Valentine Cookie Decorating - Beginner royal icing techniques - How to make easy heart cookies

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hello welcome Merlin here for today's cookie project were working on some hearts for Valentine's Day at the beginning of this tutorial I'm going to briefly talk about icing consistency but I really recommend if you're a beginner that you watch my longer kind of version for that video and then I'm going to talk about tools and then we're going to get jump into the actual decorating so let's get started icing consistency is a tough one to explain here in a video but basically what you need is icing that is runny enough that when you like apply it to the cookie that once you stop touching it gravity will take over pulling it flat giving it that porcelain surface now if I just shake my little bowl here like you would with your cookie you can see that it's smoothing if it's too runny well a couple of things will happen it could easily fall off your cookie and it's gonna get away from you and the other thing once it dries it will be completely like flat on your cookie you're not gonna have any kind of thickness it's just going to look like a varnish on the surface of the cookie so it's a dance you know you're adding the water a little bit at a time so that you get it the right consistency to go on your cookie if it's too thick by the time you get finished it's already crusting and it's going to be tough to add secondary lines and such so probably if you're beginner runny ER is better especially since we have a perimeter keeping it on the cookie but it's practice you know you're going to have to play with it and then you'll figure out what the good consistency is for you but usually they say 20 seconds so by the time you mix and you can count 20 seconds and the surface is smooth that's the good consistency so let's just take a quick look at supplies a cookie cutter ideally you'd have a heart-shaped cookie cutter but you could certainly make kind of pink designs on a round cookie that you could make easily with like a cup or a glass so a heart-shaped cookie cutter if you don't want to buy a bunch of food I suggest you not buy read you get like a dark pink and so the dark pink you can get like a super dark pink and then make a light pink red does not make a nice light pink and then white icing well you don't have to add anything to and then sprinkles these are notepad a little balls here these are Valentine's set you can get them just pink just red or just white and the sanding sugar this is decorative sugar and it comes in so many different colors and it's good if you can coordinate your signing sugar with your icing color and then a needle tool is just a fancy toothpick so if you don't have that just use a toothpick and that's pretty much all you need all the piping bags these are tipless bags i've not seen them in store you have to usually order these online the alternative is a ziploc bag but the ziploc when you squeeze if you aren't careful you might rupture it so it's up to you if you want to invest in some actual piping bags they can be pricey I find the little small kits a little bit ridiculous in my opinion I think they're like at the bulk store you can buy them like just a few at a time so basically these are your supplies so let's get decorating by far the hardest part of cookie decorating is outlining piping and so the trick if you want to hide your lines if you don't like how they look your perfectionist so you pipe now I've practiced a lot so my lines are pretty straight so once you're done okay you're going to take your cookie and you're going to dip it and some these are called null pate they're not called sprinkles sprinkles or like rice these are little spheres they're little circles and you see you just gently dunk in there to adhere that to your icing to your wet icing or just I'm just gently things I don't completely squish my line and once I have it everywhere we're going to flip it over and look at it and now with the notepad on I can actually come in and touch the edge you see and just push it over back how I want it and if it's too much inside you can take a little toothpick or whatever and move it this way and you can shape your line and this will hold your icing in and we've just kind of made the icing perfect at the edge if you don't really like the notepad a I'm going to show you now with sanding sugar sanding sugar is it's not regular just like sugar that you use to make your cookies it's bigger granules and that makes them kind of sparkly and you can get them in all kinds of colors and I know there's videos like to make your own and all that it's not worth the trouble you can get them at bulk stores for really not a lot it's not an expensive product not worse worth the hassle of making this yourself now here's my sprinkles or my sanding sugar I should say I'm doing the same thing as I did with the no pee I'm dunking my cookie in there but I don't want to squish my line I'm just gently dunking and again you can kind of come in now and touch it since it's coated it's not sticky anymore and you can shape it the way that you want and now you have an almost perfect edge and when we come in and flood the icing won't fall off this stops the icing from falling off the cookie and so my perimeter here has had time to dry and so when I come in and add the icing inside the icing is not going to fall off and