Options and Variants Management in Windchill Webcast

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the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen-only mode good morning and good afternoon everyone thank you all for joining us for our webcast today we will be presenting options and variance management in windchill I'm Matt Tiger Ali I will be your moderator and cidade Saddam Couture will be our is our BWI senior technical consultant and he will be our presenter today we'll begin with a brief BWI intro who we are how we help manufacturers with solutions across the product lifecycle then we go right into the presentation around options and variance management in windchill along with a live demo and then at the end we will wrap up with the questions and answers at the end of the webcast you're all currently in listen-only mode but you can write in your questions throughout the webinar and we will make sure to answer them at the end of the webcast very way Millard International is a division of barry-wehmiller a 2.4 billion dollars global organization that provides capital equipment engineering and IT consulting for a diverse array of industries was more than 130 years of manufacturing experience very way member it has a rich blend of capabilities and legacies of more than 80 plus businesses united by the company strong values innovation service and business barry-wehmiller continues to grow rapidly with more than 11,000 team members and 100 plus locations worldwide serving customers all in all corners of the world where we have no international is the global provider of business and technology solutions for the mid-market manufacturing domain for unique business model enables us to offer global expertise and consultative services and having a strong local presence and the markets we serve with operations strategically located to meet client needs throughout the US Europe and lily's 80 Pacific be-what BWI offers world-class engineering enterprise IT application managed services solutions and enables clients to achieve a competitive edge and their marketplace our global headquarters is located in Atlanta Georgia with additional offices throughout North America Europe and India barry-wehmiller International is the global engineering and enterprise consulting division of barry-wehmiller a US based manufacturing leader of over artists our division provides total solutions across the profile helping manufacturers leaders drive more business engineering where we manage a rich manufacturing like I think tracing back to 1885 serving all sizes of businesses running small midsize to Fortune 1000 manufacturers we provide solutions for device group of customers in the globe in Europe Asia and the u.s. from small companies to large household names and everywhere in between we get a quick couple of poll questions here and then I will turn over to cidade first question is are you currently using configurable products in windchill all righty thank you next question is how efficient is your organization in managing design variants already thank you and the final question here and we will get to what you guys are here for do you agree supply driven manufacturing industry is increasingly transforming into demand driven all righty thank you everyone I will now make Sadat the presenter and get you to the presentation thank you might notice Oh God you should have the Baldr let you know when we can see your screen yeah there's a ministerial urgency messaging not yet there we go we get your screen there and then if you can put it in presentation mode there we go all right oh thanks my folder inverted sense hello everyone not all right so I welcome all to this webinar managing design and variance with winters so the overall agenda of this webinar is of interruption options and radians in a wind shift followed by demonstration and then link then we can take our questions and answer session so first of all interesting about myself my name is erina shall be conducting this webinar today I've been working on a British products windchill William ding projecting implementation configuration and customization for eight years so to start with options and gradient latest understand or why there is a limit of gradients so the picture on the right hand side illustrates the steadily increase of product variety in a US auto industry Henry proved one of the founder of mass production Acura unprecedent productivity gains with a with the strategy based on the loop product variety his famous who was like any customer can have a car painted any color that his own so long as it as it is than black but so many Sonia Slater all friends of these looms replied a for every pose and purpose articulated the General Motors General Motors strategy of a different shake at pride and a value and their concept of first offering from Chevrolet to Cadillac seven ways another using with strategies of variety General Motors cream steadily to become the largest enterprise in the world filling in almost market share from fold along the way there is another example of a Mazda 323 because Pristina Japan Hiroshima plan so they delivered a worldwide market you know 180 different colors included four shades of black so these are the examples for I am - was very forceful so so I've always known the customers requirement nowadays has been changing time to time in the current market the variety of curves also in the most industry has increased steadily over the last several decades this is because of due to high demand types of the manufacturing like craft production mass production green production etc so as most companies compete internationally the direct markets become more touted and the first differentiation more importance nowadays so when many companies struggle with this product variety sometimes occurring reduce the productivity and the quality it is found in some of the audience or manufacturing plants that they organize their production in a way that allows them to absorb high levels of product variety without compromising their productivity and the body so the obvious question at this point how do some plans manage the effects of product variety so at the end your clients may choose one of each way in but before choosing that variant then we choose more than one option in the same problem and there were the options and variants will be comes into the picture so we saw going deep into the options and and I would like to reflect some business strategy around in using podiums and manufacturing industry who suppose the spread of curiosity so the first strategy people talk about the assemble to order this strategy is also known as way to order wearing this strategy the products are ordered by customers are driven swiftly and these products are customizable to certain extent with a distinct options and choices the strategy requires the basic parts of general parts where where the bottom of already manufactured but not a language the industries like the notion of passenger vehicles large and heavy equipments home builders or where the mass volume productions are that they assemble to order a team strategy has been you coming to the second strategy configure to order so we English strategy the products are assembled and once you go it's based on the customer specific custom customer specific requirement so no more engineering is required unlimited when the customer requirements are already known so industrial products or automotive or else for aerospace suppliers use this CPU strategy engineer to order is almost similar to the one cure to all orders strategy many of the automotive and aerospace supplies use internal to orders strategy where the components your general product is design engineers and ability specifications only after the ordering the order has been the same talking about the assemble to stop strategy this strategy is used to design a general product with the mind use changes of their changes to address the individual market or fish analyst so most of the consumer products industries where the product may be mass-produced in several colors sizes of this book rying levels or 50 features in the palette and finally of the concept context / of development well the industries like a versus or difference where the custom design and custom manufacturer of products to fill space to fulfill the unique requirement of a specific customer is needed so this strategy is been used so to achieve all these manufacturing strategy it is looking to the solution we help certain we help you doctors available for these manufacturing strategy splashing so assemble to order of 800 order strategy can be you can be achieved using PVC winches options and grain while wanting us to order this strategy can be achieved by pay option modular and in order to order can be achieved by creo parametric now to focus on winter capabilities so we is able to create and manage configurable product or power structures when she'll meet the optionality requirement of the customers we can create number of options and choices in the windchill and furthermore we can filter them depending upon the selection logic there is a filtering of some applied rules from these options and choices and get the corresponding variants as a result windchill is also capable of finally advanced level of option allocated arm like the choices can be poses was filed into sub choices for even more specific selections like if you take the example of flood of the power month now customer can choose color from different shades of one color also so so here Stalin is the option red color is deployed and dark red vanity in great friends they use it with the subtlety windchill combines both is building and advanced selection step ability to filter out and finding the results chicken review of the variant because translating it at the deliverable and finally the gradient will be treated as per requirement and reuse in a puzzle assembly processes and application and superior to windchill options and gradients offers the companies the ability to conceive as their basic scale and rapidly that if if necessarily can be adjusted with respect to the customer specific time so here is the process of defining the general product families wherein in the first stage we study about the requirement then after analyze the poor and option features of the cult and the create the product wave so I will cover all the steps in my demonstration going further this picture depicts some of the elements of the contrary instruction so if you look at the top levels so the punctual the considerable table of products is those it will cross label product of the family which comprises of some scribble models the wine different options to select and focus with average variation as per the plan the function level or is do nothing with your sub assembly having some of standard or optional powerful tools that we look at this there are two types of tiles and fill by selecting distinct options or choices by clicking any one of the tired I can create a different way in on the right hand side the different colors boobs represents the different options and choices now by combination of a distance of options and choices I can take different variants which are shown under the aroma so for this top level comparable products who has a genetic platform design some of the states are using design so analyzing the platform and optionality department as using the current process for EU creating the general generic product definition releasing and maintain the platform let us understand this exists by example of a car manufacturing industry I've taken the example of this car because because the same terminologies I have used in my demonstration so that you can settle it to what is what is the considerable progress module options choices and variance etcetera so to look at the picture the car the pencil the sensor element is of a considerable so basic requirement of the top which type of tire to be manufactured what is the engine engine selection dialog default color a condition is HR so these nozzles we can call it as options and options can can be sometimes most require or sometimes not of that may have may or may not have a solution depending upon the design of requirements whereas the engine tile colors these are the mandatory options required for the manufacturing of the car now every option will have different choices to further selection like a conditional have different choices of hands on guilty and motor the color option has the red black silver so of the selection of each option and choice the specific variants will be generated based on the selection logic that is now if you look at the table the three types of a sea of shade of the facade figures of the tires type and Indian vegetal domination I can create and put it in