my gosh it's so beautiful oh my gosh that looks so amazing oh my goodness okay i'm gonna throw a few of these in here oh my gosh they look so cool oh my gosh i'm obsessed no no i'm obsessed okay i'm gonna plug this in and get it simmering over on the table i'm gonna not trip i'm gonna not trip with this right now but yeah i have quite a bit of stuff to get out and plate and then we'll be eating [Music] oh yeah i forgot about baby bog choy [Music] [Applause] little rice noodles this is the last thing we gotta cook up then we get to eat okay you guys this is the moment of truth to see if this hot pot returned will work okay let's turn it up to just the lowest setting and we'll see how it does oh my gosh i think it's working you can see right there it's heating up it's throwing heat nothing is spilling oh my gosh yes the hot pot is complete oh my gosh it looks so good i wish you guys could smell this room right now we got tofu we got noodles that i kind of ruined but they're still really really tasty oh my gosh sorry for that noise peas puff tofu baby bok choy two different broths a bunch of different mushrooms some sesame seeds potato steak salt and pepper i think this is gonna be worlds better than the terrible excuse for a hot pot i did in the testing video when i put creamed corn in here oh it's so hot oh my gosh um move the green corn around a little bit hopefully this makes up for that it's probably not a perfect traditional hot pot but it's my take on it i'm gonna invite everybody in to have it i made this for my parents and stuart and i and we're gonna get to chowing down ship what do you think oh my gosh he says this looks wonderful he said this looks amazing you know what i'm just noticing this side is cooking hotter than this side is this actually defective oh no wait we're good oh my gosh oh my gosh this looks amazing this looks great oh what do you smell smell amazing oh it's awesome what the heck is this look at these cute little bok choy baby bok choy they do kind of taste like um look how quick your steak cooks i know right this is great what a treat i'm going to put in a box toy too this was amazing totally amazing we've been well fed well you guys the hot pot was definitely not broken okay guys so today we are going to be trying two of the returned appliances we're gonna be doing a very simple green tea with the kettle which i'm pretty sure the kettle's gonna work but i will say i had a few surprises in the last video testing the kettle so i'm not like gonna bet my life on it okay and then the second thing we're gonna try is the air fryer we're gonna make some deep fried pickles let's get into it also my nose is dripping because they're painting ignore it on french fry oh oh my gosh was that an egg no the egg just rolled away onto too much is happening right now there's yolk all over the floor i'm gonna keep a close eye on this egg this time do not you're trying it didn't you see what happened what we're gonna need is we're gonna need a gluten-free flour i'm using sour gum we're gonna need an egg crumbs of some sort and pickles i'm gonna put a little bit of flour on this one some crumbs on here and then we will put the egg in here now deep fried pickles is like one of my favorite savory foods but i rarely have them so i'm thinking with this air fryer if this works i will be unstoppable on my pickle journey i guess it's like really important for the pickles to be like super dry so we got to make sure to dry these after by the way if you're wondering why i'm not showing my face because my nose is running those pickles are ridiculous sphere time for the pickle [Music] [Applause] okay pickles dry off dry your pickle self off i don't know why this lighting looks so much like a crime scene right now i don't know why i could not tell you okay we're gonna do a little bit of flour on our pickle and then we're gonna do some egg okay you keeping up then we're gonna do a little more flour a double layer who am i i think i did it wrong i think you're only supposed to do one layer of egg oh my gosh it's so squishy only do one layer of egg you guys it was a bad decision okay i'm not 100 sure how this pickle will do he was our test subject but i oiled the airfryer and i'm just gonna set it in there oh pickle smells good i'm excited though if this works out because one of the things about deep frying like i know it's not super healthy but one thing also is it's kind of a mess i find so if i can do this without making a mess because my fingers are like full of egg i'm like this is so not messy here is what the pickles are looking like i'm gonna put them into the airfryer and while we're doing that i'm going to start the kettle [Music] all right don't fail me now here is the tea i'm gonna be trying it's a green tea kombucha i've been having regular green tea so this looked fun two seconds later let's see how they came oh my pickle alert wow they're very crispy oh my gosh my very delectable and weird mix of snacks today let's try them these pickles look so bird i definitely should take oh my gosh the pig's flying apart this is my pickle this is probably the worst pickle but this is what we're dealing with here's my pickle haul here's a pickle here's another pickle this is kind of a star pickle but on this side it's not it's interesting though air fryers are so cool because like this looks like it was deep fried oh that was gluten free if you eat gluten-free you know what that's like to bite into something and it just falls apart oh my gosh okay well the airfryer definitely worked and so did the kettle the cheese looking great let me feel how hot it is oh my gosh it's so hot oh that smells good this