because it's dry can pick it up and I don't have to worry if you take your icing to the edge and you're beginning to pick it up you're gonna stick your fingers in it and everything this gives you like a safe spot to grab them and you see we have a nice kind of finish and if it let's say was coming in here well with the secondary icing here I could kind of like just cover up the line and make it a little bit more perfect so we're going to start with this one here and we're going to do a very basic design royal icing it's important when you're using different colors and you're doing wet-on-wet that the icing is the same consistency because if this is runny er than the white let's say well when it dries it will be concave it will make a dent in the finish so you're better to just get your consistency right with your white icing and then portion out in bowls the secondary colors so that everything is the same consistency and it'll just look better on the finished product I'm working with the first color I'm going to do is white I'm just going to fill the whole cookie with this white icing and you can if you are using these tipless bags you just flatten it out and then you can trim it and you're better to cut smaller than bigger and then go back and recut so that you don't cut a giant hole and then you can't obviously make it smaller and now I'm just getting really against my sprinkles here so that it creates a nice seam you don't want to squeeze like crazy and have it spill over so just go slow until you get your groove and you've done a few you'll be able to kind of go faster until you figure it out I suggest less is more so we're just filling in the cookies see this little hole right there well until the icing is touching that won't heal you have to make sure that it connects you just give it a nudge with the piping bag or the tip that you have and you can just kind of have it connect filling all the holes you don't want to add too much icing or else it'll spill over especially since we're adding another color now I'm just gonna shake it a little bit and now I'm grabbing the darkest pink and you can do whatever color I'm just showing you some ideas here and now I've got a small hole and I'm just right up the middle here I'm just adding some dots and then staggering on the next one you see and you just line yourself up looking at the previous row to know where to go and polka dots it's just fun to see it kind of melt into the base color and create this cool porcelain finish and you can rotate the cookie just so that it's easier to work and just try to line yourself up like the previous line and just take your time a small hole is better in this case and we're just doing polka dots all over we're not dragging or anything in this one this is just nice as polka dots it doesn't have to be covered in hearts it is a heart cookie after all I remember the first time I saw a polka dot cookie I was just amazed at how smooth the surface was how did they do that well this is it and you can see it's all healing and if it isn't healing like you want you just shake it like this and there we have a pretty polka dot cookie and you can see the surface you see that the light hitting on it it's all smooth so we're going to let that dry and this is it we're doing the polka dots and now I'm going to fill this one in white there I'm just nudging it over so that it connects to the sanding sugar filling in the gaps I'm not squeezing icing I'm just kind of moving the icing around so that connects to the perimeter and now it's all smooth dough pretty smoothed out and I'm taking the light pink and I'm just cutting a small hole all right and now here I'm following kind of the edge here and I'm spacing my lines all the same okay and now I'm rotating and I'm creating squares trying to have the spaces be the same steady your hand with the other there and now I'm taking the darker and right at the corners I'm adding a dot of the darker pink try to get them the same size and if it's not you can go back and just press in there and make them bigger till they're the size you want there this one here I went a little crazy but I'm gonna just leave it and now here I'm gonna pull from the top here down and this creates a little heart so in the polka dot you pull and this creates a heart you want to wipe the toothpick or your needle in between drags so that it's clean and you're not gonna get pink where you don't want it and you can see when the icing starts to dry that it doesn't heal as well so you do have to kind of work somewhat quickly we're going to shake the cook in we should be fine and let's pick it up turn it around so you can see those hearts and I'm just going to gently kind of tap those little peaks and they should heal away and there for this one here I'm just going to fill the whole thing and in the same pink as a kind of the perimeter need a pink cookie so I'm gonna exact match but close enough I don't like to use red I lean more towards the pink the red food color even if it says no taste it has a yucky taste and I try to avoid it also few Google talks tissa T of red food color you I don't think as pink is much better but in my mind it's less intensive so I just fill in this whole cookie and like before we're gonna go and kind of smush the icing around so that it all the gaps are filled a shake shake shake and now I'm going to work my way around this cookie putting some pretty big dog all