Connecting Three WIFI Routers Together In A Row and Sharing the Internet WDS Daisy Chain

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hello everybody in my previous video of connecting three routers together three Wi-Fi routers together you know I've showed you how to get three routers talking to each other to a central hub this is the central hub in that three Wi-Fi router connector so basically what we had there was a star topology with this router being the central router what I'm gonna do in this video is change that up and not this is going to be the primary router the main router but it's not going to be the central router what we're gonna do is take three routers and and connect them together in a linear fashion and cascade from one to the next to the next so we're gonna have three routers and we're going to go from one router to the next router to the main router okay so I'm gonna use three routers to extend a Wi-Fi range considerably and show you how to get a little more coverage from this configuration than you would have from a star topology so this is going to be a daisy-chain linear network with three routers basically that the third run connecting to the second one the second one connecting to the third one and then that third one connecting all three of them to the internet so I'll show you this a little more clearly in the next slide I'm going to be using two WDS routers and one non WDS router the non WDS router will be the W and are two thousand versions three from Netgear it does not have WDS as far as I know and it doesn't require it that's gonna be the mate this is going to be the main one main router the second one's going to be tp-link WR 940 n router and it does have WDS and the third is going to be a WR 741 n from tp-link as well these both both these routers require WDS these are available from Amazon for under $30 currently I'll put for them in the video description below for you guys so you can get these where I got them highly reliable routers very cool work really well and both have the required WDS technology that will make this work okay so in the next slide I'm going to show you how this is all going to be arranged and what the whole purpose is of connecting these in a daisy chain fashion or linear fashion as opposed to a star topology okay so let's do that next this is the original configuration I had on my first video showing you how to connect two routers to a central office Internet connected router these two the blue and the yellow range of routers or their secondary and and the third router our WDS capable routers that have WDS technology WDS is wireless the distribution system the central one does not but it doesn't need it so your main router does not have to have WDS technology for this to work but your secondary and your third router certainly do in this case you'll see that I that I'm assuming you have an office in the center of your house in it so this router makes you know creates a Wi-Fi circle or range from the center of your house that reaches the garage and reaches the living room so the garage router connects to the central hob or router and the living-room router connects to the central office router so this is great if you have a home where the router is in the center of it and you know both other routers can reach it but if they cannot you're gonna have a problem and this is what I'm showing you here in the next slide let's assume you have a router in the West a northwest corner of your house instead of the center of your house yes it'll create a Wi-Fi circle or range that can be reached by I say a third of your house and you know an in the center of the house you can have another one a livingroom router without any issue because you know the two Wi-Fi you know signals crossed and then these two routers can talk to each other without any issue at all and that's using WDS again but what happens with a garage it's too far away from the office Wi-Fi signal to connect to it so it can't do that so you know what I'm going to show you here in this video is how to connect the garage to the living room signal or router which is connected to the office so what we're gonna be doing is sharing the Internet and everything that's connected to the main router to the secondary router and they will share the internet to anything that's Wi-Fi or you know connects to the back of that router without any issue and then the third router will connect to this router and share out the internet and be able to connect hard connect computers or printers to it no problem at all all basically going through a linear connection so we're gonna go from office to the living room to the garage and that allows us to have full coverage without any issue at all and these two routers will be talking to each other using WDS this router will be talking to the main router using that BTS but the main router again does not need it and again if you need if you don't have a WDS router or don't know whether you have one or not check your your documentation for your router or check your website for the manufacturer of your router and see if it is available on your router this should be able to be done with any two routers that have WDS and the main router that's got Wi-Fi and connected to the internet just like this so these two routers don't need to be used to do this two routers with WDS would be optimal if you want these two routers are under $30 on Amazon so if you want to buy these look in the video description below and you know you can go buy them I think right now the only real current one that's available is the WR 940 n but you could use two of those no problem at all as well ok so let's get on to this first thing we're gonna do is configure the main router and we're gonna do that right away so let's minimize this out of the way so I'm assuming right now that you're connected either through Wi-Fi or through a LAN cable to your main router let me let me set that up - I got my Wi-Fi off here so I'm gonna connect to the main router here I'm assuming you are already if you're not just do so and if you don't if you're not connected to your main router through Wi-Fi you're you may be connected through a LAN connection I'll simulate that as well so you can see what both of them look like but I'm assuming that somehow your computer is connected to the Internet and that usually means it's connected to a router so let's go to the start button go to the gear button which is your settings button then we're going to go to the network and internet and then we're gonna scroll down to network and sharing center and then we're going to go to change adapter settings okay here's basically this this shows you all your network