Convocation with Mark Walker

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[Music] you this is the sound of tribal's rattling [Music] this is the praise make a dead man walk again [Music] open the grave i'm coming out i'm gonna live gonna live again this is the sound of tribe homes rattling [Music] [Music] and this is [Music] [Music] my god is able to save and deliver and heal and restore anything that he wants to oh just ask the man who was thrown on the bones of elijah if there's anything that he can't [Music] god [Music] oh this is the place is [Music] [Music] and i hear the [Music] the sounds [Music] [Music] and this is of the lord and this is is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name [Music] we've heard the tide with them they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much [Music] god we believe [Music] we know that hope is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] say [Music] you have the final steps [Music] god we believe can we believe [Music] god we believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you said and i believe you said it [Music] you said [Music] it is [Music] it is [Music] it is [Music] you said it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] you say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] we'll [Music] god [Music] we'll see a miracle [Music] i don't want you to raise your hand but i know that there's a bunch of folks in this room who are believing for a miracle in your life and my prayer for you all week as we got ready for this moment is that you will have some kind of supernatural experience with the lord this week whatever burdens you might have brought into this place or whatever financial need you have or whatever's going on back at home i'm praying that he's going to meet you here this week and as we set aside this week for spiritual formation i just want us to take a moment and as a sign recognizing the power and the presence of god together tonight if you just lift your hands and in your own heart now just begin to ask the lord to touch you to shape you to cleanse you lord we confess that [Music] we are sinful people and we need your forgiveness and we need your righteousness and at the beginning of this week of spiritual formation lord we just open our hearts to you and pray that you'll begin to cleanse us lord begin to make us hungry for your power and for your presence to manifest in our lives that we can be the women and the men lord that you've called us to be you're all i want i won't sing it to him tonight you're all live [Music] you're all i want help me know you are me come on sing it in you're all out [Music] you're [Music] help me know you are seem draw me close draw me close to you never let me [Music] to hear you say [Music] and no one else will do cause nothing else could take your place to fill the warmth of your embrace help me find a way bring me back to you see [Music] nothing else can take your place [Music] this is [Music] presence [Music] this is my day [Music] this is [Music] and then [Music] without here [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] this is my day [Music] jesus [Music] for you [Music] hello [Music] [Music] i'm caught up in your presence i just wanna sit here at your feet [Music] to i'm not here for blessings jesus you don't know me [Music] i just want you [Music] i just want you and nothing else and nothing else nothing [Music] and nothing else nothing else come nothing on we'll do [Music] else we'll do [Music] [Applause] [Music] will do [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i just now [Music] father hear the cry of your children tonight as we declare our hunger and our thirst for you [Music] lord now let our hearts be shaped and changed by the preaching of your word may the power of its content drive us lord closer and closer and closer to you in jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you guys you may be seated thank you dr moffat thank you lee worship boy i hope that's your prayer and i truly believe it is that we just want him the theme of our convocation is hunger the wanting of him the desire for him i believe it's going to be a very transforming next three or four nights to the worship through the word and i pray that you come in anticipation i pray you come with hearts filled with faith with hope come as you are i believe god will meet us here every time we come in humility before him it's great to see you tonight to those over in dixon center to those in pango hall we are glad you are with us if you have a bible or bible app i invite you to turn to first corinthians first corinthians 13 the love chapter all the scriptures that i plan to use tonight will be on the screen and i simply want to talk to you about the enduring love of god there's a modern-day parable even a modern-day tale you might call it of a little boy on a very hot july night uh afternoon who wanted to go swimming in the lake in his backyard and his mother already told him before you go into that lake to be sure to look around in your surroundings to make sure that there aren't anything that might hurt you or harm you that would come into the water but the little boy was so desperate to get in that water he raced down the hill from his house and dived into the water without looking around and began to swim to the middle of that lake and unbeknownst to him on the other side of a lake an alligator had entered at the same time and was coming right for him his mother was standing in the kitchen and she could see through the kitchen window the entire lake and she saw what was happening and she raced down the hill towards the lake screaming at the top of her lungs to her little boy to turn around he couldn't really understand what she was saying but he heard her screaming and he knew it wasn't good so he turned around and began to swim as fast as he could toward shore his mother plunged into the shallow wind just as the boy was arriving there and she grabbed a hold of his arms at the same time that the alligator clamped down on his legs and a tug of war ensued for the life of this boy between this mother and this alligator now it seems there is a tug of war happening all the time between good and evil