Understanding Speaker Crossover (In Depth)!

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today we are going to have a little discussion about speaker crossover i've done many different videos on crossover how to set it up how to decide what's right for you but i realized that until you truly understand what a crossover a speaker crossover is and what it's doing you may never ever set it right so i want to go in depth and talk about what crossover is as far as what a speaker crossover is from one speaker to another what it's really doing to the sound and i think once you get a really good understanding of it you'll be able to correctly set it in your system so let's talk about crossover and then we're going to go to the screen here and we're going to actually put it in action so you guys can see what's going on so what is a speaker crossover well in short a speaker crossover is a range of frequencies in which that speaker is allowed to play before it passes it on to another speaker so that could be high frequencies or low frequencies whatever speaker you may have so most home digger systems have a subwoofer maybe one two three maybe four subwoofers or more and you want to cross over your speakers so that their speakers are playing in their most comfortable range so for example i have some canton ventos they have a range between 20 hertz up to i think 40 000 kilohertz so they have a pretty um broad range of performance i also have two svs pb 4000 subwoofers which dig down to i think 13 hertz or something ridiculous like that so they have a pretty deep register too so what a crossover was going to allow me to do is to let my speakers play where they're comfortable and then when it gets to the really really low notes we're going to cross them downward to the subwoofer so that the subwoofer plays what it's supposed to and my speakers are free from strain so they don't have to play those really low notes that could potentially damage my speakers now same thing goes and vice versa my subs will be cross over to the speaker so once those frequencies start to get too high in the registers my floor standing speakers will take over those frequencies so that my subwoofer doesn't have to try to play too high of frequencies so a crossover just allows that certain speaker to perform where it's most comfortable where it's most present where it's most natural because if you try to play a speaker too high in the frequency range or too low you cause distortion you cause coloration that takes away from the sound and so you want speakers to play comfortable because that's how you add longevity to your equipment trying to play something that is not supposed to will quickly deteriorate that cone that driver that motor that amplifier and you could see prematurely your system start to deplete right there are my canton vinto a 96.2 the speaker that gets down to 20 hertz up to 40 000 kilohertz i have this speaker crossed over at 40 hertz and what does that mean well this speaker is going to play from 40 hertz up to 40 000 kilohertz but once it gets closer to that 40 hertz and starts going downward 35 30 25 the speaker is slowly going to start to roll off and the subwoofer is going to take its place so let's talk about the center channel the center channel plays around 40 hertz up to 40 000 kilohertz as well but we don't want the center channel playing sub frequencies so we're going to cross this one over say 60 hertz so what does that mean this speaker is going to play 60 hertz and up but once it starts getting down 55 50 45 it's going to start to roll off and pass it to the next available speaker in this case the canton vinto a96 the four setting speakers so once it gets to 60 here and starts to roll off it starts to roll off to this speaker which plays 60 down to 40. once it gets to 40 it starts to roll off to the subwoofer and now we have the subwoofer playing sub 40 frequencies um so vice versa if we're going upwards let's say this let's say i have a subwoofer afford a pb4 thousand back there in the back corner there my pb4 thousand plays 13 hertz maybe up to 180 or something like that correct but we don't really want the subwoofer playing past 120 because when you get a subwoofer playing high frequencies you're asking that driver to move very very quickly and the bigger the driver the harder that driver is going to have to work to move at fast frequencies subwoofers are not really meant to play higher than 120 hertz most times than not because you don't want that speaker moving really really fast because you're going to start to get slow bass late bass inaccurate bass so we have my subs crossed over too so at 120 hertz this sub starts to send the frequencies back to the four four standing speakers um because they're comfortable playing 120 hertz up to 40 000. that subwoofer is not comfortable playing much past 180 hertz so we don't want it to have to try because then that's how we get an accurate bass we get slow bass behind the beat we want my speakers to handle where they're comfortable so i have my front speakers set to 40 hertz so they're going to play 40 hertz all the way up to 40 000 kilohertz okay um but once it starts getting below 40 it's going to start to roll off to the subwoofer now when you set your crossover you're not completely cutting off anything 39 and lower it still plays 35 still plays 30 and maybe a little bit of 25 but at a very reduced db level so it's still playing those frequencies but it's lowering those frequencies so that it's not straining the drivers not really hearing a lot of distortion it's cutting them off ever so slightly so that it doesn't destroy your speaker and that it gives the subwoofer a chance to do what it's built to do same thing with the sooner channel i have it set to 60 hertz because really you don't want your voices to be sounding too muffled if you have a really a real rumbly grumble kind