Conversations : This Walk Isn't Wasted | Michael El-Takrori

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hey family welcome to church LV online it is so exciting that we're still able to meet asthma church community really this is a season that we're choosing faith over fear and wisdom over worry you want to welcome you if you're joining us let us know that you're there you will comment or if you're new with us we want you to get connected go to the VIP link fill out the form and a member of our dream team would love to reach out to you send you a gift as our way of saying welcome you want you to get connected even during these times well hey I know today's gonna bless you it's the heart of church helping to lead people to be kind of new life in Jesus and I actually believe that can happen right where you're at to open up your hearts lean in and let's watch all that God wants to do in through our lives god bless chapter 24 in verse 13 we've been in a series called conversations we're exploring the reality that our life is a culmination of the conversations we've had and in this season there are things that God wants to say to us and dialogue with us have been and we're exploring different key conversations that Jesus had with his his disciples or people that transform their life forever and this is one of my favorite passages and all the New Testament it's Luke 24 the context is Jesus on this day rose from the grave and he's alive he died he was buried in three days later he rose from the grave and there were some disciples that were informed about the resurrection but were slow to believe and on the day of his resurrection he appears to two disciples not his the original twelve disciples two other disciples and we pick up in verse 13 and it says this now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus and about seven miles from Jerusalem they were talking with each other about everything that had happened and as they talked and discussed these things with each other Jesus himself came up and walked along with them but they were kept from recognizing him he asked them what are you discussing together as you walk along and they stood still their faces downcast one of them named Cleopas or I'm just gonna call him Clio today he asked him are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened in these days it would be like somebody coming up to you and going like what's what's going on in our world right now are you under a rock is covin this crisis where you been everybody in Jerusalem was talking about this man named Jesus and the work that he did and this and Jesus is walking with them you know hiding his identity and he asked them what's going on and they say this what things are going on about Jesus of Nazareth they replied he was a prophet powerful in word and deed before God and all the people the chief priests priests and rulers handed him over to this to be sentenced to death and they crucified him but we had hope that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel we had hoped we had hope and what is more it is the third day since this took place in addition some of our woman amazed us they went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body they came and they told us that they would had seen a vision of angels and he who said he was alive then some of our companions once the tomb and found it just as the woman has said but they did not see Jesus he said to them how foolish are you and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophets he explained to them what was said in the scriptures concerning himself could you imagine that moment and as they approached the village to which they were going Jesus continued on as if he were going further and they urged them strongly stay with us stay with us for it is nearly evening the day is almost over so he went in and stayed with them and when he sat at the table he took bread gave thanks broke it and he began to give it to them then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and disappear he disappeared from their sight she's like peace out you know and they asked each other we're not our hearts burning within us while he would talked with us on the road and opened up the scriptures to us they got up and returned at once to Jerusalem and they found that the eleven and those with them assembled together and saying it is true the Lord has arisen and he has appeared to Simon and then the two told what had happened the way and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread I want you to take notes today I want encourage you to do that the title today's message is this walk isn't wasted this walk isn't wasted whoo that's a good title right there come on show me some love in the chat if you like that title if not don't say nothing don't discourage me let's pray in this atmosphere Lord we love you and we're thankful that you want to speak to us today if you're trying to have some conversations with us in this season and and I pray we would open up your hearts to receive your word that you would encourage discourage hearts today we love you we thank you pray for your anointing right now to declare your word let it not return void Jesus mighty name we pray amen amen come on put Eamon in the chat if you can give a big on like one of these these things right here's my favorite the praise hands that's awesome or the prayer hands that's good yesterday night me and my wife we started to watch a new series on television because they're in quarantine that's what we do we watch TV and we started a new series called the Last Dance this was a documentary about the 90s bold bulls dynasty a documentary about Michael Jordan and my goodness this has to be one of the greatest documentaries to ever be made I grew up playing basketball I was watching last night and it led me to reminisce about my early days of hooping I had hoop dreams I I lived under the mantra of ballers life basketball is life and I kid you not from elementary school through junior high through high school I dedicated my years to playing basketball hi my name