Constance Wu, Awkwafina, Ken Jeong, Michelle Yeoh & Henry Golding Discuss "Crazy Rich Asians"
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Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 1,416,185
Rating: 4.8752775 out of 5
Keywords: AOL Advertising, BUILDseriesNYC, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, BUILDSeries, Crazy Rich Asians, 2018, Kim Yam, Constance Wu, Awkwafina, Ken Jeong, Michelle Yeoh, Henry Golding, Warner Bros, The Joy Luck Club, Singapore, Asian American, Asian Representation, Hollywood, Fresh Off The Boat, Romantic Comedy, Rom Com, Jon Chu
Id: 4xqaIN8_Ss8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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I've been down a CRA rabbit hole because I'm so excited for the movie, and thought I'd share some of the links I've enjoyed.
The link above is a longer cast interview and features Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh, Ken Jeong, and Awkwafina (Nora Lum).
This is a nice little montage with the wider cast (and also director Jon Chu and novelist Kevin Kwan) with soundbites about getting to CRA and what CRA means to them:
Similar style but "fluffier" content, with Constance, Henry, Jon, and Michelle:
Not as polished but a really interesting video from YouTubers the Fung Brothers, who were flown out to be extras in the wedding scene and also got to interview some of the cast briefly:
Short bit of fun/fluff with Constance, Henry, and Michelle:
And then an older video interview with Constance, from a series about Asians and Asian-Americans in entertainment: