Build an ESP32-CAM Robot Car

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today in the workshop we'll be building a remote controlled robot car using the esp32 cam module i'll show you the steps for building this car in a simple base or with your own unique design we're on the move today so welcome to the workshop well hello and welcome to the workshop and today we are going to be building well we're going to be building this this is a robot car based around the esp32 cam module now most of you are probably familiar with the esp32 and the esp32 cam if you're not i've done a couple of videos on these devices but basically the esp32 cam module is an incredible little module that has a video camera it can do wi-fi it can do bluetooth it has a very powerful microcontroller and it's got a very low price about nine us dollars i've coupled that with a few other components that are also very inexpensive to make this little robot car this little robot car takes advantage of the wi-fi capabilities of the esp32 so we can use a remote interface with a phone a tablet or a computer this device creates its own wi-fi access point so you don't need to be in an area with wi-fi to drive the car you can take it outside if you want to and it is a lot of fun and so let's take a look at the features of this car the components and then i'll show you how you can build this either the way that i built it or with your own unique style our robot car will be based upon the popular esp32 cam module the car will create its own wi-fi access point so you won't need to have wi-fi and you can use it anywhere you want you can use a phone computer or tablet to remote control the car using wi-fi and a web-based interface the remote control provides for video streaming and has controls for video quality and video size you can also control the video light on the car to illuminate the area that you're looking at the remote control also has a speed control for the car let's take a better look at our simple remote at the top of the screen you'll see a spot for the video display this is where the streaming video will be displayed below that is a button to start or stop the video stream note that when you first start the remote the video stream will be stopped and you'll have to start it manually we also have four buttons to control the direction of the car you'll notice there is not a stop button although there is provision and code for making this this is because the car only moves when the button is pressed and will stop when it is released there are also two controls to control the light on the esp32 cam module one to turn it on and one to turn it off three slider controls round off our interface there's a control for the speed of the car one for the quality of the video and a third one for the video size the main components of our car are of course the esp32 cam module and the tb6612 fng h-bridge module the esp32 cam can supply wi-fi at 802.11bg or n it's also capable of bluetooth 4.2 with bluetooth low energy although we won't be using this feature in our design this microcontroller can be clocked up to an incredible 160 megahertz the esp32 cam module brings nine of the esp32 gpio ports out it also has a built-in flash led and this is the led we are using as a video light the tb6612 fng8 bridge is a mosfet device with a lot of superiority over the common l298n and that's why i chose it for the design this device can handle a motor voltage of 2.5 to 13.5 volts dc it also is capable of using a logic voltage of 2.7 to 5.5 volts dc allowing it to be used with both 3.3 and 5 volt logic the tb6612 fng can handle 3.2 amperes per output as a peak it can also handle a sustained 1.2 ampere output for each motor the device requires no heat sink and has a built-in thermal shutdown now i built my robot car upon a popular two-wheel robot car base i'm sure you're familiar with these these are available very inexpensively from a number of sources there are also four-wheel versions of this base and you can use this as well by tying the motors on each side in parallel just make certain to keep in mind the maximum current capabilities of the tb6612 fng when you're doing this but the real fun would come from adapting an existing toy car or vehicle for your own purposes after all this is your robot car so let's go ahead and build it now here's the robot car that i built and as you can see it's a pretty basic assembly it's on one of these standard plexiglas bases that has the two motors on it and a caster at the back now i should mention i added another caster onto mine over here on the front and the reason i did that is i found that my design was rather front heavy and kept lifting up now there are a number of other ways i could have resolved that of course one way would have been to move the batteries further back or maybe move this caster a little forward reversed position of them another way would be to move this whole assembly more toward the center but since i happen to have another caster it was the easiest way to do it now as you can see it's a pretty basic layout i've got my power supply over here these are the lipo batteries the 18650s and at the bottom over here we have a main board and the lipos connect to that there's another connector on the board over here and that goes down to the motors this is the motor driver and this is a voltage regulator that i'm using to create the five volts for the esp32 now the esp-32 itself