Cooking a Better McRib out of My Truck

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so pickle slices spare meat sandwich rolls i just need a tiny jar of pickles don't they make truck sized pickles it's kind of funny that i'm making the mcrib because [Music] okay good try at being more social [Music] all right so if you're not new to the channel you know what's next we're looking for a mcdonald's parking lot and we're gonna cook up a meal uh oh looks like we have a contender oh my gosh every time you need boneless pork um spare rib you're gonna need some tin foil or parchment paper salt and some sugar what else what else what else ah probably just a little bit of water oh yeah and then of course you need to bring your food processor with in your truck so all right guys so today we're making the mcrib i've actually never had one before um but it's back for a limited time so i thought that this might as well be the day that i try it joshua weissman you beat me every time that i have an idea in my head so kudos to you so this is actually you gotta freeze the meat after you food process it up so start this night before i'm also gonna add a little bit of this guy oh my god [Music] all right oh can i just lose a worchester sauce nope i say orchard orchard and then of course we have to add the fake rib parts on it because if it doesn't have that is it really a mcrib there you have it oh please tell me i can shut it nice all right and now with a little help from movie magic i'm gonna sleep in the back of this mcdonald's parking lot 35 years 35 years the mcrib has been on mcdonald's menu and today we're going to put it to shame in their own parking lot well hopefully so for our mavic barbecue sauce recipe we're gonna need two cups of ketchup a half cup of apple cider vinegar one tablespoon of worcestershire about one tablespoon of lemon juice quarter cup of brown sugar a teaspoon of salt paprika pepper and cayenne two tablespoons of honey and a quarter teaspoon of hot sauce what's up how's it going big fan of yours yeah follow you on youtube all the time maverick nice to meet you oh man yeah there we go i don't know what we're grabbing we got the kids so and i decided i recognize the truck and i'm like hi stop heck yeah well good to meet you good to meet you oh it's starting to thicken up a little bit we're going to let this simmer for like 10 minutes that's very tangy i need some more sugar in there there you go i'm really curious to see if those ribs froze all the way through so this is my in truck refrigerator it actually gets done at negative 10 degrees fahrenheit but these look like they're pretty good this one looks lopsided what happened there it looks pretty rib like right that one looks weird and mutated let's go with this one here's our looks like pretty nice hoagies here so now this is going to cook for like four or five minutes on each side our buns gonna toast alongside it hopefully this is gonna cook i've never used this stove before so i guess we're gonna learn together that would be nice because this is like a nice little hot plate oh my god what the heck is going on you guys just see that that flame coming out of there it doesn't seem right does it i don't know i feel like i could have done this without it frozen but we had to do it the mcdonald's away so we're in their home court after all all right so i'm not really sure what i was supposed to do with the pickles everyday central hamburger dill chips this dude's looking pretty good he's still got his ribs intact sandwich is about to get dunked in it all right got her nice brown hoagie there i think our paddy's got to be about done the only thing i'm worried about is that it's kind of thick okay we're gonna dunk them the perfect size too see you looking up viscous looks good like sleep 20 in there pickles and then we're going through the drive-through rest your pretty little face right there so ever since i made the popeye's chicken sandwich people gave me a bunch of crap on that video for not giving the popeyes chicken sandwich around for its money so that's what started this uh whole feud with making fast foods in the parking lots of the restaurant i'm giving them more of a fighting chance their theirs is gonna get oh my god they're just gonna get to be served hot mine's gonna be kinda whatever the saucy tangy mcrib hi there could i get a mcrib and a small fry please [Music] thank you thank you very much 909 fast food doesn't always pay could have made uh five mcribs for the price of one and you know what's in it thank you yep my first time unboxing on the grib first impressions got some cornmeal on the top open it up i don't know what somebody was talking about eight pickles but that's definitely not eight pickles nice toasted bun some onion just tossed on there there's two pickles two here's mine on the whole sandwich nothing underneath pretty thin patty all right we'll take a bite of the mcdonald's one first it's kind of rubbery a little smoky flavor can't really taste the onion or pickle a little bit of the onion and try a bite of mine oh my gosh look at the difference in patty mine mcdonald's dude all right so the mcrib costing me this much and my sandwich cost me this much the only thing that i'd really miss at home is these fries if you guys are looking for a way to get a mcrib all season long here it is for you right here i'll leave the recipe in the description appreciate you guys tuning this episode if you guys like recipe videos like this please let me know what you want to see next and as always until next time my name is maverick and you need another drill just keep on trucking
Channel: Mav
Views: 768,245
Rating: 4.9309559 out of 5
Keywords: mcrib, home made mcrib, making a mcrib in the mcdonalds parking lot but a little better, mcdonalds home made, mav, meal in my truck, cooking in my truck, truck camping
Id: imiD53XmLJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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