Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre addresses Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference

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[Applause] thank you thank you very much thank you very much Canada strong and free thank you very much vessel sobot I met besso 20 years ago and I said Bess I want to get into politics and run for office I need your advice and he sat me down in his office and on the wall there was a big fish that he'd caught he pointed up to it and he said Pierre you see that fish up there if he kept his mouth shut he'd still be alive I never listened to his advice [Laughter] probably would have gotten a little less trouble over the years if I had but you know what making noise is part of the job on Parliament Hill and one person who made a lot of noise and did a lot of good was the great Preston Manning thank you very much for your role as Statesman to our movement Preston [Applause] thank you I first saw Preston Manning driving in the back seat of my parents car headed south down McLeod Trail in Calgary where I was growing up and there was a big billboard with a with a picture of him and his fist in the air with one word enough boy oh boy would that word ever sum up the situation we have here in Canada today wouldn't it and then and then we have the great Stephen Harper who addressed this crowd yesterday don't you miss him yet [Applause] sure be nice to have a prime minister again that doesn't admire China's basic Communist dictatorship right you know speaking of Trudeau though uh you know speaking of housing as vessel mentioned the subject of housing Stephen Harper really does live rent free in Justin Trudeau's head he's still talking about him still blaming him and yesterday and those of Commons we got debating infrastructure and he he claimed that Harper had spent infrastructure money building gazebos and doorknobs to which I replied that the current government had as its very first infrastructure the installation of a brand new doorknob in the prime minister's office I took you a minute there foreign but really how's it looking after eight years you know we had a deal in this country didn't we you work hard you follow the law you get a good house in a good safe neighborhood you make a good living and a great life but that deal just like everything else after eight years in Justin Trudeau's Canada is broken the deal is broken look around you we have 35 year olds living in their parents basements because the cost of housing of mortgage payments rent payments and down payments has literally doubled under his watch look at the single mother who's cutting back on meals so that her kids don't have to look at the seniors that choose between eating and heating because he's raising the carbon tax on the price of gas and home heating oil and look at the danger in our streets I was I arrived in Nanaimo the other day and within five minutes of getting off the plane I realized how bad things were the pilot walked up showed me a picture in his phone of his surveillance camera at 12 48 a.m a few nights earlier where two Methamphetamine addicts were doing drugs carrying around daggers and billy clubs in his backyard Scavenging for goods they could steal I then learned that a local man had his tool stolen by some addicts who were living in a tent city he went to get the tools back they shot him and so he is now he was then in a coma I walked a little further and I saw the Nanaimo local newspaper which indicated that overdose deaths are double this at the start of this year what they were at the start of last year even though we were told that all of this drug abuse was simply the temporary result of covid related mental health issues look across the country we're more divided than other than ever seemingly by design of a prime minister who wants to turn citizen against citizen so that he can aggrandize the power of the state Everything feels broken but the good news is as vessel pointed out we're going to transform the hurt that Trudeau caused into the hope that Canadians need [Applause] and we're going to do it by getting back to the common sense of the Common People the common people across this country who carry the nation on their back the quiet ones the ones who say little but do much the people who never show up at protests don't have money for lobbyists and have very little influence in political Ottawa those people are forgotten and often on the sidelines but more and more I see them rising up because they feel like they're losing control of their lives they're rising up because they want to take back control of their lives and they want to join with us in making Canada the freest Nation on Earth and that is my purpose in running for prime minister we're going to bring home a Canada that works for the people who work we're going to bring home lower prices by getting rid of the inflationary deficits and taxes that have caused it in the first place let's remember how we got here back in 2020 and 2021 the government started a massive policy of printing cash they increased the money supply by 400 billion dollars that is a 20 percent increase in the amount of cash and circulation in the economy they did this to spend money much of it not even related to the covid crisis but on other discretionary matters we warned them at the time that creating more cash more money chasing fewer Goods would as allies lead to higher prices of course this is an inescapable relationship in economics that goes back thousands of years every time an emperor a king a queen a president or a prime minister has created cash to fund is Sumptuous spending it has resulted in exactly two things the rich get much richer because the things they own increase in value and the porg and the working class get much