Connect a SharePoint List to Power Apps | Canvas Apps

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hey everyone my name is andrea if you're curious about how to create a sharepoint list and connect that to a power app you've come to the right place in this video i'll be walking through how to create a sharepoint list how to add columns and then i'll create a canvas app in powerapps and teach you how to connect that list to build a form and a gallery list at the end of this mini series we will have a fully functioning feedback app let's jump right into it since we're already familiar with the maker portal for powerapps we're going to start from here and then we're going to click on the hamburger bun select sharepoint and you can skip this step if you already know how to get to your sharepoint site once you're in sharepoint you're going to click on the settings tool site contents new list blank list and we're going to create a new list here so for our feedback app i'm going to name this list feedback list and the description will be main list for feedback items i'm going to select create so to get started we're going to start adding columns we're going to add three different columns for now a feedback column a description column and we're going to add an id column we're going to start out by getting rid of this title so we'll hit show hide unselect title and then select id we're going to use the id for when we start connecting different lists to each other so that they can talk to each other in the canvas app hit apply change the name of this column select single text this will say feedback save new column will be the description field the description of the feedback multiple lines of text save and there we have our feedback list now let's go back to powerapps same navigation click powerapps solutions we're going to create a new solution for this feedback app so we're going to click solution and then new solution the publisher is going to be the publisher i created for the trip planner application select create click into the feedback app select new app canvas we're going to select tablet i usually select skip here we're going to start by adding a form for our feedback list so we're going to select the hamburger bun select data add data we're going to select this drop down for connectors and start typing sharepoint we're going to select connect directly and now we want to go back to the sharepoint site because we're going to grab the url from the sharepoint list that we created go back to powerapps i'm going to take the same steps to navigate back wait for the settings tool to populate site contents and you can see our feedback list right here so we're going to take the url from the top copy that go back to the canvas app and just paste it into this hit connect and you're going to select the list once we add more lists you'll see other lists populate here select our feedback list click connect and just like that you'll see it added to your data so then when we go back to insert our form i'll zoom in here you'll see that we can connect to data we'll select the data source feedback list here and you'll see the items that we have added like feedback description and attachments in title are just added here by default but we can remove them by clicking on edit fields remove we'll keep attachments because maybe people want to add attachments about their feedback maybe a screenshot and we will make this a little bit bigger so that people have more space to add their description you can just drag it to make it bigger so now we'll add a submit form button so that this can talk to the backend oh i do want to click out of this and then insert the button so that it's not stuck within the description column and then on select we're going to say submit form and then the only form we have so far is this form 1 which is the form we just added close it with a parenthesis and a semicolon change the text if you'd like and now let's add it let's add a list of all feedback at the bottom here so we'll go back to insert we'll say display sorry layout vertical gallery and we'll select the data source a feedback list make this a little bit shorter a little bit longer and now we're going to edit the fields that we want in here so i want image title and subtitle and body and then we want the body to be the description so we'll hit on that and then look for description the image 2 will leave that blank we're going to use that for voting purposes when we get to that and we're going to have a button and then have a number field and we're going to increment that number by one every time someone hits the vote button subtitle 2 will be the created on date and the title will be feedback all right so let's see what happens when we play this and see if it adds to our list before we play click inside your form like that and then make sure that the default mode is set to new and then select play i'm going to leave the attach file blank post feedback so we did get that notice that title is required to fix that we want to go back to the sharepoint list and ensure that that title field that was initially there as a default is not required so go back to the feedback list select the settings list settings go back go down to title see that it's required click the column for title and ensure that this is selected as no okay and that should resolve the issue let's go back to our canvas app we're probably going to have to save this before we can actually see the updates right now it's still saying that title is required so we'll click on file save hit the back button refresh our screen reload click open select your feedback app that you just saved go through the motions now let's see if we can play this without any problem and as you can see here it's been posted to our list we still don't have a screen to tell the user what to do next after they post the feedback but we see that our list is working and the form submit is working as well now if we go back to sharepoint and go back to our feedback list hit the refresh button you'll see that the entry has been added to our list with an id of one every time a new feedback item is added a new unique id will be generated for that feedback in the videos to come we will continue building a feedback app i'll show you how to sort and filter lists how to build a detailed view from clicking a specific item from a gallery list how to add a voting section and increment a number by one and how to connect and create a relationship between two sharepoint lists for a comment section join me on this journey
Channel: Andrea Pinillos
Views: 7,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Platform, Power Apps, Canvas Apps, SharePoint, SharePoint List, Forms, Gallery List
Id: zC64xrw_YCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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