the modes of gradients and even two variants as an example anger they should all just reportedly waves but in a bunches you can define all these options and choices in the option pool because our central database and before placing these two 43 it's using the different printer option printers you can do and you can finalize your variant so before pressing 243 parts actually in a windchill as a deliverable you can review them and you can make your decision so these are the two steps are giving patient your variant analyzing specific specific variant requirements assessing the furnace platform party you creating the variant definition and releasing and maintain with it the first variant I've taken as example where among the three choices of the air conditioners and some building rules as I've taken world us as a air conditioners as children silver silver silver' is the color of my Balkan car body the type of the power wants a hatchback I in Gina have used smaller specific and tireless Continental so all these option and choices selection logic makes one grade I got a name that the Salukis was coming to the wedding - I have changed my air conditioners from waters to phantoms as thousands of body of my far as a red I have selected the type of the power has the Syrians I kept the engine the same as their open event one and the file based own so this is different ways different variants unlimited as absolutely desire so this distinct options and choices play a prominent role in creating your different variants these are some of the terminal terminologies using options and gradients in a windchill I'll cover all the single in my demonstration so this picture is about how the quanta variable a structure is fine the weather with a part structure associating the objects with some kind of length we can follow us over only in a winter and providing the information life threats option options choices and expressions official now how options and gradient so when we compute in a wind chills so there are some steps once you've played all your de las meters past structures you have to convert you guys into the content levels of products at the top level then you have to create some options and choices required for the product family you have to create all these options and choices in option pools so option pool acts like the central database from where the selection of options and choices and done so options data if the set of options and choices that is required to create your configurable products and then further depending upon your font suitable tools and selection logic of this options and choices left that place the different sort of variants so we leave out the different choices are linked with the option now in windchill the options are also created in two categories one is the sales kind of design so depending upon the requirement the options will be categorized at the design options and sales options and then further holding in creation of a where iam if you filter out using the design or sales from design engineers they can set designers of the filter and they can view the design related choices and options while the sales persons they can set the sales of those options self is of category for the options and the view related or the respected options and choices for creating the different variants now we will also provide to create some of the console rebel rules that will make your products variant creation very effective and efficient way way many places so time required for building your configurable Lara so the first picture talks about the included rules now take an example of a top-level pop level stars so whenever the top their size is selected so the automatic transmission or trans trans will drive or airbags these some these some features gets added into the start automatically now whenever the choice one from option with one is selected the choice them from option 3 and choice 13 from the option 5 it's included or get selected automatic engine is not to go and manually select those options we're in exclude will exclude those to go for a low-level loop the additions are so these of automatic transmission or a bag or trans front will wrap this these features get excluded from the way so when when the choice was selected the twice line will be excluded or timidity and enable rules talks about whenever go for a mid-level car so enable rule makes you available for the selection of the choices so from the automated or manual selection you can select anyone absent from front or rear-wheel drive you can select any one of the choice with lengths from these four grounds brakes you can select any one of the choice between them so once once you complete with product is created you apply all the options and choices expressions to its considerable more experienced child parts of that structure and you create your different variant going to provide the option of comparing your variant structures now you will see giving comparison you can even have a look at the power structure and you can find out which part is looking which assembly on weight where it has been used on clicking of visualization tab whether you can see the training models of the cat part this is a option filter which I was talking about so once your configurable product is ready and the options and choices are finds or the expressions are assigned to the specific part now you can you can play it then you can try out the different combinations and you can find out what owning what kind of waves can be played and if those are duplicated or redundant in multiple assemblies you can save those waiting space specifications as a filters so this is picture about the wedding's builder when well on the left hand side whenever you whenever the optional choice is selected the the CalPERS gets updated automatically and the 3d model needed also ever updated according to the resolution of the choices let me talk about what is new in a winchell latest version so in winter winter 10.2 provides advanced expressions where you can write your personal Java file depending upon the person specific custom requirements of the organization of business strategies the expressions on parts and parking fillings now would like to extend a bit more about the expressions on parts and parking sizzling the length of the arc which are which are considered as a unique so no matter which assembly it is no matter which