CONTEXT is Important. The Lore of SOMA!

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[Music] let's talk about soma from the outside for a moment because i want to know your thoughts and opinions as we go when i first began i approached soma as a game where my actions would have plot-based consequences i wanted the best ending i wanted to be the good guy i wanted to make the most moral choices that's what i've conditioned to myself to do but i had it all wrong there are choices to be made in summa but the consequences weigh on your own conscience it's almost like this game was meant to be played with an audience so that you can share your thoughts and opinions perhaps discuss personal motives for choices disagree while being neither right nor wrong all the while soma never chastises you for your choices there's no hidden moral system or arbitrary good deed box to check off for me it very quickly became do what you think is right in that moment just do your best with the information available to you so as we go share your thoughts and interpretations moments of choice will be marked in the lower right corner of the video but as always share with kindness and dissent with respect the beauty of soma is that we don't have to agree in fact we probably won't i killed a lot of people along the way in april of 2015 simon jarrett and his co-worker friend ashley hall were in a car accident hit by a distracted mother in an suv the mother and her children in the suv were fine but ashley and simon were not ashley died at the scene and simon was critically injured enter phd students david munchi and paul berg munchie studied computer science berg studied neuroscience and when their powers combined they developed the neurograph nakajima the neurograph could scan a patient's injured brain and run theoretical tests on it discovering what had the greatest chance for success in regards to an individual's treatment it was like seeing the consequences of an action before taking them have you ever wondered what the consequences would be for say punching your boss in the face after they give you more responsibilities but cut your pay maybe punching would be wrong perhaps a kick or karate chop instead and where do you do it without getting caught what tactics did they use in mk ultra to drive people insane maybe a laxative would be a better way to get revenge what would happen if you took a dump under their windshield wipers this was the brain injury equivalent of that so to speak this really isn't the best analogy but you get the point after simon's car wreck his brain was bleeding and swelling and he didn't have long to live a few months at best without aggressive treatment we meet simon on may 2nd 2015 the morning of his brain scan before he goes into munchie and berg's makeshift lab area or at least we meet simon's memory of that day simon goes in for his scan and when next his consciousness stirs it's may in the year 2104 but how did we get here well as is typical we have to go back and take soma out of sequence to tell the full story so we'll get back to simon in 2104 later for now let's stay with simon in the year 2015. 18 days after simon's brain scan on may 20th he begins a new treatment specially created for him and this particular injury this gave simon hope a renewed love for life and a desire to greet the future munchie's encouragement and sales pitch really worked but simon is dead by june 1st the treatment didn't work he consents rather casually to david muncie that he may keep all the scans of his brain to use them however he sees fit maybe simon can live on in some way after his death if munchie can make use of his scans what simon could not have anticipated was not only would munchie use his brain scans for future experiments but his scans would be the template from munchie's work used countless times over by students and researchers in the coming decades at 26 years old not even two months after that awful car wreck simon jarrett is dead but in a way simon lived on through his scans but still we don't return to 2104 not yet in the mid-century pathos ii was built in the atlantic ocean a deep-sea thermal mining station consisting of several smaller structures funded by international but privately owned entities one of which carthage industries invested heavily into a computerized infrastructure around pathos ii which will be important later in the latter part of the century some time before the awakening of simon in 2104 earth became aware of a comet enroute to direct impact with earth the interests of pathos ii shifted in this time from an economically motivated entity to one of secretive scientific research propagated by carthage industries one of carthage industries creations was something called structure gel over time the entirety of pathos ii computers and robotic systems were saturated with the stuff structure gel acts as an information conduit and a network of source i know that sounds odd but through the gel repairs could be made machinery could be maintained functions could change and for a short time even act as a makeshift power source structure gel was harmless to living things in small amounts and was even capable of reviving living things using electric impulses though don't confuse this with healing if something was dead it was re-animation and nothing more if a being was critically injured it didn't repair the damage it just kept them alive by 2098 everyone within pathos 2 was fitted with a ccrv7 black box and a fail-safe system of the black boxes was implemented this black box recorded