7 Facts About Tuning

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hey guys it's Bob morality here with the tuning school I'm excited to welcome you to the 2019 season of tech Tuesdays so on the first episode of 2019 we're going to be talking about seven facts about tuning that you're gonna want to hear so stay with me [Music] hey guys so here at the tuning school we do get a lot of requests for you know kind of what is tuning and how does it work and the problem is if you just read the public information out there a lot of its wrong and so let's just clarify a little bit as far as what is tuning number one it is not putting a giant wing on the back of your Honda okay we see that all the time that is not tuning okay that might be in some weird tuning magazine but that's not what we're talking about tuning is the act of improving the drivability the fuel economy and the performance and possibly even the emissions of a vehicle and so building on that so let's talk about fact number two so tuning actually varies by the type of car you're working on and the type of fuels and whatever other variables there are with that car so for example if you're tuning a bone stock car that car was tuned to work well but in kind of a generic way all the way from Florida to Alaska to Denver it will work well but is it optimized for any one particular location no it is not and so even after speaking with the factory calibrators at different manufacturers we know that they wish they could do this level of tuning for all their vehicles but for them it's not a possibility so tuning in that area with a bone stock vehicle means I've improved my fuel economy how do I do that well in geographic locations you can do that sometimes other things you can do is improve drivability and things that our driver preference may be I like better shift patterns that are more aggressive or firmer or quicker than the other type of generic tunes that you get from the factory so other type of things you could come across would be modified vehicles so if you're working with a modified vehicle it's almost a necessity to tune in afterwards because if you put a supercharger or cam or headers on that vehicle of yours the computer doesn't know that you have done these modifications so you're way more likely to have a problem way more mechanical failures terrible drivability terrible emissions all these things bad fuel economy where a tune goes a huge way in improving all those things a good quality tune where a tuner take this time does your idle your start up your idle your part throttle than your full throttle gets it all dialed in perfectly and then of course the last application is probably race cars so those cars have to have a tune with the tune again varies based on the type of application that the racecar is going to be in we're going to get to that in a later fact all right that leads us to fact number three and we're gonna talk about emissions for a little bit something nobody really ever likes talking about but we'll talk about it if you're building a race car you don't really have to worry about any of this on a race car is to find it something that has no insurance no license plates never gonna be on a public road race only application you're pretty well free to do what you want there but what happens when you're building a street car something that will be licensed in the insured well it does vary a little bit based on where you live however we have some generic kind of guidelines that we like to go by which is number one don't be stupid don't build something that's some fire-breathing dragon that you have to try and completely work around all the factory controls to make it drive it down the street because that puts you over the line that makes the emissions terrible that gives you all sorts of problems and hassles and also please do not remove things like Oh two sensors not only is it a violation of the law but if you're at that point with a street car you've done it wrong you probably need to revisit your build so that's as far as I'm gonna go about that maybe we'll talk a little bit more about street car mission stuff in the future but for now just remember don't remove o2 sensors don't remove factory controls build cars that make sense that won't get anybody in trouble alright so fact number four there is no one single tuning shop that can do all different applications in a professional and awesome manner it just doesn't exist I know someone will complain about this but the reality is I've been doing this since the mid nineties I've been to all the too many shops all over the world and I have seen huge variations but here's what I've seen people tend to specialize and then they do it very very well so you that's why you typically see Ford shops and Ford guys go to Ford shops GM guys go to GM shops I'm not going to say you can't have some crossover from from platform to platform but it can't be some tuners that can do a lot of things well but what I am saying is if that really is no magic bullet that only one facility is the one for all the different cars you could possibly obtain because if that's true that means that whoever is working there can't be super deep and their knowledge on all those different models it means they're their depth of knowledge is shallow across a huge range so my recommendation is when looking for a shop to do your tuning for your vehicle go find people that have actual long-term experience with that type of platform fact number five probably my favorite because we get this all the time so the fact or the question really is can I just go read the internet and get to tune in well no I'm sorry you can't have people done it sure do I recommend it absolutely not and worst case scenario don't ever say I bought some