Convert a PDF file into EXCEL | A quick way to import PDF data into Excel

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hi everyone and welcome to another video so today's video is all about converting a PDF document into an Excel format so any data that you have within your PDF can be extracted and converted into Excel and then you can start working on it so let's see how this works so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a blank Excel sheet sheet and I'll try to get the data from a PDF that is already available with me in order to do this all you have to do is in your tabs above just go to the data tab click on the data tab from there go ahead and click on get data once you click on get data there are multiple options that come up the very first option says from file so click on from file and there you will find an option called from PDF so I'll go ahead and click on it once you click on it you will be uh given an option to choose a PDF so I'm selecting a PDF which I have already created here forestry in India I'm going to import it it will take a few seconds for Excel to you know establish a connection with the PDF file and it will analyze or so to say extract the data for you and you will get something like this a navigator this is a power query Navigator so now you will notice that the PDF is imported and sections of the PDF are you know given uh different names like table one table 002 and so on and if I click on each of them I will be able to see different kinds of data all right now let me just show you the PDF file as well so that you know you have a better understanding of what the exact PDF looks like so this is the PDF that I was talking about forestry in India and it has a lot of text here and a lot of links then you have some images and if you scroll down slowly to the bottom you will see something like this so there is a small table now we need this table to be exported to excel all right so this data is there but it's in PDF format for now and if I just scroll down I will be a ble to see uh some other small tables yeah there is a small table here and then you have another table here and if I scroll down further I may be able to see something let me see uh okay so that's it that's it it's all text after that right so hardly two to three tables what we'll do is we'll just ignore uh the these two tables we don't need these two tables I'll just show you how to uh get the very first table which is the longest table in the PDF into Excel so let me go back to excel now in here the very first table that is table 001 and this appears in the order in which it is available in your PDF all right so this is the actual table we have the type of forest then you have area in square kilometers and then you have percentage of total Forest so this looks like a valid data if I go to table number two you can see uh something like this comes up column 1 column two it doesn't have a header you know the data in column one is not proper so what usually happens is when you are getting data from PDF uh anything that looks like a table format uh to excel engine it tries to show you that and if required you can import it to your Excel sheet so in this case we don't want that now this is another interesting data right the table has been uh showcased to us as it is so for the time being you don't want it in case you want to select multiple tables all you have to do is just come to this tab which says select multiple items click on it and a checkbox will get activated for you so then you can you know select whichever table you want from here and just go here and you can load it to your Excel sheet now there is another option called transform data in case you want to let's say let me take the example of the first table in case this is your this is the table you want to export and here you want to let me say you want to delete this particular column area right before you load it to the Excel sheet so for that you can go to transform and then it will give you multiple options to uh Delete and let's say you want to do some calculation based on area and percentage uh and you want a new column alog together you can do that using transform data but for the for the interest of this video we don't want to use the transform data we just want to showcase you how you can get a PDF to be converted into Excel all right so in this case what I'm going to do is uh I'll just select this table as I have said and I'll go to load I'll click on this drop down and I'll say load to and it will give me a quick option where do I want it so I want it as a table in my new worksheet okay and I'll just go ahead and click on okay so you can see a new worksheet has been created table 001 page 3 and it is loading the data for me and you can see 17 rows loaded and there you go you have your you have your table which you saw in your PDF right here so it is as simple as that now you can go ahead and use this data to work on it you can create PIV tables with it you can do any sorts of formatting because it is an actual data now that you can work on on Excel so I hope you enjoyed the video If you really enjoyed the video please hit the like button if you are yet to subscribe to the Channel please go ahead and click on the Subscribe button and if you haven't watched our previous videos there is a very interesting mini project that we have done in Excel please go and check it out any comments any feedback please uh post it down below in the comments tab thanks a lot and see you with another video next week
Channel: Turn To Data
Views: 613
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Keywords: turn to data, easiest method to export PDF to Excel, best option to convert PDF to excel, best options to transform pdf into excel, pdf to excel, import pdf data into excel, free pdf to excel converter, save pdf as excel, simple trick to change pdf to excel, excel from pdf, how to convert pdf to excel, export to excel, save as excel, make excel out of pdf, how to easily convert a PDF into excel version, convert document into excel, pdf table to excel table, import pdf, excel
Id: uHH8sfFgUog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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