the biometrics of pathos ii employees making it easier for medical personnel to apply treatments or assess injury without input from the patients themselves sounds quite similar to the early research of david muncie and paul berg doesn't it individualized in specialized medical treatment though the black box was a step ahead of their primitive brain scan tech the black boxes were vulnerable to electromagnetic interference which could cause a hangover like effect in the user but equally as important they kept a record of the last moments of a person's life and could be data mined for playback by 2102 there were three carthage industry employees on pathos ii that were completely dedicated to the preservation of the station and conservation of mankind which would seem to be a positive endeavor given that a comet is currently on a crash course with earth but their work is secretive from other pathos to smaller stations disregards the complexity of the human condition and will forcefully eliminate any opposition to their work perhaps they just truly feel that their work will save the memory of mankind preserve us in some way but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves yet these three carthage industry employees have created something called the wow w-a-u the warden unit of pathos ii the wow is an artificial intelligence created at the secretive site alpha at pathos 2 designed to maintain and safeguard all of pathos ii through control of the computer systems now embedded around the entirety of the station and i know what you're thinking evil ai tiptoe the wow is evil burn it with fire well hold on because the wow isn't evil it's just technology the wow does exactly what it was designed to do the wow was injected with and calibrated to operate the structural gel around the pathos ii computer system remember these carthage industry employees are trying to use the wow to maintain and protect pathos ii and all life within however in their endeavor to achieve this the wow was not taught morals or consent nor about the complexities of life or living the wow was there to preserve to protect to maintain by the end of 2102 the wow was the sole caretaker of pathos ii and then on january 12 2103 the comet arrived it was just as destructive as predicted the surface became a fiery hellscape the air became toxic the sun disappeared from view top layers of the ocean were left barren of life it was an extinction event as far as the inhabitants of pathos ii were aware they were all that was left 58 people they weren't really mistaken on this either there's no later reveal of a pocket of humanity surviving in antarctica or russia no it was an annihilation and all-consuming event and even with the wow and the safety of the ocean floor pathos ii could not last forever they would run out of food they would run out of hope who would want to breed to bring children into this doom so here is my first question to you something i struggled with as i played would you want to survive to make it through the apocalypse to have little hope for the future would you want to become someone on pathos 2 to see how it plays out would your curiosity be that great even in the best of conditions knowing that the end is just a matter of time for you too would you want to live out that possibility of something else after all what if there is a chance what if there is an escape is that what if worth carrying on to you because i truly don't believe that i would wish to live through that i think i would rather burn with the rest of mankind or face the shockwave of the great impact so maybe i'm not as fearless as i imagined myself to be following the great impact and mass of life on the surface the warden unit the wow's behavior changed and what do you suppose its logic was for these actions immediately following the impact wow dropped pathos ii into a low energy state sustaining life and climate support a week after impact wow took over pilot seats that humans used to control robotics around pathos 2 and used the seats to scan their brains and store the data this began to cause extreme nausea in technicians incapacitating one for over 30 hours and it forced the faculty to stop using the pilot seats a bit over two months later wow began to expand itself using structure gel occupying a larger space in its core chambers taking on a biological mass then expanding its control deeper into the computer systems employees immediately began to notice while the computers and machinery were running more efficiently and what was the wow's reasoning for all this well remember the wow only exists to protect and preserve humanity it was ensuring the power of pathos ii would last as long as possible that it could control the entirety of every computer system to prevent failures and breaks from its protocols and because the wow couldn't distinguish existing from living the scans were a way to preserve humanity beyond just living and i suppose for now it's altruistic enough except the wow began to put new code into the structure gel extra information that didn't make sense to the pathos ii survivors it was acting like a cancer when coming in contact with complex machinery and organisms eventually ruining the host it is theorized that this new structural gel can be used if they can purge the new code un-calibrate the gel it would be better than the original gel however the wow hasn't only been expanding it's been taking the information from those brain scans and uploading them into robots called helpers the helpers or the new helpers with human brains scanned