in our world every single day we see it within our culture we see it within our nation we see it within our own lives and this tug of war is something that spills into our rooms and lives through television and through our computer screens and we see the violence and we see the racism and we see the corruption and we see the inequality and we see the prejudice and the bigotry we see the corruption we see the incivility we see the senseless deaths and tragedies every single day and this is though this daily evil like the alligator in this parable is looming to do its damage and it seems unstoppable and normally the human strength is no match for the strength of an alligator but this alligator in our parable had never met the match of the enduring love of a mama for her child and there is such a love that is available to every one of us in this room that gives us not only the power to withstand evil but to overcome it this love is described by the apostle paul in the first letter that he writes to the corinthian church in chapter 13 that we'll be looking at here in just a moment and it's the love that every person hungers for though they may not even know it they're looking for this love and they may be looking in all the wrong places but it's a love that only god provides it's the love that our culture desires it's the love that makes everybody fully human the love that god designed for every one of us to experience and to know the love that he designed for every one of us to love one another with first corinthians 13 verses 4 through 8. this is how paul describes this love it'll be on the screen and i want us to read this out loud together please love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud it is not rude it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth it always protects always trusts always hopes always endures love never fails i want to focus on that last phrase of chapter 7 that says always endures so i believe the great challenge that we have for those of us that are followers of christ in the room is to love an alligator-infested culture with the enduring love of god and i want to talk about this enduring love and let's look at it for a moment here's my definition of this enduring love that paul is talking about enduring love is holding to all that god's love is even though surrounded by all that god's love is not hear that again enduring love is holding to all that god's love is even though surrounded by all that god love is not you see enduring love continues to love with the very love that paul described even when that's not the love that i am receiving in return you see enduring love matches impatience with patience it matches unkindness with kindness enduring love matches pride and arrogance with humility and grace enduring love matches quick temperedness with not being easily angered it matches self-seeking with selflessness it matches keeping records of wrong with forgiveness it matches hopelessness with hope you see it's loving with all that god's love is even though surrounded by all that god's love is not put that definition back up there for me please if you would i want us to read this out loud together enduring love is holding to all that god's love is even though surrounded by all that god's love is not now that's not the love of our culture that's not the love of human nature this is not a love that comes naturally to any of us we don't normally match impatience with patients we normally match in patients with greater impatience we normally met unkindness with greater unkindness we match rudeness often with more rudeness this is not a natural love that comes to us it's counter culture it's counter-human nature but i tell you the ones that i think get it and that's little kids kids in their innocence before they get tainted as they get older and head into adulthood i think they have a sense of this idea in fact there was a study that was done before and uh to eight-year-olds and some professionals ask them this question what does love mean here's some of the answers rebecca age 8 said this when my grandmother got arthritis she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore so my grandfather does it for her all the time even when his hands got arthritis too that's love billy age 4 said when someone loves you the way they say their name your name is different you know that your name is safe in their mouth or the names of the people we know safe in our mouths carl age 5 says love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other i wouldn't recommend that on your first date emily age 8 says love is when you kiss all the time then when you get tired of kissing you still want to be together and talk more my mommy and daddy are like that they look gross when they kiss nica age six says if you want to learn to love better you should start with a friend you hate out of the mouths of babes karen age seven when you love somebody your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you here's the final one there was a contest to find out who was the most caring child and the winner was a four-year-old boy whose next-door neighbor was an elderly man who had just lost his wife to death the little boy saw the man crying across the street sitting on his porch the little boy went across the street went into his yard climbed up into the old man's lap and sat there when his mother asked him what he said to the neighbor the little boy said i said nothing i just helped him cry enduring love kids get it so i want to share two ideas with you today about god's enduring love first enduring love combats evil with good enduring love combats evil with good that does not mean that love calls evil good evil is never good but good can come out of evil but that doesn't make evil good that makes god good love never says that evil is okay because it's not but out of the wonderful enduring love of god he is able to pull good out of the evil that is happening in our lives evil is never good but god is always good i just did [Applause] i didn't know this was the interactive portion of the sermon but thank you the apostle paul writes in another letter that we call romans he talks about this idea of the good that can come out of evil