as you can see is mounted on another board and that board actually can unplug if you want to and the board has a socket on it over here and that socket is for an ftdi adapter so you can plug in an ftdi adapter when you want to program it now when you want to program it there are also two jumpers here this one needs to be inserted in order to put it into program mode that's the one that attaches gpio0 to ground and this one if it's inserted it allows you to use this module standalone and use the power supply from the ftdi adapter otherwise you leave this open so that the power supply and the ftdi and the power supply here don't conflict with each other and if you had that open you would just power this on when you were programming it and of course you'd have it back in the socket over here so put that back in now i'm going to power this up for a second as you can see i've got this really cool led that's changing colors and flashing and that's actually nothing that the microcontroller is responsible for i'm just using these and these are from pymeroni they're rainbow leds and so you basically treat them like regular leds and they do this color changing by themselves and i just thought it looked pretty neat but of course you could use a regular led there as you can see the power switch and the antenna are all mounted on a separate board and that's hooked up with spacers and that lifts it up and also lets me run the antenna down to the esp32 camera we'll talk a little bit more about the antenna in a little bit now i'm going to turn it off again and turn it on one more time now look at the esp32 cam when i turn it on please give it a second and there if you saw those flashes those flashes indicate that it has now set up a wi-fi access point and it's ready to go so there you have it a very compact assembly and a really neat little toy now as i said earlier this is a project that you can build your own way you could certainly follow all the instructions that i'm going to present to you and come up with a robot car that looks just like mine but you could also experiment with stuff that you already have perhaps you've already got another robot car base or you've got a few motors and some wood and you want to build a robot car base maybe you've got a radio control car that doesn't work anymore or another model vehicle that you'd like to modify and turn into a remote esp32 cam car you can do that but there are a number of design considerations however you build this that you're going to have the follow and that's what i want to go over right now some of the main design considerations starting with some considerations around the esp32 cam module itself for only nine us dollars the esp32 cam is an absolutely amazing module however in order to create an inexpensive module like this some compromises had to be made one of the most obvious compromises is the lack of gpio pins there are fewer gpio pins on the esp32 cam module than a normal esp32 this is because many of the internal gpio pins are already in use for either the camera or the included micro sd card in addition many of the gpio pins that are available have shared uses for example tpio pin 0 is used to put the program mode on the esp32 cam gpio pins 3 and 1 are used for receive and transmit now these pins can be used in your design but it may compromise your ability to test your design if you make use of them the esp32 cam also uses a number of shared resources in the form of internal registers and timers and these can conflict with your program as well many of these resources are used by the camera on the subject of the camera the camera quality is an issue the camera quality is reasonable it is a 2.1 megapixel camera but i have found that there is quite a variance in the quality of these cameras if you're building this project it might be a good idea to have a couple of esp32 cam modules and select the one with the best picture another issue with the camera is mounting the camera the camera itself is mounted to the esp-32 with a very short cable now there might be a method of extending the cable but i'm not aware of it myself so you basically have to manipulate the esp32 module itself in order to position the camera so this can be a little awkward in some designs and a final consideration with the esp32 cam is the antenna the esp32 cam module has a built-in antenna etched on the printed circuit board however for optimum performance you will need to use an external antenna there is a connector on the board for an external antenna however you will need to make a slight modification to your board in order to make use of this connector i'll be describing that modification in a few moments now another consideration that you're going to have when you're constructing your robot car is how are we going to power it and there are a number of different choices that you can make and i've got a few of them over here now the method i employed was to use a couple of lipo batteries lipos 18650s to be specific i give up 3.7 volts so if i put two of them together i get 7.4 volts i've got a handy little holder over here that'll put them both together and i'm using the 7.4 volts to drive my motors directly even though they are specified as being 6 volt motors they don't seem to mind the extra voltage but that's just me doing that hopefully that'll work for everyone i'm also regulating that down to 5 volts to power the esp-32 cam and i'm doing that with this lm 