is Michael III I'm led to believe my dad named me after Michael Jordan not after Michael the Archangel and I just wanted to be like Mike I wanted to I wanted to be in the NBA and I know I'm sorry you're a being a Filipino there's probably not this mix in the NBA but I'm believing for my kids to make it one day cuz I did not make it but but I've been getting reminisce about the other early days hoping every day every day after school playing basketball going to the Boys and Girls Club shooting hoops my mom wanted me to join football in baseball I said mama I'm a Hooper I'm a Hooper I'm I'm gonna be like Mike and I kid you not that everything I watched everything I did surrounded around basketball it became my life I would go home I would watch youtube compilations of Kobe Bryant I would watch him score 81 points in a game I would watch inspirational videos of Michael Jordan I would watch compilation of Allen Iverson doing crossovers somebody like who is this it's basketball people they they they they changed my life okay I was a Hooper and I remember you know going into my senior year of high school I have about invested 10 plus years into this sport and it was one of those years that I was ready to shine I was ready to leave a mark this is my last year of high school I need to make an impact because I need to go to college on a full-ride scholarship and I just began to reminisce because we were watching this documentary and I remember the first game of our season we played a team across the city I was raised in Las Vegas and the end of the game came it was a tied game and this was my moment this was my moment this was my mic moment I've watched the videos I've practiced that boys and girls club and at 24 hour fitness I've I've already I've done the three to one Kobe like I've done it all and I was ready for this moment and I remember this game first game of the season kind of transformed the trajectory of that year I got the ball three seconds left wide open okay and I shot it and then it was a big old goose egg of an airport I missed the shot I missed the shot and I remember the devastation I remember the waves of discouragement the tears begin a well up in my eyes I couldn't look at the crowd I have to make a beeline to the locker room I didn't want to talk to nobody and on the ride home in the bus I was overwhelmed with discouragement discouragement discouragement disappointment that is an emotion that we have experienced in life that's an emotion that we have experienced even early in life the emotion the reality of disappointment and discouragement have you been disappointed before have you been let down before have you been discouraged here's a better question today are you discouraged right now are you discouraged right now I want to tackle this emotion because I believe it's an emotion it's a reality that is overwhelming God's people in our world today discouragement disappointment are you there right now I mean to sum up 2020 I think the word disappointment and discouragement might about sums it up we had plans this year and plans were changed and I don't know where your disappointment lies whether it's great or small but it's all a real emotion it's a real thing to deal with whether you wanted to start a business this year and that was put to the side whether you were gonna ask that girl out on a date and then you got stuck in a house I don't know if that's where you're at but God sees you whether you had plans for this to be the greatest year ever 20/20 vision Hey and before we got through January we were hit with waves of bad news in February in March and April and we're standing in May going God is is this what you wanted is this is this you he discouraged tonight today are you discouraged disappointed in what's happening in our world really what disappointment is is it's a lack of courage discouragement is a lack of courage it's the emotion that overwhelms us and it preaches sermons to us it tells us to give up it tells us there's no reason to hope any longer it tells us to throw in the towel you gave it all you got you put all your time in Mike you you practice that 24-hour fitness and that Boys and Girls Club you miss the shot and then so it's over don't get back up this is it's probably not meant for you you probably shouldn't play basketball anymore it's that that that sermon that we hear that tries to keep us isolated discouragement and disappointment will preach a sermon to us and it will open our life up to so many temptations and when we give in to those temptations that that condemnation it confirms our disappointment and it pushes us into greater ice and we don't want to reach out and we don't want to tell nobody we want to hide it we want to keep it to the side because we don't want to deal with it because it's overwhelming I don't know if you're there today but God has something to say about your disappointment you don't have to camp out at disappointment any longer it could actually lead you to a greater reality come on somebody in the chat you can feel disappointed but you don't have to stay there any longer you can feel an emotion and not be an emotion culture tries to tell us you are what you feel you are not what you feel you are who God says you are you are not your impulses your desires and your discouragement you God says you are can I get an amen in the chat come on somebody you are not discouragement its discouragement that caused Sarah to laugh when God promised a child in a year its discouragement that got Jacob to put his head on a rock discouragement led Moses to a wilderness for 40 years discouragement had Elijah under a tree feeling like he was alone discouragement had David cry out in the Psalms God where are you discouragement is what led Peter to go back to fishing the thing God pulled him out of in discouragement it's what led these two disciples to walk away from Jerusalem and walk on this road called Emmaus have you been there before this was a big disappointment for them they have put everything in the bucket of following Jesus they give up everything they give up their