Congratulations, but to whom? πŸ€” LWIAY - #0073

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The sub gap is now 🚨🚨-1,219,025!🚨🚨

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bot_On_Meth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 189 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was cool to see him talk about Congratulations finally. It seems he really didn’t think it would blow up like it did.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 126 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My post made it bois

All hail Republicattak

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ALStark69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't believe he didn't react to the Bollywood face insertion. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BenefitCuttlefish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

PewDiePie has legs!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Yifti5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

T-Series subscribers per minute has not changed throughout the past 60 days.

It has held at a near steady 100-105 subscribers per minute.

When Congratulations came out, Pewdiepie skyrocketted to 150-200subscribers/min for the first couple of days, which obliterated the sub gap, and then slowed down to roughly 120. Which was STILL a gap increasing rate.

Then the Tunecore copyright striking wave came, and pewdiepie's subscriber count dipped to roughly 60 subscribers/minute.

And it hasn't bounced back.

They're not speeding up.

We've slowed the fuck down.

At this rate we are going to be 20 days behind the 100M sub race.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/n00b5slayer101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He bought a robotic leg! (Get well soon, Marzia)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Code_Wings πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Subgap is shrinking this is bad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
heheh lWiAy! *LWIAY intro* Welcome everyone to a new episode of LWIAY, the greatest show on Youtube, with now over 93 million subscribers! That's right. I'm recording now here because Marzia is sick :( Everyone say "Marzia get the well soon" in the comments, you know The thing about having no attention to quality with your videos is that it doesn't matter. *Chuckles* I can record this in a bunker No one would care. So here we are. Let's jump into it. What a week, this has been. We finally uploaded Congratulations. The funny thing is with that song was that we made it with the intention that T- Series were gonna pass us So we rushed this video out so quickly, Joel flew in from LA Stayed for like ten hours we spent, uh, I don't know 12, 14 hours straight, just filming the video and then he flew back home and then It took four months for T-Series to pass. So we had all the time in the world to make this video But I'm glad we finally got to release it and it means we are winning the battle So that's what I expect to see a lot of memes of today But I also just wanted to say thanks for all the support in the video I honestly didn't know how it would be received with also massive Thanks to Roomie and Dave for working on it and Jonas as well. Of course everyone involved. It's really cool I usually don't collaborate that much on project. So uh... was it was fun. It's a really fun project enough chitchat Let's jump into the memes. Oh god Oh Frick go into forest in Japan entire fanbase You didn't hit me when I went there until afterwards. I'm like, wait a minute go into a forest Surprisingly we made it out no controversies Controversy adverted thank you very much Logan Paul for taking one for the team. Now that PewDiePie is finally uploaded his video congratulating T-Series on winning we should get him back to number one again just to make things weird Well, that's pretty much where we're at right now 400,000 away Jesus Christ, I guess I gotta make more songs, huh? Damn, when maxing out one ability and forget the rest Oh, that's right T-Series You don't have a Reddit. That means we're still winning *Chuckles* Oh,they're pointing out. They have no one on Twitter and they don't need it either Okay, let's not let's get real here this track number two question mark no it's not a diss track It's a congratulation video. Don't tell T-Series it's it's a diss track We congratulation t-series or now that we passed them, isn't it Congratulation me Congratulations PewDiePie top 10 anime comback. I mean, it was pretty awesome. I'm not gonna lie. I did not expect it to go back again (laughs) There were like 200,000 away how many nine-year-olds are there in the world? Where are we finding the last ones? We should stop calling t-series t gay. Gay people don't deserve to be compared to such filth. I think people should keep saying T gay regardless It's like one of those things where it's clearly just an ironic insult But it wouldn't surprise me if the media picks up on it and goes like oh PewDiePie's fanbase, they're all homophobic Look, they're calling them T gay. This is so awful. Plus it's just kind of stupid. I'd say we'd call them T bad. That's right. That's a real insult T bad. You can't recover from that t series is just about songs. And most of the songs are wait. What is this? There's a new blue shirt kid? I'm sorry, what? Asian boss did they do another one? Oh damn in his nine-year-old army reacts to T-Series surpassing PewDiePie. Oh, I gotta watch this. I'll save it for later That's awesome. What's with Indian kids and blue shirts? What is happening? What is the power of the blue shirt? 