2596 based dc to dc converter now you could use a number of different power modules not this this one specifically this is an adjustable regulator so once you hook it up you have to adjust it to get a 5 volt output it's not going to do it automatically and that's a very important step if you're going that route another couple of ways you could do it remember we have to give two voltages a motor voltage and a 5 volts for the esp32 another way to do that would be to just use a 6 volt battery which i've made over here with four double a cells in a holder and this could power my motor and then for the five volts i've got over here a number of these usb power banks and these things are great basically they have one of these batteries inside them and you charge them up with one port and you power with the other port so you could actually have facilities for charging up your robot or at least a five volt side of it and that's kind of nice because i haven't made any provisions on my design to actually charge the batteries while they're in here when they run low i've got to remove them and put them in an external charger so as you can see you've got a lot of different options for powering up your robot car essentially you need to get the two voltages so be creative now in order to use the external antenna with the esp32 cam board you're going to need to make a slight modification to the board and what you see over here is the bottom of the es-232 cam board where you can see the antenna itself now this is the built-in antenna that's etched onto the board and there's also a connector over here for the external antenna now in order to use that external antenna which i would advise you do for better performance you're going to have to make a slight change now if you look right beside it over here you'll see a few solder pads three of them and these two pads over here have a small resistor that is inserted there the surface mount resistor and this is a zero ohm resistor which is another word for a jumper wire and what you have to do is remove this resistor from this position and put it up in this position over here pointing toward the connector and that will send the antenna signals out the connector as opposed to the etched on antenna now since this is a zero ohm resistor you don't actually have to remove the resistor and insert it in this direction you can also just remove the resistor and insert a jumper wire and i've done that to another board let me show it to you it's not the prettiest thing in the world but it certainly serves the purpose in this case i have now removed my resistor and you can see there's a little wire that's now pointing toward the antenna connector and so now this board can be used with an external antenna so if you want to do that you're going to have to make the modification to your esp32 cam board all right we've got all of our components together and we've taken a look at a number of design considerations the next step is to actually build our robot car so let's get started with the wiring of the car now i've divided this up into a couple of different sections in order to make it a little simpler for you to understand and you can also get the wiring diagrams on the article that accompanies this video on the website the first section we are going to look at is the ftdi adapter this is the adapter you need to use in order to get your program from your computer onto the esp32 cam module it adapts the usb connector of your computer to signals that the cam module can understand and use now you don't need to have the esp32 adapter mounted permanently to your robot car and in my design i don't i've simply provided a socket for the adapter and i can plug it in whenever i want to program the car but this is really up to you so let's go and take a look at the wiring of our ftdi adapter now for our first hookup we will of course require the esp32 cam module and we'll also need an ftdi adapter now you'll need to set your adapter for 3.3 volt logic and you will likely find either a jumper or a solder pad on the device that will let you accomplish this we'll begin by wiring the esp32 cam 3.3 volt input to the ftdi adapter vcc output through the pwr jumper this is the jumper that we can use when we want to power the esp32 cam from the ftdi adapter and not from our internal power supply we'll then connect the sp-32 cam gpio 3 to the ftdi adapter transmit or tx line esp32 cam gpio1 will be connected to the ftdi adapter rx the esp32 cam ground will be connected to the ftdi adapter ground now gpio0 on the esp32 cam will be connected to one pin of the pgm jumper the other side of the pgm jumper is connected to ground this is the jumper that needs to be inserted when you are programming the esp32 cam and this completes our wiring now the next component that we need to hook up is the tb6612 fng h-bridge motor controller now this is the device that of course will provide power to our two dc motors and it needs to be hooked up to both the esp32 cam module and to the motors itself i used a small connector to connect my motors to the circuit board that i was wiring this on so let's go and take a look at the wiring of our motor controller the motor control section of our wiring will involve both the esp32 cam module and the tb6612 fng h-bridge module i'm also going to use a 4-pin terminal block to connect the motors however if you're using a solderless breadboard implementation of this you won't