Conlang Showcase - Edun
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Channel: Biblaridion
Views: 121,356
Rating: 4.9650483 out of 5
Keywords: Conlang, Edun, Language, Linguistics, Worldbuilding
Id: y9K1gegu-vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ah, yes. We remember
ThangqərkhiimDzvirzhãThe idea of having languages diverge from each other based on the social class of the speakers is... interesting?
I'll admit I'm not the most knowledgeable in this regard, but I know of no case of this happening IRL. As far as I know, there never were languages that developed exclusively among a certain class of people, unless that specific class were not locals and hence didn't speak the local language (such as early generations of slaves in the Americas).
Since the Modern Edun dialects and Ulazredun both evolved together, in the same area, within the same people group, I really don't see how class could be such a dividing factor that it'd create two entirely different languages.
The script (just based on the video thumbnail) looks gorgeous
It is the time
It's an interesting video but the exact opposite of my type of conlanging. Naturalistic conlangs like this can be great but they will never beat the exoticism or elegance of a well-built logical or otherwise engineered language IMO. So many possibilities exist outside of what is natural and more people should be exploring them.