Configure NIC TEAMING In RHEL7 Using nmcli & teamdctl |Bonding or Team In RHEL7 |CentOS 7

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[Music] let's topic this about configuring named knit them teaming in rhel7 so the steps which I'm going to show you in this video also can be used in CentOS 7 system okay so the first thing is you're probably wondering and also I had the doubt initially what is NIC teaming and why it is called NIC teaming in article 7 because in the earlier distribution which we were using earlier RTL 6 or a little 5 used to call them as morning but now in a little surrender that is saying this is something called NIC teaming so you don't have to worry it is the same thing only the name which they have said in our little 7 is NIC teaming and also if you are thinking whether we have bonding in an hl7 or not so you don't have to worry because we have still bonding in our hl7 it is just my alternate alternative for bonding if you would like to use bond than you would be able to use bond and if you would like to use teaming then you'll be able to use teaming as well so the only purpose which I feel right now is because in future in coming release which which will be going to be provided by RHEL Red Hat and in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 probably they are not going to use bonding and that will going to duplicate so that is why we have to get used to NIC teaming and we need to understand what is that nmcli command and how they work so in this video I am going to show you an EM CLI command and with that how can we create network bonding file and there are some other command with regards to nmcli we'd be able to manage your interface so I'm going to show you all that in this video and also if you haven't lis using a bonding in your system in our hl7 you can also be able to convert there is already a command bonding to convert command is there so you can be able to convert from bonding to team so I would also show you those are the basic command how you we can able to convert from bonding to teaming okay so in RHEL 6 or previous version we had something called mod and in that we had had something mod 0 1 2 and so on so the first one mod 0 we used to call as round-robin and mod 1 used to call as active backup so similarly we have something here which is called runner so in runner we have there are few options so those are the runner which we can use the first thing is about broadcasts again thing round-robin active backup Lord balancing and LACP so those are the runners available with teaming so we can be able to use those at the runners so I would prefer and to configure round-robin because it is providing both Lord balancing and fault tolerance so that is why I'm going to configure run round-robin runner in this video so the first thing what I'm going to show you is about the bonding because many people say it is duplicated and it is not in normally used in original 7 but it is not you still be able to use burning in rhel7 so first thing what I would show is the module so if I do modding for bonding and paren this command I can able to see the module is still available and you can be able to use it so this is the module and the next thing is if I runs n/m UI and here if I just go inside edit the connection and add a new connection here you'd be able to see the option born and also now they have introduced steaming right so we have morning still there with our hl7 right so let me just cancel this and go back to my terminal here okay so I showed you that bonding is still there you can be able to create but I would recommend to use teaming why because you can be able to do many things with come online so earlier what we used to do is something called the location is network sis config solicitous in sis config network script in here wish to create manually file like bond 0 and specify the content under that so now with an M which is network manager with network manager utility we would be able to do everything with come online so nmcli is the command let me just clear the screen and run nmcli come on so if i run this command you would be able to see currently which is the devices available in your system connected and which other interface which is not connected so you can able to see this 2 interface which is currently used for team 0 and their green and they're both up and apart from that you also have 3 interface which is 61 192 and 193 so those 3 interface which is attached with this system but I haven't used yet so I'm going to use probably one or probably 192 and 193 for team one so uh currently I have already configured team zero and I'm going to create a new team which is going to be team one and for them there is not much step so there are a few commands which I need to run and I would be good to configuring them so those are the steps but apart from that we need to understand the other command through which you can manage your network interface so that is why I would like to show you those commands here first so nmcli is the command which I just went here and you can able to see the network interface information now the next command is nmcli here you can able to see nmcli device sha or nmcli connection so let me just clear the screen and run this command and MC a like connection so if I run this command I have to be able to see my device interface my device information so first thing is the name which are me using currently those are the name and there is an UID created when we create a new interface by a network manager and the type is team here the breeze information the name is breeze here so this is the type which I'm using so I'm using currently team if you are using Bonnie it would have short born here and the device name which I'm using is here in 0 another interface device so those information you can able to see and there is other command calls here nmcli device status so if I run this command I can able to see a brief information like I have run that command nmcli and I can I could see that the connection information right so here you can also able to see the same information ok in short description so here you can see there