connections and you can see here I've got a Wi-Fi connection that's active and a primary Ethernet connection that is active as well so I'm connected to the same router using a LAN cable and Wi-Fi so let me turn off the Wi-Fi so you can see what that looks like so if you're not connected through Wi-Fi there'll be a red X through it like this and your Ethernet will be connected which is your LAN cable and if your LAN cable is not connected you'll have a red X on that - so now you're disconnected on both so you know and it says network cable unplugged so I don't know why I don't have a red X there it should have a red X okay let's see if I bear it well it says network ok I'll disable let's see if that does it nope and evil basically at this point everything's disconnected so you're either gonna have a red X on your Wi-Fi or red X on your net you net or say network cable unplugged I'm gonna plug it in and it'll identify the network or you'll see this over here on if your Wi-Fi is on okay reason I'm showing you this because you could have either one of these connections you could have a Wi-Fi connection or you could have an Ethernet connection so all you need to do to find out the IP address of your main router is to right click either connection and then go to status and then from there go to details and there you'll see the ipv4 default gateway that's that's so let's take out notepad and we want to write all this information down so main router my main router and that's what it's called on w sorry on Wi-Fi so I'm gonna type in main router and then I'm gonna put IP address and trust me you want to take this information down so it's that's right there and that is the ipv4 default gateway so and you'll see that the DHCP server DNS server have the same IP address that's because both of those functions are taken care of by the same device your main router you may have them so don't worry about it this is all you need to know the ipv4 default gateway so let's close this off and this off you've written it down you know that it's that's the main routers IP address now if you're connected through an Ethernet cable you can go you can right-click it that connection go to status and then back to details and get the exact same information okay so right so either way that's how you get the that information and we will be using that information again so I'm just going to minimize this down okay so now we got the IP address of the primary router now why do we want that because we want to come we have to configure the primary router to do this so let's go do that and we're gonna go here open up a browser window alright and we're gonna go to the main router which is you could copy and paste it if you wish but you know just type it into in the address bar now I got a net gear router as a as the main router and I'm using the default passwords you shouldn't have default passwords set up for your routers but I'm showing you that as an example just in case you do so that you know at least you can get into it using the default passwords and then change it but you should always change the default username and password for your router from the default that comes from the manufacturer because that's a security issue that means anybody can get into your router because it's really easy to Google Netgear router default passwords and and it'll give you this stuff so and I'm about to tell you - so to get in with in with the net gear the default username and password is admin and password all in lowercase okay so let's sign in again change these don't leave them this way don't be crazy you know it's a basic security setting and you know if you don't know how to do that on your router again Google is your friend go on Google search for your router changing the IP it and start changing the username and password and it will it will you'll find it okay let's go to here what we're gonna do is setup the networking so that we can hook up two routers without having them conflict with each other or the main router okay so on the net gear genie webpage we're going to go to the Advanced tab and then we're going to go to setup and LAN setup which is local area network that's what land stands for okay and here you can see the DHCP and IP address setting age and by default these are the numbers you're gonna find here okay you're gonna find the IP address of the router which is so we're not gonna play with that leave that alone then you're gonna find something called DHCP server now all routers have this stuff in different places so wherever your router has the DHCP settings go there that's what you need all right so by default the rack this router is got a range of IP addresses it doles out to the network and every device on your network needs a specific and unique IP address and that's what the DHCP server does it doles out those numbers to every device that connects to your network the problem with that is that if it doles out the same IP address as your secondary or your third router our tertiary router you're gonna have a problem it's going to knock those devices off the network and they will no longer work it won't damage them but they just won't work anymore and you won't be able to surf the net with those two routers so what we're gonna do set up a range of IP addresses that that allows you to put those two devices actually it'll allow you to put up the nine new devices onto your network without what they call a hard-coded IP address without any conflict at all so again don't get too techie about it just go to your DHCP settings change the setting from in this case to 10 if you want a bigger range you could go to 20 30 40 it's up to you but 10 will give you 9 free IP addresses so here we're going to hit apply and again don't worry about the technical reasons just set the settings correctly and move on all right it'll work trust me okay once this is done we're gonna go to we want to go to the wireless setup and we'll come back and make sure that that setting took all right here we are in the wireless settings this is what you're gonna find by default on this we've got to come here to set a few things up what we're gonna do is change the channel here because it's set on out Oh what you don't want the channel set on auto because it will switch around and it'll mess up the other routers so we're gonna choose one of three different channels to go on the best three channels on the spectrum are 1 6 and 11 and trust me on this they are the best so choose one of those three one six or 11 and whichever one you find works best for you you can experiment I'm gonna choose the one in the center 6 and I'm gonna hit apply alright now while it's doing this I'm gonna go back to the land