it's a verse that i think many of us are aware of romans 8 28 we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who've been called according to his purpose now listen to what paul didn't say he didn't say that all things that happened in our lives are good nor did he say that it's the things that are working in our lives that bring good no he says it's god that's working in the things of our lives good or bad to bring out good evil is going to happen and it's going to happen in all of our lives but the amazing thing of god is his ability in his enduring love to bring good out of the evil that can happen in our lives in other words here's what paul's saying he's saying the alligator is not going to win say that with me the alligator is not going to win look at your neighbors say the alligator is not going to win and the reason the alligator is not going to win is because god is good [Applause] now the apostle paul continuing in this letter in the romans in romans 12 he lists a few ways that we can combat evil with good let's look at some of these romans 12 verse 9 he says love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good it's a sincere authentic real love verse 17 do not repay anyone evil for evil verse 19 do not take revenge my dear friends but leave room for god's wrath for it is written it is mine to avenge i will repay says the lord listen to that now paul isn't saying we don't hold people accountable he's not saying that we don't bring correction and discipline but he's saying when it comes down to the righteous vengeful wrath that's god's business that's not our business i wish my daughter would have understood this when she was three years old ashton graduated here from lee she lives in birmingham alabama [Music] war eagle or roll tide war eagles war eagle right here y'all are sitting pretty close to one another y'all need this sermon if you're sitting that close together i can tell you that right now she was three years old i had spanked her she was sitting on the bed and she was crying and whimpering and i said ash baby i want you to know this whenever daddy spanks you he still loves you always know that daddy loves you even if he spanks you do you understand [Music] so always know when i spanked you i still love you picked her up kissed her on the cheek put her down and that little squirt proceeded to kick me right in the shin and said daddy when i kicked you i still love you [Applause] it was then i understood why some animals eat their young it really was at that moment listen to verse 21 that paul writes here listen to me he says do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good hear it again do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good in other words the alligator is not going to win he can be as tenacious as he wants to be in his evil doing but by the enduring love of god we can be even more tenacious and overcome him you're familiar with the civil rights movement that took place in the 50s and 60s led by dr martin luther king it was a movement of enduring love king did not advocate violent protest he did not advocate for violence whatsoever in fact we see this demonstrated when in 1957 while leading a peaceful demonstration in montgomery alabama he and many of his demonstrators were arrested they were put in jail and while he said in that montgomery jail cell a sermon came to him and he wrote a sermon and he said the next time i get to preach i will preach this message he was released from jail had an opportunity the following sunday to preach and this was a message all about the idea of overcoming evil with good here's an excerpt from this message he said this to our most bitter opponents we say we shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering we shall meet your physical force with soul force do to us what you will and we shall continue to love you we cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as cooperation with good throw us in jail and we shall still love you bomb our homes and threaten our children and we shall still love you send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our community at the midnight hour and beat us and leave us half dead and we shall still love you but be ye assured that we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer one day we shall win freedom but not only for ourselves we shall so appeal to your heart and conscience that we shall win you in the process and our victory will be a double victory you know what he was saying the alligator is not going to win and that enduring love let me tell you about cheryl cheryl grew up in a family we're in a prominent place in their house said a plaque that simply said stand up this was a plaque that was passed down from her grandfather to her father and her father was passing it down to his children three generations this plaque was a prominent place it was the family motto what this idea of stand-up meant to this family meant to stand up for your rights never give in never show weakness never admit wrong never take anything off of anybody the words i'm sorry you're right i'm wrong please forgive me i love you they did not exist in this family and as a result cheryl's mother and father fought all the time they were experts on one another's faults experts on their flaws and had no problem with pointing them out cheryl had three brothers and a sister when all of them got old enough where they weren't going to listen to anybody's rules or take anything off of anybody you had seven people in the same household that were going to war every single day until cheryl went with a friend to a christian youth camp that week she was exposed to this enduring amazing love of god and she began to realize there's something more and she came to have a relationship with jesus christ she came home walked into her house and there was that plaque stand up the first thing she thought when she saw that plaque was jesus christ laid down his life he said she said i'm tired of this being the family motto so she set out to change it and under tremendous scrutiny and criticism of her siblings over the course of time what she began to do in the middle of an argument she would say you're right i'm wrong please forgive me she began to say mom i love you dad i love you it hugged them before she would go to school over the course of time her sister came to her and said what's different about you and she was able to tell her about the love of christ and then her three brothers came along and they came to christ and then her mother after a couple of years one christmas morning as a gift to the entire family her father walked over after accepting christ just a month or two ago and took the plaque off the wall and said this is no longer who we are it takes courage it takes time it takes the power of the enduring love of god but i'm telling you it can bring down the evil that may be at work and you your family whatever your situation see the alligator doesn't have to win students we don't have to give in to hatred we don't have to give in to unforgiveness we don't have to give in to resentment we don't have to give into bitterness we don't have to give into citizen cynicism we don't have to give into racism we don't have to give into bullying we don't have to do that we call evil evil but we don't respond with evil we respond with the goodness of the enduring love of god the enduring love of god combats evil with good and the final idea i would leave with you is this is that the enduring love of god clings to the cries of the cross enduring love clings to the cries of the cross what do i mean by that hear me close the enduring love of god does not mean i automatically get the answers to the situations in my life it doesn't mean god is automatically going to tell me the whys of the particulars of the evil that may be at work in my life for the alligator may be ravaging and doing his work within situations and circumstances god does not always reveal the answers to the particulars of those things you see sometimes god is silent some of you have heard me talk about my brother who was killed in an automobile accident in 1980. nearly 41 years ago and 41 years ago when we sat at his funeral and my family and i were sitting there with that loss god didn't give us any answers as to why someone at seven o'clock in the morning on a saturday morning was driving under the influence on the wrong side of the interstate we didn't get any answers to that i'm here to tell you right now nearly 41 years later we still don't have the answers as to the why the particulars that that alligator had to be let loose into our lives but here's what my family has discovered and what we continue to discover in this now hear me close god may not give the answers to the particulars but he has given us the answer and that answer is himself in the person of jesus christ you see listen we tend to hunger for the things from god instead of hungering for god we tend to want his stuff and not him we stand to want we tend to want the benefits of his power but not necessarily the closeness of his presence and his personhood see our hunger needs to be for him because it's in him that we understand what this love is all about because god has not remained silent and unmoved in the ravaging of the evil that is unleashed in this world and gets unleashed in our lives no the lord has screamed loudly of his love for us for he himself stepped into this world this world will we let the alligator loose because of our disobedience and our sinful rebellion against him the evil has come into this world and god so loved us he stepped in in the person of jesus christ and allowed the sin to tear him apart that we brought into this world you see when you don't get the answers to the particulars of why god may be silent there but he's not silent in his enduring love for us in those moments when god is silent there stands the cross of jesus christ you see the cross is the ultimate emblem of the enduring love of god see the cross is god continuing to hold to his love for us even when we have treated him with the love that his love is not christ hanging on the cross is the greatest sign of god's enduring love because us nailing him there by our wicked sinfulness was us loving him not with the love of god but him loving us back with what the love of god is he didn't let the alligator win and he didn't do it for our sakes when i can't hear the voice of god speaking of the particulars of the brokenness and the hurt and the in the and the destruction and the pain of the evil and the suffering that is working in my life i gotta hear the words of jesus christ from the cross the gospels record seven sayings that christ says from the cross he may have said more but the gospels only record seven i want to focus on three of those that i want to encourage you to cling to in the moments of when you're not hearing him speak specifically into what you're going through the first enduring love cry we need to hear from the cross of jesus christ is him say my god my god why have you forsaken me you know what that says to me jesus knows what it means when god goes silent he knows what it means when he's not hearing from his father he knows what it means when he feels all alone and it doesn't seem that god is at work he understands that feeling with us we don't deal with the alligator alone our lord is there in the midst of our pain can i say to you today the wounded savior sits and he weeps with the victims of senseless acts of terrorism he sits right now with those in afghanistan he sits with the victims of racist bigotry he sits with the victims of natural disasters and tragic accidents he's there with all of those who are suffering from ida he sits with those who struggle with parental and spousal abuse he's there in the midst of our rejection and our neglect and our abandonment you name the evil that is happening in our lives you name the suffering that has touched our lives the lord is there with us he understands that pain my god my god why you are not alone but he doesn't sit there helpless he doesn't just sit there and feel sorry for us no the second cry we've got to hear from the cross is this father forgive them they don't know what they're doing you see the judgment that you and i deserved he took and instead of getting the judgment that you and i deserved he gave us the forgiveness that only god could grant and i don't know what evil you're participating