into them just aren't quite right they don't really know that they're in robot bodies some of them carry on as though they're completely human some are confused about what's happening or where they are but many of them are or become outright aggressive and destructive in april of 2103 a site at pathos 2 called upsilon had to be evacuated and sections of it sealed to prevent helper robots with implanted human brain scans from destroying anything in upsilon a few weeks later as a skeleton crew worked to seal parts of upsilon a man named carl semkin was killed by a robot shortly after carl was killed his co-worker amy azzaro was incapacitated though we don't know what took place with amy we do know that the warden unit the wow got a hold of her the wow won't allow anything to die remember the wow also had a copy of carl's brain scan his brain scan is uploaded into a robot while in this state carl doesn't realize that he isn't his human self if you told him that he was in a robotic shell he wouldn't believe you carl lays on the belt from which he was activated still connected to the power supply believing himself to be injured and in need of a doctor at pathos 2 a survivor of the comet impact was a woman named catherine chun catherine had for some years been working on an artificial reality program not as anything other than a hobby mind you but after epsilon is evacuated and carl and amy are killed or go missing the wow finds catherine's program it uses her data to make its own version of the program which is discovered by an engineer named imogen reed the wow scanned imogen's brain and put it into its own simplistic version of artificial reality that katherine chun dubbed the vivarium terrifying disconcerting yes but catherine used this vivarium as the basis for her own new project something later dubbed the ark the ark would be a virtual paradise that would house the brain scans of all at pathos too it would be the future of mankind the remnants of all that was left over of them from the comet pathos ii couldn't sustain itself indefinitely eventually the living and breathing versions of humans would end but through the ark the consciousness of the individual and the knowledge of mankind could continue on remember a while back when i mentioned the brain scans of simon jarrett being used as a template for future work and research based on david munchie's work well that was the foundation for the brain scans catherine chun would take for the ark project in july of 2103 catherine began taking scans and saving them to be uploaded into the ark however the issue people in pathos 2 had to contend with was that what went into the ark wasn't you it was a copy of you a copy that would exist in in a paradise that was essentially you but you yourself you you wouldn't actually be on the ark the first continuity suicide was by a man named mark saring saring was one of the fathers of the wow one of the three employees that knew the secret location of the wow and implemented it into the computer system of pathos ii serrang believed that by killing yourself during or immediately after your brain scan you were ensuring that only one version of yourself continued on that was the continuity theory kill your living self at the brain scan and only one version will continue to exist the version of yourself on the ark the paradise virtual reality this was a way to escape the dark reality of earth to get away from the entirety of pathos ii at this point staring down the barrel of dwindling resources and no future for an entire planet it's obviously no surprise that there were people on pathos 2 that were desperate for hope for something better so i don't really feel the need to question the choice for suicide during the scans this this continuity theory regardless of how i feel about suicide i understand their choice i don't blame them for seeking out hope all logical fallacies aside but after saring more people continued to kill themselves after their scans the chief of security demanded that catherine stop her scans he tried to shut down the entirety of the ark project out of fear of more suicides but he couldn't stop them in august at the site called delta the crew is ordered to leave for the site theta though this doesn't appear to be an evacuation of any sort rather a consolidation of manpower and resources the head figure of delta a man named terry akers does not wish to leave as he would essentially be demoted at theta rather than fall in line he stays at delta alone and begins to go a little bonkers he eats large amounts of structure gel begins to hear the wow talking in his brain his flesh becomes cancerous and deformed an open invitation to be moved from delta to theta is left for acres but he never takes it until later but let's not jump the timeline back to september of 2103 a month after the site delta was shut down another site called tau was ordered to evacuate the issue with tau though is that it's one of the sites in the omega sector the major problem with the omega sector is that it's located in the abyss yes it's about as horrifying as you would imagine it's so deep in the ocean that it exists in perpetual darkness and the wildlife at this level after interacting with comet fallout and structure gel leakage into their environment is absolutely mad lad so when the evacuation order for tau comes the staff attempts to make it to the climber an elevator cage that will take them out of the abyss but the wow drives the structure gel-infused wildlife to attack the group preventing them from leaving a woman named julia