Confronting The Man Who Exposed @yiannimize

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so I got battled online and in the comment section to do with this car today I'm going to address it it all stemmed from this video right here Yanni you're making videos about that kid who wrapped his Cara bro you're a business what the hell is that mate what's this join Yanni what's this Yanni what's this y bro come on man cut all these coins look all Creed and horrible man give a state of that and you put your name on that come on bro come on bro so I've got no issue with what he said or even him uploading the video it's how we met here's the backstory so this is Jay I met him at a car show whenever I do a car show I get mobbed by my fans I love meeting my fans I love spending time with them I love taking pictures Jay was one of so many on that day and we actually shared a special moment he told me about his backstory which was really really emotional I gave him a hug and I even told him I was proud of him I told him to drop me an email and maybe one day we could do something in the future so fast forward a few years to 2024 and I start a series called rate my rap it's where people come down to yaniz and I rate the quality of the vinyl rap applied to their car some people are professionals some people have done it for the first time but I here to be as harsh and as honest as possible for people's RS it's all fun in games and people know what they're coming here for I then see Jay's video online and I think to myself we shared a real cool moment what is this about and then people started sending me more and more messages about this video and then I started reading the comments Jay's not an enemy of mine he's not even a car rapper so why would he post up a video after we shared such a moment together and it was all love so I hit him up on a DM and said to him I'm going to shoot a video this is how I'm going to shoot it if you want to come down and put your point across feel free to come to the animiz they play to him he turned up I give you credit I spoke to my team and I was like I don't think he's going to turn up I'm a man of my word so you know yeah fair play and if it was the other way around I would have thought this would have been an ambush I would have thought they're going to make the video this and they're they're going to really leave me exposed and you turned up yeah I I looked at it as I've made the video you've invited me to make a video well I got to put my money where my mouth is now I can't not show up what was your aim of put in that video out because it was never going to make our relationship better it was going to work against you yeah in effect but in honesty like it was more of a and Googles sort of thing so for people at home that don't know what's the backstory between you and me well it's quite deep is it cuz like I was watching you years ago when you first started going on YouTube you and Calvin um from Calvin's car diary and you guys s inspired me to start my business because you come from nothing Calvin come from nothing and you guys got where you are I was like homeless for 10 years Mental Health problems you can be homeless and you might have a roof over your head so you got Surfer sing with your friends and things like that but Street Homeless is a whole another level like when you're literally sleeping on the street trying to find something to eat IND doorways and like that yeah whatever I remember one night I slept behind the back of an ice ring cuz it had heat blowing out um and then yeah that just totally changed my life around I had enough of it you guys inspired me I started my business and it blew up it went really big um the detailing doctor just for people that know and then yeah I met you at the Motor Show sort of spoke to you about it said to you you know how you inspired me and stuff and we planned to do a video together and you said you know email me and we can do like a podcasty type thing until you start it yeah so I said I said you drop me an email and we'll see if we can do something together yeah that's exactly what I said yeah you've said you've emailed me and you sent me a DM and stuff DMS I'll be honest I get loads of DMS and if if I show you my DMs it's it's brutal yeah the email it's obviously been missed and then you made the video on the G wagon about me and it went viral it's done like 7 800,000 views I know right it's crazy first of all did you think it was going to go that Viral no no um so as you probably know I tagged you in it yeah yeah um I don't I don't I don't look at Facebook much I'm with you I didn't know if you did or not but I didn't want to be that guy who's going to post some like that and not you know you not even know about I'll tag him in it and if he wants to respond he can respond you know and like this we can chat about it um but yeah it went nuts absolutely nuts I'll give some context to the video as you know it wasn't just that oh let's go find one of yan cars and film it and take the proverbial it was literally I watched the carer video and when you said at the end nothing goes out that isn't perfect I sort of thought to myself oh you know you can't do absolute perfect I know what you meant by it nothing will go unless it's to the highest standard but I thought to myself nothing is perfect I know that from when I've been operating and when I saw the car and saw the joins and stuff it was more of