Concorde - Full Flight Experience | Real Airline Pilot | British Airways - London to New York | MSFS

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okay we're clear to take off everybody all set yeah okay three two one now hello again guys welcome back to the channel in today's video we are taking a look at an aircraft that i know many of us have been looking forward to we are of course looking at the dc designs concorde we'll be taking a slight change of tack for the review today nothing drastic broadly the format will be similar however i'm pretty keen to find out for myself and certainly very keen to demonstrate to you exactly how the dc designs concord operates in terms of a real world flight we will of course be looking at the aircraft in terms of its modelling texturing sounds things of that nature but hopefully throughout our flight you should get a pretty good feel for those anyway we will cover them off briefly at the end but really for me the main focus of our flight today is going to be to test whether or not concord actually lives up to its reputation whether or not dc designs has given us an aircraft that broadly performs to the numbers is of course capable of cruising at mach 2 reaching altitudes of around 60 000 feet of course there is no more of an appropriate trip on which to test concord than to take the aircraft for a run across the atlantic as you'll probably have guessed by the weather we're currently on the ground on the london side of the trip so we're currently on the ground at london heathrow and we're going to be taking the aircraft across the water via a real world concord routing into new york's jfk obviously that is a pretty substantial undertaking for a typical review so as a result today you'll notice that the video has been cut down into much smaller chunks i've really tried to cut away the fat nonetheless i have tried to include all of the major phases of flight so you can see how concord behaves throughout and again really the focus of the flight here for me is to see whether or not concord can achieve its task i think it's worth noting before we get underway that i did actually spend quite some time ahead of the review learning concord and its systems using the kalimata version of the aircraft for x-plane 11. the kolomata version definitely a little bit more detail but i mentioned that now just so that any mistakes i make along the way if there are any inaccuracies in the columnar concord then they're probably going to carry through to this video as you'll see throughout the flight there will be quite a few differences between the two versions of the aircraft as we go also worth noting here for what it's worth the dc designs concord doesn't pretend to be a study level aircraft they are quite upfront about that so if you are looking for an accurate rendition of the jet you're probably not going to find that here that being said the aircraft is more complex than dc designs previous products for the sim so we are going to be reviewing the aircraft with that in mind i'm not going to be too bothered if we see inaccuracies along the way what i really want to see here is a clean decent representation of the aircraft one that flies broadly by the numbers we're going to be diving straight into our flight here one last thing before we go we're briefly going to take a look at the flight engineers panel at the start of the flight we'll come back to look at it again at the end but for the most part we're going to be operating out of the left-hand seat just for the sake of consistency as a result throughout the video we will have the flight engineer carrying out a few hypothetical checks for us worth noting there is no automatic flight engineer or anything of that nature included with the product anyway guys as always i do hope you enjoy the video and find it to be of use if you do please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel anyway let's get underway and we'll head for the cockpit of concord okay so welcome to the flight engineers panel as i say this is going to be the only time we're actually going to look at it during the flight itself we'll come back and take another look towards the end of the video so far all we've done is load up our 90 tons of fuel on board we've got the battery masters on there as well we've already run through the safety checks so we're now down to the preliminary cockpit checklist we'll run through that so the ground power is set equipment bay cooling can go on i was already quite pleasantly surprised to see that the equipment bay cooling is modeled so we're off to a good start oxygen panel unfortunately not modelled but that is set drain mast heaters are on minus one two and three seams on the panel here we only have two irs's modeled and they are not currently functional and lastly the data computers can go on to taxi one hold short runway and that's the preliminary cockpit checklist complete so as you can see from a starting point of view there the systems modeling is broadly what you'd probably expect in that there is some detail there actually a little bit more than i was expecting but of course once again the aircraft not study level there are systems that are not modeled or certain panel configurations that are inaccurate anyway as i say that's the preliminary cockpit checklist complete