worse off why because the things they need become more expensive it's a gigantic wealth transfer from the have-nots to the half Yachts why is it that all the banking economists were so supportive of this money printing exercise because of course they profited office CEOs saw their a price of the the price of their shares rise and they were able to profit off the backs of the misery of Working Class People who saw the value of the purchasing power of their paychecks go down meanwhile we have across the country today an interest rate hike meant to counter the money printing that the same Central Bank did not long before and again who's paying for that the Working Class People who now can't afford homes all of this was entirely predictable in fact I predicted not because of Any economic uh Insight that wasn't already there you could look back to the stories of say dionysius who is the ruler of the then Greek controlled Sicilian island of Sicily and he had tried everything to create new money until he came up with the most creative idea at all he would just confiscate the coins and where there was a one drachma a one on each track my Hebrew Mark II and all of a sudden he doubled the money supply he gave people back half as many coins but each one of those coins had a two instead of a one well the result of course was that he cut the wages of the working people on the island in half while enriching all of the people who lived inside the court and inside the castle walls does that not ring a bell today a smaller and smaller group of people get richer and richer off feasting off the state and not by by their own labor and their own work so we have solutions for this a conservative government will cancel major spending increases bring in a new dollar for dollar law that will require the government find a Dollar of savings for every new dollar of spending this was instituted in the United States in the 90s they capped spending got rid of the deficit paid off 400 billion dollars of debt but as soon as the law lapsed they went right back into deficit and the Americans have been in deficit ever since which proves that politicians need legal limits on their spending or else they will spend other people's money irresponsibly [Applause] feet every creature in the universe must live by scarcity with a fish in the Seas the birds and the trees Every Creature except the politician who can just push scarcity onto everyone else through more inflation through more debt and through more taxes a legal limit the cap spending will ensure that we cut out waste so we make the same either or transactions that everyday single moms and small business people have to make Politics the people of Canada have been pinching their pennies long enough it's time that politicians started pinching their pennies too [Applause] and we reject the idea that fighting the Enviro fighting for the environments means raising taxes on our working class so far Trudeau has not hit a single climate Target even though he's imposed a massive and growing carbon tax on the Canadian people a polyv government will fight climate change and protect the environment with technology and not taxes we will ax the tax and put money back in the pockets of the Canadian people [Applause] and we're going to bring home powerful paychecks by ending the war on work we have a war on work in this country you earn another dollar you get penalized I read the other day that a small child asked her father what is a tax form and he said it's just like a report card except in Reverse in a report card the more the more you get the right answers the better the grade you get but on a tax form the more you do the right thing the worse you're left off that's our tax system today a fine is what you pay for breaking the law a tax is what you pay for working hard a sixty thousand dollar a year worker with three kids who earns another dollar today loses 80 cents in that dollar because of clawbacks payroll taxes income taxes and a whole assortment of other paycheck penalties you want to understand why we have a labor shortage well if you tax labor you get less labor you punish people for working you get less work so a poly of government will do a massive overhaul of our tax and clawback system to ensure that it always pays to work we're going to bring home more powerful paychecks by rewarding the hard work of the Canadian people [Music] more more powerful paychecks obvious also means getting The Gatekeepers out of the way to let people earn more here we are today with a doctor shortage but yet the 19 000 foreign trained doctors are banned from working when they apply their run in Circles by provincial Gatekeepers that uh do years of study into this the history of every single foreign trained graduate it's so bad that it's not just affecting immigrants I recently met a young lady from Montreal who had to go to Ireland to get into med school because there were no places in in Quebec when she graduated they wouldn't let her do a residency in Quebec so she went to California and after she's done in California they won't take her back in Quebec because they don't accept California residents in the Quebec medical system but guess what the Irish minister of Health wrote her a letter inviting her back to practice in that country this is ridiculous gatekeeping and it boils my blood to sit in hospital waiting rooms with my my daughter who has a migraine headache because we have a doctor shortage when we have all of these brilliant immigrants and canadian-born foreign trained doctors who could prove their their competency if they were given a chance to challenge an exam and that's why conservatives will work with the provinces to to build in the professions what already exists in the trades which which is a blue seed seal test so