are three this interface which is disconnected and others are connected and also NMC are like connection let me just do a term here to see what are the options we have it so I already ran now probably I what I would like to see device and M CLI device so so if I run this command all the device in your system and that information you'd be able to seize so these are the device country I have in my system and you would be able to see those information and if you wanted to filter it for particularly for my team zero I would be able to see like this and you'll be able to see Hardware address and other information so this is a nice information and again this is all coming from the network manager so you can able to see some information here and also you can be able to see the information running systemctl status network manager if I run this command you can able to see this is the city grew up running round robin and there are active connection regarding your team zero or regarding my team zero it is showing here so those are the information and I remove sometimes back so that is why it says it is detected and if you wanted to see full list information I need to use - L so there are some information you can also be able to see Runnings your network manager status right so those are two device - this is the first device and the second device is not showing here I'm not sure here why it is not showing probably let me see there is one more command which is team D CTL and I wanted to see the information about my team zero and what are the slave interface running in team zero so that information we can able to see running team D CTL command and if I just do state and I think I will be able to see here and here now I can able to see an information something similar to proc net bonding currently this file is not there this basically used in article 6 and previous distribution so here so that command instead of this command which we used to use in earlier version you can just run command calls timbi CTL team 0 state and you'd be able to see the information here so currently both links are up and it is saying both the interface information so I should not be worried about team 0 so those are the most important command to configure your team or to check your status about your team so now the next step what I would like to show you is to configuring a new team so for that there is nothing much we need to run some command to create them so let me just copy the first line here okay and let me just go through what are those lines the first thing is nmcli which is net talk network manager CLI come on utility I'm using I'm creating a new connection that is why I need to say connection here and this is the format which you have to follow otherwise your device will not create and I'm adding it and there is a format which is can corn- name this is nothing but our connection name and instead of team name instead of team zero I need to use a steam one here and type which I'm using whether I'm using team or bond so that that's why I showed you that we have bond also if you are using bond then you'd be able to say pipe is equal to bond and now since I'm using team so I'm specifying team here and my interface which is in the first name is team one and the configuration so configuration is nothing but the bonding ops so if you have familiar with the morning in original six or a previous version then you would something have called bonding ops those bonding option now it is called as runner so we are configuring runner here and it should be in this format it should be in double cord and open with other curly bracket here and you have to specify what is the runner you are going to use so I'm going to use a runner which is very much popular and useful round-robin so this is the command which I need to run so let me just run this to create it okay so my team one is now created and if I just go here inside this location this is config metwork script and I can able to see there is a file created with team one so these are the content so you would also be able to do manually but it is advisable to use the command line right so next time what I have to do is I have to create my slave interface so let me just copy the slave interface and paste it here so I'm going to use teen one here same thing nmcli connection adding a connection name which is steam one and instead of port one what I'm going to say probably I would say a slave one and pipe is teams there because it is slave for my master which is steam one right so that is why you have to specify the format like this and my internet information here so my slave which I'm going to use an EM CLI I'm going to use this to interface 192 193 so I will say I have name ENS 192 and my master for 192 slave a steam one so this is what we have to do and that is done and now next thing is same I just need to change the name you can specify any name here and my deface is 193 and master is team one then so I have created two more files so if I just again do one LS you can able to see team one team team one step one step two so I have greater those two files so next thing is as you probably aware that we we do not specify the IP in slave instead we specify the IP in team one so I'm going to specify an IP in team one and I'm going to go through the options okay so what are the options let me just copy first and paste it here so nmcli connection instead of adding it I'm doing a modified because it is already the team zero is already available like I showed you now I'm modifying team zero and now the IP format which I'm going to use whether I'm using ipv4 or ipv6 so here using ipv6 then you have to specify ipv6 here and the IP so IP is probably I would say 41 and the IPP method so IP V method is nothing but your type of network you are using so currently I'm going to use the static IP that is why I have specified the static IP here and if you are using an static IP then you have to say manual and if you are using a DHCP I going to get the IP from DHCP then you would not need to specify the IP and in ipv4 in ipv4 version method instead of manual Europe's a DHCP right so I'm going to say a manual