5 mil on YouTube in 6 months never done before 30 minutes We're so close to hundred guys. We are so close. Pewdiepie: I really hate football Also PewDiePie football PewDiePie. Is that a Swedish football player? Oh, it's a rugby player. Well, I'm down for rugby Okay. Now this would be epic. Okay. Wait, what is this and PewDiePie you're watching? Let us know you want to one-on-one interview? We'd love to get your thoughts on the state of YouTube and its relationship with independent creators Interesting. I feel like I owe them at least Something for the amazing video they did for anyone who is wondering Peter pipes profile pic is real from deadly man. Hi, baby There you go everyone. Great anime. You should check it out. It's on Netflix. I really liked it And I liked the main character even though he's not the main character and I also really liked the hand It's a very nice hand. I just love this picture cuz they clearly don't care about making the art good It's intentionally badly drawn, which I can really appreciate It's like a shit post anime *Laughs* Let's not forget these two people Boyinaband and Roomie they did an awesome job. That's what I said Literally at the beginning of the video get out of my sight Nothing but facts. You know, this meme is going on meme review next and you know, it's not gonna be pretty. I'm sorry Winnie the Pooh, but it's all OGRE for you Am I right the mods on Wikipedia after PewDiePie came back again. How many times I've been changed? It must have been like five or six times that. That's crazy man Republicattak, the youtuber who had his Legos stolen five months ago is back to building Can we give him a warm welcome back check out Republicattak for being back building Lego Star Wars attack sub gap hit minus 100k No one is going to do anything about it Twitter bot signed off t-series have been in the lead for 24 hours Felix doesn't care anymore. Did we just lose? Oh, no no Oh, no no The media: Pewdiepie hates Indian people Pewdiepie's fans: What about the time he donated? 246,000 towards Indian charity The media: Did the past really happen? Why do we have to bring out a balanced view of a person when we can just solely focus on the negative bids? Why should the media be unbiased and unpartial? It reminds me of the in the song we have this line where it's like we wanted to come up with the dumbest line Possibly you could make about someone to not be offended and it's this one Did you know that Indians have Poo-Poo in their brains? That's a blatant racist lie Yeah, but still not defamation! (Woo) People are actually genuinely upset over that line because they take it out of context *sad?* Jesus Christ When is it gonna stop just stop taking things out of context? What's the point? You just look stupid? I just find it funny because in Dave's video, we're literally like no one's gonna get mad about that Dave: You know that Indians have Poo-Poo in their brains. [Laughs] I kinda like that, some stupid fact. Right You can't get angry at that What did he say, you can't get angry at that Of course you can just take it out of context So dumb the first and last brofist Is that is that my first brofist??? did someone find the first? I'm telling you guys at hundred million *clap clap* The finest brofist. Okay, it's gonna take your virginity No, okay, nine year olds after drinking the foam of their dad's beer. I'm fuckin lit Hey more lines to reference. Yay. Here's one last brofist from the number one in the world. It's been an honor I would always skip past this part when I watch the video cuz I I just find it so cringy But I'm glad a lot of people got something emotional out of it at least Yeah, who would have thought the brofist actually has so much emotional impact on people The brofist has kind of become like minecraft at this point it's something that people used to do and then it kind of became overly popular and kind of cringy and then taken over by kids and then now it's sort of working its way back again to where it actually has a Stronger bond because you associated with the certain nostalgia. It's just me or is that just what I think? Okay Sometimes I put my mouse cursor over Felix cursor and pretend we're holding hands. Dude do what you got to do i don't know a thing. Road to a hundred mill. Oh, man One of you two will do something a hundred mil that you can't ignore a hundred mil, right or can you? Forgot about that. It's actually coming close when you realize that pewds is literally making music videos to defeat a music company modern problems require modern solutions That's right IQ level infinite Shaking and crying right now pewdiepie' height 180 centimeters That's right everybody Reality can be what? I just googled 180 centimeters. So I edited my own page and I sourced myself and Google accepted it. So now I'm 180 centimeters I hope that proves a point once and for all that I am NOT the manlet, okay I'm very thought and I'm not insecure about my height The war really ends when Flair TVs livestream ends. Oh God, no, please it's gonna go on forever. I'm sure he would love to keep it that way AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! That's good, that's a good Pewdiepie reply. In fact my feet are touching the ground Oh, yeah, so people are pointing out that I'm wearing these plateau shoes to make myself look polar Which I don't need to because I'm already extremely tall and perfect height. So this is actually Thank you. Someone made an accurate depiction of what my feet look like Proved me wrong. Okay, this is it Thank you Kingcuz nice detective work Well done spread the word you seemed captain Marzia now and brace for the end game Let's do our part together on 29th of April the 9th anniversary of PewDiePie. Oh, is it really April 29, huh? There will be free bro-brofist on April 29 on April 29 everyone brofist your favorite Bro, okay, that's coming. I don't know if I like that one. I Mean I loved it. I'm sorry. I made a custom hundred million trophy in 3d It'd be super cool. If Felix I yeah might be cool. You could spin it around and stuff I feel like it should be like a nine nine year old related or like something. I don't know Okay, guys, that's it for this week's LIWAY LIWAAAAAAA Sorry, I couldn't be very loud. I don't want to get kicked out Although we are leaving tomorrow. So I don't think it matters, but it's all about the respect in Japan genuinely massive Thanks for all the support, especially this week. It's been really amazing and I really really really appreciate it. I'm going back soon So I'll see you back in in UK And see you then. Goodbye. Have fun and remember to brofist Tuber simulator is now so relevant that it's got a brand new minigame! Craniac! drop the crane and get fresh items only available in the washing machine like game and you say there's more of course there is New knowledge perks new quests and new pixelings and legs guys... LEGS!
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,550,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, Congratulations, pewdiepie congratulations, pewds, pewdie, pdp, pewdiepie vs, pewdiepie vs tseries, tseries, t series, pewdiepie music video, music video, pewdiepie music, music
Id: hdkhsMrCeAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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