Condor MOPC & AR500 Armor

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the Condor mo PC or modular operator play carrier is a very affordable alternative to many of the other plate carriers on the market the mo PC ultimately is one size fits all adjusting from medium to extra-large with just a squeeze of the adjuster this play carrier comes in a myriad of colors including authentic multicam OD green black and tan so will fit all of your color needs this play carrier has velcro on the front and back so it can accommodate all of your patches blood types etc also covering the front and back is the pals webbing system so all of your Molly attachments can fit on there easily and securely the Condor modular operator plate carrier accepts up to a 10 and a quarter by 13 and a quarter plates front and back and up to six inch by 8 inch side plates the plates shown here are the AR 500 are more curved trauma plate with the advanced shooters cut design and is a 10 by 12 inch plate these plates are level 3 and can take a hell of a beating from both handgun and rifle rounds the black coating that you're seeing is their packs con lining which helps to prevent spall and fragmentation of all the rounds hitting the armor given the curved nature of these plates and makes it very comfortable to wear in comparison to a normal flat plate I guess I do not Dave Moore here coming at you with a dual review of the Condor mo PC and the AR 500 armor a SC curved plate as you can hear so first let me just say that this review is based off of a civilian perspective I'm not military I'm not law enforcement so I have never worn body armor in a working fashion I've never worn it for work all day I've never put it through hard use and I have no really need to have a real hard use play carrier but nice a yeah if you can get one get a really good one obviously but my niche was a affordable alternative ultimately for the the play care and the body armor so really I got this to fill a niche and my niche is in short that one percent of their without 1 percent chance of civil unrest and apocalypse something like that so mostly this play carrier is going to sit by my rifle and reason being is I use my handgun for a home defense self-protection all bet I do not use a rifle I do not use my shotgun reason being is I'm more proficient with my handgun it's easier to wield and it's usually with me at all times so I just revert back to the handgun but if I ever grab that rifle for something then chances are I'm gonna want to grab this plate carrier also and chances are I will actually have time to grab this plate carrier so a lot of you might not agree with that a lot of you might have your own plan but this is pretty much based off my plan and how I'm going to use this plate carrier so stick with me and I'll get right to it all right so the Condor modular operator plate carrier or mo PC what is it well is basically a knockoff of a lot of the other plate carriers on the market you've got special operations equipment Esso tech tactical tailor LBT all of them they all have their own plate carrier and it seems like most of them are ultimately about the same design so this is a similar design as all of the other plate cares and as the pals webbing all over it for all of your Molly it has velcro on the front and the back it's got your carrying handle or your drag handle so to speak padded shoulder straps that are adjustable a cummerbund which can fit a six by eight side plate in them and it also has a clip on the inside of that has a second attachment point for the plate carrier the pocket will hold pretty much of standard plates or isapi zappy whatever they're called the steel plates soft armor shells it'll hold all of those and I believe it will hold up to like a twelve by fourteen inch plate so any plates you have probably going to fit in here and if it doesn't fit then your plate is probably some weird type of plate it does have the matte pouch aka the kangaroo pouch and there is a condor insert for that that will hold three magazines which I will review in a separate video I actually have one on the way until then I just have to talk three tacos on it to a r1 pistol the quality of this how is it quality well it's good quality it's good material all that the only thing that you might want to watch out for in a plate carrier of this nature being that it's only 70 bucks retail is the stitching the only thing that you see failing first is the stitching not the actual material tearing but the stitches breaking other than that it seems to be pretty good quality especially for the niche that I have it for so this is really perfect for me and for anybody else who kind of has the same mindset as me one thing though is a lot of these Pals systems they might start to stretch as you can tell this is kind of wobbly this top Pals loop is kind of a little little stretched out but it still works just fine one kind of complaint that I have about it is the cummerbund which is this part right here I weigh 195 pounds so I'm a larger dude so to speak but the way that this fits I kind of have to have it cinched down all the way so I'll show you a trick you pop open this and this is the cummerbund attachment now if you notice I have the kind of overlapped well in that and that's to have it as tight as I wanted well with that this pouch isn't really secured right here so a problem arises to have it properly attached of side by side like that give you the full velcro attachment point and that way it doesn't wobble as much well when you do that it makes this cummerbund really loose so even though I'm largely framed this does seem to fit kind of big and it's not really problem because normally since I I wear a belt mounted holster I have the cummerbund off I just remove it because it still has a buckle right here and that buckle for me works just fine so if you're a smaller framed person smaller than me this might fit a little large on you even though it is a one size fits all like I have