Control points in Nik Collection 7... I missed somethig important

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hello world I'm back again with just a super short video to sort of you in a way printer retraction and that retraction is basically I I did a video yesterday and I had a couple of comments on that video saying oh did you know about this and as it turns out I did not know about this so in my video I was banging on about the fact that I don't love these handles here and and you know cuz I kept kind of catching them on accident and and and etc etc and and I and I don't and I I don't love them in back when they were in photo lab I didn't love them there either but anyway I was I was grumbling about that and uh someone actually two different people said to me two different potential solutions for that did you know you could make them go away and uh and that's an interesting one so no I did not really should have done kind of but did not and but anyway there's a a little Dover right here that hide is hide the local adjustment parameters in the preview so if I do that now if I Mouse over these it is gone and I don't need to worry about it so I will be using that heaps and thank you so much for the little tip and that's that's just put me down and the other person who commented on it gave me a different tip and that was that you could press shift e so I'm just doing that on the keyboard now though you can't see it shift e and there it goes away and basically you can see it's turned this on because that's now got that marker there so I'll just shift e again and now that should be back to normal and I would see the handles of ones that I uh grab on so that's that very good point thank you to my commenters for a for helping me out and B for knowing that both of those things um I really really do appreciate it and and it put me in mind that that sent me on a little journey that I'll just share which is something that you know it's one of those things that I know but I often just kind of don't pay attention to and that is that if I go here to help and I go to user guide I can go to the dxo website and on here I've just gone to Shared in interface and then shortcuts and there is a we list of various things that are good to know about so you can check that out as I'm looking at it there are a few that I'm thinking oh that would be super handy that would be super handy and again it's one of those things I kind of know I know that these shortcuts are there and there are a few of them maybe that I use and then lots that I don't use and and I just kind of sometimes don't remember to go check them out but go check them out if you're keen and the other thing that someone one of the commenters had said was just wait till I bring this back up again with this where I've got a whole stack of control points could I not have just done one of those flashy new Luminosity masks and I'm guessing yeah almost certainly I could have done just wait click get my help menu to go away almost certainly I could have done I just kind of got caught up I quite love those little oval control points I'm really enjoying the oval but I I completely agree probably was more efficient to do something like that let's have a peek at what that might look like so what's this one on this is on Brilliance and warmth so let me just I'll just turn that off for a second and I'll come over here it's here I'll just add another one to my back and I'm sure it doesn't make too much of a difference that it's at the bottom it might make a slight because of order does make a difference sometimes but I won't fuss that too much but let's just see how that how that Luminosity mask idea would have worked I'm just going to scroll up here so I can see what so what do I have 10 54 10 just do something kind of similar down here close enough uh 50 yep close enough off and there we go great so I've got the basic adjustment and then I want to just put it on my little pools of light so I'll grab the Luminosity mask while I'm hovered here I'll just someone also mentioned about how you can do neutral or you know things that take away the effect and and that is in that little text that's appearing there if you read it Luminosity mask and then it's got brackets hold alt to add it neutral so that's kind of the minus and if you forget just hover it does it does tell you there that one I did know about I just didn't have cause for it yesterday so then we're going to just come here and pop that there and see what we got I can see that there's I'll I'll turn that on so we can see but I can definitely see there's some of that shining through here here and here see what we get in terms of overall yeah so we're not quite getting there I bet we need to let a little bit more of the darkness in let's see start to bring that out just a little bit more where is that balance going to be maybe there there possibly I think maybe for my purposes the ovals might have done better but let's see what the effect is the masks can be deceiving sometimes so let me turn the mask off and just see what the effect is yeah actually in practice that's close enough hey there I could just see little bit shining through on the mask but I don't think that that's really impacting that in a in a way that's that's bothersome at all um nice so just just for curiosity's sake I'm going to use this quick export here I don't want it to overwrite my one previously so when I'm done here I'm going to cancel this to come out of it so I did my quick export and now again I don't want to overwrite what I did so I'll just come here and cancel and if you close the application changes will be lost do you want to continue and I will go close without saving right so that versus that versus that I guess there is a little different yeah that's a good point isn't it so with my technique so looking up here these are quite a bit warmer with my technique I had eased it off as I moved my way back through the image so when I do that you can see I think this one's awfully darn similar but as you work QA backwards mine had less had less oops had less warmth in them so if I go here I'm guessing yeah that's a little so so I guess perhaps in this just a tiny difference but I think maybe my technique did maybe suit my intent a little bit better but certainly that Luminosity mask is a really powerful thing and if it does work it does save you doing like how many of those little points did I do like eight or something so and with that I'll say thanks for watching and I will talk again soon cheers bye-bye
Channel: DxFlow
Views: 33
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Id: e5OFzOYmZjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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