Convert PDF to JPG using Adobe Acrobat

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in this tutorial i'm going to show you how you can convert your exported pdf from pages into separate jpegs so you can put them onto your website so what you'll need first is adobe acrobat and this is free through creative cloud so you can just download that and then we're going to do is you're going to drag the pdf so now we have our pdf that we've downloaded from pages into acrobat you're then going to go to file and you're going to go to export to an image okay now you'll see the um the different file types we've got this we've got jpeg and png is also fine for this but we're going to stick to jpeg for now so click that you're then going to go on to settings and then we're going to make sure that everything is maxed out so everything's at the highest resolution it can be so if you scroll down to the bottom the resolution bit here is the most important so for those of you that are having it printed you need to make sure that you have it at 300 for those of you that are doing it for screens 72 will be fine you can if you want to for screen you can put it to 150 but to be honest with you um 72's fine for screen 300 is what you'll need for print so click ok um obviously put the title of it so you can see here it's presented study i'm just going to put my initials at the end and then i'm going to click save and then what you'll find is here you can see on my desktop the pages are saving separately so then these are ready to be added to your website in a gallery
Channel: Laura Watt
Views: 30,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c_KO_5g-beQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 35sec (95 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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