Consider It All Joy (1986) | Full Movie | Bonnie Hawley | Gary Costello | James D. Miller

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<i>[Title song]</i> <i>[Theme from "Consider it all Joy" sung by Kathy Eldridge]</i> <i>Every trial in our lives</i> <i>the hard times that we go through</i> <i>are times when we are held in God's great hand</i> <i>And only God our Father</i> <i>who is rich in love and mercy</i> <i>can use them to fulfill His sovereign plan</i> <i>Consider it all joy</i> <i>my brothers and my sisters</i> <i>when you face the trials that you do</i> <i>for in your darkest hour</i> <i>when the pain is greatest</i> <i>the Lord is still with you</i> This is when David won the "EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AWARD." He was so proud of that silly plaque. I remember that. He really deserved it, too. You know, he was probably the best employee that company ever had. Yeah. Oh, this one's from the fishing trip he took with you. Ah, yes. All day in a boat and all he caught was a cold. I really miss him. So do I. How'd you meet Dave? Huh? Well, Dave never told me how you two met. I was just curious. Oh, ah... I'd just moved to the lake, and I was looking for a church. and that Sunday I was visiting David's church. <i>It was in the parking lot after the service,</i> <i>and I was just getting into my car, when David came up to me...</i> It's Claire, right? Yes. Hi, Claire, I'm David. Hi, David. I saw you introduced as a visitor this morning in the College Department, and I thought I'd say hello and let you know we appreciated you coming today. Well, thank you. Did you enjoy the service? Yeah, I did. Good. Several of us from the College Department are going out for some lunch, and I was wondering if you'd like to join us. Ah... My treat. - Okay. - Great. Can I give you a ride? Sure. Ah, let me lock my car. <i>We really seemed to hit it off, so we started dating.</i> <i>[Upbeat Music]</i> <i>[Music becomes more sentimental]</i> <i>[Music becomes more delicate]</i> <i>[Music ends]</i> Oh, I think it's past this little girl's bedtime. Looks like Mommy's right again. Here we go. (GRUNTS) Okay. Horsey rides to the bedroom. Oh, climb aboard. Here we go. <i>["JAWS" like music plays]</i> <i>[Music ends]</i> (CHUCKLES) You're a nut. I love you. I think it's past <i>this </i>little girl's bedtime. We've got to go to church tomorrow. Yeah. I guess we'd better get some sleep. (IMMITATING BOGART) I'll, ah... meet you upstairs, sweetheart. (MOCK DISAPPOINTMENT) No horsey ride? <i>CLAIRE: David?</i> - Yes? Honey, will you bring my Bible when you come? It's on the dresser. Okay. <i>[Congregation singing] sea billows roll.</i> <i>Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say...</i> <i>...It is well, it is well with my soul...</i> <i>...It is well... ...It is well...</i> <i>...With my soul... ...With my soul...</i> <i>...It is well, it is well with my soul.</i> Excellent singing. Turn with me now in your Bibles to James, chapter one. <i>PASTOR: The first chapter of James, starting with verse one...</i> <i>"JAMES, A BOND SERVANT OF GOD AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,</i> <i>"TO THE TWELVE TRIBES WHO ARE DISPERSED ABROAD, GREETINGS.</i> <i>"CONSIDER IT ALL JOY, MY BRETHREN,</i> <i>"WHEN YOU ENCOUNTER VARIOUS TRIALS,</i> <i>"KNOWING THAT THE TESTING OF YOUR FAITH PRODUCES ENDURANCE.</i> <i>"AND LET ENDURANCE HAVE ITS PERFECT RESULT,</i> <i>"THAT YOU MAY BE PERFECT AND COMPLETE,</i> LACKING IN NOTHING." - David? - Huh? What did you think of the Pastor's sermon this morning on trials? What do you mean? I don't know. I couldn't help thinking about what happened to Tom and Jan Miller yesterday. DAVID: What happened? - You didn't hear? - No. CLAIRE: You know the storm we had the other day? Yes. It caused a mud slide on the west side of the lake, the Miller's house was underneath it. CLAIRE: Their living room's about six inches deep in mud. Hum. I just couldn't help thinking about that when the Pastor was talking about trials. I don't know, I'd have a hard time considering that joy if it happened to us. Yeah... that would be tough. But... you still have to keep it in perspective. What do you mean? DAVID: Well, it's like the Pastor was saying, God's goal for us as Christians is not comfort, but character. DAVID: If you look at character as being the goal and not comfort, then a lot of things that otherwise might seem cruel and pointless, begin to make a lot more sense. I was just reading in Acts about the persecution of the early church. I mean, they were getting tortured and