Connecting an OLED to ESP32 (SSD 1306 Driver) and the pitfall to avoid!

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is that it hi I'm welcome to its protocol we're gonna look at connector not one of these small oil Edie screams to an ESB 32 this is a 128 bar 64 and these have been done to death with Arduino in fact I did a video two or three years ago on one of these evolving with my first ever video I did dead easy to talk to I'll do you know and a little surprises actually varies ascared talk to an SP 32 as well so it's not get the hardware connections so we've got ground gets the ground shocker VCC VDD get it or your positive rail and in fact all I'm doing here on the SP 30 and all you do on the Arduino is I've got the three volt three connection going to this rail which goes all around my board so the three by three connection is effective connector to the screen I could have easily if I just wanted to keep it simple connect that right to the three one three three votes for in connection there they wanted to as well but I had to keep it but power also collect a power a little on my parallels together so that's what scared to look to the ESP 33 volt three rail 3.3 volt rail and then we've got the ground really has been played to there as well just like I said and I've got two more connections I've got a clock which is little SEK on a year sometimes might cease SEO we've got SD and which is the data connection the data connection goes to pin 21 which is there on the SP 32 and the clock goes to pin 22 and those are the I squared C collections on the SP 32 so that's that lets that look at the software needs to get it going and also one small trip up you might come across which is the same for green eyes this the ESP 30 let's look at that okay so let's get the required libraries first so it's got to do a sketch include the library manage libraries and it's your library manager now first thing we'll get is the actual library for the boards or SSD warm 306 is the name of the driver needs to get and then one year I'd recommend is this Adafruit SSD one three or six driver here and you can select the version but I just call for the newest version I've got I think yep the newest version installed there after that you do need another library from here d3 which is their graphics library so can do all sorts of fancy lines and triangles on water out of you so it uh fruits G effects I think does it there we go and again a buret install but you just install that might be there and ensure you get the latest version once you've got the library you can bring to an example and some of our castle file examples I'm looking for something to do with ed food SS do you want three or six where is it done done done down we go I miss you probably show you the fact that it's actually gone past doesn't it there it is ss there you've gone through all six and we've got my particular screen is they want to be by sixty-four I squared C so that's the one we want there's an example and this is where you might trip up the if you buy one of these please from Adafruit it will come with an I squared C address are big for a square so dressing a video a long long time ago but there I squared C address to talk to that screen is hex three Dean's this line here way in the setups when you set up routine there and Xerox 3d is the address of their screen however these cheap ones coming from China cos I like a lot of people were you run on a very tight budget trying to keep things as cheap as we can please don t come from China ten times address of three saying in fact I've bought maybe about ten of these screens over the last couple years I saw men watching war and every single one has been three seen we do not change that 3d to a three-c so up Lord I'm your screen will just be blank and you'll be very disappointed is it I'm done something wrong and I haven't if I got to change that so change that to 3d to 3c and you'd then upload that to your board let's a look at the board plug that in and see what it looks like okay so let's plug it in a book water that to the boy let's see what we get on this area demo work valine I'll just move across them all we'll zoom in impulse honey I discussed through a very standard a lyric demo they tend to use for all their screens core and everything and I will just keep on going through there so it's as simple as that just as easy is kept into an Arduino so that's it for this video hope if you don't give us that I also I like thumbs up thing let's get Mike sort of handing shots if you realize it you know subscriber then please subscribe and thank you very much the doors that support me on patreon and of course I'm gonna vote as always thank you very much for watching this video now see if a night catch next time [Music]
Channel: XTronical
Views: 27,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oled, ssd1306, esp32, display, lcd
Id: 5AErDN4u1rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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