set up here and make sure that my setting took and it did because when I come back it says so back to wireless this router is not the world's fastest but it does its job ok so we're back here channel set to 6 you can set it to 1 6 or 11 trust me those are the three best ones outside of that you're gonna have performance issues and it's no fun having performance issues on a wireless network so next what we're gonna do here is get some of this information ok so the name or SSID of the router right here so I'm gonna write I'm gonna copy that so I'm highlight it copy it by right-clicking on it go over here and I'm gonna you know write this information down why because you're gonna need it when you're setting up the other two routers so SSID is main router right so highlight it again copy it and paste it there we go main router now we know the IP from the network information for the Wi-Fi on your main router okay and the next and last thing you're going to need is something called the passphrase or password for Wi-Fi so when you're connecting to your router through Wi-Fi you need you need the SSID which is in this case main router and you need the passphrase or password which in this case is silly Inc 256 so that's right again make sure you write this stuff down because if you don't when you're configuring the other routers you'll be you know hunting around well what was that where was it how do you spell it blah blah blah don't don't do that just use notepad and and note this stuff and then save the file so that you have it for future reference or you can print it out - all right so I'm highlighting the the actual passphrase here and they're gonna hit copy now all not all routers allow you to do that but this one does and I'll show you that in the future here okay so we've got the main router IP address and we have the SS ID and passphrase so that's what we need to do on the main router at this point the HDH CPS is on and a set we can hit I don't even need to hit apply there I didn't change anything but here on land setup you'll see that the DHCP is set to 10 to 254 and again here it's on so by default these settings are the DHCP servers on on your main router so we're done with this router here we can close this window off we've collected this information and this is important stuff because you need to know the primary routers IP address right here this one so you know what to call the next two routers you know what IP address to use on them because if they're not on the right IP address range they won't work so let's get on with that okay so here's my picture of the current or what I was proposing to do so we're gonna go into the next picture here alright so here's what we have we have a you know a router the main router on the northwest side of the house the secondary router in the living room and the tertiary or third router in the garage okay so we know that the IP address for our router is yours maybe or 2.1 or 3.1 or something else right so whatever your IP address is in my case it's 1/2 of 168 that one that one that means that my secondary router is going to be and my third router is gonna be okay they will be able to talk to each other because they're on the same network but if your router is on 0 1 which is most often the next choice of numbers then your secondary router would be dratted would be so whatever X is on your on your primary router it needs to be that on your secondary router and on your 3rd 3rd router ok so that's just you know again hopefully that's straightforward enough for you now I'm gonna minimize this and and again you don't need to know why just need to know that that's the way it works right so let's minimize this and continue on here ok so now we know that our our livingroom router is going to have to be and the garage is going to be 1.3 as you see here ok so next thing we're going to do is connect the router physically the secondary router physically to the laptop and so I'm going to show you how to do that and then we're going to log into it and configure it alright I'm going to heart connect to this router using a LAN cable alright this this is a patch cord that came with the actual router itself and it's two rj45 male connectors just a patch cord and I'm going to power up the router so plug the power into it power it up and plug this cord into the back of it and I'll show you where one of any one of these four amber ports not the blue port in this case that's the wind port we only want to connect to the LAN ports and another thing is after if this router is actually configured and connected wirelessly to the other router these ports are available for you to plug anything you want into them to either access stuff on the network or surf the internet so these four ports will actually become useful after you configure this router to connect to the other router this board is the land port of the LAN port it won't be useful you don't use the blue port or the Internet LAN port just the LAN ports you can okay so for more devices can be plugged into that so we're going to plug in the LAN cable to any one of those amber ports and yes you can do this wirelessly if you know how to get to this router wirelessly when it's powered up but this is the easiest way to configure it so then we take the other end of the cable plug it into the laptops land port or network port and we're off to the races now if you don't have a laptop you can do it you could do this on a PC if it has a network card in it outside of that I would say hey log on to it wirelessly using its wireless settings but this is the easiest way to do it and that's the way I'm going to show you so we've got that second router plugged in and powered up so we're going to find it it's IP address so we're gonna do the same procedure again Windows button the gear button or settings then we're gonna go to network and Internet and here we're scrolling down to network and sharing Center and again change adapter settings and you see your three connections or what however a number of connections you have I'm gonna disable my wireless here so just turn it all off I don't want to I want to make sure that I get the the the Ethernet port only connection because that's what we're looking for we're looking for what's connected to the Ethernet port which is that router we just plugged in so right click it to status go to details and on the details you'll notice something the ipv4 default gateway that is the IP address of the router and it says okay so let's to take some notes here and we're we're going to call this one the living-room router as per the diagram I showed you which is right here there we go living room okay so it's it's this router the tp-link 8wr a forty one end so let's minimize that and now we know it's IP address and so let's write that down oops and it is and we're going to come back and change it but right now this is what it is so we know that right so back to this we can close this off now we know what the ipv4 default gateway is which is the IP address of your router we're gonna open up a router window I'm sorry a browser window here and we're gonna log into that router so it's uh there we go ups back so we know its IP address is hit enter now this is a tp-link router it has a different default username and password now if you don't know the default username and password for your router it may be written on it somewhere it may be written written in your documentation it may be the default which in this case for the tp-link would be admin on the username and admin on the password but if your manufacturer is different like say Nick here would be admin and password but again I don't know what yours are so I'm using the the default so you guys know what they are for at least the next I'm gonna go out at min here we're logging into it and admitting in as the password all lowercase remember if yours are those defaults change them okay so I reset this router and it's saying hey run a quick set up we don't want to do that so I'm just gonna hit exit this is the default configuration you'll find when you take it out of the box so okay so we exit out we got all this information we need to go set up a few things number one we're gonna start with the wireless settings and you can see the wireless network name is tp-link underscore d6c zero that's very complicated so let's change that to what it's going to be which is going to be the living-room router so we're just going to call it living living room that's all we need I guess you could go one more router there we go and then we're gonna save it every time you change the field always save it there we go it took it took the change and now it's called the the wireless network name now is livingroom router so we're gonna copy that we need all this information to configure clients and to configure the next router to log in to this router okay because we're all the stuff is happening through Wi-Fi so we need the Wi-Fi information to connect to it so copy it so highlight it see I can't right click here and copy but if you highlight the information then hit ctrl on your keyboard and see that will copy it I've got two notepads here and then a closed one off there we go there we go so let's put that in here wireless network address and we know it's going to be living room router there we go and then we can go on to the next line because we need some more information here so next what we're gonna do is go to the security settings here or out of security and we're gonna change this the wireless security is required to login to this router through Wi-Fi which is what we're going to do with clients and with the next router that we're gonna log into it with so I'm going to change the password here to silly pink let's call it five twelve okay you can change the password to be whatever you want but again let's note down what we got wireless password so highlighted control see this router won't let you right-click and save stuff so so again so now if I right-click here and hit paste it's there wireless password or you can just type it in if you wish and the wireless password is silly Inc 512 so I could just copy it but you know it's up to you copy and paste it probably the safest thing to do is copy and paste it you get exactly what you put there but still the ink 512 that's my wireless password okay so we've changed something on the router so we scroll down here and we save it okay and you know hit it twice if you wish it that's okay so we're gonna go back to wireless settings now again all routers have these settings somewhere in them there may not be where they are for the for your router if it's a different manufacturer but it'll have these settings somewhere so here what we're gonna do is enable WDS bridging okay that is what's gonna allow us to connect this router to the main router right so we're gonna be connecting from the living room to the main router and also it will allow us Walled well actually that's what WDS bridging is gonna do for us primarily here it's going to allow this router connect to the main router and we're gonna do it again on the third router - all right so here we're going to hit the survey button so we're gonna click survey now you can get this information okay well here we go we got the survey and this is an app list it tells you what's what kind of wireless routers are available around you and the one we're interested in is the main router because that's one we want to connect to so we're gonna click on connect there and it auto populates this information which is really nice if your router does not have a survey button then you could just manually put in main router right and then find the bssid to be bridged number and then put it in here as well and so hey Richard how do I do that I'll show you right now as an aside here so go down your search field type in CMD that's CMD for command prompt then you see command prompt here click on that and then to find out what your your bssid is for your router what you do is connect to the router so at this point I'm just gonna show you the command that you used to do this so it's called ARP space dash a and that shows you all your MAC addresses which is what this is SS I be SSID to be bridged is right so in this case you see that it's showing me that the MAC addresses of everything on the current network right so in order to find the IP MAC address for your primary router you got to connect to it all right so again you could do that right now I'm a see here let's do it so I'm going to connect back to the main router through Wi-Fi so main router connect so now I'm connected to it so you main router connected and if I do that same command again ARP - a now you get the main routers - as well as your current router so the router that we're on is that's its MAC address or be SSID and here is the main routers be SSID and if you see this number you see that it corresponds with this one so that's an aside just in case you don't have a survey button most people do so the survey button which we chose the main router and it populated that information now we're not done here we're gonna go to your notepad because remember we wrote down what the passphrase for the main router is and that's what it's looking for down here okay so it's silly ink 256 so I'm gonna copy that and I'm gonna put it in here in the password phrase okay so in in essence what we're doing is we're turning we're connecting wire this this router wirelessly to the main router it's which is you know requires the same information as connecting like I don't know phone or tablet to your wire or wireless router okay you need this stuff you need the SSID and you need the password okay plus a little extra up here but the survey button gives you that so here I'm going to hit save hit OK okay and and again I'm gonna disconnect here from wireless so that we know we're only connected for this thing so there we go I'm still hardwired into this router so there's still a cable going from the router to my computer so all right we've got that all set up next we're gonna go to network and actually let's go to the HCP let's go to DHCP here so somewhere in your router there'll be a DHCP settings and what we want to do is we need to disable the DHCP server so however you do that on your router do that you need to disable it hit save it says nope the change of dhcp config will not take effect until this device reboots okay and then it gives you an option to reboot here but we're not going to do that right now we're just gonna say you know save okay no we saved next we're gonna go to network and LAN okay so we're gonna change the IP address of the router that's where we're going and usually that's on their land and here's the IP address we're going to change that to the corresponding number that we have on our graphic in our case is okay so let's get out of here and there we go and we're gonna change this number and then we're gonna hit save and it'll want to reboot when we do that so is the living-room router so we want to copy that so highlight it ctrl C and then hit save okay modification of the land settings will result in the rebooting of this device and we're gonna set it say okay and it will reboot but before we do that let's open up notepad go back to living room router and change the IP address because now we know that it's going to be so we want to note this stuff as we do it okay and of course it's going to try it it's not going to try it's kind of reboot I'm going to close the browser window because it's gonna automatically go to the right IP address which will be but we want to I'm gonna simulate that it didn't by closing the browser window and opening it again so let's open up that browser window again and remember the router is currently rebooting so it'll take a sec you can see the process happen here no internet nothing right so let's do the and when that router comes back there it is we're back right but now it's at instead of 0.1 okay so here we're going to type in the username which is the min and the password default password admin as well admitted min for tp-link changed these of course and boom we're in okay now what you want to do in your status page is look for this WDS status so we're connecting these two routers using WDS and this WDS status tells you whether they're connected or not so if you look over here under WDS status in the menu you'll see that it's that it gives you the different states that it can give you but run means it's associated successfully so this router has connected to the other router and associated itself with it using WDS successfully because it says run in the status so it's running right now okay so at this point we're still connected to hard connected to this router and we should be able to browse the internet hard connected to this router so let's open up another browser tab go to google bang we're in right now let's click on I'm feeling curious that'll do and you can see that it's browsing it's surfing no problem you know like so you know you can continue on here as you can see we can browse the Internet hard wired to this router ok so now I'm gonna pull the network cable off of laptop network cable unplugged right so at this point I'm no longer connected to the Internet and I'm no longer connected to the router because I pulled the cable so what we're going to do Jews go back over here turn on Wi-Fi and then you see right there the living room router right so we're gonna click on that and then we're gonna connect to it and it's gonna ask us for a key this is why we're using notepad what is the key for the living room router oh yeah silly Inc 512 so copy it highlight it copy it and let's go back here living room router Connect paste it there you go if you want to see it this little icon over here will show it to you right and then click Next now that should connect us back on to the router or back into this router that one 92168 that 1.2 livingroom router and at that point we should be able to see it the main router and the internet as well ok so right now we're connected to the living-room router that's beautiful so if we refresh this page or just close this up but open though in another browser window just to make sure we're nice and clear there we go ok that's the IP address of the secondary router I'd say so the router only allows one administrator to log in please try again I guess I should have logged out of it before I shut it off so I'm just another way of getting around this error is just reset the router so I'm doing that right now I turned it off turning it back on but the key is that I can get to it only connected through Wi-Fi which right now is rebooting because I rebooted the router but ok so let's switch back so if you have that error where it says hey only want to administer to log in at one time that means is we're logging in from multiple places the router knows it it says hey only one person at a time right it's a security feature but all you need to do is reset the router reconnect to it in that case is going to be the living-room router right there connecting already doing it connected and secured okay and you can see that verification here in the network window and I'm just gonna hit refresh here if it works yeah there we go so now we can log into it if we wish but don't really need to but what the heck let's do it that way you know it's live there we go and WDS status is still run which is good means we're on it's connected to the primary router and should be allowing you to surf all right okay so one more thing make sure your DHCP servers off and it is it's disabled so I'm gonna open another browser window and see if we're still browsing and yes we are we're only connected through Wi-Fi we're connected to the living-room router and we're certainly browsing the internet right perfect okay that's router number two livingroom router next we're going to do the garage router and it needs to be plugged in exactly the same way that the primary or decided the secondary router or the living-room router was plugged in so I'll show you that next and then we'll configure it to connect to the living-room router so so next we're gonna show you the garage router and how to set it up oh sorry before we go and hook up that third router I wanted to show you I mentioned that you can go to the main router from the living-room router so here you can see that we're still connected to the living-room router and I've got a browser window open up here so let's make sure we're still browsing the internet and we are and if you wanted to go to the main router and see what was there 192.168.1 oops dot 1.1 will get us there boom now normally you would ask me for a password so I can simulate that again by starting afresh window I've logged into it before so yeah so if I go to there it is it's asking me for a password so in this case it would be admin and password for the lowercase on the password for the net gear router default username and password boom we're in and only connected through Wi-Fi in the living room so we should be able to do that as well with the third router and also see every router and every device across the whole network from anywhere that you're connected so at this point we're gonna connect the third router physically and to get its IP address and then configure it and then test it all out so here we have the tp-link WR 940 n router this is the this is the router I'm going to use as the garage router I'm going to use the patch cable that it came with it's just a land patch cable two rj45 s on the end standard patch cable comes with the router and I'm going to plug it into one of the four amber ports on the back it'll be one of these not the blue one the blue Internet port or LAN port we're not going to use so I'm gonna plug the LAN cable into one of those and then the other one the other side of course is going to go into my laptop in its land port or network port and if you don't have one of these on your laptop or your computer then I guess the only other option to get into this router would be log into it wirelessly but I don't recommend that I say find your patch cord plug it in directly and you know connect it physically to your laptop or your computer and that's the best way to go now another thing I want to point out to you is that once this router is configured and connected to the network you can you have four you'll have four spare ports on the back that you could plug anything you want into it so you could plug in another printer into it or I don't know another computer or whatever you wish that's network connected into one of these amber ports and have it connected to your network and be able to surf the Internet so don't forget about those the extra connectivity that you get because you've got this router you get for land ports to plug into which will give you access to the internet and everything on the network okay so that's pretty cool too okay so again back to the land ports any one of the land ports the amber ports and the other side on the laptop so we have the third router connected and powered up and physically connect it to the laptop or your computer so same procedure is all the rest gonna hit the windows button go to the gear button settings right and then we're going to go to networking and Internet and then down to network and sharing Center and once again to change adapter settings and you see now that I'm still logged into the the Wi-Fi on the living room router here on the Wi-Fi so I'm going to turn that off I always want to make sure that I'm only working on one device and the one device I'm connected to and in this case that is the primary router here the Ethernet and I'm gonna right-click it and choose status just like before go to details and you see that the ipv4 default past default gateway is again obviously I've reset that router to its default settings and that is the default IP address for a tp-link router usually one I two dot one six eight dot zero dot one but check it to make sure so we're going to write that down I'm going to go here to a garage so that's what it's going to be router will call it router garage router and the IP address currently is okay so you can take that and highlight and copy it because we're gonna need it in the browser window we're going to open up next because we have to log into this router and configure it to connect to the living room router so let's do that and I'm just going to paste the number in here you could type it in if you want boom we're at the router and as you can see it's a tp-link and its default username and password are gonna be admin admin so let's do that min min again I can't stress enough that you should change these if they're default otherwise find out what yours is from your documentation or your the person who put your router together so let's go here and if you don't know what your user name and password is for your router there is one short way just reset it back to a default and that is to reset your router to what they call the the factory reset but if you do that you you could knock a lot of settings out on your router of that connect you to the internet so I don't recommend you do that but that is an option and if you know what you're doing you can reset it back but I I don't recommend that find out what your username and password actually is for your router if you don't know your manufacturers default google it you'll find it ok so here we're back and saying let's do a quick setup I'm gonna hit exit on that once again we're gonna go to wireless and the wireless network name okay well we're gonna copy that that's the SSID and they even tell you right there also called that side SSID so I highlighted it I hit control C and of course we're going to note this because we note all our stuff and we've got a crazy name tp-link underscore link underscore zero e force we don't want that we're gonna put in garage router simple right we know what it is so here we're gonna hit save okay here we're gonna go back to wireless security why because it's got some crazy wireless security password here we don't want so we want to change the wireless security password because we need you need to use you need the SSID or the network name and you need the wireless password to log in to this router and you want to note that so that you when you want to hook devices up to this router it's really easy so we're gonna put in here silly ink will continue with this and 7/68 so that's fine with me I'm gonna copy it so right-click it highlight it and ctrl C you can't actually right click and copy but you can do control C so the network name now is garage router and the what they call it here wireless password so we'll put it in there fire this password and that is silly Inc 768 okay so we're gonna save that that's all we need to do there okay we're gonna