Differences between Emergency and Rescue mode in Linux | RHEL7 |CentOS7 |Part-4

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[Music] hello and welcome today I'm going to discuss and show you about the difference between emergency and rescue mode in Linux so in hl7 I have already showed you some videos I have prepared which soars above the rescue mode how you go inside rescue mode and also how we go inside you need single gel mode and you can do some operation like if you have run into some issues like file system related issue or some other issues or current kernel panic issues how you are going to recover your system so for s Q I already have prepared a video and I showed you that in sites less both there is one rescue a mess with that you'd be able to boot your system and you'd be able to recover your system right so you can be able to do that but the problem is in case C that information in the boot prompt the the boot menu you would be able to see that in it our DM is rescue if that is not showing for some reason right so from where it takes basically it takes from this file grab dot C F G if I just grab for rescue I have to be able to see the information right so this is for my kernel and this is for my inner image so that imp information is populated in grab dot CFG file and that is why when I reboot my system in menu from I can be able to see that line in case in your scenario if this entry is not updated in Grasse dot CFG file then how you go inside this key mode that I have been doing to show you in this video and also I am going to tell you the difference between emergency mode right the first thing what I have to do is I have to reboot my system let me just reboot it okay so in this menu prompt now I have to go inside this so I have to place II okay and come to Linux sixteen line below and go to the line here and after you're LV you have to specify whether it is a route LV or your swap will be you can specify here like system D dot unit dot emergency so let me just go inside emergency mode first dot sorry emergency dot target so this is how you have to specify write it is equal to here sorry so system B dot you need gildo emergency dot target so this is what you have to specify and once you've done that this place window next and it should lend into emergency mode and it should ask for a password good password okay so here is the prompt then now if you do not know the root password then how you get inside it so for that let me just show you quickly how to set your root password also it means as I said it and go and set this again and let me just go to the same thing line Linux sixteen and here for go inside single agent mode you have to go end of the line right not like in between and here is specify in it equal to bin SS or probably you can use bias also that is not an issue and relax and now you have the best from and it is very minimal you cannot be able to do much operation in this so to set a root password what we have to do is first thing you have to remount to your root password ah sorry root filesystem has readwrite so let me just do that and now I need to set my root password so I say the root password is rad right so now if I just wanted to reboot it is not going to work this command will not going to work why because this command is not available here see this not available also if I just wanted to do something called systemctl reboot that will also not going to work so for that what you have to do is to reboot your system just need to specify a swing in it so once you run this command the system will going to reboot it and you can able to see my system is coming up now [Music] right so now you have said that your root password you know the root password so that you'd be able to go inside emergency mod or risky mod so what I have to do is it is going to take some time to bring come up my system because I have installed and Sibyl tower in the system so let me just reboot it again and again I have to go back to here and what we are supposed to do we will going to do now which is nothing but M RN C Mon and let me go inside here and type the same thing system D dot you need equal to emergency dot target control X and I know under the root password now which is Red Hat and now I can able to see the prompt right and it looks it looks like all the components has come up I have my VG's information and also if I do a DM phone edge but in the FF and edge you can able to see there is no file system which is other than root only the root file system is mounted there is a difference between rescue and emergency mode right there is one difference and second thing if I just do a graph for root filesystem you can able to see it is read-only it is smarted as read-only so what you have to do is you have to to do any changes in emergency mode you will have to do mount - aw the mount and you have to rewrite your filesystem and then you would be able to do the changes that is one difference and third thing and also if you see if I just do I F config there is no networking my interface is not available right it should show my interface this one as well if you in s 33 which was which is not active and I cannot see inside this I have country basically I have saw everything active or inactive interface so that is the difference you would see in emergency mode in Yemen in also in emergency mode there want you much services started as compared to rescue mode in rescue mode most of the service will going to start right in emergency mode it will start minimal services ok so now you know how to get inside this ski mode and I will also show you a difference like you'd be able to switch from here also you don't need to reboot your system so we're getting to gain into rescue mode from here you would be able to distance systemctl and if you do rescue you should be able to get inside the disk you mod see it gives a problem so if I just keep a password here and now I'm in this key mod so now if I just do mount 5 grab root file system and now you can see the difference it is currently read/write earlier it was read-only and now it is readwrite in emergency mode right and the networking part would be the same you not have the networking part in my rescue mode as well but you should be able to see your let me just do an Dean - Ed's your file system the apart from your root file system see here I can see the data file system in emergency mode I was I wasn't able to see the data file system it did not mount but in rescue mode I am able to see the data file system which is part from my root Road VG file system right it is under data busy so that is the major difference between rescue mode and emergency mode and you can able to switch between this Q mod and emergency ward by running systemctl command right and that is one method you can use and also the other method let me devote it and go inside here again and go to this the next line and specify again system the dot unit equal to instead of emergency here you have to say rescue dot target so this is how also you can be able to get inside rescue mode you would be able to see the prompt for rescue and you would be able to get inside this come on let me just log in so I hope this video is informative for you if you feel this video is informative and you like this video then please subscribe my channel and also hit like thank you so much for watching my video have a good day [Music] whatever I go whatever I say I remember y'all if you remember me [Music]
Channel: Tune To Linux
Views: 19,730
Rating: 4.9475064 out of 5
Keywords: rescue mode in linux redhat 6, rescue mode in linux, emergency rescue, emergency mode in linux, emergency mode in rhel 7, what is emergency rescue, what is emergency and rescue mode in linux, how to boot into rescue mode centos 7, how to boot into rescue mode linux, kernel panic upload mode, kernel panic in rhel7, kernel panic, grub prompt after reboot, grub prompt at startup, grub prompt, differences between emergency and resue, rescue mode in rhel 7, fix all grub issues
Id: i3-CKvz3p64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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