means the airfryer and the kettle are good okay so today is named our sweets day because we are going to be testing two of the returned appliances and we're going to be making sweet things i got a sweet tooth i'm wearing my striped two-piece set as tate said i'm cosplaying a candy cane today the first piece today we're gonna test out is this toaster oven i have reason to believe that this worked because it toasted a piece of toast but i have a pretty big feed for it today i'm gonna make a gluten-free brownie also if you're noticing all the dishes over here yeah that's still from our hotpot night i haven't had a second to clean it up please don't judge me this seems like a really useful product because it's got all these different settings of heat and also it's got broil warm bake which is what we'll be using and also toast so like if you don't want to heat up the oven you could just use this we'll see if the bake function works i'm gonna grab this tray out of here and then i'm gonna try and preheat it so like let's say let's say we need this set to 350 i don't really know what to do if i'm being honest you guys we'll just preheat that sure okay i have all the ingredients out i'm gonna be using a mixture of sour gum and coconut flour coconut oil as a butter substitute sugar as sugar gluten free cocoa powder these are really good dairy free chocolate chips and also we will need eggs i'm gonna have to adjust the recipe because i'm just gonna use a small single brownie because i want it to fit in the toaster i just think that'll be cute it'll like fit right in there so i'm gonna try and like let's just guesstimate i love baking when guesstimating cause that's what people always say you can't do but i'm like you know what do whatever you want i'm just gonna divide everything by three basically whoa [Music] mix it up let's see my random ad-lib recipe this is like a late night mug brownie oh i'm sure any legit bakers are watching this and just cringing i'm sorry this is honestly how i bake brownie in the pan this is an interesting day we're having on the top i'm just gonna drop a few gluten and dairy-free brownie is complete now fingers are crossed for baking this is like maybe i don't need this one i'll put this one a little lower oh yeah that'll be better okay throw this in here oh my gosh i hope it doesn't blow up too much it's so close to the ceiling oh my gosh this is so exciting i never really understood why people had toaster ovens but i in this moment i get it this is exciting i just want to sit here and watch because i'm also a little concerned it's going to rise and touch the top thing which would not be good like look at the available space that this has before it touches the heat filament one eternity later well the brownie has been baking i did clean up the dishes so now it looks better i feel better [Music] it is done and it smells very good let me try it i'm actually chip can you wait one minute i'm actually very i'm very impressed that the toaster oven was able to bake a brownie i don't know why when i hear toaster i think bread but this is so much better so let's see my gosh it almost fell in my sleeve you know what it needs it needs icing a few pounds of icing that would do okay but the toaster oven was a success it worked and honestly the glass isn't warped that person i think was mistaken okay so now we're gonna be testing the popcorn machine now i tested this in the first video and it worked amazing and i'm not gonna lie to you i've used it like three times and it definitely works but i thought we'll make something fun in it i saw this recipe called chocolate popcorn and i was like oh my goodness that sounds amazing so we're gonna try to make it today plus i just want everyone to re-remember how fantastic this is this might be my favorite thing we got in the returns and we just click it on like are you kidding me i probably never would have bought something like this but i love it so now i want to melt some chocolate so i have this chocolate i use this with the brownie too but this is the chunks it's dairy-free so i'm gonna boil some water and get that melting there we go you can hear the popcorn is popping the chocolate is slowly melting with [Music] like are you kidding me and you get perfect offer each time ignore these few burnt pieces that was on me that was my fault this is one of those single-use products that is actually very worth it if you're a popcorn lover it just makes it so easy we're gonna have a sweet and a savory today like how is this gonna turn out any of you guys ever done this just put chocolate on popcorn come get your man come get your man come on little muscle man is this video even interesting is this just me making mediocre meals and items that are working really well i thought maybe something would like light on fire or something and make it more interesting but everything's working really really well so i guess that's good too the chocolate is just about melted chocolate into the popcorn this feels really weird oh fun this reminds me of something i made back in the day i covered popcorn in oreos like oreos all crushed up now i know this looks disgusting but just trust me it's clean it's a reusable parchment slip and just as you cook on it it just never will look clean ever again but i swear it is freshly washed okay just making a little ball oh my oh no oh gosh you guys oh my gosh this feels so wrong this feels so wrong oh no okay weird weird it was a weird moment all right i'm going to put this into the freezer for like 10 minutes just for it to cool down and become something delectable one eternity later okay let's try it we ate the other one we had