we're now going to move over into the left seat and we'll run the rest of the flight from there okay so we now got ourselves comfortably in the right hand seat so running through the before start checks the master cbs can go on no click sounds associated there with the switches which is a little bit of a shame good morning logan051 so master cbs are on cockpit prep is complete oxygen has been checked windows are closed flight control inverters are on anti-stall system is on radar ns switches will set to rad instrument transfer switches are set altimeters we're looking for a qnh of one zero zero seven x-ray contact round one so with one zero zero seven there on the left and the same on the right nav radios we can set up for the departure so we'll brief the departure momentarily but we're going to be flying the compton three golf departure that's based off the london vr initially which is 113 decimal six so we'll set that on nav one with one one three six on the left and we're going to be tracking out towards compton which is one one four decimal three five now we have that set on the right we're also going to be using the woodley ndb which is on a frequency of three five two [Applause] and we have three five two set there on adf1 in terms of our autopilot configuration we're going to be climbing initially at a speed of two five zero knots it's going to take a little while just to scroll through to that runway 1-0 right here take off from there right now today [Applause] so a little bit slow here i would say in terms of scrolling holding down shift here as well which should speed things up a little bit so we have two five zero knots pre-selected for the auto throttle right now [Applause] i'm initially going to be tracking off the 256 radial from london so we'll set that on my side scrolling for the radial seems to be a little bit better it's only much quicker so 256 on my side after woodley we're going to be tracking down towards compton on a radio of 281 so we'll set that on the [Applause] right now we have 281 and we'll be climbing up to an altitude of 6000 feet so we'll pre-select that and we have 6000 so the autopilot is configured now for the departure now radios are set brakes are set to park throttles are in the idle position nav lights are on throttle masters are on we should have a main or an alternate position there but they do function grand hydraulics is set to yellow yellow on checkout and off that's actually modeled as well which was nice to see batteries are on ins again not model but we'll say that they've been loaded sp bugs and pitch index unfortunately we can't actually set any speed bugs there on the airspeed indicator which is a little bit surprising and no pitch index either there on the attitude indicator but we'll be looking for two five zero knots in the climb it's going to be 180 knots for vr and pitch index are going to be pitching up to around 13.5 degrees initially clock we'd ordinarily want to set to uh chrono but that doesn't seem to be that functionality we'll try starting the clock though once we come up to take off power and same for the tla bugs we can't set those anyway that's the before start checklist complete we'll briefly departure and then we'll be on our way for the departure itself then as i said it's the compton three golf departure from my two seven left let's play 10-3 bravo it's a conventional sid jackie initially runway heading picking up the two five six radial outbound from the london vr we'll take that outbound towards 7dma off the station and then turning right onto heading of 268 checking out towards woodley from woodley we're going to be picking up the 281 radial inbound towards compton and after compton we'll be using the ins or in this case really with the aircraft the fms for lateral guidance climbing up to an altitude of 6000 feet we do have a couple of restrictions there on the departure we're not concerned about those today we're easily going to meet them no turns below 590 feet so essentially 500 feet above aerodrome elevation and of course not climbing above 6000 without further air traffic clearance so that's our briefing complete we'll wait here a little bit longer as the last of the passengers continue to board the aircraft and i'll come back to you again once we're ready to run the before start checklist below the line okay so we do now have all of our passengers on board we are ready to run the before start checklist below the line so seat belt signs can go on load sheet has been checked speed indicator bugs and pitch index again unfortunately we can't set those same for the clock and the tla bugs door lights are checked master warning unfortunately no test functionality there looks like we can't do a recall or an inhibit either so we'll say that the master warning has been checked anti-collision light can go on pumps are on and as usual we'll get the engineer to hypothetically take care of the d air pumps the air bleeds the crossbleeds as well as the conditioning hydraulics and electrical setup we're going to be starting two engines here on the bay we'll be starting the number three and the number two and then we'll commence the push and start the other two engines once we're underway starting the number three engine first so we'll hit the starter monitoring the n2 gauge there we're looking for at least 