Console Wars - SNES Classic Edition vs SEGA Genesis Mini

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i'm nintendo and i'm sega this is [Music] do [Music] man it's been a while yeah getting covered was really rough but now we're back and better than ever cheers to that oh yeah did you just drink barbecue sauce oh i thought this was like beer i guess i still can't taste anything from having coven can you not read and realize your beer felt like gravy hey it's been a stressful couple of weeks i just need to unwind true let's just relax and watch some old perfect strangers reruns all right i mean we both beat covid it's not like things can get much worse this just in things got worse much much worse an asteroid is headed right towards earth citizens are implored to take refuge in their local doomsday shelters we have local doomsday shelters yes you have local doomsday shelters how much time do we have sources confirm the asteroid will be here in one week well what do we bring local shelters are limiting one suitcase per household can she hear us shelters are serving tater tots but they're first come first serve so get there quickly and no i can't hear you um we gotta get to the shelter yeah let's start packing [Music] there we go all the essentials are packed [Music] i don't know i feel like we're still missing something dude we didn't pack any video games oh you know what we have room for a mini console that way we have multiple games too ah perfect i'll just pack this and we'll be on our way why i was just gonna pack the sega mini an excellent mini console the super nintendo mini's way better what that's it we're doing this are the fingerprints of a koala so indistinguishable from a man that they've been confused at crime scenes they are best mini console the super nintendo classic edition was released in 2017 it was developed by nintendo ptd it uses a linux operating system and runs emulators developed by nintendo's european research and development there were versions for japan and europe but today we're looking at the one made for north america the sega genesis mini was released in 2019 it was developed by sega it uses a linux kernel operating system and runs emulators developed by m2 there are versions for europe and asia but we're looking at the one made for north america two mini consoles which one's better let's find out the super nintendo classic is pretty with a length width and height of five and a quarter four and a quarter and one and a half inches the super nintendo classic is about 1 7 the size of the original console it's an identical miniaturized version the power and reset buttons work just like the original and the controllers look like an exact copy can you tell which is which my console's got that beat with a length width and height of six four and a half and one and a half inches the sega genesis mini is roughly 55 percent the size of the original console it looks identical as well the power and reset buttons also work on this console and matching controllers you got it which one's which that big bulky thing looks ridiculous next to mine and it's missing something the genesis has a headphone input the mini don't yeah but it's still more authentic copy than yours sure it doesn't have the headphone jack but it does come with an adjustable volume knob and most impressive the slot for video games actually opens the super nintendo slot don't also the eject button on super nintendo classic doesn't move at all and here's the nice attention to detail the genesis has an expansion port that connects to the sega cd the super nintendo even has one that was supposed to connect to the never release cd expansion the genesis mini has that removable cover doesn't connect to anything but it has it the super nintendo classic don't so cool and with a 3d printer i can make my console even more authentic it's not like it works it's pointless you're just jealous because i can put so many things in my sega like i can put my dick dude what i was just saying i could put my dick grayson lego in here oh i can even put my willy dude what i was just talking about my willie nelson tougher than leather cd oh i could also put in my pecker seriously what i was gonna say my pecker dvd this is a great john waters film oh this can't possibly get any worse oh wait this isn't my pecker i think this is my dad's pecker [Music] i was wrong can we please just move on with the comparison fine let's just compare the controllers specifically cables the super nintendo cables are about 60 inches the sega cables are about 75 inches more than foot longer nice a pointless comparison not everything's about size oh really is that why you bought the extension cables because i'm a collector it's not just the cabling but the way that you connect the controller to the consoles is actually different many controllers go in the console just like the genesis the super nintendo classic controllers don't sure it looks like a super nintendo but you can't just plug in the controllers instead you need to remove the front cover and only when it dangles there and looks completely unsexy can you plug in your controllers and the connectors are different too the super nintendo classic uses the same connector from the wii controller so if controller breaks you need to buy another super nintendo mini or wii controller the genesis on the other hand uses usb this means you can use almost any controller with a usb connection you're not forced to buy an official sega mini controller you can probably use any usb controller you have lying around overall my design's more authentic and being able to use third-party controllers is a nice bonus i mean third-party controllers aren't that great i have a super nintendo one for roms but it's a little laggy all right well i gotta point it at me why is this bothering you no it's not bothering why are you holding it like that i thought you liked the usb port look dude just get it on my face for being more true to the design of the original even if some of the features are purely cosmetic for having longer cables no eyesore of a hanging cover and being able to use practically any usb controller best design goes to the sega genesis mini [Music] in addition to games each console has a lot of features and many of them are the same both consoles have different filters background frames different languages qr code for manuals demos save states the ability to sort games built-in reset reset to factory settings and legal notices that no one will read although most of the features are the same i think mine are a little bit better we both have filters for crt and 4x3 ratios but i have an exclusive pixel perfect option which cleans up the picture even more i got that beat first off sega screen is slightly wider when you line the two screens up and sega has an exclusive widescreen feature it actually