in i don't know what sin you're allowing in your own life you know i don't know where you feel separated from god because of the the wickedness the the stuff you know you shouldn't be into that you're into right now maybe you feel like you've crossed the line and there's no way back can i say to you there is no amount of sin that we have committed in our lives that the forgiveness of god cannot forgive [Applause] i will turn and i will repent and i will come before him humbly the forgiveness of god will pour over us his enduring love break through every form of wickedness in our lives and however i've been touched the sin that people have done against me the wickedness that people have done against me the evil that people have done against me whatever brokenness or hurt or shame or or harm that is in my life god by the enduring love of god by the blood of jesus christ by the broken body of christ can bring healing to that i don't care how deep the wound runs the power of the forgiveness of god that can forgive me of some of the greatest wickedness that's known to mankind can give me the ability to forgive those who have harmed me there is healing we sing about it we believe for a miracle we sang about it earlier we believe it there is the healing power of the forgiveness of god that is in this room and the last cry from the cross it's the best cry of all that we got to cling to where jesus christ says it is finished say that with me it is finished one more time it is finished what does that mean that says that god is in control the lord's life was not taken from him he gave it up he wasn't working off of mankind's timetable he was working on his own timetable they didn't take him to the cross screaming and kicking reluctantly he went willingly and he went willfully god is in control he knows exactly where you are he knows exactly what you're dealing with and this cry from jesus christ on the cross it is finished says to me there is overcoming power the miracle is there the power to overcome is there and understand something this cry of christ from the cross of it is finished this is not a cry of relief from jesus christ it's like he it wasn't like he was just holding on and holding on to finally it was done it was like oh thank god that's over no he hung there willing and willfully until every sin every demon every point of wickedness every sense of of sin and evil everything that he was to do on the cross was done and he cried out in victory it is finished you see the cross students that's where prejudice and racism and bigotry die that's where abuse and oppression and rage die that's where bitterness and resentment and unforgiveness die that's where injustice and jealousy and envy die that's where all that god's love is not dies and all that god's love is overcomes and some of us you need to get a hold of it is finished some of us are still letting the alligator win some of us are still letting that alligator rip us up we don't have to there is a power from god through christ by his spirit through the cross and the resurrected christ that can say to us no matter how difficult it is no matter how broken and wounded wounded there is healing and there is redemption and there is a place of total relief and reconciliation i do not have to walk around in the brokenness of what my own sin and the sin of others has done to me when we left our modern day parable the mama and the alligator were fighting for the life of this little boy mama was screaming the neighbors all heard her screaming they looked down and saw what was happening some of them called 9-1-1 another neighbor grabbed a rifle and raced down the hill and shot the alligator killing it and the alligator released the little boy's legs and although although they were terribly mangled they were still attached that neighbor scooped that little boy up and raced up the hill by the time he got to the road there was an ambulance the ambulance took that little boy rushed him to the nearest hospital they put him in emergency surgery hours of emergency surgery surgeons came out and found the mama in the waiting room and said though his legs are terribly mangled we were able to keep them attached it's going to take a lot of rehabilitation a lot of therapy but we believe he'll be able to walk again this story got out as you can imagine into the community and into the papers and it made it into the local news and it made it into the national news and media came from all over to hear this story and they held a press conference a little boy was out there and the reporters wanted to see the scars of the alligator they wanted to see the scars on the little boy's legs and said can we can we see the scars of the alligator to which the little boy said yeah i'll i'll show you those but let me show you some other scars he pulled up the sleeves of his hospital gown and there embedded in both arms were the scars from the fingernails of his mother that held on to him he said these are the scars of my mama she loved me too much to let me go and because of her my life is saved every one of us can point to the scars of the alligator every one of us can show the scars of evil and wickedness and sin that has happened in our lives every one of us can do that and i would love to sit here and tell you that you're not going to encounter any more scars of the alligator but you're going to as long as we live this side of heaven but those aren't the scars we need to focus on the most those aren't the scars we need to keep our eyes on the scars we need to look at are the scars of our lord and savior jesus christ because those are the stars that bring healing those are the scars that says i loved you too much and i love you too much now to let you go submit yourself to me relinquish yourself to me listen we can shake our fist in god's face for what's happened in our lives and he'll let us do it and he'll let us live but there's got to come a point in time in our lives when we've got to submit all of that and bend our knees before him and humbly come before him and allow him to wash over us with his amazing love and grace it's time to let it go it's time to let it go i want to ask for the worship man to take their place i'm going to ask