that young doctors can prove their Competency Based on Merit not based on where they come from that we can get The Gatekeepers out of the way and allow for more powerful inflation-proof paychecks and more doctors and nurses in our system [Applause] and we will we will clear the way so that Canada can become energy independent again we were a POC 69 and c-48 that we can build Canadian pipelines with Canadian steel to Canadian Shores no longer will we accept the idea of bringing in foreign resources produced by Dirty dictators that don't meet our standards we will clear the way and stand behind the hard-working men and women in the cleanest and most responsible Oil and Gas and energy sector anywhere on planet Earth we will get The Gatekeepers out of the way to bring back our resources and our paychecks to this country and frankly we will actually bring homes back to this country you know the reason we don't have homes is because government Gatekeepers prevent the construction in the first place we actually have the fewest houses per capita of any G7 country even though we have the most land to build on we are actually building houses slower than we were eight years ago and we have fewer houses per capita than when Justin Trudeau took office because home building has not typed up with population growth and we know why this is we rank 64th on planet Earth for the time it takes to get a building permit this means there's 30 there's 63 other countries where you can get a building permit faster than in Canada meanwhile in Vancouver it costs 60 650 000 in red tape alone for every unit of housing once again this protects the privileged if they already have a mansion it goes up in value by scarcity but it hurts the working class by permanently shutting them out of home ownership nine in ten young people believe they will never own a home the answer of course is to start to Leverage The prodigious funds the federal government spends on Municipal infrastructure to get The Gatekeepers out of the way I think it's time to be a little less polite when it comes to the gatekeeping Mayors I know that we have this tradition where everyone is supposed to go along to get along well that's not going to happen if Gatekeepers prevent our young people from having homes I will link the number of infrastructure dollars a big city gets to the number of houses it allows to be built we will [Applause] we we will bring in real fines by claw backing calling back Federal infrastructure money to those cities that block construction and boosting those funds to imp to cities that get out of the way and let Builders build we're going to require every single federally funded transit station have high density apartments around it so that our young people can live right next to the bus or the train and and then there's this big Empire a big ugly government buildings 37 000 of them and many of them are empty with so-called work from home I'm going to sell off 15 of these buildings and it it warms my heart to think of the beautiful family pulling up to the in their U-Haul in their want to their wonderful new home in the former headquarters of the CBC [Applause] thank you are they here today Jamil [Laughter] we're also going to bring home safe streets again to Our Country violent crime is shot of 32 percent under Justin Trudeau's caption Release Bail policies now we all we all believe that if a young person makes a small mistake in their youth they should get a second chance but what he has done is brought in a system that allows criminals who've committed literally 60 and 70 serious violent offenses to get bail the same day they are newly arrested and so in Vancouver right now the mayors of BC have reported this the same 40 offenders were arrested 6 000 times in one year that's 150 arrests per offender per year we wonder why crime is Raging out of control in that country in that part of the country you know and it's not that much better here just the other day there was a hold up a robber came up to a man pulled a gun and at another man and said give me all your money the man said you know who I am and the robber said no the man said I'm Justin Trudeau Robert said in that case give me all my money [Laughter] but but by joking aside the policy of flooding our streets with repeat dangerous offenders and drugs has made life more and more dangerous taxpayer-funded so-called safe supply has led to more addiction not less the exact opposite of what we are we were promised under Trudeau overdose deaths have gone up by 300 percent in British Columbia recently they decriminalized heroin crack cocaine and illicit Fentanyl and the problem it gets worse and worse and worse what we actually have is a misery industry every time you speak out against it there's all of these experts that jump in front of media cameras saying that they've proven that these policies work and every year it gets worse and worse and worse but these agencies and interest groups collect bigger and bigger checks from the government to perpetuate the misery that they helped create in the first place you know the in in Vancouver now what's happening is that the user is taking the taxpayer funded hydromorphin they're ripping off the labels and selling it to kids and using the profits to buy more powerful fentanyl those kids then find the hydromorphin is not strong enough so then they graduate up to heroin and when that's no longer strong enough they graduate up to fentanyl that is the very real tragedy that is unfolding we know how it all started powerful drug companies lied through their teeth to trick the medical system the doctors the nurses the Pharmacists and the drug approval agencies into approving these drugs not just for occasional use but for any ache or pain McKinsey wrote A business plan calling for the