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[Music] first block going down there we go the back set out and it works block don't just look when it happens so let's open up into the grooves done these things are just so versatile get yourself a pair and there's robin again let's get a close-up of him there he goes [Music] so [Music] right saturday morning uh i remember the date anyway that's irrelevant alex has been getting some blocked in while i've got a mixing you've really see all this in time-lapse next job is cut all these for the returns for our bond i'm just gonna cut those those 16 for now just to give us a start now we're going to do is put a block in each corner and run the first course round because we're going to put the damp on top of the first course set our wall out or separating wall and then we'll see how we get on then once we're all leveled up we're going to concentrate on this back wall see how we get on and uh instead of building corners we're just going to put maybe one or two and put the fits bricks on and then when i come back tomorrow my own which is the sunday i'll just put the profiles up and off we go yeah that's it so i'll just get these things cut and then we'll get cracking [Music] [Applause] [Music] first block going down good yeah that's five mil if you start going too big with these blocks this starts wobbling it's very true there you go um it does work like you said a block to a block which is your optical sweep just beat what's in this corner so it'll be the same on that side so those all right so let's block to a block that way but it butts up like that so there's no room for that which is a bit hard to explain right so when we come over the top of the next course we have to cut three quarters to kill our bond in that corner what that means is we're only cutting a piece every other course whereas if we bond it through to a full one at the end we have to put a three-quarter all the way up so by doing it that way we'll just put in one piece every other course and we will do away with these on the corner as well i'll explain that when we get down here we go brew time but it's only quarter past now we're gonna have an early broom uh alex is ready for him after moving a load of these things yeah all corners are in so the bond on the corners is opposite so it works the bond swaps each corner both directions so that goes from a full to a half full to a half well a bit less than a half we've spoke about already same again full to a half and we're gonna have an expansion in the middle of this and then we've got french doors about here solid wall with a window solid wall solid wall you past a pedestrian door single single door somewhere along this wall here so we're just getting our door sizes to set them out and then we're going to put pillars in but we haven't decided where they're going yet we're going to do them as we go and it's a lovely cool breeze today so quick brew and then we're going to get the uh i'm going to show these again taking the bricklaying wheel by storm these rascals absolutely brilliant so we can we can just whack them on now these will have gone off enough that's it jobs are good obviously put a line on that's going to be there we go the back set out and it works block don't you just look when that opens so this is gonna have a pike up here and we're gonna have a pillow in the middle we're not quite in the middle because the pond's shifted to one side so our pillar will come here so there'll be a block up stand here and they'll be too flat to bond in with this wall [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's the long side in just have to have a little shifty about on this we managed to make it work block but quite big perps so the perks are quite a lot bigger on this end so because we've got the expansion you can't just move it the expansion's got to be plumb so we've moved everything back so so far all the walls work block no cuts and we're going to put two pillars in each bay yeah one in here well divided into three section color section pillar section and then same again over there so four pillars per long length basically and in they'll middle fish the center is center lines there so we've just put ours as close to the center lines where it's blocked yeah that's two sides sorted alex has got a little more blocking and once he once he's got loaded up to scaffold height he's jumping on the child this afternoon so i'm just robin again so you can get a close-up of him there he goes yeah that's it yeah set up on this next leg now i think we'll set up on this long leg so that's just while he's still coming and going in there and then i've got a door here single door and then french doors are here first course is all going down today and once alex has got this all loaded we can get this wall set up and again we can get down here through the door if we need to get in and out but um we might just leave the bottom two bottom two sorry the center two block out for access for just getting the barrel in and out basically so we've come straight through the building yeah that's it for now you get set up on this long side now [Music] oh shit's coming out now [Music] [Music] uh it's amazing how well they grip and that is a tight line let's check this door size shed oh it's a big door it's not a single door like his french door kind of size 1200 right there's our friend's elevation our window this is the side elevation run now we've got the big french doors and the small french doors and then the window just after the historian wall so we just need a roof measurement for this party wall if you like it's a 1200 twelve hundred can you always put your brick on the inside so it's inside you open so you bang up to it and if you always put the brick in the same place you might won't make mistakes like that either yeah six five four zeros right so six five six five four zero works block half to a block six five four zero zero so we tighten up because we've got big cross joints here so we start with a half six five four zero there so we can tighten that up easy so we start with a half of the half of that door to a full one of that door okay always scrub out your old marks so you don't get confused by him easily done set fill that board up there now the board down there oh yes please just on the bin there thank mate [Music] uh you having this end then yeah you start with a full block get yourself a two foot level and plumb every block [Music] top we get two nice halves thanks pal i'm gone um yeah i'm starting with the half aren't i yeah yeah the doors it's not a normal single door it's 1200 not 900. all right could you check that let's go [Music] pretty sure we've got to hook round here somewhere try and get it with the beds if not we'll just have to cut a few we've got water now got water in first course we plumb every block we were leveling the tops but the blocks are wonky so we've got to do the face oh good yes uh [Music] so what's the point of having a toolbar with a hammock on if you don't put your hammer in the hook are both sides yeah are we going to see if everything this double double face the inside's getting like battened out and insulated and stuff but it's going to be stuck isn't it so we're going to keep it just keep it tidy when your joints you know all joints are full especially being on any single skin [Music] nice one cheers 15 15 21. yeah and there's there's two windows isn't there yeah so you need three 15s and a 21 yeah 6x4 concrete you want the deep ones yeah all right how big are these big questions massive off like double the size you're you're at the expansion joint now this should be eighteen hundred and ten every calculations are right oh we'll have to tighten up a bit actually now we can get that that's it you get your blocking and then stop well you don't have to stop i'll just put your expansion joints in all right i changed my uh