go back to wireless acquire the settings because we need to turn on WDS bridging again so again it asks you for information right so what we're gonna do here again hit the survey button love the survey feature tp-link routers the new description below I'll put links for the routers I'm using here I think at this point I wouldn't even bother with the WR 741 I would just get the WR 940 and because it's just superior router and it's only like 5 dollars more so that's the black one instead of the white one so it's faster it's newer it's prettier and it's only 5 bucks more so all the way around a better deal but if you want the 741 n WR 741 and it's an excellent router as well they're both good so here you see that now you found all the routers in my area and main router is there and livingroom router is there so we're gonna connect to the living room router right so connect and of course it's asking us for a password and we wrote down the password for the what it call it the living room router right there so we'll just highlight it copy it and paste it in and that would be control V you can't right-click and paste here so control v v silly ink 512 save it ok WDS channel sorry channel cannot be auto while while WDS bridging is enabled do you want to change you channel to the bridge AP channel yes I'm gonna hit OK on that and it changes it to 6 so at this point point hit hit save once more just to be sure everything's saved and cool and happy why are the securities on next thing we need to do is go over here to DHCP disable it again we can't have more than one DHCP server on the network and the main router is the only one that's allowed the rest have to be turned off or havoc will happen okay so we'll just turn it off hit save okay says the change in DHCP config we're not going to reboot it right now just hit save again just to be sure okay it tells you again and next thing we're going to do again it's just the in same procedure we're going to network back to land and we have to change the IP address to be on the right network okay so in this case the IP address for the garage as we know it it will be right again you know as I show here this is how it works okay so if your primary zone 1.1 all the rest is going to be on 1.2 and 1.3 and if you wanted to put a fourth router off the garage router it would be 1.4 so again it would change if your primary routers IP address was 0 then everything would be you know 0.2 0.3 0.4 so on so forth okay so let's minimize this and let's change this and of course when we do that it's going to reboot which will change everything especially where the router is and turn off the DHCP so here we're gonna hit save on and of course monic a purification of the land setting the result in the rebooting of this device okay okay and it will reboot I'm gonna let it sit here and go through the setting and I'm just going to close the browser window it would automatically change to the next to the but I'm going to pretend that yours didn't so let's close this up you don't need there and open up a browser window here okay and there we go and you can see here that the the network icon is flashing on and off so there's no point going to that until it's solid and steady okay so we'll wait well maybe we're okay at this point it's a Liz is where we're going and I hit enter and see if we get there and now there's no exclamation point or anything on that I address down there so I think we're good we're back to the router at so here we're gonna type in admin again and it men again lowercase and then we're in now why are we doing this because we need to check that the WDS status is good so if you look down here WDS status it says run and if you look over here it explains that run means it's associated successfully perfect so now we've got three routers connected together all of them should be on the internet and all of them should be able to see everything on the network so everything will see each other okay so let's let's test that out okay so we right now we're hardwired into this router will test the hard wired connection from it let's see if we can actually browse the Internet at this point and yes we can you know I'm feeling trendy on Google takes us somewhere I can see the Google page so things are happening beautiful so next thing I'm gonna do here is like can we see the second router yes we can look at that right and again remember we're hardwired into this wireless router right now and let's see if we can see router number one from their third router and we can because it's asking me for the username and password so it men password here and we're into the neck tear router all from the primary that were connected to so hardwired into every router we can see everything on the network you know here I'm going to pull the network cable out and you'll see that I'll become disconnected down here then I'm going to connect to this router the garage router here connect and it's silly Inc seven six eight which is the SSID password that we wrote down and notepad over here see that alright Oh forgot to change this IP address 192 the garage router is is password right so copy it and you know when your notepad why not if you change the passwords for the username and password of the routers why not put that down in here as well right so let me minimize this and you saw that the router page is now saying I can't get to it because I'm not logged into anything right now I pulled the cable right so I'm gonna close this browser window off go back and it's currently connected to the living-room router and yeah here's a good test we're connected to the living-room router let's see can we see the primary the all the all the could we see the new router which is let's see and yes you can so let's turn that off go back to wireless let's connect to the garage because I'm assuming you're working on your car and you want to Google how to fix how to change your spark plug so here we're gonna hit connect and it's gonna ask you for the wireless password I'm gonna paste it in there you can see it by getting the icon over here and then click Next all right connected and secured boom so now we're connected to the third router in the garage and oh well you want an encoding you know window here there we go see me again and here we're gonna go make sure we can get to the router that's connecting us to the network of course it's got this router only allows one administrator thing going on reset the router and you'll be able to get in no problem but right now it doesn't matter we can see it let's see can we see number two yep can we see number one yep there you go so all three routers talk to the to each other why through Wi-Fi they they share all devices