require that we'll begin by connecting the esp32 cam vcc to the motor controller vcc we'll also connect the esp32 cam vcc to the tb6612 fng stby which is a standby input this needs to be held high for the controller to work the esp32 cam ground will be connected to the tb6612 ground the 5 volt output from the esp32 cam power supply will be connected to the esp32 cam 5 volts the ground from the power supply will be connected to an esp32 cam ground the motor voltage positive output from our power supply will be connected to the tb6612fnd vm or motor voltage input the ground from the motor voltage power supply will be connected to one of the tb6612 fng grounds esp32 cam gpio pin 12 will be connected to the motor controller's pwm input esp32 cam gpio13 will be connected to the tb6612 fng a input 2 or ain2 the gpio2 will be connected to the motor controllers a input 1 or ain1 tpio15 is connected to the motor controllers b in 1 or b input 1. esp32 cam gpio pin 14 is connected to the tb6612 fng bin2 or b input 2. we'll also make the same connection from gpio pin 12 to the pwm b input on the tb6612fng finally the motor outputs the motor controller a01 will be connected to motor a's positive side a02 will be connected to motor a's negative side b02 will be connected to motor b's negative side and b01 to the positive side of the b motors and this completes the wiring of the motor control section now the final section that we're going to need to wire up for our robot is the power supply and you could use a different power supply than the one that i'm using if you wish the requirement is that you're going to have to come up with two different voltages a voltage for the esp32 cam module and a voltage for your motors and you don't want to use the same supply for both because the motors could induce electrical noise that would interfere with the esp32 cam module now the esp32 cam module is a 3.3 volt device but it has both 3.3 and 5 volt power supply inputs because it has internal voltage regulators and many people have found that it is more stable when you use the 5 volt input so that's what we're going to be using to power our esp32 cam as for the motor supply well that really depends upon the motors you're using of course the ones i'm using generally like about 6 volts and i'm actually giving them a bit more than 6 volts and they seem to be fine with that so you'll have to adjust that to whatever your motors are so the supply i've built basically uses a couple of 18650 batteries which i'm using directly to power the motors and it uses a small dc to dc converter to create the five volts that i need for my esp32 cam so let's go and take a look at how i wired that up the power supply i built used two 18650 lipo batteries i also used a dc to dc or buck converter the one i used is based on the lm2596 and it's an adjustable converter you can use another similar device if you wish you'll need a power led i used the pi mirani com0625 rainbow led but really any led would suffice you'll require a single pole single throw switch this will be our power switch we'll need a dropping resistor for the led i used 220 ohms but any value in this range would work i also used a two pin terminal to connect the power from my lipo batteries to the power supply now if you're using a solderless breadboard implementation you probably won't require this we'll begin by connecting the positive output of the 18650 battery pack to the terminal and then through to the spst switch the other side of the switch will be connected to v in positive on the dc to dc converter the negative side of the battery pack will be connected to the terminal and then through to the v and negative side of the dc to dc converter we'll take that positive v in and run it to the positive motor output the negative v in will become the ground on our motor output and this motor output could supply approximately 7.4 volts to run our motors the vote positive from the dc to dc converter will be connected to the positive esp32 cam power supply output v-out negative will become the ground for the esp32 cam output this will be a 5 volt output the vo positive will also be connected to one side of our dropping resistor and we'll connect the other side of the dropping resistor of the anode of our led and finally the vo minus will be connected to the cathode of the led now before you install the esp32 into its socket it's very critical that you adjust your power supply to 5 volt output if you're using an adjustable regulator like the one i'm using and this completes our power supply circuit so now that we've got everything wired up we just need to put it all together to build a robot car so i'm going to show you how i took the individual components and put them onto my robot car base and assembled everything naturally if you're building this car in a completely different configuration in one of your own model cars you'll need to do things differently but you can learn a few things from the design considerations and the methods i used of assembling my car to assemble your car so let's go and do that right now in order to show you how to assemble the robot car i've taken mine apart so you can see how i put it together now the whole thing is based of course on one of these little robot car bases and i'm sure you've seen these things before they're very inexpensive they're about 15 or 20 dollars and they include a couple of motors with them and they also include this