Conversations In Wire with James Browning: How To Make A Rose Ring Using Soft Flex Craft Wire

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to another installment of conversations at wire with me your host James browning I am a sales representative here for the South flex company it's a jewelry wire manufacturer based out of Sonoma California we do have a gallery that's open every Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. we would love to see you so feel free to stop by today we are working on a little ring it looks like a little rose and that cute and it's really simple one of my simple projects we love those we just need some wire and some tools so let's go ahead and get started all right let's go ahead and start talking about this ring a little bit more so today's ring called the rosary or simple wrap ring is basically just taking us and swirling them around in the front there to kind of give it a swirly look and then by twisting your wires you can give your swirls some dimension and make it look a little bit more like a rose so as always changing the gauge of your wire will give your ring the finer look changing the color of your wire and this is a smaller gauge as well see how nice and delicate that is I'm going you can also add stones I just added a little sodalite bead there and wrapped around it nice little simple ring and then once you're really into wire wrapping you can always do some extra wrapping on the edge but we can worry about that later so tools you're going to need we're going to need a ring mandrel a tool that jewelry makers used to create the ring at the right size to begin with because it's hard to size those later that this is a metal one it's good for if you want to harden the ring wire on the mandrel you can hit that with that nylon hammer or rubber mallet but we don't necessarily need a metal one you can find plastic ones at pretty much any craft store but we do need a mandrel or something like a dowel that's the size of the ring that you want to wrap that around we all need a circular base as always we're going to need our nylon tool nylon jaar jaar tools so that we can straighten our wires our cutters and either in nose pliers or round nose pliers and that's just so that we can finish on those ends like we like okay now for this project I'm going to be using 20 gauge non tarnish silver which is available on our website and so is the tools we have a beginner craft wire kit that you can purchase on our website WWF flex company calm that kit will include the tools I showed you as well as a spool of wire 22 gauge I believe is the size and then some beads to play with so for this we're going to cut off approximately 20 inches it's a nice round I'm where you look up some leftover depending upon the size of your finger but having that much just start with gives you a lot of plate okay and I'm going to take my bed nose tools grab the end of the wire and straighten this out now when you are straightening your wire remember to try to rotate it because the bins are going to be in all different directions and just to make a fan to look nice we want to make sure that we are getting this wire as smooth as we can first step its find your middle we have cut too short of a piece but we'll make a small ring now I don't want you to bend this very much but just mark it so you kind of see where there's a bed all right now we're going to find our size ring on here I'm going to make a pinky ring my pinky is an 8 I hope but I'm going to go one size up and we're going one size up because when we wrapped the wire around to secure our ring it's going to add width to the wire so it'll become smaller so we want to give it room to still fit our finger okay so i've done that around the mandrel and i'm going to go all the way around all the way behind it okay and this is a place that you can stop if you want and gives you two pieces of wire in the back I'm going to go one more time because I like the look of the three wires okay and kind of settle it down when there's no ridges on your wire made early a ring mandrel it makes it a little difficult to keep it the right size so just kind of squish it and I like to take it off holding on to it very carefully and I'm gonna put it on my finger just to see if we need to go up in size nope that looks good okay so you slip it back on should fall out the nine mark nope I'm going to tighten it up a little okay once we have it tight we're going to take our two sticky out bits here and we're going to twist it one full twist that way it's kind of locked in place see that's not gonna spring everywhere if you don't get that all the way around it's going to unlock on you so remember to twist it all the way around okay so here's the fun part you know we're going to do two on this video so you can see what the simple spiral is and then we can play with that Rose look I'm just going to take my wire and go around and I'm going behind the other wire it's kind of important because we want this to be a flat spiral and I'm going to go push down my wire keep moving it around and go behind the other wire okay another kind of sort of in the same place and if you're in a hurry which I never advise you can take both of these wires and go around but I like taking my time and doing one wire at a time also make sure that my spiral is kept neat okay so this one is gonna stay over here and this one's gonna come back one more time over here so now we have wires pointing up and down okay kind of go back and make sure that it's still sticking out that size look how it's locked into place at nine I really hope that I wear an eight now I'm gonna take it off the way ring mandrel and we're gonna get into the fiddly stuff I'm going to take this and I'm right gently curve it because it makes it easier we're gonna go through the inside now to make this neat take your PIN nose pliers and give it a squeeze that will bring it to right against the wires okay we're going to do another wrap and go back through sorry if I keep getting out of frame I'm working on that though guys thanks for being