supercharging of the sales and actually recommending that there be bonuses for the number of overdoses that a distributor could cause these corporate dirt bags knew exactly what they were doing the American government and the states have actually sued them and recovered billions and billions of dollars to pay for recovery and treatment a poly of government will launch a massive 45 billion dollar lawsuit to make big Pharma pay for the full cost of recovery and treatment so that we can help rescue our brothers and sisters from the scourge of addiction thank you and we're going to bring back and bring home freedom to this country again and I can't think of a better place to talk about that than at an event held by Jamil Giovanni who is courageously stood up against woke Inc right he apparently expresses viewpoints that the corporate establishment does not think is appropriate for someone like him they had a whole series of politically correct ideas that he was expected to regurgitate on the airwaves he said no I'm going to stand up for my own values the values for which I stand and with which I was raised that built him big audiences and success with his listeners but it made the corporate Elite very unhappy and probably out of favor with The Regulators that they so so desperately want to proceed to do to impress this is woke Inc it's about large corporations in regulated oligopolies winning political favor by throwing around politically correct statements and advancing an agenda that makes no sense to anyone but them this woke movement is an attack on the freedom of speech of ordinary people and the common sense of Canadians and an impure polio Canadians will have someone who will stand up against woe corporations and for the rights of every single person to express themselves freely in a free country [Applause] and nowhere is that more urgently needed when it comes to Bill c-11 a bill that would give C the crtc the ability to manipulate the algorithms that determine what shows up in your news feed now they claim that this is simply to promote Canadian content although they have yet to tell us what Canadian content actually is to me Canadian content is anything that is posted online by a Canadian right we have 37 million Canadian content producers they believe that it's only a small Purdue approved list of true experts in canadiana who can be promoted but if they are promoted up the algorithmic food chain everyone else has to be demoted because there's only so much space on the screen and that is exactly what this is really about it's about taking the broadcasting act and applying it to the entire Internet it's about having a small group of unnamed bureaucrats telling Canadians what they can see and say online we have the same problem on our University campuses and now increasingly Even in our professional bodies we saw how they forced Jordan Peterson to hold on to his Integrity by leaving the University of Toronto so that he wouldn't have to bend his knee before the sensor is there and now they're trying to take away his license to practice as a psychologist even though he's probably one of the most renowned psychologists anywhere in the world simply because he will not because he retweeted me actually actually one of the reasons they cited when they threatened to take away his license don't worry though they've allowed him to go in for retraining sponges mind of all of these unacceptable thoughts here's my suggestion to them if you don't like Jordan Peterson's views try debating him good luck with that right but we have something in our Constitution called section 2B the freedom of expression to be or not to be that is the question my answer is that a poly of government will not only repeal the censorship law C11 but we will require every University that gets federal funds to commit itself to honoring the freedom of expression that we are guaranteed in our Charter of Rights [Applause] thank you we will respect the ancestral freedoms of our indigenous people to continue hunting by keeping their hunting rifles we'll stand up for firearms owners and go after real criminals but on these and all other issues what you see is a singular purpose to every single policy that comes out of this government and out of the political establishment in Ottawa think about it everything they do is about a single solution doesn't matter what the problem is racism or misinformation online they need censorship by a guy who was a practicing racist for most of his adult life right violence instead of going after criminals they need to control whether people use hunting rifles poverty they need to control more of the people's money in order that it would be spread around more fairly which in reality means giving it all to them economics when it comes to Industry instead of getting out of the way they believe in scooping up everybody's money and picking which corporate winners get a handout in each case they always have one solution less freedom for you and more control for them now they have to find a way to justify this right because if they believe that the human species a member of the human species is not capable of thinking for himself then how could he possibly be capable of thinking for everyone else well the answer they will give is that there's a special type of human made of better clay more enlightened and virtuous all-knowing to protect us against misinformation and crazy ideas that might circulate you saw this just the other day when Justin Trudeau gave a rambling talk about the growing pandemic of people who believe in a flat Earth did you see this he actually gave a talk about how never before in human history he claims did anyone believe that there was such a thing as a flat Earth that's what he said I'm not kidding but then Along Came the