fed to lions... and at first, it seems amazing that the church even survived those times. But I got to thinking, what if the first century church had no persecution? DAVID: I mean, what if the Greeks and Romans said, "Go ahead. Do what you want," and then they started building churches instead of hiding out to worship? I wonder if the church would have grown so much, so quickly? I wonder if it would have survived at all? DAVID: I mean, look at Christians in communist countries that have to sneak around just to read the Bible. And here we have several different translations in our own house that we can read at any time. So what do we do? DAVID: We put it off; we get lazy. No... it isn't ease or comfort that strengthens our faith. It's trials and tribulations. (BIRDS CHIRPING) <i>DAVID: Oh, I called Tom this morning.</i> Caught him just before he left for work. How're they doing? Well, they have a long way go. I told him I'd come over after work today and help him shovel mud. Boy, he sure appreciated that. Well, anyway, I won't be home for dinner. Well, I gotta get going, or I'm gonna be late. Oh, leave that. I can get that later. Okay. Give Daddy a kiss, first. - Love you. I'll see ya tonight. - Okay. Bye. RICK: Break time. Oh, hi Rick. Yeah, looks like you're right. Thanks. My pleasure. You know, you've, ah... piqued my curiosity. Oh? How's that? Well, for the last three nights, you've been taking off work early. And that's not like you. In fact, you're usually the last guy to leave. I wanna know what's so important that's making Dave Johnson leave work early. It's nothing, really. I just had some friends from church who had a mud slide go through their house, and, ah... I've been helping them clean it up. That's it? (LAUGHS) I'm sorry to disappoint you. (SCOFFS) And here I thought it was something really important. DAVID: That <i>is</i> important. - Cleaning up mud? - No, helping them out. I mean, their house was a mess and they needed help cleaning it up. So, I helped them clean it up. You see, that's one of my responsibilities as a Christian... to help when I can. (SCOFFS) Ya know, you always manage to find a way to make something religious out of everything. What, because I mentioned Christianity? Hey, that's not religious. Religion is man's attempt to... somehow make himself good enough for God. There's no way we can do that. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Yeah, I know. You've, ah... told me. (LAUGHS) Well... one of these days, Rick, you're going to realize you need that relationship. (SCOFFING LAUGH) Well... I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. (PHONE RINGS) Johnson Oh, hi honey. Ah, the usual time. No, you're not interrupting. I was just taking a break, here, talking to Rick. Claire says "hi." I don't know. Let me ask him. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Well, I've never been one to pass up a free meal. He says fine. Seven o'clock? Sure. That's sounds great. We'll see you tonight. I love you, too. Bye bye. Well... I'd better, ah... get back to pretending to be busy. (LAUGHS) Right. Daddy's home! - Mmmm. How's my Princess? - Fine. We can't leave Mommy out of this. - How was your day? - It was good. - I had a chance to talk with Rick today. - And? And... I'll keep workin' on him, but he'll come around yet. Speaking of Rick, he's going to be here in a half an hour. - Can you help me set the table? - Sure. Let me take off my coat. Okay, looks like we're all ready. Becky, would you ask the blessing? Dear God, thank you for this food. In Jesus' Name, amen. Here, Rick. Why don't you start the casserole? Hmmm. This looks good. Don't mind if I do. You know, about the only time I eat this well is when I'm with you guys. I think we did all right at UCLA. RICK: This is true. In fact, we made perfect roommates. He cooked like a gourmet and I ate like a horse. Still do. DAVID: It was a good thing I could cook, too. We would have starved to death eating your cooking. I take it, then, you don't cook? Well, I didn't want to spread myself too thin. I figured it'd be better if I specialized my talents. So I concentrated on eating. He's gotten quite good at it, too. (Chuckles) Well, practice makes perfect. Would you pass the salad please? Would you like some more coffee? No thanks. David? You know, I was noticing something on the wall. What's that? That plaque, up there. The one that says "God is Love." DAVID: What about it? Well, you hear people say "God is Love," but what I don't understand... assuming there is a God, if He's so loving, why doesn't He just let everybody