Container with Threaded Closure

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hi there today I'm going to show you how to make a thread for a small container you can take this and adjust it to different applications and sizes of threads I'm going to be using Rhino 6 but you can also follow along using a version of Rhino 5 starting order in the front view I'm going to use the polyline tool with the grid snap turned on I'll snap in along the center axis I'll move out to the right by 10 millimeters and I'll move up by 15 press Enter the next portion is going to be for the cap where we'll move in to the center axis at the top extend out by one millimeter past the previous line and down on another 10 next I'll select each of these curves by a radius of one by clicking one side and then the other I'll repeat that for the cap under the curves menu I'll use the command offset curve the distance will be set to one millimeter I'll select the curve and I'll specify on which side of the curve that I would like it to offset and click your mouse repeat the command and do the same thing for the inner finally I'll use the line segment tool and I'll snap in with the object snap to the endpoints of those lines to make sure that they're precise I'll repeat that at the top as well each of these groupings will be joined together to create two continuous line profiles to round out the corners I'll use a command called silat corners which you can type in and find and we'll select both of these curves press ENTER and the fill it radius will be set to point 4 millimeters the next step is to create the spiral that the thread will follow under the curve menu I'll use the command spiral the start access will be set at the top one millimeter below the cap and we'll extend eight millimeters downward that's where you can click the end axis now we're going to change some of the options within the spiral command specifically the turns which you can click on you'll set that to three-and-a-half type in 3.5 press ENTER in the front view the first radius will be set towards the left at 10 millimeters or we can just click into the grid you can taper the spiral but in this case we want to keep it straight so again we'll snap in to a 10 millimeter radius at the left side [Music] next we're going to create the thread profiles to do that I'm going to put a couple of lines in place that will help us draw the profile I'll use the line segment tool this time snapping into one of the quadrant object snaps you can turn that on along the bottom find the quadrant and we'll draw a one millimeter line segment that extends out to the right hold down the shift key to ensure that it's perfectly straight next I'm going to use the line from midpoint command I'll snap into that same quadrant point and I'll type in one millimeter this is the distance that the line will extend out from the midpoint and we also need to click a point to specify where that line is going to be located hold the shift key to keep it aligned perfectly the line is in place though it overlaps with other curves for the profile of the thread I'll use the control point curve I'll snap in to the end of the small line segment the next distance I'll type in in will be 0.5 or half a millimeter and we'll move holding the shift key downward to lay in the next point hold shift again and move to the left and intersect the line lay down another point and the final coin is going to be located at the end of the midpoint line segment make sure that you snap in to that end point and click the last point in place press ENTER to complete it I'm going to adjust this slightly using the gumball which you can turn on at the bottom click on the scale handle and type in point nine this is going to scale it down in this direction by 0.9 or ninety percent in the curve menu I'll use the offset curve this time to a distance of point zero six millimeters I want this to offset on both sides so we can click that option and click it in place to position both curves the original curve can be deleted the important thing with this is that both of these curves actually overlap the cap and the container in the transform menu I'll use the mirror command and select one of these curves I'll lay down the mirror plane by snapping into the end point and holding shift straight out to the left I can repeat this command doing the same for the bottom curve these segments can now be joined to create one curve I'll delete the original curves that were in place for drawing finally I'm going to draw one additional curve to close these segments up I'll use the line segment tool I'll snap in precisely to the end of these curves I'll do the same thing on this side each of these I'm going to move slightly in one direction by clicking on the gumball arrow this one I'll move to the left by negative point one and this one will move to the right by the same amount positive point one to close these profiles up we'll use the blend curves arc blend command selecting one curve and then the other press Enter and we can continue on with this by hitting the spacebar to repeat the command I'll draw a selection box around both profiles and I'll use the join command to join them into two closed profiles to draw this correctly we're also going to need some of these profiles located at the bottom of the spiral select both profiles I mean the transform menu will use orient three points change your option to copy yes the first reference point will be at that quad point of the spiral click that in place hold the shift key to the right the distance doesn't matter in this case it just needs to go straight off to the right and again straight down to the bottom now we will copy the profile over on the other side snap into the quadrant point of the spiral at the bottom move out to the left holding shift and move straight down again holding shift press Enter when you're finished copying finally I'll put a couple of points in place one at the top end of the spiral and one at the bottom of the spiral I'll move this point in towards the center by a distance of 0.1 millimeters similar at the bottom we'll move it in seiyya distance of negative point 1 now we have everything in place in order to create a thread in the surface menu use sweep one rail the rail in this case will be the spiral you'll start by selecting the point option turn the object snap to point locate it making sure to select the point at the beginning the next class section will be the top Co file and then the bottom crow file and finally we'll finish using another point which you can find by snapping in at the bottom make sure to adjust the seam finding similar points on both shapes most easily this is going to be the quadrant point at the tip of the thread and I'll position that for the bottom profile as well make sure that both arrows are in the same direction and if you need to you can flip one of them press ENTER to create a thread adjust it to Road like or Road like top to refine the shape notice there is a difference between freeform and Road like one of them keeps the profile perfectly straight which is what we want that's okay the inner thread we're going to move to another layer for now I'm going to hide that layer so that we can work on the outer thread for the outside thread we'll use the same command sweep one rail select the rail except this time we're just going to use the profile as the cross-section curve and then the other at the bottom and press Enter align your curves at similar points most easily finding that quadrant point if you need to you can turn off some of these other options so that you can find it more easily and press enter make sure that you change the option to Road like or Road like top and we can see this clearly in this view what the difference is one of them is straight and one of them the profile adjusts before moving on we also want to make sure that this is a closed solid we can do that simply by typing in the caps command which will put a flat cleaner surface and join it to the edges of the thread in this case I'd like to round it out a little bit more so I'm going to do it a different way I'll undo I'll use the revolve command the curve to revolve is going to be the profile of the thread that's in place press enter and here we're going to draw the revolve axis along the flat back line of the profile to do that I'll use the object snap near and I'll snap in making sure to find two points along that line hold shift and disable the object snap snap in towards the center making sure that you're set perfectly straight holding shift I'll also move out and rotate it 90 degrees and click I'll do the same thing at the other end using the revolve command I'll select the curve that was in place press Enter draw the axes along the back curve find a point towards the center holding shift and rotate out 90 degrees to create a rounded surface this surface can be joined to the thread as can the funnel press enter once again we're left with a couple of flat openings which we can close by using the cat command now this is a solid object that can be used with other objects in the front view I'll go back and use the revolve command here we're going to create the container and the cap selecting the initial curves that we drill snap into the center to create the revolve axis and revolve a full circle which you can specify in the options at the top I'll select the container and I'll move that to the hidden purple layer so that we can concentrate on unioning the cat use boolean Union select the thread and the cap press Enter next we'll move to the purple layer I'll hide the cap and we'll Union a thread to the container the important thing in setting this up is that we've created the thread so that it's already overlapping with the container itself use boolean Union select the thread and the container press Enter and they've been joined together into a single solid I'll bring back the cup the final result shows a nicely tailored thread for the inside of the container as well as a rounded thread on the outside allowing it to work smoothly and look nice aesthetically
Channel: Greg Sims
Views: 25,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 3D, 3D modeling, Screw Cap, Tutorial, Thread, Threaded Cap, Mechanism, 3D Printing
Id: Tdc40v84G-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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