internet and this crazy idea was born and spreading like wildfire and if he doesn't control the internet more and more people will be convinced that there's a flat Earth I'm not kidding you this is actually you could go and Google it look it up on YouTube the night before it's censored by C11 look it up seriously but but but that is you know this is most of the remarks by the way were themselves filled with misinformation which in it demonstrates the ultimate contradiction of censorship because the sensor is obviously subject to the same human frailties as everyone else potential dishonesty or in this case probable ignorance but in any case we know that whatever frailties and mistakes that an individual might make in Reading information that he finds online or anyone else could be made by the censor himself how do you who watches the Watchman is ultimately the contradiction that the sensor must overcome but in order to avoid overcoming the contradiction what they do is insult the people you see to make government big you have to make the people small and that is the origin of the small Fringe minority comment that Trudeau has now apologized for pointing his finger and calling anyone that asks questions about foreign dictatorship's interference in our democracy a racist is one way to keep the tough questions away but every day you will see him try to denigrate the intelligence and the Good Will of the everyday common person that is the only way to justify exerting more and more control from the top onto everyone else you know the real geniuses in politics understood how little they actually knew Winston Churchill for example okay there's a guy with a brain 58 volumes of Nobel prize-winning literature foretold the rise and the aggression of Hitler foretold the Cold War when he predicted when he said that the Iron Curtain was settling across the middle of Europe invented the battle tank predicted the what we can now have as a an iPad or a tablet back in ninth in the early 1930s an incredible brain but yet he knew how little he knew he actually became a bricklayer and joined the Bricklayers Union to remind himself how brilliant the common man was and he knew that after he left his brick wall but before the grout settled his aides would have to come and reset the bricks because he'd done such a bad job of it right but that was because he honored the common people one of my favorite stories of him was not his great witticisms or his powerful speeches it was he was walking in the streets of London after one of the big Nazi raids had toppled buildings he used to go out and listen to The Common People hear their stories one day he happened upon a lady who'd been trapped under rubble and so he went with his team and they scraped away the rocks and dust and they helped her to her feet and she was shaking and trembling and she looked him in his eyes and said thank you and as she was helped away he stood in stone silence staff noticed there were tears pouring down his face and after a few moments he said there goes greatness what he meant by that was that wars were not won by Kings or queens or even generals they were not even won by prime ministers they were run by the Defiance of the everyday common person you see it was the sophisticated Aristocrats that wanted to give in to Hitler that believed that he could be appeased it was actually the common people on the ground that stood up that had the most to lose who stood up and fought back it was the tea ladies who rushed to go and work in the munition factories it was the truck driver who got out of his truck and shouldered a rifle to go to the front lines charging out of the trenches and into Harm's Way it was the courageous ones that stood on their rooftops throwing rocks defiantly at Nazi warplanes that went overhead it was the everyday common people that were the great ones now we have those great people here today in fact if you want to see goodness greatness and genius don't look to those above look to those all around you you know we often call these the Ordinary People but I'll tell you they are not ordinary they are extraordinary the single mother the single mom that I meet who works on her feet all day comes home teaches her kids math and balances her family budget on a minimum wage salary she's not ordinary she is extraordinary [Applause] the farmer that Masters The Sciences of soil and storm to bring food from his field to your fork is not ordinary he is extraordinary the electrician who captures lightning runs it through a copper wire to light up your home tames the most fierce force in nature to make us all comfortable and happy and illuminate this room he is not ordinary he is extraordinary The policewoman Who Dodges Bullets by day and reads bedtime stories to her children at night is not ordinary she is extraordinary these people are meant to be Masters in their own homes even though they're not famous when they die there are no headlines in the newspapers there are no eulogies on the floor of the House of Commons but when they walk through Heaven's Gate the trumpets sound for them because God knows that They Carried their families their neighbors and their Nation on their shoulders and a quiet murmur goes out from the hosts of Heaven There Goes greatness our jobs my friend [Applause] our jobs my friends are to be the champions of these people the Common People the common sense of the Common People United for our common home Canada your home my home our home let's bring it home thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: cpac
Views: 549,635
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Id: LZDrYln_7vo
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Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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