into Heaven and be done with it? DAVID: Because God is also just. What do you mean? Well, He can't let evil go unpunished. The Bible says the punishment for sin is death. And since we're all sinners, we all deserve to die. RICK: Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that no one's going to get into Heaven? By ourselves, no. (CHUCKLES) But I thought you said you were going to Heaven. I am. Did I miss part of this conversation? (LAUGHS) Let me try to explain it to you. Um... suppose you were a traffic judge. One day, into your courtroom walks your son. He got a ticket. Now, it's obvious he's guilty, and being a loving father, you don't want to see him have to pay the fine. But you're a judge, and to let him off would mean that you're not doing your job properly. I mean, being a loving father, you want to let him off, but as a judge, you have to convict him. So, you have a dilemma. What do you do? There's a way to be both a loving father and an honest judge. You declare him guilty as charged, impose a fine, then you take off that black robe, you walk down behind the bench, pull out your wallet and you pay the fine for him. That's exactly what God did for us. He sent His own Son to earth to die in our place. Christ paid the penalty <i>for</i> me. What I have to do is accept this free gift, and it's as if... God takes a big rubber stamp and across all my sins stamps, "PAID IN FULL." Eh... I don't know. I just can't believe there's such a thing as something for nothing. DAVID: Well... it does cost you one thing. RICK: What? Your pride. You see, you have to admit that you need it. You have to be willing to admit that you're a sinner and that there's nothing you can do to make yourself good enough for God. You have to admit that... you're spiritually helpless. DAVID: Unfortunately, for a lot of people, that's the one price they're unwilling to pay. You know, it's funny. I don't know how many times I've explained it to Rick. He just doesn't quite seem to understand. I wish I could find a way to make it clear to him. Do you think he ever will? Yeah. Some day he will. We just have to keep praying for him. Will you pass the sugar, please? I love you, too. (LAUGHS) And Daddy loves you, too. - I'll see you tonight. - Okay. Bye bye. RICK: Hey, Dave. The Boss wants to see you. Right now? Yeah. And, ah, Dave. He didn't seem like he was in a very good mood. Okay, thanks. (KNOCK AT DOOR) BOSS: Come in. You wanted to see me? Ah, Yes, David. Come in. Have a seat. I'm not very good at this, ah... Well, as you know, our company has just completed a merger, and... in the process, ah... we ended up with a new Board of Directors and President. Well, they decided to implement several cut-backs to try and control spending, and it so happens that the cut-backs in our department are in personnel. Well... We have to let someone go, and... Well, company policy is to give preference to seniority... and since you've been here the shortest time, I'm... I'm afraid that person is you. BOSS: Ah, I want you to know Dave, that this wasn't my decision. I, I think you're one of the best employees the company has. If I had my way about it, ah... you wouldn't be the one I'd let go. But, unfortunately, I don't have any say in the matter. BOSS: I'm sorry. How long is this for? Well, they... they didn't set any time limit, so I have to assume that it's permanent. When does this happen? Monday. I see. BOSS: Now there'll be two weeks vacation pay coming, and ah, and your severance pay... I'm sorry, Dave. There isn't anything I can do. (TAKES A DEEP BREATH) Well... I appreciate your concern... but you see, I'm a Christian. And as a Christian, God has promised to work everything out in my life for my good. I'm sure this is no exception. I don't mean any disrespect, but I know God has bigger plans for me than this company does. I don't know what they are, yet, but I trust Him to take care of me. Well, I still have some work to finish today, so, ah... I'd better get back to it. Daddy's home! Oh, hello, Princess. - See my picture? - Yeah. That's nice. - But I still have to finish it, though. - Okay. Give me a kiss, first. Hi, honey. Hmmm. You make coming home something to look forward to. How was your day? Well... Different. Why? What happened? Ah... I... got laid off. Are you serious? Unfortunately. Why? DAVID: New management. They decided to cut back, and... I'm the odd man out. I don't understand. You were "Employee of the Year," last year. Well, it had to do with seniority, it's... just one of those things. How long is it for? Long enough that