12 before we introduce the fuel just come up through 10 i'm just gonna let the engine spawn up a little bit further here we'll see roughly where we end up idling looks like that's going to be just above 20 pretty reasonable so the hp fuel valve can go on and just continue to monitor the engine there as it spools up you'll notice on the gauges there we only have the uh outer dial with the needle we don't have the rolling counter gauge there in the middle which we should on the real aircraft not a big issue of course but it does make it just a little bit harder to read the gauges [Applause] anyway the ugt is coming up through 200 degrees would you have a good light off not showing a rise in fuel flow there just yet so it looks like we do have a good start there we're going to head outside the aircraft now to start the number two looks like we have a good start in number four so lastly starting the number one and again just keeping it on that end too so coming up on twenty percent fuel valve open there's the taxiway line for victor so we'll stop with the nose just off that now we can stop the tug there aircraft stationary the park brake can go on and just continue to monitor the number one engine there as it runs up um level one two two out of five and looks like we have four good starts the galley power's already been selected on the after start checklist flight controls so we have full up full down and neutral for left full and neutral and on the rudder full left full right and neutral i'm not quite sure that the flight control actuation there is quite correct for the various ranges but overall the system does work enchanti ice not required currently there's no precipitation around at the moment brake fans are on again i couldn't find a switch for those i assume they're not modelled door warning lights are out engine feed pumps are on hydraulics have been checked same for the electrics ground equipment is clear the tug has now gone taxi lights can come on we'll get the taxi turn lights on as well i'm running through the taxi checklist the nose visor can go down to five degrees [Applause] interestingly there the nose not actuating interestingly there the nose not actuating without bringing the selection all the way down try going back to five degrees i know that the nose can be modeled in various positions so probably a little bit of user error there but in reality we should just select the position we want anyway the nose is retracted the park brake can come off as i say we'll be joining right here on to uh victor and then taking sierra out for sierra one runway two seven left just coming up on the throttles to get the aircraft moving needing quite a bit of thrust here to get the aircraft rolling but we are right on our maximum takeoff weight hello reiner 9400 and bring the aircraft around to the right it might not be a spot on recreation of concord but that's quite nice for you there with the weather and the uh panel co-pilot as well so far the aircraft is living up to my expectations in terms of what i thought the product would be and i'd say it has surpassed them so far again it's obviously not a study level recreation of the aircraft but there's a little bit more functionality there than i was expecting anyway on taxiway victor will be turning right on to sierra and we're all clear on the left so running through the taxi checks as we go flight controls have been checked trims our set just get ourselves straightened up on sierra and then we'll continue the checklist concorde's nose gear is well behind the aircraft here so we're actually going to over judge the turn might look as though we're over the grass but it's only the aircraft nose not the nose wheel itself and now just following sierra all the way around for holding point zero one zero five one direct two nickels two nickel logo two and again just over judging the turn to bring us back onto the taxiway center line so continuing the checklist engine rating mode needs to go to take off interestingly though the engine rating mode there seems to have been replaced with some engine start switches auto ignition can go on unfortunately the gang bars on the switches there don't work which is a little less convenient but it's not a big issue auto throttles can go on now just hold the rest of the checklist here we're just approaching the holding points so back off the thrust we'll just bring the aircraft to a stop beam zero one and bill if we could have the taxi checks please there's advisor there's down five checked okay brakes they're checked back at normal checked trips trims i've checked set for takeoff set the takeoff and we're clear to line up after the five we'll have the before takeoff checks please phil okay briefing any update no update to the briefing i understood taxi turns they're going on transponder that's five two five seven and old wheel line is out off now it's here quite interesting lining up on the runway we're sitting here on the flight deck 35 feet ahead of the nose wheel so i have to overshoot the runway center line somewhat okay so before we depart we're going to briefly talk through the takeoff procedure for those who aren't familiar we're going to call 3 2 1 now we'll start the chrono jam the throttles forward the after bundles will kick in that vr we're going to picture around 13 degrees the