the shoulder straps completely tighten down and I have the buckles here as tight as they will go and with a t-shirt it fits fine obviously if I add on some heavier clothing is I'm gonna have to loosen it up up a bit but I think the cummerbund is a little bit too big so I just remove it because I'm not wearing side plates I'm not putting all this [ __ ] gear on my sides so the cummerbund is a little big I just remove it and it kind of fixes that problem ultimately velcro is really strong like you said them you know materials really good the plate fits in a pouch under here and just slides right in it's held in with a velcro strap and then the velcro velcro closure flap goes over that and keeps it all secure holds the plates really nicely the plate carrier is padded on the back so it is relatively comfortable to wear especially with the curved plates and I really don't have any complaints about it except for the fact that it does fit kind of loose and the cummerbund seems to be a little miss sized but that could just be me I'm not sure another complaint I have is these little velcro flaps and not really sure why they're there maybe to hold a sling but I don't use them so they're kind of an annoyance but I said other than that for my niche this fits really well and for the price it's really perfect for a [ __ ] hits the fan situation maybe not for wearing it everyday for work military something like that so I know a lot of airsofters get condor and you know whatever but for real guns for real use and for a real niche like mine I think this will actually fit and fill that very well that's what she said alright guys so the ar500 plate I'm going to talk a whole lot about these because there are plenty of youtube reviews it's more in-depth talk about these on other people's channels but I'm just going to give my quick opinion this is a the AR 500 armor a SC curved plate it is steel and it does have the thin pecs cotton lining lining it is a level 3 rated plate up to a 7 6 2 by 51 NATO round meaning it can handle a 308 now obviously if you're watching testings on YouTube this can handle a whole hell of a lot more but the rating is only up to 308 but like I said they can take a bunch of hits from a bunch of calibers like I said this is the thin pecs con lining you can get it with a thicker lining that gives you a little more small protection the curved AFC cut plate I believe is a needed feature because it fits your body it allows your shoulder pocket to bend into into the plate and this is warranteed up to 20 years so it really doesn't expire like a lot of the sappy plates do a lot of people complain about the weight and they say that these are heavy but how much does a standard SAP you play weigh seven pounds seven and a half at least from what I know and these weigh the same so the weight argument is kind of null and void even though yes there are some sappy plays there are four pounds there are some there are two pounds of float all that but those plates are about $1000 apiece or $1000 least for the pair and these were going for 60 to 80 so what do you want to spend you want to spend a thousand for to play so they're gonna sit in your play carrier but buy your rifle and never get used or do you want to spend 200 for plates that are going to sit there I think that's kind of self-explanatory at least in my mind so price point is perfect especially for civilian use and you don't have a department volume for you the rating is awesome like I said it can take a bunch of hits from a bunch of bullets a lot of people complain to say that since its steel when the round hits it it's gonna splash in your face once again go ahead and watch some YouTube videos and you'll see that when the bullet hits it it splashes away from your face and I've watched many tests on that and no mannequin or anything has gotten hit in the face with fragments so that's that's not going to happen also this packs come lining helps kind of absorb all of those fragments into the lining itself like I said I have more armor or I don't have much experience with armor but just from a consumer standpoint and a first view of these plates I do not think that you can really beat them unless you get some free savvy placement from somebody but if you're buying them yourself you really cannot beat the AR 500 plate and like I said military arms channel I believe Iraq veteran 88 88 and a lot of other channels have done tests on these and actually shot them so if you want more information I would say go check out all those tests and just see exactly what they're capable of so really to sum things up the Condor M OPC is worth it for the price especially if you just have it for a certain little niche like I do the AR 500 armor plates are definitely worth it I've never been shot with them but just go and watch all the tests on those plates and you're be sold on it just like I was if you want to purchase any of these you can go to squared away surplus comm and you can buy all of it you can buy the AR 500 armor kit that comes with the M OPC or you combine them individually and you can also buy pouches and all that stuff for it so make sure you go to squared away surplus to pick all of these items up and make sure you like and subscribe and share my page to a few of your friends if you think that they like it so until then guys keep shooting
Channel: Dave Moore
Views: 34,753
Rating: 4.8623328 out of 5
Keywords: glock, ohio, militia, dtom, nra, three percenter, molon labe, instagram, firearms, guns, idavemoore, blog, squared away surplus, pro gun, 2a, second amendment, gun rights, condor, mopc, plate carrier, plate, carrier, ar500, armor, ballistics, steel, gear, review, ar500 asc, body armor, product review, Firearm (Sports Equipment), hsgi, taco, Reviews, sas, squared, away, surplus, civilian, niche, pew pew, gear whore, condor modular operator plate carrier
Id: 4pZN7Scngfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2015
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