I'm going to have to find a new job. DAVID: Hey... Claire, don't worry. God's still in control. He'll take care of us. We just have to trust Him. Here. I got us a little reminder. DAVID: God will help me find a new job. It'll work out. You'll see. <i>[UPBEAT MUSIC]</i> <i>[MUSIC MELLOWS]</i> <i>[UPBEAT MUSIC RESUMES]</i> <i>[MUSIC SLOWS]</i> <i>[MUSIC ENDS]</i> RICK: Boy, do I love Saturdays. By the way, how's the job hunting going? (CHUCKLES) About as well as today's fishing. (LAUGHS) That bad, huh? Well, I'll find something. God will work it out. That reminds me. What'd you say to the Boss? What do you mean? Well, you must have really blown him away. I mean, he spent all last week telling everybody he met what an incredible attitude you had. All I said was that God has bigger plans for me than he or the company does, and that God will take care of me. And He will. Well, I got to admit, that's a little unusual. I mean, most guys would have probably cussed him out. Well, I have a reason to feel that way. What's that? Because I'm a Christian, God has promised to work everything out for my good. He's in control of my life. He allows certain problems to come along, but not without a reason. They're there to develop my character... to make me a more complete person. So when something happens to me, like getting laid off, I know it's not some cruel twist of fate, but it has a purpose. It's like when we were on the track team at U.C.L.A. All those hours of running and training, they were for a purpose: to make us stronger so we could be faster runners. If we would have spent all that time and effort training and didn't get any better, it would have been pointless. It was the goal of running all those races that gave purpose to all that training. In the same way, it's my relationship with Christ that gives purpose to all my problems. I mean, we're gonna have problems, but I'd rather have problems with a purpose, than without. (MOTORBOAT ENGINE REVS) You okay? We have over a thousand dollars in bills, and we have about two hundred dollars left in the checkbook. What are we going to do? Well, let's see. We have about two weeks left on the house payment... The electric bill is due... So is the telephone... We have a week left on the gas bill... - How're we doing for groceries? - Well, we're okay for a week or so. Okay, how much did you say we have left in the checkbook? We have two hundred and twelve dollars and five cents. Okay, that'll... that'll pay for these that are due, and, ah... that'll hold us for about a week or so. And then what? God takes care of His children. I wish I had as much faith as you. It's not a matter of how much faith you have, it's Who you have your faith in. You got a job? (CLAIRE LAUGHS WITH JOY) Oh, tell me all about it. What kind of job did you get? Oh, ah, let me put these in water. How did it happen? Well, I was coming home from an interview down in San Bernardino, and passed a hardware store, so I thought I'd stop in and get a washer for that leaky faucet. Well, in the store I ran into a friend of mine that I hadn't seen since High School. We got to talking and he was asking what I was doin' now, and I told him I'd been working in the Accounting Department at Com-Tech, but had just been laid off. Well, he said he heard that in his company two guys had just retired in the Acct. Dept. and thought maybe there might be an opening. So, he called his work, and sure enough, there was. So I went in for an interview and they hired me on the spot. Oh, David, that's great! CLAIRE: When do you start? - Next Monday. Oh, I forgot the best part, not only does it pay more than my other job, but there's better opportunity for promotion. (CLAIRE LAUGHS) Oh, David, I'm so happy! I told you God would take care of us. - Breakfast is ready. - Be right there. There. Did you know today's a special day? Ah, the one millionth re-run of "GILLIGAN'S ISLAND"? (CHUCKLES) Close. No, it's the three month anniversary of working at my new job. Do you still like it as much as you did three months ago? More. <i>DAVID: Well, time for Daddy to go to work.