okay [Music] [Music] now that should be 450 only freaking perfect sorry about the heavy breathing but the camera's directly below my mouth and i got told off for the every breathing on the and the singing last night one of all people my mum yes told me i sound like an old man she tells him off for breathing that's not good is it i haven't forbid you breathed that's beautiful yeah it's tight bed there give it a couple of taps plumbing up so we'll bed the next course up slightly to get over these little humps playing in front mate these blocks are wonky are they yeah so you just need to tap the bottom of that it's all right isn't it well done please do that it's offensive now all right okay all right we're gonna have an early dinner that's three sides up oh it's pretty much got it loaded now [Music] [Applause] right that's our middle wall our party wall set out that's um separates the that room from this workshop comes storage area i've left the two middle blocks out so we can get access in and out for loading out etc put a little cord up i don't need to go anywhere than that because um [Music] which is good so um unfortunately we've forgotten the lead so the batteries are dying quick so it's a lot of time that's today with the the occasional update so i'm gonna get my sun cream on now because it's warm out there i'm in the shade down here we're going to build that corn up there so get yourself you want to get that whacked up [Music] all right sunday morning solo so alex got all that clothes out from yesterday to make sure right today it's no loading just setting today concentrate on this side because that's the front i'm gonna take this up seven got a pillar in the middle well slightly off center from the middle because i'm going to follow the bottom of the block work and make that into a pillow because of the door pillar there but i'm not touching that yeah i'm just going to leave that as a return get this up seven and then i'll probably [Music] run this front in up to the intermediate which is put currently in the expansion joint i can run that through take that seven as well you probably put up here pillar just a bit back from expansion joint not quite central um i might put it opposite that one it won't be exactly opposite because the bond swaps so the two sides are like staggered like that anyway that's it i've got bricks put out for these that expanded metal stuff um yeah that's it get cracking got me belt on ready boards are already mix is on so let's get stuck in so hmm [Music] so so [Applause] [Applause] so so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] right tuesday morning didn't think we're back here till saturday but we're here uh back on site tomorrow a bit bit doing foundations but that's another story so alex just got us all loaded out for this section we're gonna get this up to seven today and then we'll probably hop over there while there's two of us and get that section in our past anyway [Music] yeah not much reason to say mixes in waterfall lines up and we're ready to go oh yeah i just need a quick another quickie with the fixed brick clamps lines up there for that course but we've got this little section of mist so get your clamp on throw it down tingle yep there's one same again [Music] open up into the grooves done ready to go and then as opposed to putting a brick on that you tend to you're not lying and the line moves out on the brick you don't notice well that's going nowhere these things are just so versatile get yourself a pair [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] you [Music] [Music] right tuesday afternoon well that's stuff to want to think about one so yeah that side's in the sky on the awkward to front now [Music] the window there with a pillar it doesn't really work but that's going to be against this party wall and then expansion and then two pillars either side of our french doors that tracy ordered no doors on that side that's that's just the window in that side up i have to check where that window is this is where the pill drops yeah we'll come back to that anyway yeah so we're cracking on hope we're aiming to get there scaffold front and back today i'll be three sides up and then we're back at the weekend i think where they've missing put it back on site tomorrow foundations which we're still not very happy about but it's like if you want these plots you've got to do the footings so a bit of blackmail going on so gold on the chestnut now sorted [Music] [Music] two halves [Music] okay control here we go looking after us [Music] that racket is a sawmill next door it's a lot more piece of work weekend push that nice and tight against that extension lovely whoa seven newton con because you know when you've been on these all day so foreign i've got a foot level have to save all our rock stuff the levels are our favorite we've sent these two of these but where we bought the two-footer which is down there i've got impressed with them [Music] only to plummet that way 215. oh brand new one yesterday that was it yeah shows how tough those horrible bricks were let's get this expansion back in now this invention then including marvellous [Music] right what i'll do is now is get my line up [Music] well let's get started i'll get my lineup there's the two footers telling you about cracking it level so i'll wait for alex just swap that on there superb [Music] i'll put two hours while i'm waiting 220. 220. that's it that's marked a couple of taps on the line beautiful seconds later [Music] right i'll put that line why are you putting that brick in please oh we own the blacks on the corner a concrete block box bricklayer's dream right al it's in that line sure corner up cheers [Music] oh so motor's going off quick today it's crap sand which doesn't help yeah that air that's a bit high up in there that so we'll get that sorted by a bit of nibbling we got the scotch there ow thank you you should always have a scotch handy always come in handy so so oh whoops pushed it then [Music] uh whoa uh the only downside of all this is double double face pointing a lot of painting [Music] [Music] uh um so [Music] hmm good [Music] well [Music] now uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] that's the one you're gonna play [Music] that's it that's real time on one course that's what we're doing so we're on the full full length now and that was leveled up so we're going to go back onto time lapse now get everything done i'll get these over last two courses should we end up with more to probably end up putting a couple down there so i'll see you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] ten to three that's what's done for today it's too actually putting the mix in now we've done three mixes in which he's done is about getting off that'll do for 190 for today fully roasting so we're all leveled up now front back on one side there's our storage door 1200 pillar party wall blocks left out for access forward the window 1.8 off your [Music] this one isn't quite for 1200 window it's going to be a block and block pillar like that so it'll look a bit different but it's doing the same job and then once that window is finished that pillar is pretty much central it's going right to the top of the pike keep that so here we go away now we're running out of blocks anyway that's yeah there's probably about 80 blocks left altogether so we're gonna wait until the delivery comes hopefully before we'll saturday back around saturday we can get that front get that front done get the front done and then [Music] we need to get some treasures that organised [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bricklaying With Steve and Alex
Views: 48,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xzegENoNiVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 54sec (3174 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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