aircraft should lift off between around 200 220 knots once we see a positive climb we'll get the gear up climbing away we'll just pitch to maintain a speed of two five zero knots and we'll keep a good eye on the chrono once we hit one minute we're going to call three two one noise we'll kill the afterburners come back on the throttles and again just pitching to maintain 250 knots as we climb our way up towards 6000 feet so we'll set the park brake is off and we'll go three two one now so clock is running power is set airspeed's alive it's 100 knots and we have v1 rotate so coming back on the yoke the aircraft is rather heavy in pitch you need almost full back stick to get the nose wheel up and we're airborne so pitching out to maintain that 250 knot climb speeds you have positive climb the gear can come up and keeping a good eye there on the chrono of three two one noise so coming back on the power again pitching down to maintain 250 knots we're clear for takeoff everybody all set yeah okay three two one now 100 knots perfect and climbing away nicely now so we get the auto throttle in we'll go to is acquire flight director can go on we're going to track heading and we'll go for vertical speeds autopilot can go in a little bit aggressive there on the intercept for the autopilot so the auto throttle should now maintain 250 knots maintaining our present heading till we pick up the radial outbound from london we're just going to hold the after takeoff checks until we're established inbound towards compton otherwise things get very busy and getting ready to turn now onto our heading inbound towards the radial we'll go out to choir so that we'll level off at 6 000 there's our radial so turning onto a heading wait until we come through seven miles then we'll turn back onto heading of two six eights and i went into under five points today seven miles [Music] and there's two six eights we can tune up the compton vr now which is one one four three five i find the uh nav radios on the dc designs concord a little bit strange don't always get the uh navi that you're looking for so showing 90 miles an hour to run towards compton that's a bit more reasonable looking for a an inbound radio for 281 so just waiting on that just about to level off at 6 000 and the auto throttle should come back to maintain the speed looks like the aircraft is going to level us off speed's just increasing there so we'll go is acquire once again and just about to pick up the radial so we'll turn him bound on the heading and then we'll go into vorloke zero five one decent i'll show you five thousand p q and h one zero two three x pascal ten ninety five so overall i find the autopilot is a little bit hit and miss it has mixed results but it does do the job you do need to be quite proactive though with your management of it obviously we're in cloud at the moment so i'll take the engine anti-ice on tracking nicely now inbound towards compton so we'll go view our loc the autopilot is picking that up but we'll keep a good eye on it just to make sure it does a reasonable job there of the intercept looks like it is come down to our fmc and we'll go direct to compton 051 contact approach 121 so we are now tracking direct towards compton we'll come back into heading momentarily it says track heading we'll go into ins it should now be giving us ioness guidance so again we'll just pick up the cdi bar and then we're going to ins nav on the autopilot just starting to clear the clouds here we're waiting until we're overhead compt until we get further climb showing 10 miles to run towards the station so there's ines nav aircraft should now track us based on what we've entered into the fmc and finally running through this after takeoff check said gear is up the lights are out slang lights can come off master warning is checked eds and standby heaters are on engine rating mode would now go to flight but again that doesn't seem to be modeled on the aircraft at least not correctly pressurization is checked the nose and visor can come up the nose does now seem to be working correctly not quite sure why it wasn't actuating as we're expecting on the ground certainly a cool feature of the aircraft though so the nose is up you can hear the noise actually dying down there as well that's a nice touch true to life for the aircraft altimeters will stay on q and h for the time being obviously maintaining an altitude take off monitor again not model but that would go off so we're now just waiting to overhead compton at which point we can expect to further climb up to flight level two eight zero 100 you can reduce to standard speed contact approach one two one decimal one goodbye time to our investment one [Music] okay so we just completed our turn over waypoint kess up we're now out over the bristol channel and we are ready for our acceleration through mach 1 and our climb up to 60 000 feet first thing we'll do is pre-select flight level 600 on the altitude select so we have flight level 600 selected we're going to go into max climb and we'll hit out acquire it seems like the aircraft doesn't want to climb unless we go into outer choir we are now climbing the auto throttle can come out we're going to go up to full drive power we'll reset the chrono we're going to time the afterburners it should take us around five minutes to accelerate