Concorde Tribute - Gone But Never Forgotten

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Sweet looking aircraft, too bad it is no longer in use.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/misterlizert 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] everyone [Music] good take [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] the nominee thirakkatha HR 801 tree she's brought citiots today thought people could reminded us all that even direct spore disease we are late in general with Lamar what needs be around their bums living there's the view of New York from the Triborough bridge as the Sydney Opera House and there's gonna be the three most beautiful man-made sites many more Colcord at the red arrows filled the sky we fiend down the mal we could see her Majesty standing on the veldt [Music] was brilliant his uncle's farsighted designers thought ahead and kept in the infomercial [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] landowner another Concorde sort of stacking up behind him there must have been other tech that the technological advances just like the moon landing guide oh no gave us Teflon for example there must have been things associated with Concorde oh absolutely many and not least the worldwide prestige which is one for British aviation British engineering and there is no doubt that the spin-off effect of Concord almost immeasurable for instance Airbus would not have been formed and it not been did for the cooperation between England and France in the construction of another thing we had which is unique is the thrust of power when Concorde accelerates from the cruising speed of a normal jumbo to supersonic speed and you literally go back in your seat like then as you come but this of course is absolutely the reverse person when she comes in to learn children like this and Swan touching down on a lake or something such an elegant long necked beautiful creature we haven't mentioned the drops note of Honor around the airport to come on to the stand Jones just tell me what you're thinking now I was actually thinking about the staff at Kennedy Airport the British our staff will miss it madly they were fantastic to us in fact the home of the Port of New York Authority and the air traffic controllers at Kennedy Airport were treated Concorde with tremendous health and assistance in cooperation tell me there's being a pilot who you treat him as somehow something different above the rest almost all the pilots got a little chip eaters because to fly that beautiful thing wasn't us that were a cut above the rest was that airplane there was a cut above the rest we were very all we were were the privileged pilots and flight engineers who were allowed to operate I talk of smoke and what's that nose [Music] craft to bring it back for what has been a relatively short period of time but tell you what I do think very strongly indeed I don't believe the British Airways should ever have grounded their Concorde and you can see we can stopping we can see the Union flag poaching out of the window there as possibly the most famous nose in the world and just look at the people behind it the ground crew they've probably all got other things they make the beginning away but the whole airport I suspect that Heathrow has come to a halt for these three Conchords just to go back very briefly to what you said saying if you cast your mind back you'll remember that after fruitful event at Paris British Airways carried on operating their Concorde for about three weeks with a whole lot of very tight checks and procedures agreed with the Civil Aviation Authority and it was a venture I'm afraid pressure mainly from France that ended up with the ground in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bizzel Spot & Fly
Views: 590,445
Rating: 4.8381915 out of 5
Keywords: Concorde, aircraft quiz, aviation, concorde compilation, concorde highlights, concorde gone but never forgotten, bae, british airways, airfrance, heathrow, jfk, british aerospace, charles de gaule, legendary, Airbus, Boeing, supersonic, last flight, airplane, aeroplane, airport, never forgotten, the concorde, aerospace, bac, sud aviation, aerospatiale, 24 October 2003, ba, london, new york, paris, jet, speed, avion, flugzeug, avgeek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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