Conkers In Resin - This didn't go as Planned..

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- [Nick] All right, so we need to get some conkers down from this tree. Although it look like they've all gone already, but we've got a stick and I've got Lucy. - Found a conker. (bright upbeat music) - [Nick] Ready? - [Nick] Try again! - We got one! Oh, yes, got it! - Okay, we got some. Oh yes. Conkers! (funky music) - Have you ever seen conkers in resin? Me neither. So it's conker season as you know. Well, it is over in England. And I used to love playing conkers when I was a little lad. Never put them in resin though. So I just wondered really kind of like an experimental type of project wondered whether or not these would actually turn quite nicely and see if we can make something really cool using these conkers. - Bonkers. - Conkers, Dizzy! Conkers. (techno music) (whip cracking) - [Nick] We're going to be using some entropy resins for this project. Oh yes. Right. There we go folks, there is our conkers set in resin. I just put a little blank in there at the top there, so I hope that I can fix my plate onto that. And then we can get that on the lathe. It looks like they're all going to stick there and not going to float, so that's happy days. Let's get this in the pressure pot and we'll see you in the morning. No conkers were harmed during this process. Right, folks. Are we ready for this? I'm a bit worried. Oh, what has- Oh, what's happened with that? Oh, no. Has the resin set? Yeah the resin's set, that's just like, oil. Oh, dear me. I think that the conkers have obviously, they're too- they were obviously too wet and they've obviously, hmm. Look at all the oil in there. The conker oil. I'm not sure if we can use this, you know, I'm going to have to try and get out of the pot and see what we got. Now that rhymed. (robot laughing) Oh, conker poo. Oh yes! Oh, well that actually looks quite cool! Look at that! It's actually created quite a funkiness pattern. I never expected that to happen actually. I don't know what was going through my head, but I never really thought that these would be kind of, well, wet inside and moist, but look at that! All right, well we should try and turn this. But what I'm going to do, I'm going to go and get some more conkers anyway, just in case. So I got some more conkers but I forgot to take a bag with me, so I had to improvise. Right? I've got some more conkers. But I couldn't find a bag, so I had to use someone's coat. So I found this in the car. Right, we better get this coat back before anyone finds out. - [Lucy] Dad, have you seen my new coat anywhere? - Well I'm going to put these conkers in the oven this time, cook them up a bit, then clean the coat up a bit. Cooked conkers. Now I did put this one in the oven as well, because I thought I might be able to dry it out and I thought we could still turn it, but as it happens, I really don't think that we can do anything with this. It's a shame really, cause it does look pretty cool, but yeah, it's gone all cracked. I think it's just going to fall apart when I turn it. So unfortunately, bit of a disaster there, with that one. So I think we'll move on and get these stuck in resin quick. Now I've decided that I'm not going to make a kind of a bowl thing at the moment. I've changed me mind. So I've knocked up some more resin and I'm going to put it in this big old mo- mold. Mold? Mold. I'm going to put it in this big old mold. Also I like the idea of the white cloudiness that happened to that, which was kind of cool. So I'm going to add some white into this, and some green bogeyness. It's like pure milk. (air whooshing) - Is quite tight around neck. - Okay folks, this is either going to be an absolute disaster of a project or is this going to be a failure or not? Let's find out. So second attempt here folks, are we ready? Oh, Oh, is it? Oh, it's not wet. Oh, it may, it may just have sealed up nice. Although I think we're left, by the looks of things, with a creamy, a creamy, greeny kind of color. I'm not very good at mixing resin with colors, you know. I think this might be all right. Hmm, well, I think heating them up seems to have worked quite well. They're kind of like, hasn't got all moldy. Let's crack this open and see what we got. Ha ha! Well, that's interesting. Oh yeah, baby! Finally, something I can work with. Well, I already thought this project was a failure but it's not over yet. This looks so cool on here. I want to just leave it like this, put it on a little stand, look at that, this looks cool. So I'm going to start turning this, now obviously all of these conkers, they're pretty solid on there but they are going to fall all off, and that's fine. Or maybe, maybe we kind of use that as, maybe the top. We could do that actually. I've got a sudden craving for mint chocolate and Maltesers. (lathe buzzing) So I started off turning this with my carbide cutters but it really wasn't working very well. So I switched to me traditional Record Power tools and now it's working a treat. The conkers are still a bit wet so I'm not too confident that this is going to turn out good at all, but we'll carry on until failure. Bear with me. (lathe buzzing) (robotic beeping) Ho ho, this thing is looking awesome. And that's just with Yorkshire Grit on it. Oh yeah. Look at it! Ha ha, it's so cool. I really like the patterns and features in this. This, this is looking pretty nice. So I've just put the Yorkshire Grit on it. That's come up quite nice. Might give it a little polish maybe with some wax or something like that. Maybe some Shellawax. Not too sure yet. I'm going to leave the lid like that. I'm going to add a few more conkers in the top. Going to pop the lid off now and then we're going to hollow out the inside. Oh yeah. - We're back! (lathe buzzing) I know what you're