to you absolutely did oh i'll have this piece it tastes like puff weed oh my it just tastes like striped chocolate what's he barking at who knows chocolate popcorn chippy can't have any how did you learn how to put chocolate on popcorn i don't know it was yummy oh my gosh my mouth [Music] good morning i didn't really get too ready today as you can tell i'm having a little bit of breakouts probably from all the delectable meals i was eating but today we're trying the oven fryer which is sort of like their fryer but oven style should be interesting we're gonna try to make cactus cut chips now if you guys i don't know is boston pizza in america or is it just canadian boston is a state so i feel like is it an american thing i don't know but either way bossa pizza has amazing cactus cuts not sponsored but i'm going to try and make them at home at least a little rendition of it i can't make the sauce exactly because as i've said a billion times in this video i'm dairy free so i just got some dairy free ranch so we'll see how it is i'm a little bit scared of it but yeah we're gonna cook it up introducing the oven frying chip is in a crazy mood right now you guys he's having zoomies we have some potatoes this is that ranch i was telling you guys about i have tried this brand before and it's nice you know it's dairy free and everything but i don't know it doesn't really taste the same but it'll do we've got some jalapenos which i'm very scared i don't handle spice very well and then this which is actually a return oh my goodness when worlds collide this was a return and it works really well so we're gonna have to be careful when using that but this is all we need there was actually more things in this recipe but i could not find a habanero pepper so these will have to do i'm going to do maybe two potatoes i'm sure everyone's gonna try these i'll start with two i'm scared i'm always scared of this tool oh gosh i hate using this oh gosh how thick are they oh this is gonna be perfect these look like cactus cuts [Music] look how perfect those look oh my goodness it's really nice to have this tool but if you're using this you guys be very careful bad things can happen very quick and then i think also once you get to the end start to use a safety thing lots of potato chips i'm just going to set them out like this we've got our chips okay i need to do this again i need to stop talking in a british accent you know i used to be somebody who really wasn't good at cooking and i know i'm not the best cook still obviously but i really really enjoy cooking now which has been really nice like it's actually something that you know is one of the few positives that have actually come out of kovid is i was at home and i sort of learned how to cook and i found it really really fun and really calming so i know i don't have like the best cooking techniques and stuff but i've definitely expanded my knowledge in cooking and i'm pretty happy about how far i've come because seriously i'm a little bit embarrassed to even say how bad of a cook i was before it just wasn't something that i did my brothers were always really good cooks and i wasn't and i remember we used to always make fun of me and yeah i cook every single night and i always cook something different like it's been really fun experimenting with recipes so having these different little appliances to try has been super fun because it just makes me think of all the other stuff i could make i like what i'm saying like all this serious stuff while having this little star on my face this is kind of just for like infusing some heat into these potato chips because cactus cuts are kind of hot so i'm just gonna put a few of these placed around do some salt a little bit peppa because why not this is our at-home cactus cuts okay so i'm gonna throw these in and i'm gonna put it on french fry just because i feel like this is a potato this would pretty much french fry don't blow up you got this i'm interested to hear if you guys have air fryers or fryer ovens and like what's your favorite recipes because i definitely think i'm going to keep either this or the airfryer so let me know if you have any like must-have recipes so i'd like to try them what's up with this oh gosh oh my definitely got some crisp to them some are not crispy i think it's like it would be more even if there wasn't so many but i wanted that many by the way i did flip them halfway through so let me just set them up look at this disney moment look at the even cooking i'm loving that oops that needs to be right front and center i am not here nor there on this so we're gonna try it i'm gonna bring in a celebrity guest judge and we'll see don't be shy be sure come on in he's so great these look like the real thing why is he so yippy today okay those are delicious seasonings on here salt and pepper you just slice the potatoes up put them in with a little bit of oil on them or wet i'm gonna give the fryer oven a check i like it [Music] okay good morning everyone we are on the last day of testing these returned items it has been a wild and kooky and crazy success so i'm hopeful that the blender is good the recipe i'm going to be using i was searching smoothie recipes and this video of reese witherspoon's smoothie that she's been having every morning for the last seven years came up and i was like seven years same smoothie reese witherspoon let me see what this is all about it was your classic green and healthy smoothie it was really interesting though because she was like this is what i count my good skin to she said since she started this smoothie her skin has gotten like way better and i was like hook line sinker