Conversations - Episode 162 with Rebecca King, Louise Reid and Rebecca Briggs.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning everyone i'm uh broadcasting here today from my kitchen and there is a loud noise in the background i'm just giving you a heads up it's the fridge anyway good morning from canada i'm living now in winnipeg manitoba and i am delighted to be jumping on here again with the british isles council of prophets i've been off for several months as i've been resettling in in a different nation which is historically connected to the british isles and so i am so happy to be a part of you and to be here this morning with rebecca briggs from both and with simon breaker from lester good morning how are you guys doing awesome rebecca you're looking good for 3 a.m thank you very much it's a wonder what makeup can do i jumped from my bed staggered from my bed into the other room and found a pot of paste and smeared it all over and prayed to the lord that you know it would not appear that it was 3 a.m but it's i'm working the night shift that's how i'm i'm dealing with that but anyway i see people from all over the world have joined us already this morning and so you are just so welcome uh australia new zealand um surprisingly nobody from canada and uh yeah all over the british isles it's it's wonderful to see you all here ireland the united states brussels in belgium it's fantastic we've got a lot of things to talk about today we've been discussing in the green room the atmosphere and how it is tinged with a little bit of sadness good morning south africa it's tinged with a little bit of sadness because of the departure of several of our fathers in the faith and we want to honor and respect them in the name of jesus yonggi cho colin ercart lauren sanford we just thank god this morning for the influence they have had in many many of our lives particularly simon simon did you want to um say something about colin just briefly as we uh talked this morning yeah i'm i'm still kind of coming to terms with it because uh i watched the um the broadcast this morning and we've been walking with uh with apostle colin he'd not be happy with that title probably but that's what he is um for 27 years and um for for me particularly uh the lord broke out of my life i found myself doing things that they didn't do in the anglican church i was in and then i picked up a book written by colin and discovered that the stuff that i was touching was stuff that he touched and from then on we started tracking together and i guess the only thing i can say is we do what we do now because of what was deposited as from him and uh just really wanting to live in the goodness of the legacy of that and making sure we do the same and uh praying for the family and for the church as well that is so true and this is it's a really important time for those of us us now to begin to take up uh some of the things they have taught us and and begin to pass them on as well in a new way and this whole sadness but but other things as well um stir our emotions and rebecca you were talking about the tenderness that is in the atmosphere right now maybe you could enlarge on that a little bit because i felt the weight of the spirit on those words as we come into the season where the church is going to be a lot more emotional and passionate and yeah much more in touch with with what people are going through around us what we are actually feeling and experiencing yeah i think you know i was i was saying it's funny that simon said that he was feeling tender today because just before when i was trying to talk about some of the other things i've been preparing i was feeling like just that yeah the tenderness the best way to describe i guess just the kindness of god the compassion that and even starting to think of him as a father you're just like oh that love the way it can burn but it's also just it melts as well doesn't it and i think just even like in a church meeting yesterday um when he had youth round last night we had a an amazing guy who's he's only 23 eight months ago his wife had a brain bleed miraculously she is still alive she's slowly waking up and coming back and there we're in this atmosphere where you feel like anything could happen and if we'll just be in that place of okay god do anything you want however you want and i'm gonna take my hands off it and let you take off any kind of control and let you have your way who knows what kind of miracles will break out what what inside us and outsiders physical emotional spiritual mental miracles the whole the whole lot of them if we were just like go with what god is feeling and sensing and sort of cast off restraint um where we might try to rationalize things and explain them all away it's like i say somebody yes it feels like things are about to they're reaching the brim and they're about to overflow and so it can feel a bit like yeah but on unbritish in some ways can't it feels incredibly unbritish and i think we're gonna have to re-learn a lot of things and i say that as a british woman again and again and again god shows me where i'm living from a wrong culture that i'm a kingdom person i'm a kingdom person and and that means every area of my life is subject to the authority of the king of kings and the lord of lords every area including my emotions including the way i think you know the way i live out even what i feel and it's touching on the sovereignty of god again in this season and how as kingdom people we don't get to do anything but acknowledge his sovereignty and then live in accordance with that simon i think one of the things that um that the lord's on with right now we were sharing before we went uh online that just before we went into lockdown began to see in in ministry time an increased release of the holy spirit and it was not contained to a particular church stream it was in anglican churches all across the board but there was a similar manifestation that was coming with it and the manifestation was tears and and not just kind of a little a little kind of down the face but deep sobbing tears and um even over the last couple of weeks as things are beginning to ease and travels beginning to open up again and ministries opening up again same thing again yesterday same thing again um in another location same thing again and we're in a season of time where one of the things i believe the enemy is doing is he's trying to desensitize people is what he's doing and and society's been bombarded with this stuff constantly and some of you know i've got a sports background if you if you hit a nerve enough times eventually that nerve no longer registers and it becomes numb and and literally you can hit it against stuff and you