Control Appliances directly through Alexa without any 3rd party platforms | ESP32 Projects

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right Fiona likes a smart speaker then you should watch this video till the end as the product which I'm going to teach you all in this video is going to be the best use of your Alexa ever so in this video we'll be controlling our plan Singh by just saying Alexa turn on studio lights our beauty of this project is that this project doesn't require any internet connection this project doesn't require any external application or any third party cloud or third party platform everything will be done through a Lexus speaker and a next application that must be having on your smart phone so before starting the video make sure you hit the subscribe button if you haven't you'll early upload this kind of interesting project tutorials in the field of electronics so that being said let us jump on making the project I'll divide this video in three parts in the first part we'll looking at the hardware side of this project in the second part we'll be looking at the coding part of the project and the third part will be you know configuring the Alexa application so talking about the hardware side then you'll required one is the three tube or couple of relay modules and a cell phone charger now you don't need to worry or go out for buying these all components if you don't have well you can purchase all the components were sitting at your home through Amazon I'll leave the link for each and every components in the description of this video after getting all the components you have to connect them all in this manner well this is all about the first part let us move on to the second part of the project coding part of this project is done in our Dino IDE now before jumping onto the coding mixture you have esp three two boats already installed on your system if not then kindly watch out this video in which I have guide you on how to install the ESP through two words on an iodine OID after that you have to install this library called espl xavius you can easily get it by going to sketch include library in the manage libraries now this time here as ESP alexa and click install that's it now you just need to do two small changes in the code first of all you need to enter the vipre credentials here in the code make sure you enter the Wi-Fi credentials of the same router on which your Alexa smart speaker is connected and after that you just need to give name of your devices that may be office light studio light etc that's it this is all the changes you need to do inside the code after that you have to select the right bulb by going into tools into the boards and here select yes to 3 to Dave get v1 after that select the right comport and hit the upload button now with this we have successfully completed the two parts of the project now we are just left with configuring and Alex application now before jumping onto the last part of the project I would like to make a small request if you love my work if you love what I do on YouTube then I need your help I need your word so currently a contest is running on 0 CPCB website so what do you have to do is you have to just click the link mention the description now you should open up this contest page then you just need to click on the like button in front of my project as soon as you click the like button you'll also get a free coupon for your next order so make sure you vote for me if you love my project and the contest will last till 38 doing so if you are watching it before that make sure you vote for me now that being said let us move on to the third and the last part of this project for that one of the Alexa app on your smartphone click on devices after that hit on this plus icon and click on add devices now select lights here and select others now click on discover devices it will take some time but make sure your hardware and the Alexa are connected with the same Wi-Fi router otherwise it won't work at all ok so we got our devices which we program onto our hardware now click on each devices one by one to add it on your Lex application that's it now you can control your plans just by giving command to the Alexa speaker but before that you have to connect the AC of plans and the relay module in this manner so we are done with everything now let's just see this project in action Alexa turn on yellow pal okay Alexa turn off yellow Bowl so yeah this is how you can add your own devices and control with your command using the LX application so here for the demo poke was only shown for appliances but in real you can connect up to ten appliances so if you know basic cardinal coding you can easily replicate this project to control a good ten appliances and well if you don't know coding don't worry you can just message me on Instagram and I will guide you about how you can add multiple plans or rather I will provide you the code for that okay so do message me if you want so that's it about the project now isn't it the most interesting and most useful project with Alexa if you feel so do click the like button and show your load to this video now this project is limited to a local area connection only that means your hardware or appliances and Alexa smart speakers should be in the same Wi-Fi network but what if you want to control them when they both are miles apart from each other well you can of course do that no not with IFTTT I hate saying Alexa trigger turn on the light no not by eye activity at all okay so if you want to learn how to control this appliances over internet from anywhere in this world stake in with my channel and now just wait for my next little X no learn share with me take a SMS [Music]
Channel: techiesms
Views: 21,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alexa, home automation, smart home, esp32 projects, electronics, home automation projects, electronic projects, iot projects, ai projects, artificial intelligence, espalexa, esp8266 projects, nodemcu projects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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