livelihood they gave up their plans to follow this up-and-coming rabbi a first-century he was doing miracles he was preaching with authority he was healing the sick he was raising the dead he was encouraging the downcast and these disciples were this is the one this is the one that the Scriptures speak of this is the one that was promised to redeem Israel from the tyranny of Roman rule this is the one who's gonna reign and rule and we're gonna sit at his right and his left then we're gonna reign with him this is the one and they're everything that this is the year we've been following him for three years the year this about to be the best year ever and then their hope died their Savior died their rabbi died and it's been three days it's been three days Jewish culture would say that in three days the soul would take you know hover over the body for three days and there was a chance of Resurrection there at this point where they're like there's no chance that he's coming back they actually heard good news they actually heard that Jesus rose from the grave but when you're discouraged and disappointed good news you become skeptical to it and you begin to push it away and you say things like that's not for me they might have saw that but he didn't show up to me I need God to show up to me cuz I didn't see him raised from the dead and I wasn't there at the tomb and so they dismissed the good news and they are walking on their road to Emmaus and they're downcast and it's like it is overwhelming you can you can see it in their language this this is the kind of disappointment that was far greater than my missed shot on that on that day this is a discouragement that it was earth-shattering to them it was a complete assault on their foundation on their worldview on what they've been putting their tokens in have you been there something that just rocked you shook the foundations it feels like something ripped the carpet of that right under you you fits in balance you feel like you want to give up that's where they're at where is God in disappointment and discouragement where is he that's the question we're asking God where are you you Sako we don't know that where are you I'll tell you I'll tell you where God is God is exactly where Jesus is in this scene to emmaus who because the Bible says in the ESV that Jesus draws near he draws near can I kick can I say this is somebody watching today if you have a broken heart if you're overwhelmed I know I am the Bible says God is close to the brokenhearted and he saves those that are crushed in spirit I love that scripture because it you don't got to be a Christian for that scripture to qualify to you you don't have to be a pastor for that scripture to qualify for you if you have a broken heart watching today I can tell you confidently by Scripture God is close God is near God is drawing near to those deep dark places in your life and in my life and you are not alone in this place of discouragement he draws close to the brokenhearted he draws close to us disappointment it doesn't need to be a destination disappointment can be a starting point for a new destiny for our life a new beginning for Jesus to meet us in that place and produce something in us that otherwise he would not produce inside of us would you allow him into that place of disappointment today would you allow him because he wants to meet you there Cleo and the disciple there walking away from Jerusalem their head is downcast they had hoped and Jesus appears to them he appears to them he shows up in the middle I want to encourage you today to not keep the state of your heart from God don't do it you know what one thing Jesus does in this passage is he keeps them from recognizing him and I I asked myself why say God why would why don't you just show up why didn't you just like appear like hey guys like I'm here and I felt like the Holy Spirit answered that question and he said Michael um I got this impression like Michael he didn't show up as himself and for them to see because he didn't want them to lie about the discouragement that they were processing at that moment because if Jesus showed up to us we they would do what we would do they would they man you know this Jesus thing it didn't work out and it's just and then he shows up and it oh hey what are you guys talking about Jesus what we were talking about how you did it we do weep that blessed we're blessed blessed and highly favored says the Lord we worship you we give you thanks you are here and we believed you we didn't doubt come on somebody in the chat I just made that song up okay they would do what we would do but Jesus he conceals himself so that he can get the honesty from their heart this is the first episode of Undercover Boss this is the first episode where the boss shows up and wants to get the real reaction from the employee so he puts a mustache on and a hat on and ask them how is it here working here and he wants their honest reality he wants the truth of their heart he wants them to process their discouragement with Jesus we have the tendency to keep away our emotions from him because because because I think a lot of times we think disappointment means a lack of faith we think if we are discouraged it's because our faith is weak so when Jesus asks us how are we we go good God good but you know and I know we're not good we are processing something and Jesus what he wants to Qi wants the truth from us he wants the truth God moves in truth don't keep it from him we keep it from our rabbi we try to impress our teacher but we forget that Jesus is the Great Physician and he's the one that could piece our heart back together again and he's the one that can make us better he's the one that could put us together he's the one that could set us up for more in front of us there's more in front of us than there is behind us we don't got to give up come on somebody we could trust we can give him our pain don't hide it from God and I want to say this don't hide it from yourself don't hide it from yourself in this season we have this tendency though one of the great