won't feel it and in some sports they'll do that intentionally to it to kill the nerve endings and and there's been some numb heartedness that has taken place over this last season even through stuff that's on tv through news and i believe the lord is healing the church of num-heartedness and he's wanting to reach in and he's wanting to restore that heart of compassion and that heart of flesh time and time again through the new testament it says and jesus was moved with compassion again and again that his foundation his move he was moved by compassion he wasn't necessarily moved by need because all those needs were already met he knew he could meet the need but it was compassion that moved them and we need to be a compassionate people and that means we need to be kind and sometimes that's not been the case so i believe that's something that god's really wanting to address in this time rebecca you used the word white washing before when we were talking and i know that was surrounding all sorts of other things but how would that fit into how we walk and live as as believers in this season in this season of tenderness where god is obviously trying to burst something different yeah that's about um that verse in matthew 23 and acts 23 in matthew jesus is doing as his along like woe to pharisees all the things where they are outwardly looking a certain way but inwardly not um doing that and and he even says you know do as they say but not as they do because they don't do what they say themselves but i think that whitewashing we can that's referring to tombs isn't it because in israel the tombs were cut into rock so you could easily walk past a tomb and touch it by mistake on your way up to the passover and then have to do like seven days of ceremonial cleansing because you come into contact with dead bones inadvertently and god was just saying to me what what is there still where we're carrying inside us dead bones that we've whitewashed over the front with our like lime wash to make it look um nice i mean i know they would do it for different reasons saying don't touch dead stuff but we can be holding some dead things inside us still and and looking but putting on a really good show for their outside world and god just wants to come and bring exposure he wants to open up places where there are like festering remains of things some years old stuff that we carry and just and clean everything up and and just take that pressure off us um of putting on a good show is such it's such a rubbish feeling isn't it because even as we're putting it on we feel awful about ourselves in it and everybody else can usually see through it as well yeah one of the things that that is dead in most of us is is old hostilities and old um ideas and old divisions even we carry them down from our families in the same way that that you know people will tell you they vote this way because their father did and the father before them or they vote for this this is the football team they support why because their father did and you know back and forth there's a verse in scripture that the lord has been hammering home to me in ephesians 2 14 and it says this for he himself is our peace who has made the two groups one and destroyed the barrier the dividing wall of hostility between us and god's been speaking to me about the hostile environment that many of us are carrying inside of us and recreating round about us and and i believe that it is possible as kingdom people to live just like this verse says in peace together with i believe that yeah there will always be those who refuse to come into what the scripture defines as the kingdom of god and how it manifests but there will be a people who recognize that god has destroyed the dividing barrier the dividing wall of hostility and we can sit together with our differences and love one another and minister to the lord together and allow him to tenderize us in his presence as kingdom people simon you were speaking about this you said just recently why don't you just throw in some of your thoughts about that yeah i mean if you look at the uh it's interesting the context of that verse is where paul then goes from breaking the divide and then he moves over to we live as fellow citizens in god's household and that word their citizenship i mean everybody probably knows what citizenship means um but the thing of it is is this i i was just struck as i was looking at it do you remember the account in the book of acts where they're about to to to beat paul and paul responds and says is this how you treat a roman citizen and they go in absolute you know they they are shaken by the fact that paul is a roman citizen because they know the rights that he has as a roman citizen and i was looking at that thinking do i have the same level of affinity to my citizenship to heaven and to god's household does the chur is the church known in the same way that when a believer says well i'm a child of god and a citizen of heaven do we live from that place and and the thing of it is is this the place that we draw the strongest identity from is the place that we'll live from it's the place we'll have our experience from so many times we kind of live in the earth where theologically we're citizens of heaven but in practice we live as citizens of the earth and and there's countless verses through the new testament we are as aliens in the earth and all of these different terms that that we're meant to be here as missionaries we're meant to be here as as a different spirit like like joshua and caleb that they came with a different spirit they were in society and they're all griping but they came with a different spirit and as a result they inherited that which god was desiring to release and i believe there is a mix of spirit that's taken place many are becoming contaminated by the spirit of the world yet living as children of god if you like so identity one thing but behavior something else i was on holiday in france many years ago and i got up early in the morning to go fishing and because there was nobody else on the road i was in my car i headed to the lake driving on the wrong side of the road and it wasn't until a car was coming in the other direction that i realized i was on the wrong side of the road and the thing of it is is our environment may look one way but we need to live from the inside out not from the outside in and that means we need to be in that place that we're drawing our identity we're drawing our values we're drawing our behavior we're drawing our responses we're drawing our theology and ideology from the kingdom of heaven not from the kingdom of the world rebecca jump in on that wow it's so good i love that phrase about living from the inside