you to bow your heads for a moment where do you need the enduring love of god to break through into your life some of you have broken strained relationships right now that you need the enduring love of god to break through and give you the right attitude towards that person or people see as long as we hold to the offense that others have done to us the longer we keep that hurt the longer we hold on to the pain see the enduring love of god of jesus christ by his holy spirit wants to break through on you to enable you to see that person in a whole different light for your own sake if nobody else's some of us you know you're not where god wants you to be you know there is stuff you're into maybe you thought you would never be into it or maybe you think you could never get out of it you need you need the enduring love of his forgiveness here tonight some of us are carrying around baggage of brokenness and hurt by what others have or have not done maybe you have no contact with that person but the stuff is there tonight i'm going to invite you to be able just to kind of begin to let that go and maybe you've let it go time and time again maybe you're in that process right now where do you need this love of all that god is breaking through into your life of the love that all that god is not i would invite you to stand if you would please heavenly father [Music] i pray for that student in this room a student in pango hall or in dixon that feels the farthest away from you and thinks there is no way they could ever know you or have a relationship with you lord i come against the lie of the enemy right now and i pray that they are experiencing a love from you that they never knew was possible lord i pray that they just begin to allow you to love them and they begin to relinquish what they need to relinquish to you father i pray for the strained relationships in this room strain relationships with parents strain relationships with siblings strain relationships with friends whomever it may be strain relationships with the faculty members strain relationship with whomever it may be or bitterness or resentment or unforgiveness has begun to well up i pray right now we would just begin to release that to you father god i am praying in the name of jesus for those who have been walking around with a sense of brokenness or hurt or shame or something because of something that somebody did to them recently or maybe a long time ago but it's something that has just been nagging at them and i'm praying now father i'm praying now it's your amazing powerful love that only you can love with reach down deep and begin to set them free begin to release them make them whole and i pray in the name of jesus that by your son's stripes we are healed tonight by the words of your son from the cross may it be it is finished now students if you're comfortable i'm going to invite you just to lift your hands to him and just begin to thank him begin to praise him for his enduring love and allow that love just to pour over you in whatever way it needs to as this worship team continues to lead us tonight but you just allow the spirit of god to love you cleanse you deliver you free you refresh you restore you renew you redeem you be cleansed in the name of jesus be made whole in the name of jesus be set free spirit mind body and because his love endures forever and his love never fails let's exalt him let's sing this together now [Music] and higher than the mountains that are faced stronger than [Music] and higher than the mountains that i face it is stronger than the power [Music] this one thing we [Music] it never [Music] it never runs out [Music] [Music] satisfies [Music] this one [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] huh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] one more time your love never fails [Music] father tonight we just take a moment at the end of the service to acknowledge the work that you have done in our hearts and in our minds tonight god if we could only get a hold of the concept that it is finished lord we would so much better understand it as well with my soul so tonight lord i thank you for the freedom i thank you god for the change and for the transformation that you've brought as we kicked off convocation this week lord i thank you so much that your enduring love never lets us go so now god we ask that we would take that enduring love and we would begin to hunger and thirst lord for more of you in our lives for more of your plan more of your purpose more of your understanding god more of your clarity more of your conviction and your calling for this is our prayer this is our prayer tonight heal us shape us move us mold us do whatever you have to do god as we put ourselves at the foot of the cross where all things are made equal but also all things are made whole again in jesus name amen amen well thank you so much for just an empowerful night can we give dr walker a round of applause thank you uh yeah what an incredible way to start off the night and whoever the uh the talker backer person is make sure you're here wednesday night for me because i need that i'm a little insecure okay so i'd love to have you on wednesday but uh anyway so uh we're really excited that convocation is kicking off this week net tomorrow night uh we have a real treat with rebecca lyons who will be here you don't want to miss that but tonight immediately following this service we have the mixer over paul con student union we're all invited over there for that event as well we look forward to seeing you and as soon as we're done praying the college benediction the code will be up there on the screen for you to input for your chapel attendance so can we pray this prayer together as we close out tonight now let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and our redeemer amen god bless you we'll see over paul khan you
Channel: Lee University
Views: 112
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lee university, paul conn, college, university, christian, liberal arts, cleveland tn
Id: t7OqRnhLm9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 39sec (4779 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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