</i> Give me a kiss, first. - I love you. I'll see you tonight. - I love you, too. Come here and give Mommy some lovin'. Oh, hi. Let's do something special today. What would you like to do? - Bike riding. - Okay. Let's go bike riding. <i>[HAPPY MUSIC PLAYS]</i> <i>...AND THEN JESUS SAID,</i> "DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES. "LOOK AT ALL THE FLOWERS IN THE FIELD. "THEY DON'T WORRY ABOUT THEIRS. "AND YET, KING SOLOMON WITH ALL HIS RICHES "WASN'T DRESSED AS BEAUTIFULLY AS THEY ARE. "IF GOD CARES SO MUCH FOR FLOWERS THAT LAST JUST A LITTLE WHILE, "WON'T HE CARE A LOT MORE FOR YOU?" (KNOCK AT THE DOOR) Oh, got to get the door, hun. Okay? (POLICE RADIO CALLS) (TURNS DOWN RADIO) Are you Mrs. David Johnson? CLARIRE: Yes. Does your husband drive a... white Chrysler LeBaron? Yes. OFFICER: Ma'am, I'm sorry, but there's been an accident. Your husband was driving up Highway Eighteen this evening, and a drunk driver, coming the other way, crossed the center line... ...and hit your husband's vehicle head on. Your husband was killed in the collision. <i>[DRAMATIC MUSIC CORD]</i> (OFFICER'S VOICE BECOMES SURREAL) <i>Ma'am, I'm terribly sorry.</i> <i>I know this must be very difficult for you,</i> <i>but we need you to come down to identify the body.</i> <i>Are you okay, Ma'am?</i> <i>Ma'am?</i> <i>[HAUNTING PIANO MUSIC]</i> <i>[SAD MUSIC CONTINUES]</i> <i>[MUSIC ENDS]</i> <i>GOSSIPING WOMAN: Oh, I saw Claire Johnson today.</i> You know, the one who was widowed not too long ago. Oh, yes, I know her. Well, I'll tell you, I've never seen a woman grieve so much. You'd think by now she'd be starting to get over it. Well, I kind of wonder about her spiritual commitment. I mean, we are supposed to be thankful for everything. She sure doesn't seem too thankful. No, she doesn't. Well, I guess we'd better pray for her, that God would change her bad attitude. Yes, we should do that. Well, I have to run. I'll see you later. - Okay. Bye. - Bye. (VACUUM CLEANER RUNNING) (VACUUM STOPS) <i>[DRAMATIC MUSIC]</i> (DOORBELL RINGS) (SNIFFLES) Hi. Excuse me, I really hate to bother you, but... well, I just moved in next door and I was in the middle of baking a cake and I... realized I didn't have any eggs. Could I just borrow one. Sure. Come on in. Thank you very much. I really appreciate this. - Thank you very much. - You're welcome. Oh, by the way, my name's Barbara. I'm Claire. Claire. That's a pretty name. Thanks. By the way, I noticed that you had a plaque here with a verse from Joshua. Are you a Christian? Yeah. Oh, so am I. Is this a picture of your husband? Yeah. BARBARA: He's very nice looking. Yeah. Is he at work? He, ah... He died a few months ago. Oh... I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah, well... life goes on, right? Claire, if there's anything I, I could do for you, anything at all... even if you just need someone to talk to, I'm always available. (SARCASTIC CHUCKLE) You know, it's funny. The people at the church... they all told me how sorry they felt for me... they all told me that they would pray for me... and for about a week, they even brought me food... But no one ever offered just to talk to me... I really need somebody to talk to. I... I feel like God has slammed the door in my face. It's like He doesn't hear me. It's not that I'm in danger of not believing in God... it's what kind of God. All my life... all I ever wanted in my life... was to get married and to have a family... and just when everything seemed so right... it all crumbled. Like a cruel joke. <i>CLAIRE: One of the worst things is...</i> people don't want to be around me. I embarrass them. They don't know how to act. They don't know if they should say something, or just try to ignore it. It's like I have a disease. People are afraid of me. It's almost as if I represent death to them. They don't want to think about the possibility of losing a loved one... so, they try to avoid it. And me. I used to never seem to have enough time to do everything... now, especially with Becky in school, I have nothing but time. Too much time. Too much time to think. It's not just the loneliness... I have to think about the loneliness. <i>CLAIRE: David explained it to me so many times before...</i> how God works everything together for our good... Now it seems like just words. It's just not fair... CLAIRE: every time I had a problem or anything that upset me, I could always go to David, and he would always hold me, and listen to me... ...understand me... Encourage me. And... and now, when I... when I face the biggest tragedy of my life, he's not here. CLAIRE: He's... he was always so confident. He always trusted God so completely. I always felt like I could trust God for anything... 