out and they traveled really like pilgrims didn't they so half the time it's actually because we just gathered so much stuff around us put down roots a bit much into things um which rebecca's very feeling with her move and actually having to displace herself yeah god was god said to me the other day said what is your mo and i was a bit shocked thinking am i suddenly in a crime drama or military tactics meeting with god and um he said no seriously what is your your mo your modus operandi how are you living and he said will you be happy to make your mo my mo and then he said to me meticulous obedience was how he was seeing m.o for this season will we say yes to the big things yes to the small those kind of split-second decisions that can actually end up having quite a big impact on us and i know they use um that for predictive profiling don't they they talk about some of these mo's quite a serious sort of killer often or in serious war times and they're looking at profiling them to try and predict where the next crime is going to be or where's that military enemy gonna attack next so that we can reduce threat um but god was saying if we will yield where we can be headstrong where we can be willful where we can be self-indulgent he is releasing such a new courage a new stamina and a new joy in obedience to us it's not like that sort of teenager like really like when you ask them to do something not that they're all like that um it's more like if you think of i know a dog or something when they're just so happy with your reaction that they did something you asked them to do that like oh cool i please somebody there is a new joy coming i believe in us obeying him where we just so we see the delight in our father's eyes and his delight in us and we just feel so happy oh i just feel so one with you right now that i said yes and it is way more precious than us just sort of thinking and i won't really consult you on this one lord because i'd quite like to do that i think there's there's a new speed to our obedience as well and that's going to really count down the line and shift things a lot the word meticulous when you were talking i was reminded about the difference between excellence and mediocrity and that word meticulous obedience pulls us into the realm of the kingdom of god which is an excellent kingdom that's the the mo there that we operate in excellence and so that means we pay attention if you translate that into our lives today here on the earth that means that we are we pay attention to the little things that we think oh nobody's going to notice no one's going to care about this uh you know am i going to put the shopping cart or trolley as you call it in the british house back into the place where it's meant to be or am i going to leave it banging around in the parking lot little things like that actually are how we display our allegiance to the qualities that god is building into our lives as kingdom people so i love that you use that word meticulous simon this is an identity issue isn't that there's there's something i i mean i've been just reflecting on um that you know we used the term didn't we a couple of minutes ago about about being british and and and um i think we've probably all been in meetings where somebody said don't you get being british on me and then and see becca laughed as soon as i did that and everybody knows what that generally means they know that it means stoic and unresponsive and um i was at the emmanuel center a few years ago um at a conference it was obviously a few years ago because it was in a conference remember those um and uh and we're in a time of worship and somebody said that very statement don't get british on me and the lord took me in the spirit and i had a vision and in the vision i saw what would be the personification of of that term a very stoic very gray very sober looking miserable looking person and then the holy spirit spoke and said that's not british i said oh what is then lord and then the face of of wesley and whitfield and boov and smith wigglesworth and one after another after another after another came in front of me and the lord said that's what that looks like that's what i've called you to be that's who i've called you to be as a nation and i think particularly england is in a place of identity crisis that the nation doesn't know who she is and the reason why is because she's wandered so far away from the one who called her and and in the vision the lord lifted me above the nation and i saw the the nations of the british ours and i saw it rise as a lion but in the main of the lion were all of the flags of the commonwealth and the lord said this you will not find your voice until you fully embrace the nations that i've sent to you for it to be expressed that it's like we can't be this divided people we've got to recognize that we're a people we're a mongol nation really if you look at it we've got everything and yet in that god said i want to bring a sound forth that has something of a reflection of heaven of every tribe and every tongue so that means we can't tolerate one another but we must embrace one another and there's a passion that will come as a result so i'm excited about that because i believe we're on the threshold of that of the nations of the british isles finding a voice that they've not had previously i think that that you're so right there i remember in uh when i first moved back to england um i would do ministry and and people would respond to me from the audience and say we don't do that because we're english and my response would be well i'm english and i do that so so your excuse is not valid because we are kingdom and you're right about every tribe and every tongue and every nation i think though that the lord wants to get much more specific with us this morning and and talk about the christian nation in if if i can just use it as a nation just for the purpose of making a point and that is he wants to address the divisions in the christian nation which are causing us and have caused us to lose our voice in the world we have lost our reputation we have lost our voice we struggle to find what is a healthy and whole sign because of this business of of of bowing to our rights and what we think is is good and we've allowed the wall of hostility to to begin to be built up again between us when jesus paid for the the destruction of that with his life and so so i i believe that god it's like he's poking deeper and deeper and deeper and we're understanding it in part but he's poking deeper and saying no there's a place that i want you to come to there's a place that i want to bring you and someone is saying he delights in unity but it's even greater than that i find i don't even