of sound when you hear the human voice speak then your crossover is set incorrectly it could either be your center channel or it could be your subwoofer is too high which we'll talk about soon but i have my center channel set to 60 because for me i like the voices to come through sometimes when you're watching like an action movie there's a guy right in the middle of the screen shooting a gun okay so you want that dud that to come through this inner channel because you want that realism you don't want to cut off the center channel too much and make it anemic sounding especially with the male voice which registers around 80 hertz you want that speaker to be able to register um the lower notes some men speak lower than 80 hertz some people speak down here which is more like 75 60 hertz so you want your speaker to be able to reproduce a low deep voice you don't want to cut that off same thing with surround sound sometimes you get effects behind you that dig a little bit deep sometimes i also have those set to 60 hertz sometimes a firework or a grenade in the background or a deep voice coming from the bottom right screen behind you you need that to also be relatively low so that you can get good reproduction of the human voice or some action so i have that set to 60 60hz for the same reason i do as the center channel and then my atmos speakers are set at 80. you're not really getting a lot of bass from the atmos section and typically when you're getting at most effects it's probably a thunderstorm it's probably a plane it's probably a bird so you don't really need a lot of bass with those effects because typically the atmos section is on your subwoofers are probably doing something too unless you're getting like a bird or a butterfly or a bee flying past you then because this is so you don't really need bass of course for those kind of notes but more times than not when the atmos section is fired up so is your subwoofer the subwoofer will take care of the low frequencies speaking of subwoofer how do you cross that up well let's go down to the subwoofer section itself you can actually set your subwoofer independently um so some options for receivers you have a subwoofer mode either lfe or lfe plus main what does this mean lfe means that you can set your subwoofers crossover by itself just like all your other speakers so for me i have mine set to 120 hertz and why do i have it set so high you may ask it's easy a lot of times when you're watching a 4k ultra hd movie there are some frequencies that play 120 hertz that the sound engineer wants the subwoofer to play because it wants to emphasize that certain thud that certain note it wants the subwoofer to give it its best rumble because the sound engineers want that certain scene that certain moment emphasized so yes your 47 speakers and stuff will take care of those notes but sometimes the subwoofer gets delivered that frequency 2 to add emphasis now if you put your subwoofer mode into lfe plus main your subwoofer is now playing every single one of the notes that your front speakers are playing why would you want this on well if your speakers aren't too bass heavy if they don't really produce a lot of bass you can ask your subwoofer to play a little bit of it too so your speakers and your sub are playing the same frequencies until you reach the speaker crossover which in this case is set to 40 hertz so your lfe plus main means they work together playing the same frequencies lfe just means that your subwoofer is independently controlled so you can set its crossover by itself in this case mine is 120 hertz alright guys crossovers can be sometimes confusing but if you know exactly what it's doing then you'll be able to better set it for your speakers so everybody knows 80 hertz is kind of the magic number but if you really want to fine tune and get the best performance out of your speakers i recommend going in checking the manufacturer's specs seeing what that speaker's range can actually perform at and then set your speakers accordingly also room acoustics help too or not help in some cases for example maybe you have a lot of bass at a certain frequency you don't want your subwoofer and all your speakers playing 80 if you have a gobs amount of 80 hertz presence you may want to take some speakers out of the equation and let maybe the subwoofer do 80 or maybe let the the floor tanner the floor speaker do 80. so that not all your speakers are giving you 80 and it's overwhelming so it really just depends on your room don't let anybody set your crossover for you it is 100 room acoustics speaker performance speaker placement peaks and knolls those factor into what you should set your crossover to so my numbers may not be the same you may have the exact same speakers with the exact same rants processor but i promise you your setup should not be similar to mine whatsoever because our rooms are different and how things perform and what we like to listen to i'm so that being said guys leave me a comment down below let me know what speakers you have and what crossover do you have them name me all your speakers and subwoofers and then what crossover do you have with them let us know that down below because i'm sure a lot of you guys have similar speakers to other people who are kind of curious on what you have you're set to so leave me a comment down below let me know what speakers you have and what did you set the crossovers to also leave a like if you haven't already and subscribe if you're not one already we'll see you in the next video keep this guy out peace [Music] you
Channel: Kpaceguy
Views: 31,687
Rating: 4.9268699 out of 5
Keywords: kyle pace, Kpaceguy, Kplaysgames, what is speaker crossover, how to set speaker crossover, 80hz, home theater, canton vento, svs pb4000
Id: asJW0Aa7p8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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