up towards mac 1.7 so we'll start the chrono again we'll engage the reheats in pairs and you can see we are now accelerating getting a pretty decent rate of climb out of the aircraft just coming up through mach 1 so we'll run our checklist items there pressure static heaters can go off enchanted ice is off wing and intake anti-ice is off and the transparency and demisters off so the aircraft should continue to accelerate and climb simultaneously currently it doesn't look like we're getting much in terms of an acceleration out of the aircraft but we'll give things a little bit longer here see how we go already up through thirty two thousand feet i would say that so far again based on my experiences with the uh the columnar concord that the performance seems a little bit reduced in the dc designs concorde but all we're really interested in here is can we actually get the aircraft up to mach 2 and up to somewhere in the mid fly level 500 range we are going to keep a good on that mac number though we don't really seem to be accelerating at the moment and we want to be up through mach 2 around flight level 510 looks like that speed is slowly coming up just coming up through mac 1.1 it does look like the max climb mode here has us climbing in stages we're now up at mac 1.7 coming up through 45 000 feet that takes about six minutes so we're not too far off in terms of performance we should now be able to take out the afterburners and continue just with max drive power so we'll try that and the aircraft should continue to accelerate up towards mach 2 continuing the climb as well you can see of course the vertical speed falling off there so once again we've more or less leveled off we are still inching up on the mach number we're doing mac 1.8 nearly now overall i would say that the performance is slightly off in terms of how the aircraft actually behaves it does feel as though we're lacking a little bit of power during the acceleration phase [Applause] max klein did rather bring us up in stages but overall we have hit broadly the correct parameters there which is actually really great to see i'm pleasantly surprised i thought maybe without the afterburners the aircraft was going to struggle a little bit there but you can see we're doing just under mach 2 coming up through 50 000 feet we're just going to wait until we hit mach 2 and then we'll be going into max crews again it is a little bit easier to see exactly what mach number we're doing when we have the numerical readout there as well as the gauge we're getting about 250 feet rate of climb out of the aircraft now so inching our way up towards 51 000 feet and expecting to keep a fairly reasonable climb performance here as i said up into the early to mid 50s although it does depend on the outside air temperature so just coming up on mac 2 now we'll go into max crews and the aircraft should now maintain mach 2 as we continue to edge our way up towards 60 000 feet it's rather looking like our climb performance has died off a little bit here really i would expect to see concord achieve a slightly higher altitude nevertheless that is us now established at mac2 so i don't think we need too many excuses to head outside of the aircraft and taking a bit more of the majesty of concord as she makes her way over the ground at 37 miles a minute as usual we're going to kill off the cruise portion of the flight we'll take in some of the external views and i'll come back to you again as we're approaching our top of descent point in towards new york's jfk [Applause] ready for your oceanic flight level [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's copy go ahead uh we're flat out at the moment it's showing an eta so max of one one two five and about twenty seconds virgin one six five seven that roger that's copy i didn't want to speak to shamakira because yeah radar showing you right there at one one two six i'm gonna speak see if there's any leeway in that restriction standby yo we're showing one one two five and ten seconds at the moment zero six five now good morning identify kids so max and then gapley so max is in gatling [Applause] hello united one five level three two zero united one five shining good day identified version one six five seven thanks for asking and we are able to uh accept our final our oceanic altitude 915 roger let's copy clear climate level three five zero thanks three two zero american one zero one chan new salon american one zero niner shannon can you be an updated time two sixes copied if you could make it not later than two six that'd be great got some traffic restricted on a minimum behind it right now we'll so welcome back to the flight deck we are now approaching the eastern coastline of the united states just approaching our top of descent points overall we had some reasonable joy with the max climb in the max cruise modes you can see we didn't make our way up towards flight level 600 we only topped out at around flightable five three zero similarly we would slightly shine our mach number there maintaining just below mac 2.0 again that does seem slightly off in terms of performance but we were pretty heavy today and concord is very temperature sensitive so i would imagine it's not entirely implausible anyway 60 miles to run to kendra is our top of descent we're currently showing 76 a little bit