dahl who seems to really personify the human resources departments i'm sure we've all experienced decides that another evacuation shouldn't be tried and reports to the other stations that the tao evacuation was a complete failure walking hr department julia dahl had gone down the climber into the abyss to help the evacuees out of the abyss when they didn't arrive she took a walk and walking hr department julia dahl found the body of one of the tau employees torn in half by a deep sea creature after hearing some of the tau evacuees being attacked over a radio walking hr department julia dahl fled back to the climber and deemed tau a lost cause one of the evacuees was essentially the father of the warden unit a man named johann ross johann ross made it back to tao after the failed evacuation got in contact with walking hr department julia dahl and let her know that there were still people down there and he continued his work on the wow walking hr department julia dahl deemed that the best decision would be for johann ross to just keep working down there and the survivors at tao were abandoned in the abyss for three months the survivors at tau in the abyss were left to scourge for food with no contact with the other stations above the abyss suicidal food runs were made between station buildings one of them even climbed a tether to make to the surface to die under the sun like a human being she had a brief time of normalcy paradise really with a small shack some books and a bottle of whiskey under the toxic sky of earth not a bad way to go really good on her by christmas of 2103 the ark project was ready to finalize it was decided that the ark needed to get off earth via a space gun at the omega station in the abyss the omega space gun was an alternative to planetside launch pads it used electromagnetics of a massive barrel to more safely launch payloads into space the arc project team decided to take the ark to the omega space gun and launch the ark into space doesn't seem like the worst of ideas and this is a mission a goal something to keep them busy something to help themselves with a way to save humanity in their minds the ark is their future so the team descends into the abyss and imagine their surprise when they get down there and discover that there are survivors from the failed tau evacuation and the survivors are in the process of starving the ark team makes it to the omega space gun in the station called phi there a fight ensues between catherine and another team member named ian peterson who is rethinking the whole space launch thing ian peterson is afraid that the launch won't work that the ark will be destroyed and that they should postpone the event and rethink their approach or just keep the arc with them catherine absolutely opposes this this is the moment she's been working tirelessly towards for months now this is the future of mankind and she refuses to allow them to stop the launch ian in response to catherine's opposition hits her over the head with a tool killing the small woman the ark team abandons the launch calling it a postponement and they leave catherine's corpse in the launch room the climber the elevator that takes people out of the abyss back to the station omicron was scheduled to pick up the ark team the day of the launch the ark team decided to stay in tau to figure out what to do about the launch in their place the father of the wow johann ross and another survivor of tau went to the climber on the way there johann ross is attacked by a wow infused wildlife and tells his companion that he must get the message to walking hr department julia dahl that the wow is out of control and that mark serrang will know what to do about it if johan ross should die before he can reach omicron the issue being with that well mark serring killed himself a few months prior to this sarin was the one that believed in continuity after he was scanned by catherine chun he immediately killed himself not that this would matter anyways johan ross barely makes it to the climber but his companion does not johan ross dies on the climber never able to deliver his message and from this point as if things weren't already bad enough it really starts to fall apart johann ross's corpse has to be retrieved manually and johan ross's death really does something to the wow it begins experimental and over-the-top methods to revive him the wow manipulates electromagnetic fields in an effort to revive him using structure gel this directly interferes with the black box chips inside all of the employees causing extreme headaches and nausea of all the employees within omicron this did restore life to johann ross in some sense of the word he began to mutate become cancerous slowly lost his mind but he was able to communicate with other humans via their black box implants one of them a woman named rally herber had enough of her senses to understand what johann ross was trying to tell them the wow needed to be destroyed she leaps into actions intent on going into the abyss to destroy the wow as per johann ross's wishes she creates a poisoned version of the structure gel something that when injected into the wow will kill it but while she is suiting up the wow overloads every single black box at the omicron station and what does this do well their heads pop like cherries those who can be salvaged are integrated into the wow kept alive by the wow and live on in an artificial reality created by the wow remember terry akers the guy who refused to leave station delta the one who started going a little bonkers well on january 