rear caster for balance now as i said earlier i added a second caster on the front now as you can see the motors are mounted they just have a couple of wires soldered to them of course and i've tie wrapped them over here to keep them pretty and i've got them passed up through a big hole that was already in the in the car base now when you get one of these bases you'll find that this piece of acrylic is actually covered in brown paper and that serves two purposes first it protects the acrylic so you remove it before you actually install everything and it's nice and shiny when you do that but another thing that brown paper is really good for is for mount is for getting the locations for any of the extra holes you're going to have to drill now i had to drill some extra holes i had to drill them for these mounting posts over here which is for my main board i also had to drill some holes to mount the battery holders i think you can see that underneath over here and i drilled some extra holes of course for my my caster over here and so i marked all of those off on the brown paper and then put them through the drill press and then after that i took the paper off so that makes it a lot easier now let's take a look at the boards that go on to this and everything is really down to three basic boards i'll just move this aside so you can see these and i'll take this one off okay this is the main board over here and this main board is got the the driver the h bridge controller and it's got the voltage regulator the dc to dc converter i've got a couple of connectors these are the connectors that are the output of this motor controller and this is the input for the converter this is a little uh connector that i run up to a four conductor cable and that allows me to run to the top board and that does the power switch and the led now the wiring on all of this is actually quite simple when i wire up with perf board i use two different types of wire and you can also see that on the back of this board over here the one that i've got for the esp32 cam i use a 30 gauge wire that's also called wire wrap wire for most of the data connections and that because it's very small and very easy to work with actually and then i use a larger gauge i use a 22 gauge wire for anything that has to do with power or ground and i've always done it that way you'll notice also that if you can see that i've used the 22 gauge wire as well for the connections out to the motor so anything that needs to handle any current that isn't data i use that for now these spacers and all the hardware this is 2.5 millimeter stuff and these really long ones are actually let me just unscrew them over here exactly two spacers i've just put them on top of each other and uh spacers are standoffs if you want to call them that they allow me to elevate that second antenna board so that i can bring that up to a good height for the antenna now the antenna board as you can see is also a very simple board it's a very small one it's got the power switch it's got the led and it's dropping resistor and a connector for the antenna which of course runs to the back of the esp32 board now i've used a socket for the esp32 and you're going to want to use that as well because you want to be able to get access to the switch over here the reset switch on the esp-32 i've also used a socket for the motor controller now you don't need to do that in a way it might help because it adds a little air circulation under it but really this never gets that warm i just thought it was a bit easier but you could also wire the wires directly and eliminate the socket if you wanted to excuse me and so that's how i wired up my robot car using perf board on three different boards and if you want to go ahead and do the same thing that would be great but you can also of course come up with your own mounting style well now that we've got everything wired up and everything all hooked up on our car it is time to write some code so we can actually make it work now the code that i'll be using is fairly complex when you look at it it's actually divided into more than one file and it contains a lot of code that was taken directly from expressive's example for using the esp32 cam module and making a video stream so i certainly can't take credit for the majority of the code you're about to see what i'm going to do is show you the sections of the code that you can modify to change the things that you might want to modify for example you may want to modify the look and feel of the interface i designed a fairly ugly interface for this car and i'm sure you can do much better if you've got some experience with cascading style sheets so i'll show you the sections that you can modify for that i'll also show you the sections you can modify if you want to add some extra features to the car like add an extra i o device or something and i'll point you out to the areas that you can modify in the code for that so let's go and take a look at the code and at the things we can modify to customize the car for our own purposes now here's the code that we're going to be using for our esp32 cam robot car and it consists of two different files the first one is esp32 dashboard and this is the main file and in this file there isn't very much that you are going to want to modify except perhaps at the beginning over here and these are the credentials for the access point remember we are setting up our esp32 cam robot car