through everybody so anything you could connect to router and the garage router in the living room or router in the main the main router will be able to be seen by all the other devices and anything connected to any of the routers will be able to browse the internet and you'll have Wi-Fi across your house and anything you need to connect to you would just basically choose where do you want to connect living room main router or garage and when you do that you're gonna need the information you wrote down here in notepad primarily the the SSID and the the passphrase for that SSID and if you keep this stuff organized print it out you know put it away somewhere and when you know somebody's old can you hook my phone up to your Wi-Fi well you're in the living room yeah I can do that and take out your notepad and set them up right so that's it everything on the network is now connected everything is talking to each other and everything's happy and should be from now on so basically you know like I said it's easy to test is connected each one see if you can see all the other routers if you can you're good so things to remember here number one is the you know follow my steps step by step by step and you'll be fine also if you have any issues I think one of the primary things that will happen to you and I'll do this show you basically what the most important part of this whole thing is that this says run okay if you got WDS and it says something other than run or whatever your router says you know is an associated correctly state then you have a problem with this setting and you need to get it fixed okay so okay so let me wrap this up next alright I want to expand a little bit on this WDS status window really really important that you get run showing up here on WDS status if you set this thing up the way I showed you and it doesn't say run here that means that you're not wireless wirelessly connected to the other router that means you're not going to connect you're not going to communicate with the internet and you're not going to communicate with the rest of the network plus just not going to work so if you see you know anything other than WDS status run then it's not working you the wireless setup isn't right and you can see that over here that it says you know authenticate associate trying to associate but it's not associating it should say run like it should happen lickety-split pretty quickly anyway so let's go to the wireless setup see where I messed up and that's where it's gonna show up right so make sure when you're setting up the configuration originally that you'd follow the steps exactly and you get this right so here we're going to go to you know your settings for the S WDS bridging and I would recommend if it didn't work the first time just do another survey serviette survey your network again so I clicked on a survey I'm at the garage I'm in the garage router so I want to connect to the living-room router correct according to our little graphic and yeah so we're going from the garage to the living room right so let's minimize that and so now we're got everything more or less correct here because the survey brings that up now here's the problem I don't have the right password in here so let's put in silly link silly ink 5 1 to correct the correct password and hit save ok and at this point we'll go to status see what happens and now it's saying initiating right wdf status but even right now I shouldn't be able to surf the net till that says run so I'll say Google here and now it's saying Google so more than likely this is now connected let's see yes run so we refresh it and you see that it says run now if I break this and they're wireless and just turn it from just put the wrong information in here let's just put in this wires route instead of router save ok let's go to status once it catches up to me shut that off there we go and now it's saying in it again all right so you know what refresh it a few times see what happens so far nothing open up a browser window see if I can browse Google and no because it's no longer associated with the router that's connected to the Internet so this is gonna keep going in it all forever I would say right in it so if you look over here in it WDS connection is down so obviously it's not right so let's go to the wireless again change this to back to router save it goto status run guess what that means means were connected again it says run so and look at that Google shows up so again this if you're troubleshooting this issue big thing is WDS status it should say run again everything's under wonder if it doesn't say run then something's wrong down here fix it and make it work that's it for my video on cascading or daisy chaining three routers in a row hopefully that helped you out in some way and if you liked this video do me a big favor and click on the like button here in the bottom right hand corner and give me a big thumbs up I appreciate it greatly I will also put links to all this hardware in the video description below for you so that's easy for you to get I would recommend getting the tp-link wr9 4 TN router with WDS technology for this seems to work great the WR 781 n is a little long in the tooth at this point and it's only like five dollars cheaper than the other one so it's worth the extra five dollars to get the extra speed on the WR 940 n instead of the 741 so my recommendation recommendations again in the video description below for you also if you look on the screen up here on the on this corner you should see a picture of me that is the subscription link if you click on that you'll be subscribed to my channel as part of the process of subscribe to my channel you'll be prompted to hit a bell icon if you click on the bell you'll be notified every time I put up a new video and then you can watch it at your own leisure and your own time so once again and like always I want to thank you all for watching for your time and your very kind comments
Channel: Richard Lloyd
Views: 60,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to connect two routers, wireless, bridge router, wds, wireless distribution system, increse wifi range, tplink, tp-link, wifi, wifi router, wifi repeater, wifi extender, how to bridge routers, router, home wifi, home wifi range extender, how to bridge tplink router, how to bridge router, how to increse wifi network range, wireless bridge, tp link wds, tp link, wds network, wds access point, wireless bridging, what is mesh wifi, mesh wifi, mesh network, networking, network, tech
Id: HHES0-78aUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 16sec (4036 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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