looks pretty good things don't look stretched and nothing is cropped out but that's not the way the games are supposed to be seen and i have more features i have more background frames 12 as opposed to just 3 on sega i also have this reduced screen burn feature that's nice and thoughtful and both consoles allow you to sort the game by title release date and number of players however the super nintendo can also sort by publisher recently played and number of times played the sega can sort by genre sega also has the ability to see all the games at once it's like i'm looking right on my game shelf can't do that on super nintendo plus i have credits for all the people who worked on the mini console the look of my menu is much sharper the bottom and top of the menu look like the super nintendo console and the background is an outline of the super nintendo console and controller when i go to the save states it's on a super nintendo cartridge there's no genesis design anywhere in the sega menu and i have one more exclusive let's talk about demos we both have them but i also have the option of showing gameplay from my save states and look mario and luigi team up to select the game and filter that's charming as hell alright enough of the small stuff let's talk about the layout of the games both consoles have the games displayed in their original boxes the sega tells you the number of players and the genre super nintendo tells you number of players if you can save and number of saved states seems very similar but the sega definitely has you beat there when you select a game you get a brief summary of each title and the release date don't have that on the super nintendo classic and this is probably the coolest part when i change the language that also changes the box art if i select italian then the genesis games all turn into mega drive games japanese is the coolest because their box art is so different and in many cases better the background completely changes too you don't have anything like that on the super nintendo classic and i want to talk about one more reason my console's better to exit a game on sega you simply have to hold start a few seconds then select return to the main menu easy to exit a game on super nintendo you have to physically hit the reset button on the console getting up to change games what is this the middle ages what are you complaining about it's easy oh it's easy is it what if i'm in a lethal weapon two situation where i can't get off the couch because one of my enemies has rigged it to explode that will never happen [Music] oh yeah i guess i was just actually i can change games without having to get up if you have a weak classic controller hitting the home button will take you to the game selection screen don't need a fancy controller for sega fine there's still one more thing to discuss the save states both consoles allow you to have up to four save states for each game how they use the save states is very different to save at any point on super nintendo simply reset the console then you'll be given the option to save what you were just playing nice and easy to load a game simply select the game press down and choose your save state again incredibly easy again with the movings check out my save states unlike the super nintendo the save stains aren't accessed in the menu but in each game when you're playing a game simply hold start then the menu pops up you can either save or load nice and easy and no getting up that still seems like extra steps like i said to load a save state on super nintendo just select a game on the menu hit down and load the save state to load on sega you need to select the game wait for it to load hold start for a while then you can load your save state it would have been much easier and faster just to load it from the main menu actually if you get up and physically hit reset the system menu comes up much faster no way manual labor is your console's thing i am happy to just hold down start well i still have one more feature with my save states when you select the save state you have the option to watch about 40 seconds of your game play this is really great if you haven't played in a while and not only can you be reminded where you left off but you can also jump in at any point if you don't like something you did just start a little sooner the ability to rewind and fast forward makes it easy to find the perfect spot to resume this feature of watching old gameplay and resuming anywhere you like is available only on the super nintendo both have exclusive features but save state puts mine over the top for having more backgrounds pixel perfect picture a way to reduce screen burn sharper looking menu more ways to sort more fun with the demos easy to access save states videos of the save states and being able to jump in at any point best features go to the super nintendo classic [Music] alright time to compare the games yeah how do we do that we don't have the same games true but we can't compare the number of games the super nintendo classic has 21 games sega genesis mini has 42 twice as many case closed numbers aren't everything so i beg to differ i have way more platformers more fighting games more shooters more aerial shooters more action games and more puzzle games which is easy because you don't have any puzzle games you don't beat me in every category i have more racing games and more sports games we do have the same number of rpgs though so many more games don't look good for you i have an unreleased game star fox 2 finally gets an official north american release here you gotta release games too darius and tetris never had a sega release before what an old arcade game in a game made famous on nintendo real sucker classics right there i have plenty of sega classics so many good games here like castlevania bloodlines earthworm gym fantasy star 4 shining force sonic 1 and 2 streets of rage 2 toe jam and earl the list goes on you think that's quality i'll show you quality the games on super nintendo are some of the best to ever come out of the console games like super mario world zelda link to the past star fox donkey kong country super metroid super castlevania 4 final fantasy 3 these are classics i mean my top games are better no mine are alright maybe we don't agree on that but not all yours are winners not all the sega games are classics kid chameleon dynamite heady monster world 4 super fantasy zone light crusader wonder boy alex kidd are these really the best of what genesis had to offer virtua fighter 2 the 3d fighting game made 2d really super nintendo collection has top quality across the board all right they're not all winners but i still have plenty of solid titles plus i actually have more games remember how changing the language changes the box art well it not only does that but it changes some of the games too it can change the