as a wi-fi access point so as a result the access point will require both an ssid and a password because it's a secure access point now we've made the ssid esp32 cam robot but you could change this if you wanted to you could also change the password but otherwise it's been set to one two three four five six seven eight nine zero and you should remember that because you're going to need it to connect to this network otherwise there is not very much that you can modify in this file it is basically just a copy of a lot of the stuff from the expressive example for the esp32 cam in the loop over here we're comparing a value called previous time passed to us from the other file to the current time to make the robot move a specific amount of time and we will see that in the second file over here now the second file app underscore httpd.cpp is the one that you will want to modify if you want to change the look of the interface or if you want to add additional components to this for example when i was designing this i actually had a couple of servo motors to pan and tilt the esp32 but i found it too awkward to do that so i removed them but you could put something back in here if you want and this is where you're going to do it now again this is a huge file and you'll notice i've enabled the line numbers so that can conveniently jump to a line so let's first of all look at the html which i believe is around line number 374 so let's go there and here we go and this is the html that is going to display the actual buttons and as you can see it's a very basic table based design i'm sure those of you who are much more proficient at html could come up with something much better using cascading style sheets but for this simple application this will suffice now all of these are buttons at the top over here and at the bottom here are sliders and on the buttons for example you'll have a couple of things that you could modify for example the button class the button class is what determines what the button looks like and that refers to an entry in the cascading style sheet which i'll be showing you in a moment and then the button id which is a unique id for the button itself the button id occurs in the on click event as well over here on the on click event of the button we pass back a couple of variables and in this particular one we pass back two variables car and val equals five the one below it is for the light and it's flash and val equals one etc these values are passed back every time we press the button and this is what lets us determine which button has been pressed and if we want to see that we'll bump up over here again go to line let's go to line 307 now up over here you can see we have a bunch of if else statements and they are looking for those values that are passed back so for example for the backward one if the value is 5 and at the top over here we said the variable is car that variable is car and the value is 5. we call a function called robot back and those functions are actually located down near the bottom of the code and that's around line 489 according to my notes so let's go there and as you can see we have a number of motor control functions here's a stop function here's a forward here's the backward function and so these backward function this basically goes and talks to the tb6612fn motor controller it sets it up so that the motor is spinning in the correct direction and that's what it's doing over here and then it simply sets a move interval and sets a value of previous time to the current value in milliseconds and that of course is what we saw in the loop earlier that tells it what to do so if you hit the back button the robot is going to move backward for an interval of 250 milliseconds now if you want it to be a shorter or longer interval and you'll notice left and right have different ones for 100 milliseconds you could go and change that in this part of the code over here now if you want to change how everything looks what you really need to do is go and look at the style sheet however the style sheet is a bit of a problem let's go and take a look at it i have it listed here as being on line 355. and there it is and here's your style sheet and as you can see it's a little difficult to do anything with this style sheet and that is because this style sheet has been minified minification is the process of taking out all the spaces and carriage returns and all the characters that your web browser doesn't need to see but humans like to see in order to make code readable and it's a method of sending less bytes of data to the web so that everything works a bit faster and you can minify and unminify quite easily with some utilities that are available on the internet for example here's one called unminify if we pasted that entire string into here we would get the unminified version of it and if we wanted to minify it again we can go to a minifier and we could put our code into here and it would give us a minified version of it and there are dozens of these up on the internet i'll leave a few links in the article accompanying this video now in order to save some time i've also given you another file and it's a version of the same file with the cascading style sheets unminified and that's over here i've got it open in genie right now i've got it open to a specific point actually down around line 484 because this is where all the buttons are defined and so as you can see we've got a