apartment it is but when it slides from option eggs and choice why the path should we get selected in that case the expressions will be applied on that part but if the same part is used in difference assembly but it's but with the collection of different options and choices in that case expressions will be applied on the party system it also provides Spanish collector collector for more coding for parties collecting the associated objects which is gendered hoop or of this is the option sets to analyze' percent system which are coded by the ticket it will finish in 11 min till 11.4 when the ESL options and way variants integration is results the computer will bomb or service plan in the published along with their associated associated option set and their expressions well you can provide it options and grains between the bomb in the manufacturing or project associated power structure browsers you can also define your options and weigh in for the processes and structures in the process then so this is all this is held up as a selection of the tricycle running a purpose plan windows alright let's jump into drop of the light demo this is my benches system and in which I have created the term as a cause you can have a look at all the attributes or the information about this product the name of this project the description the owner West created it created it when it is created and some system related information now the option pools which I was talking about with acts like the central database for creating all your options and choices now this is cause as my context now and below that there is a free of optional choices now acing color engine type style these are my options and it could if you click on in if you select any of the option in the right pane you can see the more details about that option even further you expand this option now under the AC option which are different choices are are available for for selection of the population during the very creation so under AC the voltage LG Samsung will cause one so these are the choices are available now here you as the more choices or even you can delete the more specific choice from the stables seem like for the color of engine I have created different prices for it now option sets is it's just like a template so bit okay going to the way in so what are the required options and our choices I will pop them and I will create a set and this set will be I will call it as the optionstation about creating the Suzuki Swift I am created one option said but you can see in their structure why are all options and choices that are creating now on all these options and choices I can apply some rules that you can see on the left hand side now exclude rules that want to have applied like whenever I will select AC as a go great the time Amaya MRF will be excluded from the variance whereas for the annual dues will make you some choices available for the selection now here is a folder structure for this product now in HP folder I have created of the parts that are required with respect to the option the choices that I am going to select so I say get the park or voltage pulse rate is P and worth food in the same way I have created this sub assembly under which all these eighties will be of type part of this this computable model saying there for car body I have created different paths for engine isolated different paths now coming to the considerable models of this pseudo cash wave no feminist 7x which is my considerable loss for the Suzuki now the details page will give you all the information about this different agreeable spot when you go to the structure you are able to see the path the actual part structure not all these random variables modules they are created under this seven eight services which is with quantitative whisper if you expand this content river waters which is nothing but a sub assembly it will have the right body silver body white body these are the the parts or which will get selected on selection of your option and choices now I will show you how the expression will be assigned some of any ee part that's added into the structure you can assign a different options and choices to these WT columns so for the red body WT part for the design option I have selected the radar the color and type as the hatchway so in the summary it will give you the information what options that you have selected in the same way for simple body I assigned the expression like a silver and type in H bang so the same is for all the considerable models and the parts like the AC voltage positive voltage issues of looking both raised hole tools and tiles and the engine parts I will assign all the expressions now a configurable part is ready to create the different grains where I am going to create a different way and I will go to the Actions menu and click on a configured action so this window will pop up which will give you a lot of options for filtering now here is on different configurations like view or different life cycle set you can you can figure out your structure now coming to the main part the option filter not depending upon the different options and choices I want to see how's the wedding's going to create now in select the both rate I want what is the AC of type roadways a wall color as a red I will select the multi superior engine now you can see the type of the car is hatch direct now you can see the MRF tyre is frozen it is it is not available for selection the reason because the computer will do that ahead said whenever I select the baud rate as a LC the amana style will be excluded from the trader or the identification structure so once I'm done with selection of all the choices and options so if you can see follows all options and choices that are created and but it click on the next button you can see the actual variant how this is going to be played now under this color Saluki I had played I had selected red as option so the red body has been selected over here I selected Goodrich as a so my choice of se so the voltage part has been selected over here the Continental fire has been selected because the tile or wood selected Continental and the sandwich the model specifically in green is selected now this now this is the preview of your variant and when you click on Next button if the same variant is already available in your wind chills like the district of selection or the option and choices if