15th of 2104 he changed his mind he called up station theta and decided that he was ready to leave delta a group of divers surveying a nearby station go to pick acres up to guide him to theta akers decides well they need to be injected with structural gel to be closer to the wow well acres kills them both and takes the zeppelin transport to station theta he arrives the following day now this is happening as the johann ross black box head popping situation is occurring at omicron so akers is taken into theta to the medical bay and when he wakes up he starts reigning ruin on anyone he can find in the station and at this point there aren't a lot of people still living maybe between 5 and 10 people a small group manages to make it out of theta away from the rampaging acres who at this point is a fully mutated eyeless insane cancerous wow ghoul they flee for omicron it's the only place they can go where just that same day a plethora of heads were popped like cherries when the wow overloaded their black boxes when this small group makes it to omicron the protective gates of the station are down indicating a quarantine lock down and they cannot get in with no place left to go one by one this small group of survivors succumbs to the environment oh my goodness we've done it remember simon jarrett from 2015 the fellow that passed away from his brain injury well it's time to return to simon's story on may 5th 2104 simon jarrett's legacy brain scan was activated by the wow after all the wow is meant to preserve life an available body that of image and read is in the site upsilon reed had been working on a way to stop the wow cutting off power production to pathos ii she suffocated in upsilon in her diving suit simon's data was loaded into her body via a cortex chip and held together with structure gel when simon awakes in 2104 he's oblivious as to where he is and how he got there after all to him just a blink ago he was in ontario getting a brain scan in the gear 2015. he sees his arms as his normal human arms he doesn't distinguish between his perception of himself as a normal human male and the reality that he's in a woman's body inside a diving suit thankfully he chances over an omni tool a sort of handheld computer that allows him to access the pathos ii computer systems and then simon comes in contact with none other than catherine chun but remember she died some five months ago in the abyss when ian peterson beat her over the head with a tool but we know better than simon simon thinks this is a woman in contact with him but really this is a brain scan of katherine chun and she's a brain scan from before her journey into the abyss so this katherine doesn't know her real self is dead she doesn't know what happened with acres she doesn't know the wow is popping everyone's heads off like a cherry she doesn't know that imogen reed cut off power and life support to all the stations she doesn't know that everyone is either dead or integrated into the wow though catherine has extreme advantages over our boy simon after all she's from this era she knows what happened on earth she knows the state of pathos 2 before her death and she knows the names of people simon finds along the way catherine is able to piece things together far easier than we or rather simon can so as i said in the introduction there are choices to be made as we venture through pathos 2 and now you have some of the advantages that catherine had knowing what you do what choices would you make would it differ from the first time you played soma let's talk about some of these choices very early on simon comes across carl semkin carl is still in upsilon he's still in that robot body thinking that he's human and thinking that he needs medical help but carl is still connected to the extremely anemic power remaining at upsilon to continue on the power that carl is connected to must be rerouted carl must be shut down we find that we can brute force it nearby at a console which will cause carl extreme pain and suffering or we can take our time find another route and peacefully shut carl down he'll never know the difference now the only choice here is how carl is shut down you can't leave him alive but even if you could would you carl has been trapped here for an entire year now he'll never get up and leave this place but inside there's still some sort of consciousness the mind of a man that was very much alive once and when you speak to carl he's friendly and assertive he doesn't understand that he's not him same self even though his corpse is but a few dozen meters away is there any reason to feel guilt over ending carl's existence if you didn't find the peaceful route to shut carl down did his reaction his pain his minutes of suffering did that bother you did it humanize carl did you see him as more than metal and circuitry i certainly did the moment i heard carl cry out in pain i felt immense guilt for unknowingly harming him i wanted to walk away from the situation entirely before hurting him again but finding the peaceful method for shutting him down didn't give me any pause i immediately shut carl down to reroute the power and i didn't feel guilty over it he just went to sleep and afterwards i actually appreciated being able to do this i thought what would i want to happen to myself in that situation would i want to be left to linger on alone would i rather just go to sleep carl didn't see himself as anything other than human so why would i why would you it was the start of some very conflicting lines of logic and reasoning not long after carl we find