thinking. That just looks weird, Nick. I'm just glad that I managed to complete the project. Well in some way, this was going to be a failure, to be honest I think it still might be. But there it is folks, the conker, I dunno, pot? I dunno what it is. I wanted to just try conkers. I grew up kinda like as probably a lot of us did collecting conkers, buying conkers. And I think obviously you folks in the US call them buckeyes or something? Is it buckeyes? I was waiting for the conker season to come out to do a conker project because I just love conkers. And I haven't seen anyone do a conker project. I might be wrong, maybe they have. I wanted to see what they turn like and see if I could make something really cool, you know, out of conkers. But it didn't really work out really. I mean that's kind of the end result of what I've come up with. I left it kind of like that, cause I thought that looked kind of a bit different. It does look quite cool. You know, they're stuck on there pretty well, they ain't coming off, but the conkers are soft. So I managed to sort of just put a bit of sanding on it. Some Yorkshire Grit, and sort of finished it with, to be honest the Yorkshire Grit did a really good job, so cheers Yorkshire Grit. But I did put a little polish on it, some Shellawax, but you know, it doesn't really polish up very well. And then you've got like the inside does look quite funky in there. Can you see that quite well? My lighting isn't really very good in here, I have to change that. And it just sits on there, I haven't put an emblem on it, but it does look quite cool on the bottom as well. I mean, it is very soft in the nut area. There it is. It was an experiment for me. I wanted to show you. I do like my experiments. I know it's not really like, you know, a piece of art. Well, it may, it could be, I suppose, a piece of art. There are some weird things out there that people call art you know, I reckon this could be one of them. But I dunno. I dunno. It was something funky to do, and I hope you like it. It'll be pretty funky, if you could share this video with your friends, family. I'll leave pictures up at the end, but I'm sure you've seen enough of the conker project now. The first one I did was a complete failure as you saw, although when it first came out, all the white which was obviously all the moist in the conkers had come out, I thought that looked really cool, and I thought that was going to be really good but it sort of was not great. So, and then I decided to get some more conkers which we put in the oven that dried it out and that was good enough for them to set in the resin but not good enough really to be turned really although they turned okay, it didn't work very well with my carbide cutters. So then I switched up to the traditional tools from Record Power, which they gave me the other day, which are really cool. And that was what I finished a project in that way. So that's pretty cool. So it turned out, not so bad. I don't think I'm going to do another conker project. If I'd have got a better result out of it, I think I probably would have done but nah, I've done my conker project. That's it now. I do have something quite cool. I'm working on in a next video or two. So hang fire for that one. And hopefully that will work out. It is sort of an experiment again but I'm confident that this one could look pretty cool. If you haven't seen my video I put out in the week or if you maybe skipped past it there was no project on it. And I do appreciate that. But every now and again, I wanted it to sort of like give an update on things happening with Maker Central. We've just opened up the members area so you can get some really cool discount from some great partners that we partnered up with. Please check it out. Also my Zimmeti merch. I've just launched my beard oil and comb. So if you haven't seen that yet, please check it out. Zimmeti Beard Oil, mixed by me. I've chosen all the formulas in there. All organic, you'll love it. It could be a really cool little Christmas present as Christmas is coming up, soon. - Santa! Oh my God! - If you didn't watch that one, please go and check it out. I know it's just me waffling, but it's a good waffle, and we like waffles, don't we? Thanks for watching this one folks, I hope that you did enjoy it, as I say. If you haven't subscribed to the channel, please hit the subscribe button because that would really help me out. Also a thumbs up on the video would be pretty cool as well. Welcome to all my new subscribers that have come to the channel. Please hang around. We do do all sorts of weird things on here. So check back on some of my other videos. Some of them are pretty cool. Some of them, not so cool they can't be cool all the time! It's Halloween soon. This could actually be a Halloween project. I'll leave links below from where I get my music from, my Instagram page, if you want to follow me on there, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. I just want to say a massive thank you to my current Patreons. You are absolutely amazing. The support is overwhelming, so thank you. It really does help me keep doing what I'm doing for you. And also if you pick up a bit of merch, that also will help me as well. I hear the beard oil's quite nice. Have a fantastic weekend folks! Take care, and I'll see you for the next one. Cheerio. (electronic music)
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 209,054
Rating: 4.8829236 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning Woodworking DIY How To Woodturn crafts making hobby crafting RESIN MAKING, RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, conkers, turning conkers, conkers in resin, conker experiment, conker season, zammeti beard oil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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