software and I've read some forums and oh this is my buddy's car so I'm gonna go tune it now because I'm a tuner so please don't quit that road don't be that guy if you're gonna go that road at least mess up your own comment so my recommendation is yes it is dangerous don't do it unless you have some type of training there's lots of places not just the tuning school where you can get trained of course we love what if we can help you but my recommendation is tuning is dangerous by definition do not attempt it just by reading some stuff on the forest because literally you could just read the wrong thing or you could interpret the wrong thing which we've seen plenty of times and the next thing you know you've blown up your engine or you've blown up your transmission or whatever just don't do that alright so fact number six I became a tuner overnight not me but you and the answer really is no you didn't you became a guy with some software that could do some tuning kind of talked about this in the last point a little bit but I'm getting a little deeper in it now and saying that actually knowing what you were doing takes months and months and months and years and years and years and the way that we normally judge whether or not somebody actually knows what they're doing with tuning is if we say to them you know kind of what do you think of this and they go well you know I don't know what I don't know yet once you kind of reach that realization point but there's way more out there than what you actually know but you know enough to know that you don't know at all that means you actually are kind of self-aware and that means that you aren't gonna be so arrogant that you're just gonna do something stupid and blow up somebody's car so that may sound bad but the reality is it takes at least six months of practice with a single vehicle type so for example GM Gen 4 if I want to say that this guy is good with GM Gen 4 he needs to be doing them every day for at least six months for us to even say yeah he probably knows what he's doing and the reality is if you want to actually become a certified tuner like we do we Lea we have a very limited amount of certified tuners on the on the whole planet we certify six people a year and the reason we do that is it takes time time so if you're just signing up now and six months later you're thinking you're getting certified you're at least a year that's just the reality because we want to make sure that you have experience because cars are not all the same your experience level will not be the same but you have to get experience with some breadth of knowledge to be able to say that you know what you're doing with a particular vehicle type fact number seven there are a number of ways you can get educated on tuning and yes this is true so what does that really mean so the tune of school teaches an awesome process based approach for tuning and our recommendation is that you take time and get very good at a process based approach for tuning with your particular vehicle type so maybe it's GM or Ford or Dodge before you move on to another brand another type for example and what I really mean by that is do you understand not just why the vehicle responds the way it does but how does the computer think how does a computer operate why does it make the decisions that it does so if you get a little deeper in your knowledge level then you are going to turn out to be a much better tuner in the end and so sometimes people ask us how can I get started in this whole process what does it look like because it's a big big processor it's a big thing I can't quite wrap my mind around it so that's why we've made packages in fact we have an enthusiast package we have a shop owner package these are things that include all the necessary tools the learning materials and the support for a year that you're gonna need so that when you go back home and you get stuck you don't understand why is the cam timing behaving the way it is or why is the fuelling behaving the way it is we'll be able to help walk you through it to make you an educated tuner which will not only give you a better chance at becoming successful but also educate the industry as a whole and raise everybody up alright guys so in closing from these seven facts what's the main takeaway or what do you really need to get it's really simple get educated wonder where you go what you do we'd love to help you but you need to be educated and you need to understand that you don't know everything yet because you're not there I'm not there nobody is ever going to actually be there because there's so much more to know and understand if you're learning a little bit every day you will come up better every day just keep doing that hey guys that's all we've got for today but before you go make sure you actually leave a comment below because we want to know what videos what tech Tuesday videos you'd like us to make for you this season and so of course if you leave a comment and you don't know when our video comes out that's because you haven't hit the subscribe button whatever that is if you're watching this on Facebook or YouTube or whatever hit the button that means you will be notified when our videos come out and so thanks for watching make sure you go over the two new school comm check out whatever packages might be appropriate for your level of knowledge and tuning needs and as always stay tuned hey guys it's fine seven facts let's redo that goodbye on this particular blah blah blah blah blah [Music]
Channel: TheTuningSchool
Views: 27,605
Rating: 4.9155674 out of 5
Keywords: The Tuning School, Tech Tuesday, Tuning, Performance Car, Car Videos, Tuned, Tuned Media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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