tricky to see the gauge there without zooming right in we're going to get the aircraft coming down slightly early so we're going to out hold we'll pre-select our clear descent altitude which is 11 000 feet initially and to put the aircraft into the descent where you don't need to take the auto throttle out we haven't had that on as a result not hitting max cruise so we're going to do there typically we'd come back to a tla angle but there's no ability to set any tla bugs there on the thrust levers so we're going to come back to around 97 and 2. we're actually going to be decelerating initially in a level segment so just very slowly coming back on the throttles you can see we're down to around 25 tons of fuel on board so pretty reasonable fuel burn during the cruise there's our 97 so we're just waiting for the speed to roll back through to three five zero knots we'll pre-select that on the auto throttle seven eighty four setting zero four zero vector aren't two i do wonder about the airspeed indicator gauge on the dc designs concorde interestingly in the column articon chord you come back to three five zero knots once you're there you hit is hold to descend and it won't be until thereafter that you'll hit mac 1.6 which point you bring the power back further here we're actually going to hit mac 1.6 before we reach 350 knots so i assume that the airspeed indicator gauge there is not calibrated quite correctly and as i said usually once we hit our target speed we're going to is hold for the descent but i suspect given how the aircraft behind there on the climb we're not going to be able to go into is hold without having the auto throttle in we don't want the auto throttling just yet for the descent so we may have to get a little bit creative in terms of how we actually manage the descent itself you can see though the speed is dropping off pretty slowly here so we'll start briefing up and setting up for the approach as we wait for that speed to come back three three five zero knots so for the arrival into new york we're expecting the vor approach for runway one three left we'll brief the plate first and we'll set up as we go so let's play 23-3 it's a vr approach runway one three left it's based off the canary vor which is a frequency of 112 decimal three so we'll set that on nav one i think the little button here in the middle is supposed to be an active and a standby changeover we're just going to set that on both sides to ensure we are picking up the correct navigate we actually want one one two three so we have one one two three set on both sides of the nav one radio we're going to be tracking towards waypoint assault which is based off both the inbound radial to canal zero four three looks like we can't set that up now that we've got the rad rns switches set to ins which is not accurate so we'll have to set those up later on on the right hand side we're going to tune up the sierra bravo juliet vr which is a frequency of 112 decimal nine all right heading zero four zero for uh rna lab approach so we have sierra bravo juliet set there on the right side and again we can't select our radials for the time being so we'll have to set those up once we're tracking him bound towards salt we're going to be tracking overhead waypoint uh kenda then on towards linde owens and then on to carmen after carmen we're going to be taking over heading around 3-5-0 out towards assault picking up that zero four three radial inbound final approach course is zero four one that's coming off the cannazi vr which then going to be a visual turn onto runway one three left mda is 800 feet just coming over headway point kinder by the looks of it and looks like we can only set a maximum of 600 feet there on the right out so i have to go with 600 but in reality again it's 800. aerodrome elevation is 13 feet for the missed approach it's at will be on the missed approach point a climbing right turn to 4000 feet on heading of 100 degrees out towards the delta papa kilo be a while for the hold in terms of terrain the highest is out to the north of the airport i assume some of that's related to the high-rise buildings but msa 3000 feet we're actually coming in over the 1800 foot sector weather wise not a bad morning in new york overall there's overcast cloud at 4 500 feet temperature of seven degrees q has two nine nine five again we'll set that later on in terms of the landing landing on runway one three left we can't break until we're below 100 knots we'll be using full reverse and then plan to vacate off down the end onto uh yankee alpha taking yankee alpha into bravo and all the way along bravo in alpha one for stand one new york's the ultimate again we're expecting to land with around 15 tons of fuel that's looking potentially reasonable at the moment we'll discuss that more once we're back on the ground briefing's complete we're just coming up through 370 knots so just waiting for the speed to come back another 10 knots we'll try is hold otherwise we're just going to have to take out holds gps once again the autopilot isn't going to let us use is hold there even if we're going to out acquire so we'll just stay without acquire for the time being skipping on that speed they're quite having a little bit of trouble here finding the uh tracking bound towards the next waypoints just coming back onto course now