Collaboration in the Mystery Box Challenge | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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we are giving you exactly 30 seconds  to decide who you want to pair up with the last person I want to work with is Sean  Hickey the last time we work together Sean   kind of botched the main protein of our dish  your 30 seconds starts now Mary I don't have   it yeah the people that don't have any  ingredients have to match up with people   that do have ingredients Virginia okay it's  kind of hard in 30 seconds to really decide   on someone clock ticking everyone's just  kind of running towards each other yes   before I knew it find of ash on Nikki we got the  two Shawn's over there I'm a little concerned   because Shawn and I have different cooking styles  he's a little more old-school I'm a little more   new-school what inspired this collaboration -  Shawn's make it right it's gonna be interesting first thing I would do is determine who the  leader is in the key to have one leader you   can have two people that are having a power  struggle listen to me coming to a pasta salad   I've got an amazing plan I just did convince  Jennifer to go with it I can make pasta and   I'm faster faster yeah yeah is that what you  wanna do let's do that I am so excited to work   with Terry because he's an absolute genius I  am trusting my partner here and I'm ready to   work my way to the winner's circle oh the irony  I'm Italian and you're making the pasta I know what we're cooking today is we're gonna make a  mustard crusted pork tenderloin with polenta and   keys I think we're both contributing to the  dish in wonderful ways I want to get a good   sear on this I would pick the pork I would use  the polenta I would probably use the kale the   parsnip we're making a stuffed pork tenderloin  we're stuffing it with peach and herbs Sean's   doing a what are you doing again with the veg I'm  gonna make a parsnip and pea puree you see that   how is happening here with Sean and Sean they have  not really communicated between one another since   they've started cooking I'm gonna do my thing is  you do this thing and we're gonna married together   a beautiful dish no communication that could  be a dangerous move you know pork is a tricky   meat to master some people like it well-done  personally I think it should be between medium   and medium rare that's the sweet spot we're doing  a stuffed pork tenderloin roulade with the peach   sauce and polenta fries I did the pork roulade  he's doing the polenta fries I'm feeling great   about this partnership I think Mead and out as a  team because we trust each other we're the best   team I think today we want that advantage  and we're we're gonna work hard to get it the porks x1 is cooking we're good Sean Nikki  still hasn't cooked this pork tenderloin so   have you cooked right so yeah that's a priority  right now points in pork Sam we're okay talk   about leaving it to the last minute we're doing a  poached shrimp on top of a polenta cake with some   pea puree you have one previous challenge you have  won the challenge so this must be a marriage made   in heaven hopefully yeah that's hopefully chef  mary has been my biggest competition since day one   so getting to know how Mary's brain operates is  great Mary what do you think of these kale chips   put a little oil on the next job keep your friends  close fader enemies closer good luck we want this   advantage Mary a little bored of us turning brats  yeah asset you get some flavor yes Terry what are   you making her we're making a bowtie pasta and  we've got some very beautiful herbs and vegetables   to support it who's deciding what happens here  Terry's actually leading by storm and I'm totally   okay with that that's you a question who's gonna  be to blame if this dish is a bit of a disaster   if this dish is a disaster it's both of our  faults I look forward to seeing five minutes   lap Shawn it was a little late at getting of the  pork tenderloin in the oven this is the drama   moment for us that was a minute Toronto middle  oh my god Sean's pork is broth so just get on   those gear on the red meats a little undercooked  so we're gonna try and cut it and then sear it Changez April II and Juliet they are perfect  harmony right now they look beautiful I mean   really oh shoot Perry is basically dictating  everything to Jennifer I chop this finally   for me oh you have he's leading the  charge without doubt it's a little   bit under oh my gosh I think it's beautiful  it's actually cooked to perfection [Music] to I feel great it looks beautiful the flavors  are where I want them to be we think that   plate looks really beautiful so we're we're  really happy with it I'm frankly embarrassed   with the dish it's just thought up to par with  what I want especially here at MasterChef Canada   the first dish that we'd like to call up was  made by a team that worked like a well-oiled   machine the plate is beautiful I really  think we have a good chance to win this   mystery box that dish for long - April  Lee and Julia please bring up your dish I'm trembling in excitement and happiness  that they called our name it's an Asian   slaw with a peach grilled prawns and a  parsnip fry on top and who took the lead   in this creation I'd say it was really  even we both had as much say in every   element we made a great team visually I  like the composition [Music] all right [Music] it's really good the shrimp's perfectly  cooked and the peach is sweet so it has a great   counterbalance to the heat really outstanding  that slow dressing is wonderful it makes a perfect   foundation for such a delicious shrimp dish well  done thank you sir Jacqueline and Jeremy [Music]   it is a pork roulade with a stuffing  of garlic shallots and pistachios a   peach sauce person a puree and polenta  fries what do you think you learned about   yourselves and each other I like that I  could trust Jeremy and we divided tasks   right away and we could just work on  our own component wonderful coq looks   like it's cooked very nicely thank  you a nice little pink blush to it delicious moist rich flavorful that  little sweetness of the background   coming from the peaches well done nice job [Music] you know what I like about this dish the  plaintiff rice I bite into it I taste   the plant I taste the corn so you honor the  ingredients Thank You chef very nicely done   the last two home cooks that we'd like to call up  their collaboration on the plate seemed ambitious   and innovative please please please please  please please please come up Terry and Jennifer this is prawn farfalle pasta salad with  pistachios peas thank you the colors just   jump out fantastic I noticed you had soy  sauce in your station yes chef we used to   marinate the shrimp you don't typically  see soy sauce and Italian food together see how it tastes never had a dish that tastes  this way this is a very new   taste for me that is delicious it's an original so I gives you that great salt component and  then you have these little hits of pistachio   the kale you're a very clever man Thank You chef  Jennifer you were very smart to to follow Terry's   lead thank you as you know only one dish can  win the Mystery Box challenge and choosing the   team that made that dish was not an easy decision  we've got this Mystery Box challenge in the bag   Terry and Jennifer congratulations it feels good  to further be recognized and had the judges taste   my food and I appreciate it this wind showed  that I can actually cook I cannot stop smiling
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 3,259,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Culinary Collaborations, Kitchen Drama, Michael Bonacini, Mystery Box Challenge, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: zioTEH65Vxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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