amy his companion that was also attacked in upsilon but amy didn't die like carl did the wow integrated her into the computer system mechanically keeping her alive and amy is in a far more tragic state than carl i would contend she is fully human and aware that she has been hurt and she needs help she begs us recognizing us as a rogue robot to not harm her then she asks us to go and get help for her she wants to go home and here we have another choice amy is connected through two lines into the wow we need some of her power supply we can unplug one that will be enough and amy will remain here in this state or we can unplug both of her lines cutting off her life support ending her life at first i didn't know that i could just unplug one of her lines i unplugged them both i killed amy i argued with myself that i would want that too her life was over she just didn't realize it yet and then it hit me i'm playing god here simon never asked amy what she wanted he we just did it what if amy did want to remain like this shouldn't that have been her own choice to make shouldn't we have respected that choice it didn't even cross simon's mind it didn't even cross my mind i just unplugged the poor woman and went on my merry way but we never get to ask amy if she wants to stay connected she says she's just scared that she needs help and she wants to go home so what would you do leave her there knowing that there's no hope to her survival keep in mind at least when we come across amy she's not living in some virtual reality utopia as other residents of pathos ii who are integrated into the wow are was it right to make that choice for her when she was unable to make it herself at what point if ever is it okay to play god or grant mercy or is mercy a farce catherine and simon catch on that the ark is still at the tau station down in the abyss they talk about catherine's original idea of launching it into space and decide that it's a great idea though simon doesn't quite catch on when catherine says that the people on the ark are scans of people's brains their copies not originals simon isn't from this era this technology is foreign to him he doesn't quite get it almost to the point of being idiotic along the way but understand what a foreign weird world this is to him understand that he too starts to cling to any kind of hope that he can find much the same as how the now dead pathos ii survivors once did hope is one hell of a drug and it can drive people to do completely nonsensical things like killing yourself after a brain scan in hopes that you don't have to live in an underwater hellscape anymore hope drove simon forward to launch the ark to get his scan and he put on his blinders to achieve it anything was worth doing if he could just get on the ark but it was a copy of himself you might catch on to that early in soma but simon sure doesn't it's just watching someone take one step after another in delusional hope towards an end that will not be what they want it to be the two arrive at omicron the station where the wow popped people's heads like cherries when rally herber took measures to stop the wow here also is the reanimated body of johann ross who has been pumped full of structure gel and exposed to electromagnetic treatments from the wow for months now ross speaks to simon through his cortex chip telling him to kill the wow to poison it to follow his orders and knowing what we know about johan ross we can sit back and realize that he's trying to help us he's trying to guide us forward like he did with rally herber before the wow killed her but our biases and preconceived notions of a villain come into play here because johann ross presents like a villain he presents like someone who is a monstrosity that must be defied it was at this point that i really began to question if killing the wow was the right thing to do because this weird demon robot man thing was being a creepy boy at me and i didn't want to be told what to do but still we continue seeing the consequences of wow control over the station before departing from omicron from the abyss simon must change suits which means he must change bodies imogen reed's suit is not meant for the deep sea pressure of the abyss thankfully rally herbert's body is still there inside her specialized diving suit which simon can use to traverse the abyss simon jumps bodies here only to be faced with another quandary and another hint of what is really waiting for him at the ark launch simon doesn't jump bodies he's copied into rally herbers another simon is still in imogen reed's body the assignment that we were just playing as simon number two i suppose you could say and now we are simon number three and here's another choice leave this simon to his fate trapped here alone in a monster-infested station at the bottom of the ocean or drain his battery he'll just stay asleep that's it he won't have to face the torment of this reality he won't be trapped here alone and he won't be left to wander until the battery keeping him alive slowly slowly drains and here i made a similar choice to that of carl and amy i turned off simon number two but this time things felt different i felt emboldened like i had a right to make this choice because well simon number two was me after all what would i want for myself i would want to be turned off i wouldn't want to be left to wander these desolate deep sea stations alone so don't i have the right to make that choice well hold on now now i'm separated from the moment and the choice and now i think perhaps i was wrong i was no longer simon