looks like we are maintaining our 350 knots and we are below mac 1.6 so we now want to come back to 84 on the n2s so again just slowly reducing our throttles i've turned 360 down to 3000 now the power is set just coming back through fifty one thousand feet or flight level five one zero we're descending all the way down to an altitude so it's a little bit early but just to save ourselves one less task later on we'll set the q h now so we said it's two nine nine five we have that set on the left and on the right speed is just picking up again there slightly but i'm happy to leave it for the time being decent rates around 3000 feet per minute anyway for the time being we're just going to continue here in the descent we'll adjust our profile as we go and once we come over head waypoint cameron as i say we'll be turning onto a heading track inbound towards the kenazi vr so it's not going to be too much more here for us to do until we reach waypoint cameron all right heading 250 2000 still established and cleared for the rnav gps x-ray we're only two two laps 1679. okay so we're just coming through four thousand feet sending down to three thousand maintaining two five zero knots we're now picking up the kenazi voir we've got 18 miles to run just waiting for the radial to come in and then we'll turn him down towards kanazi we need to be level 3000 feet six miles before the vr itself we've currently got 11 miles to do that 700 feet to loose so looking good in terms of our profile on the rmi they're showing we're just coming up on the zero three zero radial we're looking for zero four three so the cdi bar should come in fairly shortly another ten miles here before we need to be level it's a mandatory three thousand foot restriction there goes the cdi bar so we'll turn him bound on to a reasonable incept heading 4 5 11 1.1 191 to the tower and we can arm up vo our lock so the aircraft should track the radial inbound for us just coming up on our level off altitude no problems there in terms of the restriction we still got another eight miles to run we'll run through our approach check so the landing briefing is complete taxi turn lights can go on radar switches are set to rad altimeters our set cabin signs are on engine rating mode should be set to take off but we've discussed that already visor knows take the visor down a little bit of a change in textures there as you switch between effectively the windshield and the visor and i think the issue we had there on the ground actually the nose just takes some time to actuate we'll leave it a little bit of time there looks like the aircraft didn't pick up the radial so we'll have to turn manually inbound on a heading there goes the visor no idea why we didn't pick up the radial there we were in vr loc we'll get rid of that mode for the time being and training 10 miles to run now towards canarsie so another four miles will be overhead waypoint assault come down to five degrees on the nose just continuing our checklist so brake fans again i don't think they're currently modelled engine control schedule can go to approach feed pumps we'll get the flight engineer to take care of the fuel situation save for the weight cfg speed indicator bugs again we unfortunately can't set those but we're going to be making our approach at two five zero knots initially we'll accelerate back to vref plus 30 which is 235 knots and then we'll come back to the ref as we come on to final approach so that's the approach checklist complete just come over waypoint assault we've got six miles to run towards canals we need to be down at 1500 feet so once again we'll go altitude acquire i'm not going to finesse the descent here as it's a little bit fiddly with the autopilot so we're just going to descend straight down to 1500 feet we'll run through our landing checks as well ahead of time we'll just hold the gear for now so the cabin crew haven't advised those can go fully down brakes will hold until we've got the gear down radar is set and again the flight engineer can check the hydraulics for us four thousand dollars another three miles to run till we've had kenazi just came up on 1500 feet two miles to run now after canals here we're going to be tracking outbound on the 0-4-1 radial obviously we're not quite on course and bound to kanazi since the aircraft didn't capture there on the vr lock hold nonetheless we are pointing directly to the station so we can track outbound still on our zero four one the cdi bar should come across shortly now we'll just maintain the radial tracking outbound we can start our turn at 2.6 miles just coming over the station now leveling off at 1500 feet there goes the rmi american and the cdi bar is coming in checking out bound zero four one we'll keep a good on the dme there's one mile we'll start the turn at two we'll just fly the turn in the approach manually take the autopilot out we'll start accelerating back to vrf plus five left turn hitting three six zeros and there's two miles so autopilot coming out starting our turn maybe just make out the road there off the nose take the gear down and we'll bring the speed back now to 205 knots so we have four greens there's the road it doesn't look like the hotel was modeled particularly well in the sim conference there's decisions so we'll continue can't make out the papi we'll kill