'cause David did. Now I feel like a failure as a Christian. Why, 'cause you're hurting? Because I can't seem to get over it. (EXHALES) Even the people at the church say that. Claire... it's okay to grieve. BARBARA: Even Christ himself grieved, and He's our example to follow. God doesn't expect you to just go on as if nothing's happened. I mean, losing a husband's a devastating ordeal. It takes a long time for that kind of wound to heal. You've got to give yourself a chance. You're the only one who seems to understand what I'm going through. Oh, I... I don't understand. I don't think anyone could understand unless they've gone through it themselves. And I haven't, but... I do know what it's like to hurt. BARBARA: And I know when you're hurting that you need a lot of support, and... people around you who care. I care. I... I just don't understand why. Why... why did he have to die? You know... always seems as if the people who spend their whole lives serving God... the ones who love Him so completely... well they seem to be the ones that always have to suffer through the biggest problems. BARBARA: I've often felt that if that's what you got for serving God, well then, what's the point in serving God? But, I thought... what if... What if what really happened... was God looked down on one of those people... and said, "I love you... "...and I find you worthy. "I find tremendous potential in you... "And I choose <i>you</i> to spend My time and efforts on... "to mold you and to... shape your character, so that... "so that you can have a more intimate relationship with the God of the Universe!" BARBARA: What if... those lukewarm Christians who... don't seem to have any problems, well... what if God has just given up on them? I don't know why David died, Claire. But I do know God loves you. And I know He's gonna heal you. <i>[SENTIMENTAL MUSIC PLAYS]</i> BECKY: And God, please help Mommy to not miss Daddy so much, because he's with Jesus, and he's happy. And we're going see him again when we get to Heaven. <i>CLAIRE: I think it was at that point</i> <i>that I finally started to think about what God had done <b>for</b> me,</i> <i>instead of what God had done <b>to</b> me.</i> <i>He has given me a beautiful daughter...</i> terrific friends... And He gave me seven wonderful years with a kind and loving husband. And for that, I'm grateful. I still miss David very much. And, there are times when I still cry myself to sleep... thinking about him. But I have hope. CLAIRE: I know God loves me, and that He's always going to take care of me. And I'm learning to have the kind of confidence in God that David had. CLAIRE: You know... I used to think that I couldn't survive without David. Now, I realize I couldn't survive without God. <i>[MUSIC ENDS]</i> You know... I've had a lot of people try and sell me on religion. Some sounded better than others... but if you watch them long enough, you'll see... there really isn't any difference. They're just as miserable as anybody else. (EXHALES) And even though David seemed different, I... I just figured that was Dave. That was his nature. But... but you seem different, too. RICK: I don't think I've ever seen anybody come away from such a terrible experience and have such a positive attitude. I guess I just have never seen a religion that... that really seemed to work. I don't know, maybe David was right. I just... don't want to admit that I need anything. Maybe I should. I know that Dave's explained Christianity to me several times, but... Well... Could you... Would... would you explain it to me I again? I'd love to. <i>[THEME MUSIC BEGINS]</i> You see, God loves us so much, that He wants to have a special relationship with each one of us. But, because of our sin, He can't. (CLAIRE'S VOICE FADES) <i>[TITLE SONG] Now the trials in our lives, God uses for His purpose,</i> <i>But when we feel the battle can't be won,</i> <i>And the pain seem to defeat us, He will use it to complete us,</i> <i>And conform us to the image of His son.</i> <i>Consider it all joy, My brothers and my sisters,</i> <i>When you face the trials that you do.</i> <i>For in your darkest hour, When the pain is greatest,</i> <i>The Lord is still with you. Consider it all joy,</i> <i>My brothers and my sisters,</i> <i>When you face the trials that you do.</i> <i>For in your darkest hour, When the pain is greatest,</i> <i>The Lord is still with you.</i> <i>[MUSIC CONTINUES]</i> <i>[MUSIC ENDS]</i>
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 158,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrisitan Movies, Full Movies, Full Film, Religious Movies, Feature Film, Consider It All Joy Movie, Consider It All Joy Full Movie, Consider It All Joy 1986 Movie, Consider It All Joy 1986 Full Movie, Bonnie Hawley, Gary Costello, James D. Miller, William Mings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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