it is already available already using any of the assembly then this table in this table it will be it will be displayed to use to for the views Ryu stage for the using it otherwise you can create the new wave specification finally you can give the flame for the way so this will create your variant specification which will talk about what are the different options that you have selected different choices for different options that you are selected and further for your final deliverables that is your gradient you can request for the deliverables which will create your new word already this is one of the wedding that aspinall created earlier so all the way ends or will gate they'll have a number specific number start from already that that is specifying this is a variant design and it will have all the five shuttles that in soil number preview so this time making our favorite use of the configuration rules within the previous adventure and morning technique of an assembly to all the strategy with the flexibility of an equal status so that's all I have for this presentation Thank You Megan thanks a living photo listening with me thank you to that I'm gonna take over here real quick if you have any questions please do me a favor and write those in now until you actually wrote a question that a previously so we'll cover that as well but as you're you're writing in your questions here you guys will kind of do some some maintenance business here if you are looking to take your windshield skills to the next level we do provide PPC certified training classes in the 6 train facilities throughout the u.s. we also do on-site training or virtual training as well feel free to browse our training schedule by visiting our website be - WI comm backslash training if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our national training manager Jill ferret directly and he can help you find the right class that that you're looking for ah webcast our archived you can access those be - WI that come back slash webcast to Butte at your convenience and if you have any other questions you can you can reach out to me but please type in here any questions that you may have now and we'll we'll go to them another the first question that I have is there an intersection between options and variants that configure price quote cpq solutions and there so can you explain what it is and how to be successful all right so depending on the different differentiated prices so you can create a different options and the choices like what what in what are category of type of price that you won't do a differentiated product so you can create a corresponding options and using the option of filters the way I have shown their way to test one was the for the sales option and one was one word for the adsorption and one for the design option and using the filter and the expressions that I was talking about not using different concrete include enable and experience expressions you can you can manage those in your printer options and variance models okay all right um let's all the questions really have for this one and when they're actually just had one come in there's any of the new 10.2 and 11-point Oh features shown on a slide require additional purchases or do they come standard in windchill so the options and gradients are you need not to buying a license by only choosing the preference you can have this configurable model simple now the winter 10.24 advanced accessions or the windchill in it 11.4 so there's some erp connector in years i was talking about so there is some pretty citizens provide end-to-end of implementation but there is some kind of customization for the typical as well to have to have the propagation of all these options choices and sets from prepared from windchill to the erp solution so pretty pretty suppose so some of the ELP connectors and ESS ESS tools for those tools are suppose the propagation of this information is possible next question is how does this work with the cad files does it automatically create correlating cad files alright so whenever you create your title gaspar or chiasm are when you're checking of the cat palace you have first you to analyze and study all your options and all your font variable models that are created in the same structure you can create your tags power structure and when you are checking in to the wind chills those get associated with some of the length collars or owner links or image or distribution lengths and the one slide out which i was showing so each considerable model will get associated with your cash box and it will represent the same option and choices now the same option and choices you can see them in your real wedding video ok next one is can you explain how windchill would create the creo assembly and how does it know how to assemble each part together okay so here are the strategy which I was talking about engineer to order that can be used so whenever you create a simple part structure the same power structure you can use to place your assembly and the winter whenever it creates the WT part and with the same name when you create the cash part in appeal so while during the checking the winking loops for the thing of the past name or the past and of the unique attributes and it was identified so which WT part should be associated with it which guide part and that's how the tag palace of the creel will get associated with your mention okay it looks like unless anybody throws in a quick question here those are all the questions that we've gotten so with that we will end it to that thank you everybody for joining us like I said if you do have any further questions please feel free to reach out to me my contact information is there on the screen we will be having that another webcast in relation to bomb they're related to windchill information next month and then we will also actually February 17th will be covering creo 4.0 if you'd like to join us for that webcast as well again thank you everyone I think you should have a great job today and we look forward to seeing you all at the next webcast thank you all and alone with it so what
Channel: Barry-Wehmiller International PTC Solutions
Views: 7,777
Rating: 4.5384617 out of 5
Keywords: PTC, Options and Variants, B-WI, Windchill 11.0, PTC Windchill
Id: LsvKQ_Ba8b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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