here and connection auto connect is nothing but when my system is reboot my interface which is steam one should come up so I just need to modify here is team one and go to end of the line so auto connect equal to yes so you're probably wondering how will I go to going to memorize all going to do this because it looks like a big command right so I would tell you a trick so you don't have to worry all you have to remember so let me just square this first then I will tell you so my IP information is updated in team one so next what I have to do is I have to make those connections up so like you see here and I'm seeing like a Nixon up and I have to bring those in to face off so let me do that and then see a like connection up team one is the first interface team one slave one is my slave first interface and this is my second interface right so now this command or any command if you are not familiar or if you cannot memorize then trick is what you have to do is just run and MC a line connection and if you do a connection and do a tab you would be able to see the list of options which you can use so now I did modify right so modify when I did a modify then I have to specify my connection name so I once I specify the connection name and do a tab then I would also have I have to specify space here and what tab so here you'd be able to see again the IPV version for information here I'm using IP version 4 let me see where this IP v a TV version 4 address again so nmcli connection modify team 0 then tab so here I can see every version 4 at this and you'll be able to use it or if you wanted to use a griever version 6 then here this agree was in 6 and now i have to specify like this and once I did that now next option is you have to specify the IP right then the method so example I'm going to specify an IP something called 192 168 43 142 and subnet is 24 and now next what is option so just do what taragan and now you'd be able to see the connection information here connection auto connect which are amusing so those are tricks which you can use to create your interface so you don't have to really memorize all this command even though those are big so now I have created the interface which is team 1 and I would like to see whether this working or not first what I am going to run my command and M CLI and now if I just scroll it up a little bit so I can able to see team one is up and the slave interface for team one is this one 192 and 193 so both are off so like this you can able to see and also you'd be able to see like I showed you earlier in this video time D CTL then team 1 state so ok team 1 vo I believe okay teen digitial oh sorry I was running time digital okay so team DC teal team zero team one state and now I can able to see my interface which is round robin and these are the two interface which is running and also if I run systemctl status network manager from here I will also be able to see some of the option which is giving for team one so I'm using a two bonding device which is team zero and team one so those are the basic and most important commands to configure your team in rhel7 or CentOS 7 right so I believe that's it you if you would like to go and if you would like to see more option there are many more option with nmcli command you would be able to see and you just basically need to run nmcli and do a tab and go with all those options what those option does for example let me just show you something in networking and this do a tab and I wanted to see the connectivity for probably team 0 okay so here it is not like that let me just then check and then probably I have to specify team 0 and it says it falls so it that means it is connected and up and you can make it down and up so let me just show you one them off with for that one let me just do team the CTL team 0 probably for team 1 I am going to do is do the best team won then do instead and now I just wanted to bring down this interface tindy CTL connection or it is not in the CTL it is nmcli connection down then specify the interface oh so it is it's not active connection okay so probably I will try for NS 92 both are down it seems let me just check okay so both are up but while trying to make it down getting an error state both are saying up and I'm see a line connection down is the command okay I got it so the problem is there is a little different way I need to do team DC teal team zero state so I cannot bring them down like this instead of what I have to do is NMC a line and team one it is running like this this is my name for my in ENS 192 so I need to bring them down like this and I'm see a like connection down right so it should work but it is sticking a little time to bring that interface down and it is keying a timeout and for 10 second and it is down so now I cannot see that 192 interface showing here so it is working so instead of your real interface name you have to give the alias name which you have given and you will be able to test it and let me just bring it up and now if I just run stead and now I can able to see the word interface information so that looks nice and easy with the command I showed you team D CDL and I'm CLI another command so you can try and let me know if you have any issues with network manager and teaming in rhel7 so that's it for this video if you liked this video and if you feel this content is useful for you please subscribe my channel and also please hit like I will see you in next time have a good day
Channel: Tune To Linux
Views: 8,800
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Keywords: How to configure bonding in redhat 7, Bonding in rhel7, Network bonding in redhat 7, bonding, network bonding, How to configure Bonding, channel bonding, .Ethernet bonding, port trunking, channel teaming, NIC teaming, link aggregation, NIC teaming in RHEL7, NIC teaming in Centos7, how to configure bonding in RHEL7, configure team in RHEL7, configure team in Centos7, configure team in RHEL7 step by step, configure bonding in RHEL7 step by step, team in RHEL7, bonding centos7
Id: eZvIz8wv_kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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