Control Chart : Detailed History, All Concepts & Nelson rules used for special cause identification

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Hello Friends, It is very necessary to know basic concepts before starting the six sigma study. I already covered some of them. In this video, I am going to explain “Control Chart” which is very important and used everywhere in any kind of process to study how a process changes over time. The control chart was invented by Walter A. Shewhart while working for Bell Labs in the 1920s. The company's engineers had been seeking to improve the reliability of their telephony transmission systems. Because amplifiers and other equipment had to be buried underground, there was a stronger business need to reduce the frequency of failures and repairs. By 1920, the engineers had already realized the importance of reducing variation in the manufacturing process. Moreover, they had realized that continual process-adjustment in reaction to non-conformance actually increased variation and degraded quality. Shewhart framed the problem in terms of Common- and special-causes of variation and, on May 16, 1924, wrote an internal memo introducing the control chart as a tool for distinguishing between the two. Shewhart created the basis for the control chart and the concept of a state of statistical control by carefully designed experiments. While Shewhart drew from pure mathematical statistical theories, he understood that data from physical processes typically produce a "normal distribution curve" (also commonly referred to as a "bell curve"). He discovered that observed variation in manufacturing data did not always behave the same way as data in nature. Shewhart concluded that while every process displays variation, some processes display controlled variation that is natural to the process, while others display uncontrolled variation that is not present in the process at all times. So, let’s begin the learning of the Control chart……. CONTROL CHART The control chart is a graph used to study how a process changes over time. Data are plotted in time order. A control chart always has a central line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit, and a lower line for the lower control limit. These lines are determined from historical data. By comparing current data to these lines, you can draw conclusions about whether the process variation is consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out of control, affected by special causes of variation). I will explain the concepts of normal cause variation and special cause variation and how to detect special cause presence with examples after some time. When to Use a Control Chart • When controlling ongoing processes by finding and correcting problems as they occur. • When predicting the expected range of outcomes from a process. • When determining whether a process is stable (in statistical control). • When analyzing patterns of process variation from special causes (non-routine events) or common causes (built into the process). • When determining whether your quality improvement project should aim to prevent specific problems or to make fundamental changes to the process. Before going to the selection of chart type and procedure to create a Control chart, let’s discuss some of the important concepts related to it. What are control limits? The control limits of your control chart represent your process variation and help indicate when your process is out of control. Control limits are the horizontal lines above and below the centre line that are used to judge whether a process is out of control. The upper and lower control limits are based on the random variation in the process. For example, this Xbar chart displays the length of manufactured camshafts over time. Two points are above the upper control limit. These out-of-control points indicate that the camshafts in these subgroups are longer than expected. Do not confuse control limits with specification limits. Control limits are based on process variation. Specification limits are based on customer requirements. A process can be in control and yet not be capable of meeting specifications. What is the center line on a control chart? The centerline of your control chart represents your actual process average, not necessarily your desired process average. The centerline is the horizontal reference line on a control chart that is the average value of the charted quality characteristic. Use the centerline to observe how the process performs compared to the average. If a process is in control, the points will vary randomly around the centerline. For example, this Xbar chart displays the length of manufactured camshafts over time. The centerline shows the process mean. The subgroup means vary randomly around the process mean. Do not confuse the centerline with the target value for your process. The target is your desired outcome, not the actual outcome. Variation: Every piece of data which is measured will show some degree of variation. No matter how much we try, we would never attain identical results for two different situations: each result will be different from the other. Variation may be defined as ‘the numerical value used to indicate how widely individuals in a group vary’. Common Cause variation and Special cause variation: Control charts are used to monitor two types of process variation, common-cause variation, and special-cause variation. Some degree of variation will naturally occur in any process. Common-cause variation is the natural or expected variation in a process. Special-cause variation is an unexpected variation that results from unusual occurrences. It is important to identify and try to eliminate special-cause variation. Out-of-control points and non-random patterns on a control chart indicate the presence of special-cause variation. Let’s take an example. Write the letter “a” three times using your dominant hand, three times with your other hand, then two times with your dominant hand. Make all of them the same. Are they the same? Why or why not? • The dominant hand-created variation because of the pen and/or paper you used, amount of coffee you’ve had, friction of your hand, etc., etc. This is a common cause variation. It is inherent in the process. • Using the non-dominant hand clearly shows something very different. This is the special cause—it does not always happen in the process of writing. • Using tests for special causes in control charts • Nelson rules are a method in process control of determining if some measured variable is out of control. Rules, for detecting "out-of-control" or non-random conditions were first postulated by Walter A. Shewhart in the 1920s. The Nelson rules were first published in the October 1984 issue of the Journal of Quality Technology in an article by Lloyd S Nelson. • The rules are applied to a control chart on which the magnitude of some variable is plotted against time. The rules are based on the mean value and the standard deviation of the samples. • The dashed horizontal lines in the following illustrations represent distances of 1σ and 2σ from the centerline. • Test 1: One point more than 3σ from the centerline • Test 1 evaluates the pattern of variation for stability. Test 1 provides the strongest evidence of lack of control. If small shifts in the process are of interest, Tests 2, 5, and 6 can be used to supplement Test 1 to create a control chart with greater sensitivity. • Test 2: Nine points in a row on the same side of the centerline • Test 2 evaluates the pattern of variation for stability. If small shifts in the process are of concern, Test 2 can be used to supplement Test 1 to create a control chart with greater sensitivity. • Test 3: Six points in a row, all increasing or all decreasing • Test 3 detects a trend or continuous movement up or down. This test looks for a long series of consecutive points without a change in direction. • Test 4: Fourteen points in a row, alternating up and down • Test 4 detects the presence of a systematic variable. The pattern of variation should be random, but when a point fails Test 4 it means that the pattern of variation is predictable. • Test 5: Two out of three points more than 2σ from the centerline (same side) • Test 5 evaluates the pattern of variation for small shifts in the process. • Test 6: Four out of five points more than 1σ from the centerline (same side) • Test 6 evaluates the pattern of variation for small shifts in the process. • Test 7: Fifteen points in a row within 1σ of centerline (either side) • Test 7 identifies a pattern of variation that is sometimes mistaken as a display of good control. This type of variation is called stratification and is characterized by points that follow the centerline too closely. • Test 8: Eight points in a row more than 1σ from the centerline (either side) • Test 8 detects a mixture pattern. A mixture pattern occurs when the points tend to avoid the center line and instead fall near the control limits. Which tests should I use to detect specific patterns of special-cause variation? Apply certain tests based on your knowledge of the process. If it is likely that your data might contain particular patterns, you can look for them by choosing the appropriate test. Adding more tests makes the chart more sensitive, but may also increase the chance of getting a false signal. When you use several tests together, the chance of obtaining a signal for lack-of-control increases. As this is a very critical concept, l am taking little time to explain the Control chart, so that you can understand it in a better way. Please have a study of it, so that later part will be easy for you. The remaining part like types of control chart, how to select control chart based on data, which test you should select in determining special cause based on data to avoid false signal and thereby to avoid tempering to process and many more in the next video.
Channel: LEARN & APPLY : Lean and Six Sigma
Views: 55,292
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Keywords: Control chart, History of control chart, when to use control chart, control limits, types of variation, Quality Control Tools, QC Tools, 7 QC Tools, Quality Control Tools with Example, Lean Six Sigma, Quality Control tools with Example, Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification, SPC, Statistical Process Control, Control Chart Example, Types of Control Chart, Nelson Rules, Control Chart in Minitab, I-MR Chart, Xbar-R chart, P Chart, U Chart, Xbar-s chart, Demings experiment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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