around and here I'm starting here and I'm going to go through all these dots now so I'm pulling right down the center of all these dots this side now and they're going to meet here and a shake let's pull the little points so that they meet and if you want once this is done you can come in with the lighter pink and just add some little polka dots around that little kind of wreath just randomly and there we have the heart now I'm going to just fill this whole thing in a light pink the sequence of colors doesn't matter you could introduce another color if you want I think like a blue would be really pretty if you want to break up all this pink but if you don't decorate a lot you know then it's another bottle of food color you have to get and now I'm going to do dots down like that staggered I'm leaving a bigger gap in between I'm gonna put one here and I'm going to just turn so I can work here and I'm just pulling right dead center creating a row of hearts like that here try to go straight I shouldn't have had that cup of coffee I'm shaking like crazy okay now that I have my rows of hearts I'm taking my white icing and I'm just doing a line in between like that the white color brightens it up and the lines also break up the heart design and at the ends that I'm getting kind of like lumps like thicker lines you can come in and kind of just fix that a little shake and there are our pretty heart cookies I'm going to fill the cookie with white here on the edge well let's create like a thickness all around we're drawing a heart in the middle okay and now in the middle of that I'm and the other pink white or the rest I'm just going to pull the shape down let's spread the icing in here and I'm just going to spread this pink like that it's the same color here so like that and now I'm going to create little hearts here right here it didn't work so I'm just adding the darker pink and a darker pink part here and we're going to pull all those so first you got to fill the whole cookie here I'm connecting to my sprinkles and then just filling in the other cookie and don't feel too much because you do add quite a bit of colors you add more icing with other colors and so you're going to potentially get your cookie to spill over so you don't want that so like I said before just smush it around so that it levels but don't add too much done and now I'm taking the white doesn't matter just you need at least I'd say two colors and I'm just going to do lines across the surface of the cookie like that and I'm taking my light pink now don't worry about the bottom since you're dragging it'll fill that up as you pull the icing and you can see my pink line is not the same width as the white again not a problem you'll see and I'm going to pull down right here down the middle and I'm pulling right in the center here and up up here and I'm not going straight I'm following kind of like that the shape of this heart a heart is kind of rounded so I'm just following the shape of the heart and now I'm shaking to really like take out those strokes out of the cookie and I like following the shape of the heart usually I've seen them they're like you're going really straight and this just suits the shape a bit more you see it kind of creates points here at the bottom I'm going to fill this cookie and of the light pink and we're going to do something a bit different on this one fill it in and just kind of swirl all right so we're good we've got the surface filled and now I'm taking the dark pink and I'm creating some dots go down here and now I'm grabbing the white and right in the middle of those hearts of those circles right here in the middle I'm just dropping in white icing in the middle of the pink and you can see it's giving me a perimeter a dark pink perimeter around those white lines and now when I pull through I'm getting two tones you see and I'm just going to add some little dots here and I'm going to pull those dots I'm just going to kind of pull them randomly not necessarily to create hearts more like there's some little added details and that's it I'm just doing half final cookies in white here and now I'm just adding some pink big dots all over and then just a little bit of dark pink to that dot and now we're going to come in with the needle and we're going to swirl this up and now let's create some hearts that are going all which ways and I'm taking my two colors and I'm just going to add some polka dots all over and now with the light and that's it a shape to get those dots leveled so much for watching if you want to watch that icing cookie tutorial you'll find the link in the description box as well as the cookie canvas I'll have that link as well so thanks so much for watching thanks so much for being here and I'll see you next time
Channel: Cookie School
Views: 449,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valentine's day cookies, heart cookies, royal icing cookies, step by step instructions, how to decorate cookies, cookie decorating, sugar cookies, cookie decorating tutorial, cookies decorating tutorial, cookie decorating ideas, cookie tutorial, cookie, cookies decorating, cookie art, decorated cookies, easy cookie decorating, cookie decorating with royal icing, cookies decorating ideas, tutorial, cookie tutorials, amazing cookies decorating, cookie decorating video tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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