things about discouragement and it's not a bad thing it's actually something God could use discouragement slows us down discouragement makes us stop and consider what's happening in our world and it slows us down I'm reading a book called the ruthless elimination of hurry and it's by John comer my wife is making me read an amazing book and because she's like you're on your phone too much you don't give me enough attention and I'm like babe come on I'm only on my phone eight hours a day come on babe I'm just joking that didn't happen I read this book and he's exploring the authors exploring the reality that that hurry is the great enemy of our spirituality we're always on a move we're always on to the next thing and and he's exploring that the idea that our world has become so fast that we have stopped to consider the state of our souls and we numb out things that need to be addressed by busyness by work by routine come on some but you can relate I could relate I'm discouraged God but let me just distract myself from a whole bunch of work so I don't have to deal with this but listen when you swallow an emotion your stomach will keep score and an emotion that's not a dress will always come back up in another season but I just really believe I really believe this from this passage God wants to deal with some of the emotions that are coming to the surface in this season the ruthless and elimination of hurry it made me explore that Jesus had a pace to his ministry that God had a pace and in this season I don't want to hide my discouragement from God I want him to talk with me and walk with me here's what's so crazy about this passage resurrected Jesus decides to walk seven miles with two disciples that are not even as original 12 disciples to have a conversation with them he's not hovering he's not flying he's walking even in his post resurrection state the god of the universe is walking can we just stop and just be in awe of the fact that the God who created the world humbled himself to walk on the dirty streets of Palestine and to walk in step he's outside of time yet uses to get in step with us by walking with us just so you know walking wasn't just New Testament in the Bible in Genesis the Bible says God was walking in the garden God was walking the pace that God relates to his people is walking why because he can't speak to us when we're sprinting come on hey I want you to do this tonight I want you to go on a sprint tonight and I want you to call your best friend and I want you to have a great conversation with them while you're sprinting you can't we can't it's impossible but sprinting almost summarizes the American culture we are trying to get to our destinations fast and when we get there we're out of breath but walking is powerful walking gets us moving and it doesn't make us lose our breath and we can have a conversation with God maybe just maybe in the place of discouragement God actually wants to say something to you and I in this season that can revolutionize our life forever come on somebody can I get amen in the chat he wants to walk with us he wants to talk with us he wants to walk in step with us Jesus in this passage he asked them what's happening he knows the answer but he asks them what's happening like he doesn't know what why does God ask us what's happening in our life when he already knows the answer alright did you ever think of that God you know my needs before I ask them so why should I ask for something that you already know that I need and he calls us to talk to him and he calls us to pray why because God doesn't want to have a monologue with us he wants to have a dialogue with us God wants to talk with us he wants to have conversation he wants to commune with us he's a God of relationship he doesn't want to have a robotic relationship with us where we just give requests to him and wait for his response or he just talks to us and we have to remain silent he wants to have a dialogue with us what are you discussing he knows why he's asking Jesus is that friend that he picks up the phone when you call he's the friend that doesn't miss your call he's the friend that stays up late to process your discouragement with you that Jesus on the day of his resurrection chooses to walk seven miles with two disciples from the Green Valley campus all the way to the Luxor my google map this thing seven miles two and a half hours three-hour walk on the day of his resurrection that blows my mind and in this walk there's three things that I want to explore as I as I go to this next part of the message and you could take notes on this part three things that happen in a conversation with G is on the Emmaus Road on this moment in Luke chapter 24 number one if you could write this down truth was revealed truth was revealed in Luke 24 25 says he said to them how foolish are you and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then answer his glory and he began with Moses and all the prophets and he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself could you imagine having a Bible study with the word made flesh opening up the word to you showing you how he is in it and it's word made flesh talking about the word this might be the greatest Bible study ever okay for three hours Jesus is unpacking the Old Testament to these two disciples to reveal to them truth here's what's crazy about this they knew their scripture they grew up learning about the Bible but they didn't see it the way Jesus wanted them to see it because what they needed in this moment of discouragement wasn't more information what they needed in this moment was revelation they needed God to reveal himself to them in the scriptures Jesus would begin to go through the Old Testament he was gonna show them that the seed of the woman who he was the seed of the women whose heel was bruised the blessing of Abraham to all the nations the high priest after the order of Melchizedek the man who wrestled with Jacob the Lion of the tribe of Judah the voice in the burning bush the Passover lamb the prophet greater than Moses the captain of the Lord's army