Convert LNB to a very powerful antenna to receive remote WiFi networks
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Channel: Digital Sat Pro
Views: 673,949
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Keywords: digital sat pro, antenna, inventions, اختراعات بسيطة, افكار, haciendo antena, making antenna, изготовление антенны, لاقط هوائي, صنع انتينا tnt, tnt, receiving terrestrial channels, making a simple antenna, how to make, antenne tv, a signal pickup, nsrt, LNB, terrestrial ariel, sports tnt, antenna for TV, tv, terrestrial channels, tv antenna, antenna tv, antena, casera para tv, antena tv digital, wifi, wifi 5G, Convert LNB to a very powerful antenna to receive remote WiFi networks
Id: eQiU_RpYYSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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