patient with me squeezing this down again remember to be gentle with your pliers so you don't Mar your ring okay let's go one more wrap I take this opportunity to squish this again to make sure that my rap is kind of flat now working with the 20 gauge wire it's a little stiff working with smaller gauges will be easier on you so if you are still working on learning how to use your wire maybe take it down to 22 that's a really good wire to use for beginners and that's why it's included in the kit okay so we've got three wraps there and go around I'm going to do the same thing curve this a little don't let your spiral get out of control go through the ring keep close to the spine one sandal or close there okay and give it a squish all right go underneath the Kent - squish back through one final time the other thing that we're doing when we're squishing is wired down a little is that we're trying to make sure that our band stays kind of together so how it's still flat otherwise those wires can get bunched together and then that creates not so comfortable ring all right now it's time to cut with our cutters and we're going to cut close to the handle the shank okay now I left a tiny tiny tiny bit over so that I can take my tool and work it up and around this is a fiddly bit the other thing you can always try and do is file it with some Jewelers files but the object of this step is to make sure that you're that you don't feel any rough edges not sure if I'm going to be successful with this one it's not too bad but next time I might leave a little bit longer that's not too bad so that may be the cut will be up closer to this top right here all right let's try and get this on the other side now yes okay so I'm going to slip this back on here see now it's an 8 and I see I went all the way from a 9 to an 8 that's why it's really important to measure your ring finger well and go up an entire size okay and I put it back on the mandrel to helps circle it up so if you've you know bent your ring while you're working with it your mandrel will help you make that round again the fit it fits nice okay so that is the simple spiral now let's try one more and let's see if we can get that Rose effect actually going to take out a little bit more lighter this time because since we're going to be wrapping the wire around each other that's going to create less with wire to work with so I would go maybe 24 inches if you're measuring 8 but that knows everything is in my way I'm probably going to do this off camera so I don't hit that throw it anymore okay now this nice and straightened wire gonna find my middle again gentle Bend all right oh my try and maybe do this okay so go ahead and bend your wire around okay take it one more time around to give me three pieces in the back and make sure that your wires are lining up nothing's crossing over when Iced keep this need okay find a mark and when you're twisting try and twist as close to the Mandal as you can maybe going all the way around there okay I'm gonna take my first wire and go around now this one I'm going to take the second layer and twist a little just once because we don't want to make this to see I twisted it just too much now let's be patient with your wire and you can work it back to where it needed to be take another one do a twist here remember to try and keep the lawyers behind the rest of the layers you get three-dimensional not or like the petals look and said it and not so this is your rose you get to make it however you want I like to twist my wire where I feel petal needs to go so I think I put more twists towards the outside because it gives it more petals on the outside I think this may be the last row I'm going to do just because it's getting bulky okay so I'm just gonna take this one behind everything so we have our two wires one up one down okay got a little smaller on me that's okay alright so we're ending this the same way we're just gonna wrap these around good squeeze one of the things with wire is you're constantly messing with it but you can because that's the nature of the beast it's mutable something that you can work with until you are satisfied with it not like paint or something where you put a mark on the paper and you have to work with that mark or with like soldering silver if you mess up while you're soldering the silver that's kind of hard to fix all right I like to rubs there okay let's put this around notice how I gently Bend that because if we just try to put that in too quickly we would probably kink our wire so that's not fun to try and get out it's possible but not funny so let's try and keep this fun just slowly wrapping it around one at a time you can take your fingers and squish the wires together if you feel like they're getting too far apart okay I think that looks good don't you all right actually I'm gonna go one more around each because why not trim off in the middle so that will keep kind of that look of having three wraps and aiming for the middle and watch where you cut your wires because all fun and games until somebody loses a pupil this one yeah I sense more all right back on the mandrel let's see where we ended up very nice ten now if you don't like the shape of your rows or if that's gotten out of control you can always try using your tools I would recommend nylon so it doesn't scratch anything you can try and bend it torn you want to go but I think overall that's a pretty good little rose all right so there it is bring one and ringing - all right well I hope you enjoyed today's little tutorial I know I did and I hope to see you next time thanks for joining me have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Soft Flex Company
Views: 121,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft flex, soft flex wire, flex wire, craft wire, beading, jewelry making, jewelry making supplies, diy jewelry, soft flex company, james browning, wire work, wire wrapping, Conversations In Wire, Rose Ring, simple wrap ring
Id: 1zUQMV2tRHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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