Convertir KML a Shape y SHP a KML o KMZ - ArcGIS 10.3 | MasterSIG
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Channel: MasterGIS
Views: 185,558
Rating: 4.8757396 out of 5
Keywords: Keyhole Markup Language (File Format), Shapefile (File Format), ArcGIS, kml, kmz, google earth, earth, arcgis, arcmap, kml2shp, sig, sistemas de informacion geografica, shp, shape, shapefile, convert, convertir, tutorial de arcgis, curso de arcgis, tutorial de google earth, areas, calcular, Geographic Information System (Industry), mapa, tematico, DEM, curvas de nivel, tutorial basico, imagenes, satelitales
Id: VtqA8BMqa9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 27 2015
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