number of different buttons button two button three the basic button is up over here then button two three four five six you could add additional ones change their color change their width etc and add those parameters and call them from your code so if you wanted to add extra buttons this is what you would do so these are a few simple modifications you could make to this code in order to make it to your own unique code for your for your robot and so all you'll need to do after you do that is to load this up to the esp32 cam through the ftdi adapter now i'm going to assume that you know how to do that but if you do not know how to do that i've created several articles and videos that will show you exactly how to do it and you'll find links to those as well in the article that accompanies this video on the website so assuming you know how to upload the code let's upload it to our robot and give it a test okay we've got everything assembled and hooked up we've loaded up the code really the only thing left to do is to test out our car and see how it works so let's go give our robot car a test drive okay let's give this a test i'm going to flip the power switch on it and let's see if we have a wi-fi network i'm going to go up over here select my network and there it is esp32 cam robot and we'll connect to that and of course we need to authenticate because this is a secure wi-fi network and if you remember our password one two three four five six seven eight nine zero and i believe we're connected right now let's just confirm that yes we're connected to there and so we need to go to an ip address of 192.168.1 sorry.4.1 and there we are and there's our interface and so we can start our interface right now and as you can see we've got a camera and here's a look at some of the recording equipment and some of my workbench and everything as i'm spinning this around now let's actually see i'm just going to lift this up because i don't really want it to go anywhere let's go and go forward the dev motors moving reverse left and the motors move in opposite directions right they move in the opposite ones i should be able to control the motor speed let's set a little lower and a little faster go all the way to the top see how fast we can go seems pretty fast now the video quality can be adjusted over here as you can see on this end the quality of video is really suffered but of course it's taking less bits to send it over here it's nice and smooth we can also adjust the size of our video display if we want to so that does seem to all work right now oh and one more thing i guess we can check over here is the lights here's the light and we can turn that light on and we can turn it off and so our remote seems to work and our car seems to work so i think the next thing to do is to give it a test drive uh [Music] hmm [Music] well i've got to admit this was really one of the more fun projects that i've worked on in a long time and i was quite amused about the fact that i could drive this on the second floor of my home and control it from down here in the basement you do get a very good range with this antenna over here i think this would be an excellent project for those of you who are trying to instruct or get someone interested in electronics let's say your children or your grandchildren or if you're an instructor teaching electronics because it sort of encompasses a bit of everything you've got some coding in here you've got wiring in here you've got theory that you need to understand if you choose to assemble it the way that i did you're also going to be doing a bit of soldering so really you get to exercise just about everything and at the end of the day you come up with a fairly unique product that's a lot of fun to demonstrate now if you want some more information about this car if you need to get the schematic diagrams or of course if you want to get the code you know where to find that it's on the website in the article that accompanies this video and there's a link below the video to that article while you're on the website you might want to consider signing up for my newsletter now this is not a spam or a sales letter in any way it is just my way of keeping in touch with you to let you know what's going on in the workshop and of course on the subject of subscribing if you haven't subscribed to the youtube channel yet please do me the honor of doing that all you need to do is click on the subscribe button and when you do you can also click the little bell notification and as long as you've got your notifications enabled in youtube you will get a notification every time i make a new video and if you want to discuss this robot car or anything electronic well the best place for that is a drone bot workshop forums where you'll find a number of like-minded individuals who really like to talk about electronics and can help you out with any of the issues that you are having you'll find a link to the forum right below this video and you'll also find the link to a section in the forum exclusively dedicated to this project so until we get together the next time please take care of each other please stay very safe and i will see you again very soon here in the dronebot workshop goodbye for now [Music] you
Channel: DroneBot Workshop
Views: 192,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dZjbGpynQJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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