number two i was simon number three simon number two was his own person so to speak and now i think hold on these aren't people these are robots they're data's they're copies what am i talking about but aren't they human am i being so careless with something that is a life it's different it's alien to me as i sit here now but simon number two he had memories and thoughts he expressed deep emotion and desires he was as human as any other protagonist i've ever controlled what gives me the right to make that choice for him i should have let him wake up and decide for himself he could power himself down what what the hell was i doing was i so self-righteous to think that i could play god within tau down in the abyss we find one more one more choice the last living human on earth as far as we know a woman named sarah lindwall sarah is being kept alive by life support there's no more food she's emaciated and sickly she's guarding the ark and sarah asks us to kill her turn off her life support so that she can finally pass on the ark is with us she doesn't need to see it through she's ready to go and for me this was absolutely not not even a question i turned off her life support it was the easiest decision of the game and one that i was thankful for she made a request she gave consent there was no playing god here and we sat with sarah as she slowly faded away and gave her company in the final moments of her life it was really a beautiful scene and unlike so many other decisions i'd made up to that point i didn't regret it i was thankful that i got to share that time with sarah that i got to help her along her work was done she finally got to rest would you have done this though i realize my regaling of the experience may have tainted the opinion pool but would you have done the same thing or left sarah to turn off her own life support or just gave her no attention all you needed in that room was the ark you could just take it and leave you're under no obligation to do anything for this woman before launching the ark johann ross leads us to the mysterious site alpha where the brain of the wow is he begs us then demands us to destroy it to kill it killing the wow will destroy every single breathing thing in pathos all the humans that have been integrated into the wow remember many of them are seeing fictional worlds they're not experiencing the present they live in an alternate reality created by the wow for them you've been led to believe that the wow is is the doom of all mankind it will be the destruction of all the ultimate enemy ai but the world is already dead and gone the surface of is a firestorm of toxicity mankind is gone what humanity does remain is down here with us it's the brain scans on the ark and the humans connected to the wow so what gives you the right to kill the wow to kill the fictional possibly the paradise of all the people who are connected to it do you feel okay making that choice for them because they don't know any better i killed the wow thinking not of the humans connected to the wow or the robots that contained brain scans of humans that were still patterning about i did it thinking about the monsters that had been giving chase to me all all the game i wanted to kill them i wanted to save something from them but looking back what was i trying to save myself those beings were far behind me at this point why did i need to kill them well i can't undo it now i killed the wow catherine and simon made it to the omega space gun they uploaded their copies onto the ark and shot it out into space and finally with that hope gone and the mission accomplished simon has to face that he doesn't get to be on the ark at least not this simon simon number four does though his copy this version of catherine doesn't get to be on the ark either catherine number three does though they lost the coin flip they're stuck here at the bottom of the ocean in a literal abyss and i killed the wow power begins to leave the facility simon and catherine are left behind to face the suffocating black of a dead earth so when you see simon number four on the ark at the end did you feel happy about how this had played out like this was a good ending because i sure didn't and i hate it when stories bend over backwards to deliver a happy ending especially in a horror game and this ending was truly awful and befitting to the story watching simon number four leave everything behind including himself live in a paradise in a fake world that will eventually end someday because the ark can't go on forever what's the end game here anyways aliens find it recreate mankind through cloning or something what even is the damn point of it are these humans in this simulation for half the game i'd been struggling with that question are these copies and robots deserving of the consideration that i would give to a flesh and blood human being so what makes us human and i'm still struggling with it i still think of simon number three left in consuming darkness on earth the catherine left behind with him can just shut off in fact with the wow gone she will turn off and cease to exist so simon number three's he's truly alone to wander until his battery slowly drains out or left to despair until he studies himself and ends his life [Music] you
Channel: Tiptoe The Tank
Views: 57,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lore, story, education, tiptoe, explained, ending, soma lore, soma explained, soma, frictional games
Id: J696vOeyAYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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