i'm in let's try it so let me grab the ingredients for this one okay here is everything that was in miss reese with a spoon smoothie she put a ton of romaine which is interesting because when i make a green smoothie i usually put spinach so i'm interested to see about romaine because i think i probably won't even be able to taste it hopefully then we got some fruits for sweetness we got a banana an apple and a pear also we're gonna put in a full lemon seeds and all and then the liquid that's gonna make it all blend together is coconut water and i know coconut water has a lot of benefits to it so i'm excited for this smoothie i will say though i'm really hungry right now and looking at all this i'm like i think i need more like reese i don't think this is gonna do it for me this morning i'm gonna need more food i'm gonna make two one for my man and one for me he's probably gonna upload it but whatever it doesn't matter it's the thought that counts she put two heads of romaine in her two smoothies which is actually bonkers top messy chop in it goes oh my gosh how am i gonna fit this much romaine in here there's not gonna be any room for anything else okay better stop we'll just do that for now we'll see if we can blend it up and add some more later pear pear is like one of my favorite fruits ever and i feel like it's slept on oh gosh i'm cutting the sticker oh my gosh there's no room for anything in these smoothies get in there okay we just need the banana and the lemon we can do this this looks great okay now we put the whole lemon in but not the skin this is fun i'm having a really good time making this smoothie crack in the coconut water this is full of electrolytes i don't know how much we need but i'm just gonna put a lot oh this looks so fun it smells great in here you guys i am going to be peeing my pants from this all right let's hope this blender works because now i'm like very committed everybody cross your fingers cross them right now i'm gonna lock it in now i'm starting with a pulse oh my gosh that blended that like nothing whoa i'm actually very impressed by this smoothie maker blender okay let's see oh my gosh this smoothie is powerful i mean this blender why do i just assume blenders are only for smoothies okay my reusable straws all right let's try it oh my gosh please be good first the smell test oh gosh it smells like romaine babes smells like lettuce okay oh my gosh okay the taste is actually not bad [Music] it tastes very fresh i think my issue is all these little lettuce chunks are just sliding down my throat that would take some getting used to maybe if the blender was a little bit better it would get those lettuce chunks a little smaller the taste isn't bad i'm just like really bad with consistencies i don't know you know if you're a consistency person certain ones just make your skin crawl but i could totally get used to this like i don't want to be dramatic it actually tastes good which was my biggest concern i want to see what stewart thinks of it his looks like it might be a little better streets is better all right well that looks healthy smells good to be honest it does smell good it smells fresh all right it's a unique smoothie it's lump it's got some chunks in there that's the problem right the texture is the problem but it's good though the really it really keeps it fresh the long the low main the lemon does a lot i can feel my skin getting better anyways okay well i don't know what else to say we tried the returned appliances let's go to the final thoughts [Music] okay well i would call that a pretty major success all of the appliances we used did not randomly combust into flames i saw no sparks everything functioned as it should i mean all around this was successful i think i'm definitely going to keep one of the air fryers just because i'm really interested to try some more airfryer recipes so if you have any airfry recipes that you love let me know down below because i think i'm going to keep that one lots of the other appliances we've already donated and lots that we use in this video we're going to clean up and donate as well but i just thought it would be fun to test them out i thought maybe something crazy would happen it didn't i just shared a bunch of recipes where i was basically carb loading all week but yeah i hope this video was fun it was a fair bit of work but i really don't know if it turned out well i almost feel like it would have been more exciting if one of the air fryers would have like lit into flames because then we would have something to talk about now but we don't because everything was a success but i'm not complaining because i'm happy it was a success either way i hope you guys had fun watching i definitely had fun filming this video i just think it's really cool that all these items were returned and then we used them and they were great as always thank you guys so much for being here i hope you enjoyed and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] my
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,111,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, returned palette, returned items, returned small appliances, cooking in returned items, cooking in returned appliances, returns, scam, is it legit, are these returns any good, are these returns broken, cooking for a week, cooking, trying new recipes, gluten free recipes, dairy free recipes, cooking paleo for a week, I bought a palette of returns, I bought returned appliances, I bought amazon returns, amazon returned items, Walmart returned items
Id: y9tv6dLVTUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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