have the words for it it's learning to listen to one another without having to answer and say i don't agree with you it's it's humility the the only thing that's going to bring us um to the place where we celebrate one another in our differences is humility yeah and i'd add to that the reality of it is is there's going to be moments where we're not going to agree but being able to disagree well and walk away from a conversation knowing that there's been honor and there's been respect and there's been love that you can lovingly disagree is a big different thing and and i think we're in that what's the term the council society the council culture but actually i think there's something about the lord wanting us to learn that we can actually be in that place that we don't entire i don't even even agree with myself i mean if i go back if i go back five years and listen to something i preached i wouldn't agree with it there's probably parts of it that i wouldn't agree with because i'm on a journey and i want people to extend grace to me to allow me to travel that journey and nobody bullied me to where i am today the lord drew me there and if that's the way the lord gets us to a place it's the way he's going to get everybody else to that place so rather than bullying or seeking to intimidate which both belong to the dominion of darkness we need to move into the kingdom of light and follow god and seek to lead others the way that god has led us yeah rebecca jump in it's so good and isn't it interesting if we talk more about jesus with each other i'll just say hey should we worship together let's pray or let's wait on god together with coming with nothing and just be in his presence it's funny how the things that we thought were so important or that were so rock solid and us actually just they pale don't they next to the king of kings if we i think we worshipped and prayed more together then it says it all because then we hear from him together what he's saying for that group or for our city or for our nation right now today what's like the living breathing word what's happening in his kairos timings and then we can just yield the rest of it and we and also we don't have to defend god do we i think so much i thought oh no i better stand up for god just in case he takes a bit of thrashing in this conversation and he's like i am all-powerful just yeah if we'll just bow down well there'll be no placement in heaven willa because we'll be so captivated by his beauty we've forgotten all kinds of dissension but he's really bringing that element of heaven on earth now i think yep amen he is he is and that takes me back again to that word meticulous i think it's our responsibility to be that to hold that kind of obedience to this kind of culture the kingdom culture that you and i and and those who are in agreement sort of make covenant with the lord to create that kind of atmosphere in our homes and in in our areas you know first of all we don't have to do it across the whole world immediately but we can take responsibility for our homes and our living areas our neighborhoods even that we refuse to be at war as the world is at war but we come into kingdom peace the the kingdom of god is right standing with god peace and joy those things and we carry those and where we tread our feet we release those things we take the land for the kingdom of god and that's how we do it simon why don't you pray prophesy us out of this program today because there's been a lot of little things discussed and and i just uh sensed that god would have us to gather at his feet almost to to just bow to his sovereignty in these things that we've been talking about yeah father we um we do thank you that you said that you would give us hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone and we're aware that there can be desensitizing a numbingness that can take place for lots of different reasons father we ask you now first and foremost for ourselves that you would draw close to us and show us any areas in our lives that we have been desensitized or we have become numb lord forgive us where we've made excuses and and created barriers to release ourselves from the need to change and i ask you to forgive us lord and now lord as a people we we extend our hands and our hearts to the british isles and we pray father god that you would restore tenderness to the british isles that father the harshness the hostility the hatred the division that's even within the church would be washed away and we ask you father god for a different spirit to rise we pray for the those like mother teresa who carried a different spirit and lord we pray for that across the british isles that we would be known as a nation that lives close to your heart and father we pray that those areas that grieve you would be swept away and we would be a people that live to please you so lord we cannot change ourselves holy spirit we invite you to the british isles come and do surgery on the heart of this land and make this land look like heaven come close in this moment and restore that which you desire to be there in jesus mighty name amen amen and just as you were praying simon i began to see a flame and i heard the words the spirit of burning but the flame i saw wasn't rough or hard or harsh it was white and it was almost dancing and it was dancing and it was moving across the nation and there was just a little bit of orange color i could see but i saw that the flame would produce that tenderness it was that kind of flame so so i just released that spirit of burning but that tenderness that's coming with this flame and some of you are gonna feel that settling wahoo on your hearts right now settling on you just as as the the holy spirit uh appeared in tongues of flame ass tongues of flame on the heads of people i see that some of you are going to be experiencing a touch of the flame on your heart today even through the day and this coming week you're going to feel that burning but it's not going to be rough it's going to be tender because that's what god is is releasing to you so when you experience that just open up and say come lord jesus come lord jesus have your way in my life i want to thank you all for being with us thank you um simon and rebecca for being here today thank you for for all of you who have uh stuck with us across the world it's so good to see you all and we love sharing our hearts with you so we'll see you again soon bye bye bless you all [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: British Isles Council of Prophets
Views: 1,914
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bMmI48EY0tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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