Converter Locking Points

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hi everybody this is Tony from the tuning school today we're going to talk about converter locking points [Music] the tools were gonna need for this we're obviously gonna need a dyno we're gonna need software to be able to modify the transmission lock-up points as well as data log so we get a good representation of what's going on in there we're also going to need some good fans to keep it cool between runs because we want optimum consistency alright so how we're going to do this is we're gonna make two pulls on the dyno with a converter unlocked first it'll give us a representation of what the horsepower is making and the torque with the convertor unlocked then we're gonna make two pulls after with the converter locked with the converter lock we're gonna see a difference what we're looking for at that point is an actual diamond or square between the horsepower and the torque of the two you're gonna notice in that diamond if you look at the monarch could be a spread of five mile an hour could be a spread of ten mile an hour that's the mall now our section that you're gonna target for your converter lockup what are we looking for by locking up to torque over to our second point we're learning the point that makes the converter on the most efficient for the most horsepower and torque getting down the racetrack with that being said our display here we have a pair shows a horse power and torque across the band across this of 5,200 which is most diners are set up for you notice that horse power goes up and torque comes up and then down what we're gonna do is make another pool with the converter locked on the dyno which is going to give us a different representation if you notice you're gonna gain horsepower and torque by locking up the torque converter depending on how efficient the converter is most converters slip between four to seven percent that are really efficient really loose converters are ten to fifteen percent obviously we want the better one with that being said since the converter is not efficient at wide open throttle we're going to find the optimum spot to lock the torque converter by making the two pools with the converter unlocked we have our first representation in red and blue with the converter locked we have a second representation which is the dashed black line what we have here is a perfect example of what we want to see we want to see an acceleration rate but it doesn't slow the car down it gives us our best CT in mile per hour the Optima would be this one right here with that being said if we lock the converter too early we're actually going to slow our acceleration rate down and we're gonna cause the ET and Armand hour to go down as well then again if we lock it up too late then it's basically losing the efficiency of what we're trying to do to begin with it's just gonna go Olly to the top the covers gonna try to lock and it's gonna waste time and again we're gonna lose ETA mile-per-hour what we need to do now is determine what lock up points going to be shift points shifting to early shift points shifting to late is going to slow the car down the same way with a converter locking to early and locking to late if we look at our shift points which normally drop a thousand rpm we have our 1 2 2 or 2 to 3 we can see if we shifted to early it will slow us down on either one of those gears if we shift it to late we can see where the horsepower and the torque fall off and we're going to slow down as well that's our constant acceleration curve here locking up the converter in that range is what we're after here if you know this a diamond right here we call it a diamond for that reason it's an optimal point of locking the converter in mile-per-hour that gives us a range where we're not too early or not too late and we're perfect for efficiency a couple examples of why wouldn't win with one lock up the torque converter one example in extreme is a converter that's too loose we have a car in South America that he didn't want to send the converter back and it was too loose so what we determine is is that locking up the converter in second gear was the optimum he was able to make it down the track all the way down without hitting the rev limiter whereas with the converter unlocked it would hit the rev limiter we determined we tried third gear we tried millisecond gear we determined that his car was perfect to launch and locked the car in the second year and locked the converter as soon as it went a second gear it was perfect for the car it lost a little bit of et but he made it down the track consistency every time another example is a turbo car you want the converter as loose as you can to put it in the power band immediately as long as you have traction ok but you want that converter be locked up as you're going down the track as a wonder the turbo you makin a lot of torque comes on really fast so if you can lock that converter up right off the bat and maintain it all way down the track you're basically one to one ratio that's one example with a turbo then another ones at EVs blower a rout style blower like a teeny Bell T vs Magnussen when you launch that car and it's an automatic and you hit second gear if it'll hold it lock that converter up and run it all the way down the track one to one ratio you're using all the torque that that supercharger supplying to you and you're gonna get your best DT in mile per hour so the difference between a routes of centrifugal is that referral has to be turned by the engine to make the RPM you don't have that instant torque at twenty hundred rpm you're gonna get that torque around 4,800 to 5,000 rpm so you need a torque converter it's gonna get you in the power band immediately but at the same time you can lock it up at the top to keep you in the power band and keep the efficiency up through your mouth per hour and best DT with that being said the lockup point that we're trying to determine by doing the testing of the two runs within the two runs without declare locked up gives us the example where we're going to be with a centrifugal supercharger it's going to have to be up in the higher rpms with a route style you can move it down lower because you have the excess torque with a turbo you can pretty much determine once you've got your peak torque where you're at and just lock it and roll thanks for watching our video today hope this helps with your tuning needs subscribe to our youtube channel as well as the social media and as always stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheTuningSchool
Views: 10,493
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Keywords: The Tuning School, Tech Tuesday, Tuning, Performance Car, Car videos, Converter, Racing, Tuned Media, Locking Points
Id: iUNaw2em7bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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