a excuse the language and Giggles sort of thing yeah okay fair enough um and yeah I think a lot of people they didn't understand the context of it and in the comments on my side it was oh you hate Yanni and this and that and it's I don't hate Yanni you know I quite like you as a person you know we met and everything and yeah we were talking about the joins now people online there was quite a few comments on they fair play to them that people either rappers or they know about Chrome V they know that you can't rap Chrome vinyl without joins and it wasn't like you on the say look at all these bubbles you were like it's got joins and I was like but it has to have joins one because of the shape of the G wagon two cuz the vinyl is terrible and three cuz it's Chrome and it's not very wide is it yeah you have to put joins and things there so it was not like you said look it's lifting everywhere that's a different conversation I told the customer Chrome there's no warranty yeah okay and I said to customer if you specifically want this color I'm not warranting I'm just letting you know there's going to be joints there's going to be areas where I'm going to have to patch it because you can't do one p Yanni I don't care my daughter wants this color this is the color we want for the exposure the awareness outside the nights Bridge shop just do it now I think back I think that's probably a mistake on my behalf because I'll get someone like yourself that be like but look at this look at this look at this look at this and they don't know the back story the one thing I didn't know about that somebody brought up in the comments on the rear quarters where you got the join and it's got fingers got fingers the little Ripples and VL so I thought that was there from install and one of the rappers actually said in the comments you might have seen it he said actually over time the fingers developed with the chrome wrap there's nothing you can do about it yeah so again to look at it for average Joy theyd think oh that's really bad but if you know about the vinyl actually well there's nothing you can do about it and it's 9 months I think nearly 10 months old and it's Chrome imagine we don't warrant it for one day this is 10 months old and it still looks really good B from where it's been hit in a few places and stuff like that did you call the office no why didn't you call the office I don't know to be honest you said about em emailed you Instagram and Facebook and then I didn't get a reply I don't even use Facebook so what I'm trying to say is if you didn't get a response why would you think you know what let me put a phone call in and say speak to G or speak say listen Yanni saw me at the show this is who I am check this video out can you get him the phone me and that way then you've got direct into me emails don't always happen you understand yeah the emails work but you know it's yeah I know sometimes you get 50 DM you never see is brutal wouldn't that have been a better way to do it don't you think true in hindsight yeah I sent you a DM yeah and I said to you bro listen I'm starting to see comments about you now I can really do a video on you and go to town about you and your business and everything else cuz obviously I got fully attacked yeah or we could have done a sit down I didn't want want to be that and and Go full on attack you same I didn't want it to be tip for tap yeah I I didn't want to do that and obviously I have got a big profile but I'm not here to try I don't here to try and belittle anyone and I don't mind people calling me out just so you know guys don't think you can call me out and I'm going to sit down and do videos with you that's not going to happen Okay this is this this is a oneoff I'm going to focus on the positive comments not the negative ones it's how you deal with things and and for me it's more trying to give you advice and say there's ways of dealing with things the comments were insane they were they were pretty insane let me say something to you luckily I've got I've got I've got thick skin but I don't think people realize what comments can do to people I'll be fair to J Jay messaged me saying do you want me to take the video down I was like no leave the video up you did say to me and I didn't ask him anything I was like no leave the video there I don't mind the video being there because yeah you've got listen it's it's not like 7 800,000 views I don't know if it worked in your favor with regards to followers and stuff because I think it's just the one video viral it was really funny actually I had I never I activated Facebook professional about a month ago now and I just started doing funny reals and stuff just I enjoyed doing I never really looked at it to gain followers but as to give some idea before I posted that video I had 20 followers I've now got just shy of a thousand okay it did do quite well in that regard good did you get any work from it though no and this my point it followers followers are one thing okay getting work and and creating revenue is very ROM I'd rather have no followers and be fully booked for months then have all these followers and not be busy well a lot of people keep saying to me Instagram's great if you get loads of followers you get loads of business it's like not in my opinion I find the form is actually the local Facebook groups you post examples of your work the owner local they end up commenting on it saying what fantastic