title castlevania bloodlines becomes vampire killer beyond oasis becomes story of thor you can even play games without censorship like when streets of rage 2 becomes bare knuckle 2 you get an interesting view and blaze does a jump kick it can change gameplay contra hardcore is much easier when you play the japanese version no more dying in one hit you actually have a life bar or it can change the game completely dr robotnik's mean bean machine becomes poyo poyo an arguably better game not every game changes but it's really fun to experience some of these games the way they are originally made i just have so many games well i gotta talk about what other flaw you have then the controller the sega mini comes with a three button controller makes sense since the model one came with a three button controller authenticity am i right problem is you got not one but two fighting games that require six buttons street fighter and eternal champions so those two games can't be played properly on the sega mini right but luckily i have plenty of six button usb controllers but if you don't that's more money you have to spend maybe so but i still have more games more games is nice but my collection has better value sure it's cool that you have so many games in one collection but you know what it's not the first time sega has officially released sega collections before on the psp the ps2 ps3 ps4 xbox 360 xbox one and nintendo switch that's right i got your games too you could argue these collections have better games the latest collection certainly has more games counting over 50 and it has plenty of excellent additions too you got your save states you can change the region for certain games there are a bunch of extra features i don't want to get into right now did somebody say rewind but yeah they're pretty sweet plus they're nice and cheap when it comes to the super nintendo games there have never been a collection like this ever released by nintendo and since some of these games are super expensive i'm looking at you earthbound this is definitely worth getting the sega mini it's cool but it's been done before a couple of times the multiple sega collections make the mini less essential if you like these games and wanted them in one package to quote the joker chances are you bought them already but you need to already own a console to play those other collections the mini is the complete package well sega's done that too sega teamed with at games to release a sega console before a few times actually take your pick and these consoles boast over 80 games you can even play genesis cartridges on them too i know they're far from perfect and have many many issues but it's an option like i said makes the sega mini a little less essential again only one way to play all these super nintendo games in one collection many many many many different ways to get all these sega games who would buy that garbage uh you alright i gotta stop drinking and going on amazon sure you have more games but it's been done for super nintendo games the super nintendo classic is the only game in town for being the only way to play this collection of super nintendo games best games goes to the super nintendo classic both mini consoles are good but one is better and that console is the super nintendo classic it might have limitations with the types of controller you can use and cable length but the design is still spun on it has better features with a sharper looking menu more background frames more ways to sort the option to reduce screen burn a pixel perfect resolution more fun with demos and more options with the save states and it has the best games for being the only way to play all these super nintendo games in one package the sega mini is great too if you're new to genesis or a huge fan definitely get it but it's not the only way to play these games the latest sega collection has more games and arguably better games these different collections take away from the need for a sega mini it's a great console but not essential nintendo has never officially released this many super nintendo games in one collection that makes it essential best mini console goes to the super nintendo classic but my console's still good yeah it's just not special now back to perfect strangers an asteroid coming towards earth we forgot about the asteroid mark this up to an oopsie the scientists were wrong there is no asteroid oh that's a relief i'll drink to that just stop there's no asteroid because it's actually an alien spaceship run for your lives protect yourselves well that's alarming let's not jump to conclusions here maybe maybe they're here to help us maybe they're here to help humanity take the next step forward towards a better smarter and more compassionate world [Music] and we've been taking prisoner should have seen that coming oh don't shackle seem a little primitive though really i'm just saying you know you travel millions of light years you got space age technology and shackles i don't know how you can be so calm they're probably gonna take us back to their planet to eat us and you know they're gonna eat meat because i've been eating barbecue sauce all day it's true yeah at least there's plenty of reading material silence humans or i'll be forced to destroy you with my laser eyes yes i have laser eyes you know this is all your fault the people in the shelters didn't get captured if we were there we would have been fine but we would have went there but then you had to argue are your stupid super nintendo classic cause it's better oh you know what i don't agree with your assessment and i'm gonna leave a nasty anonymous comment as soon as i can oh yeah yeah according to me are you guys talking about mini consoles by any chance you know i have a turbo graphics 16 mini it's really awesome we should compare that shut up nerd yeah nobody cares no one had a turbo graphic 16 in the 90s you believe this guy who does he think he is let's whip them out and compare them i think it'd be really fun warned you i got a magic guy oh nice it's a dog thanks for checking out our latest video be sure to like comment and subscribe support us on patreon for earlier releases and bonus content thanks to everyone who suggested the mini consoles and keep those suggestions coming we will get to them also check us out on facebook twitter and instagram for more console wars goodness later i just have so many games
Channel: Console Wars
Views: 105,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: console wars, mini console wars, snes mini vs sega mini, snes vs sega mini, snes classic edition, Sega Genesis Mini, Super Nintendo mini, Super Nintendo classic edition, console wars snes vs sega, console wars comedy, console wars mini, the console wars
Id: cNig_-VxbrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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