to Joshua the ultimate kinsman redeemer mentioned in Ruth the son of David who was the king greater than David the suffering servant of Psalm 22 the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23 the wisdom of Proverbs and the lover of the Song of Solomon the one standing with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace the suffering servant servant of Isaiah 53 Jesus about showed them everywhere he showed up in the Old Testament and they knew their scriptures but they they needed the word to come alive to them in that moment what we our discouragement is not more information we need revelation revelation is when it comes alive revelation is when you it goes from something you read to something you experience revelation is something that goes from the bumper sticker on your car and get slapped on to your heart and you can't shake it and you can't let go of it this my friend is a season of revelation for us God wants to reveal something to us in this season in a crisis in our discouragement in our disappointment he wants to make the word alive to them he would--he they needed will check this out what they needed was a personal encounter with the risen Savior they needed something personal they didn't need more facts we don't need more facts right now we need Jesus himself to reveal himself to us in a greater way in this season I need a real encounter in the season I need the word to go from something I just read to something that transforms me in something that speaks to me in the deep darkness of my heart it needs to do something deep and real in my life I don't know who this is speaking to you - but-but-but God wants to reveal something to you in this season I know we read about God being a provider but until you actually need him to provide you you just read about it but when he needs to provide and he does you get a greater revelation of the God who provides I've read about God being a Vindicator but it's not until I shut my mouth about the person that offended me let my Vindicator vindicate me when his word goes from information to revelation this is a season of revelation I've read about Jesus keeping his disciples saying in a storm and in this season I'm not just reading about it I'm experiencing the God who's keeping me sane in a storm I thought I would have lost my mind come on somebody could agree with me online today I thought I would about lost my mind by now I thought I would about thrown in the towel this I am surprised by the grit that I didn't know that was within me some of you you're even encouraged in this crisis because you're realizing your faith is so much deeper than just a church experience it is deeper than just something you put on the Bayeux of your Instagram it is a faith that is stable it is a hope that doesn't shake it is something that is real come on somebody in church help me can I get an amen in the chat this is revelation it's real it's coming alive Jesus begins to reveal himself to the disciples through the Old Testament and they get to their destination and Jesus acts like he's gonna walk further he he's I don't know what he's doing he sees he sees savvy okay he's savvy he's a savage that's what our generation would say savage he's walking along and he's like I know I know they want me to stay they go hey they don't know it's Jesus yet can you stay with us as piano comes up I'm almost done can you stay with us what happened in this conversation would lead him to a house where Jesus was in their truth wasn't just revealed something happened profound in that moment it's gonna eat dinner she just gets up and the Bible says in verse 30 when he was at the table with them he took bread gave thanks broke it and began to give it to them check this out then their eyes were open and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight why why why were their eyes open right now what happened in this moment I'm led to believe that in this moment maybe they heard about the Last Supper that his disciples were a part of they weren't a part of it but maybe his disciples talked about how Jesus broke the bread as a signal and as a as a metaphor of the body he would break his own body from the text I could believe that or what about this Jesus broke the bread to them what did they see well they see his scars his scars his scars and at that moment their eyes were open oh my goodness this is this is Jesus he's here truth wasn't just revealed in that moment pain was redeemed Payne was redeemed because of the resurrection of Jesus the pain you and I experience has a purpose its unto something that's a word for somebody today your pain has a purpose Jesus transformed our relationship with suffering and pain that's suffering it doesn't lead to more despair something more powerful takes place because the resurrected Jesus because he died and he rose again on the third day and he took our hopelessness and he took our pain and he took our discouragement and he took our disappointments he board on a cross he was buried in a criminal's tomb and on the third day he rose again and he changed our relationship but suffering in pain your pain has a purpose friend I need you to catch that today it's not wasted your pain is not wasted it's producing something we're not okay with pain but I do know this we are okay with pain that produces something we are it's what gets people training for a marathon it's what gets moms to have more babies why are you having more babies because because the pain is unto something the pain is birthing something the pain is has a purpose oh man we're okay with pain when it has a purpose Jesus has changed our relationship with suffering a couple of things he does it's number one he and suffering we come to hope more fully in God and put less confidence in the things of this world it's in suffering that we realize that the things of this world don't measure up like we thought it did 20/20 vision it's still 20/20 vision but we come to find out this year that vision comes through crisis clarity comes through crisis were in a crisis we realize what stands and some of