job you did and you've instantly got that recommendation yeah and you get a lot of business off the back of it what have you learned from this experience that I should have messaged you with the video first really and said look can I release this for the and giggles and chances are you probably would have said yeah as long as we can do a video after addressing it yeah and lesson in regards to how to do business like obviously I know how to do business and I'll give you a lesson but for you with regards to that do you think do you think this is the best way no no no no not at all but I wasn't business-minded in doing that if you get what I mean but no it can it can have comebacks on my business too I had a few people from the comments going and comment on my business page oh really yeah but okay sort of I kind of expected it yeah do you know what it is I think if you are just a profile with a picture and you've got no followers or no posts and no one knows anything about you yeah this is why people can say whatever they want because there's no repercussions to those sort of people if you have a business it's a different story people go for your business first and people can attack you at your business with regards to saying things or leaving bad reviews or whatever it may be and some may be true and some may not do you think it could affect your brand in any way um potentially but like I think the good and the bad just sort of outweigh each other really it's it's kind of neutral is the way I look at it I'm hoping this video will it's not going to change everyone cuz people are a brutal but I'm hoping people will actually look at this you know what I'm going to think twice about posting a comment forget my video people this is not about me or him posting a video about my G wagon or my customer G wagon with the Jo I don't care it's not it's not about that it's more about the abuse that came with a video my company's never going to be affected by one car whether the people believe it don't believe it I'm not worried about that but this could have really hurt another company or a small bit like like it could have hurt you if I responded in a different way and I'm just trying to say to people everyone can have an opinion there's nothing wrong with having an opinion I don't mind constructive I don't I don't even mind some of the abuse I get but some of it's too far isn't it there has to be a balance and I think people need to understand there is consequences to people's actions and every action does have a reaction yeah and I'm a businessman so I'm going to react like a businessman I'm going to handle it differently yeah there's people online that would do a Madness I had one guy on there with the comments and he DM me um and he starts giving me his address saying come and fight me and I'm like do your kids live there he's like yeah I was like are you insane like I could be anybody you don't know who I am like blocked him after nothing to do that but the madness that you could give your address out where your kids are and say he sent you the address yeah sent me his address whether it was real or not we don't know but why I can't understand why somebody would put them and their family and kids in danger like that over a Facebook spat would you do business with someone that made a video about you it depends on the context um and it would depend on the sort of aftermath of it if it's something like what we're doing here yeah I don't see why not if things are amicable after and everyone's sort of on the same page I don't see a problem if you approach situation the person gets aggressive or you know ansy about it then no absolutely not so it depends on how the person handles it do you think we should do business together potentially in the future could you know what could have happened so when this car turned up yesterday it was filthy like absolutely they don't look after this car this car sits outside a love luxury and it is cars are driving part and it's filthy and it is what it is cuz it's for the fact to look at their shop yeah yeah you could have come here and detailed this car you you understand we could have done business together obviously I had to get it clean before you came today and I didn't know what was going to happen when you turned up here today but there's a much bigger play yeah 100% with things there's a much bigger picture and people focus on the Small Things NE longm yeah exactly and I always say that to people look at the bigger picture some people will go for that 30 seconds of Fame but I'm like that 30 seconds just cost you amount in the future yeah yeah so Jay is now heading back home we've shot our video together and to be fair it was really really cool we had a lot of tension between us and that video did go viral and the comments were brutal not just to me to him as well listen the internet is fair game you can say what you want you can post what you want you can pretty much film what you want but just remember if you're going for someone online every action has a [Music] [Applause] reaction
Channel: Yiannimize
Views: 422,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yiannimize, vinyl wrap, vinyl wrapping a car, wrap kings, vehicle wraps, wrapping a car, car wrap, Confronting The Man Who Exposed Yiannimize, G Wagon, Join Lines
Id: 9Ps32hqmHkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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