the things we've anchored our life to has been moved by the storm but not Jesus he's the rock we build our life on when the storm comes and when the winds blow and when the streams rise we stay we stand we endure suffering it's its unto something pain has a purpose I feel that today for somebody watching there's no season of your life that's wasted I want to come back the enemy he's trying to lie to you to tell you that certain seasons there wasted no no God doesn't have wasted season there is no wasted time with God God restores redeems renews God he got he turns things around for the good god he produces something in pain he he produces something beautiful and you know one thing he does in our pain and our suffering he makes us look more like Jesus that's what he does we share in the suffering of Christ and we begin to look more like Jesus that's why James says you can rejoice when we face trials of many kind are we those that rejoice in piano pray for pain pain just comes but when it comes I don't have to dismiss it and act like God can't use it God can use my pain my discouragement my disappointment my suffering in this season in this season your pain has a purpose pain is redeemed there's no wasted season last thing before I pray the last thing that happened my favorite part the best part for last Luke 24 32 they asked each other we're not our hearts burning while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us were not our hearts burning what that's how much want to ask you this today does that describe your life and your walk with Jesus if it doesn't that's okay in a moment gonna talk with Jesus they went from having an empty heart to a burning heart a moment with Jesus you know what happened at that moment passion was renewed it was renewed it listened life has a way of trying to take our passion life has a way of trying to make us not believe again honey I know this for somebody listen God's plan for your life in my life was never meant for us to walk with him year after year in our passion dwindled day after day we're not supposed to leave this earth with the least amount of passion we're supposed to leave this earth with the most amount of passion he takes us from glory to glory from strength to strength from faith to faith and sometimes the waves and the wind of this world tries to blow out the fire of God within us but did not our hearts burn within us when he talked with us made me think of this the season I got saved I was going to a Bible study of a pastor in town he wasn't he didn't plan his church yet hide a ratner of walked Church and I went to this house and six people there and he he began to open up the scripture and I remember leaving that that Bible study at 16 years old and I kid you not my hands were on fire my life was changing before my eyes I literally sense and felt the burning of God within my heart every worry in that season I know it's little but it was big then it's little now but it was big then every worry every disappointment every breakup that I experienced all the hurt beginning to be burned away by the words of Jesus I was passionate about God and I don't want to lose this passion I don't want to go through a crisis get that gets the best and now be passionate for the kingdom of God I actually believe I could leave this season more passionate than ever before I could walk out of this season burning with Jesus my heart on fire come on sir tell me binge on our hearts burn within us when he talked with us when he talked with us oh my goodness I know some of you you've been showing up I've been logging in might be physically here but your souls been in another place for so long Jesus renews our passion and he could renew your passion today and I feel that the Bible says as I am and Hebrews spoke to me this week Hebrews 12 3 consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart grow weary grow weary weariness is not just something we experience weariness is something we grow with God is saying you don't got to grow weary you don't got to keep moving forward with the weight of weariness trying to take you out consider him who endured suffering when I think on Jesus when I consider his suffering when I consider what he did over 2,000 years ago my faith is renewed my passion is renewed and I could believe again I could have hope again I could try again I could step out in faith again this is a word for somebody today you don't have to grow weary any longer you don't have to go another day being empty you can be filled up by the words of Jesus build up by his passion build up by his word come on somebody a heart lissa burn within me who the greatest season is ahead of you the greatest days of passion is ahead of you there's better days ahead don't throw in the towel don't give up he's walking he's appearing he's encouraging he's revealing showing come on he's restoring what a great day in church today I give you a couple of ways to stay connected with us through these times the first way is through prayer if you need prayer of any kind go to the prayer link fill out the prayer request a member of our team will reach out to you personally for you text phone call we want to make sure you know somebody is standing with you during these times the second way is by joining a small group you can actually join a virtual small group see some people face-to-face if you want to be a part of that go to church lv got color / groups the last way to kick is follow us on instagram at selfie for daily content encouragement prayers worship playlist and updates well it was a great day at church today we declare some god truths of our lives today God you are in control we cast our anxieties on food because here for us you are a provider you are our healer you are fighting our battles I pray the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus and the Lord bless you may the Lord make his face
Channel: ChurchLV
Views: 350
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: di15w0m4MsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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