the auto throttle so coming back on the throttles let's touch down we'll go full reverse lowering the nose onto the ground and going fully forward on the stick waiting till we threw 100 knots before we start breaking just going to start breaking now rooting up a lot of runway here even with four reverse so the aircraft just a little bit slow to decelerate there anyway we'll cancel the reversers vacating all the way down the end as we said off at yankee alpha so just let the aircraft roll through a little bit further and coming onto the brakes [Music] good afternoon [Music] [Music] so we're cleared for an approach we're fully established on the ils all the radio aids have been identified and no problems at all have the gear down please speed okay four greens okay [Music] 100 [Music] [Music] now voted [Music] so coming in towards the apron stand one is right down at the end of maintaining two thousand heading three fours here two thousand heading three four zero jumping 794 and we landed pretty much bang on 15 tons so the fuel burn in the aircraft seems to be pretty decent overall that was more or less what we're expecting to arrive with there are definitely areas of the dc designs concord that can be polished up again the autopilot i find to be a little bit troublesome at the moment but overall the basics of the aircraft do seem to be there and that you can broadly make your way across the atlantic at mac 2 at a reasonable altitude and you can plan broadly accurate fuel figures there as well so that's great anyway stand one right down the end as i say it's quite a tight turn as well to come on to the stand so we'll get the aircraft nice and slow we'll get the taxi turn-off lights off and again we're going to overshoot the bay here just to put the nose wheel onto the center line [Music] needing quite a lot of thrust here as you come around the turn success and pretty nicely bring ourselves there onto the bay it's off the power we'll come on to the brakes heartbreak can go on i'm running through the parking checks the park brake is set landing lights are off we'll bring the nose up want to do that before we kill the engines [Applause] the nose seems to animate fairly instantaneously there in the up position it's just coming down that it takes a little bit of time we'll get the ground engineer to connect the ground power cart fairly shortly hp fuel valves can go off we'll just leave the number three running for the time being until we've got some ground power connected throttle masters again just leaving the number three anti-collision light will leave it on till we got the engine shut down fast and seat belt signs can go off engine anti-ice is off ignition is off and just waiting now on the ground cart we'll get the flight engineer to configure the rest of the systems so again we've arrived on to stand one with 14.6 tonnes total fuel pretty reasonable there i think overall not a bad outing in the dc designs concord so there you go guys we did manage to take the dc designs concorde on a flight from london heathrow over to new york's john f kennedy the aircraft did manage to achieve mach 2 we were a little bit off in terms of our altitude but overall the aircraft performed broadly by the numbers again the fuel burn was pretty reasonable as usual there'll be a conclusion section at the end of the video so we'll talk more about that there in the meantime we are just going to briefly look at both the interior and the exterior graphically firstly in terms of the cockpit once again i would say very typical of dc design standards in as much as there is quite a bit of artistic license among various parts of the cockpit itself nonetheless when you enter the flight deck you do of course know exactly which aircraft you're looking at overall though with a few minor exceptions i do think that concorde is their best piece of work to date again there are certainly some inaccuracies there are a few rough edges as well in terms of the modelling the colour of the cockpit textures as well isn't quite true to life but i do think for the most part they've managed to create a cockpit which feels quite concorde-esque and looking over the nose through the visor tearing your way along at mach 2 it's a pretty satisfying feeling i like as well that the flight engineers panel has been modeled to a reasonable degree so we'll just take another look at that now so we find ourselves back at the flight engineers panel once again i said we'd take another look before we finish up the review really just to give you more of a feel for the level of systems modeling that's gone into the dc designs concorde overall most of these switches are clickable again there are some systems that haven't been modeled and some that i'm sure are inaccurately modelled but on the left there's actually quite a bit of functionality for example we looked earlier at the equipment bay cooling switches they all function same goes for all of the various engine feed pumps pretty much all of the fuel panel is configurable i haven't actually tried myself yet in terms of configuring the aircraft to see whether or not the fuel can be moved around accurately same goes on the electrical panel all of the generators can be turned on and off same for the hydraulics panel and same for the bleeds we can turn the engine bleeds off we can turn the cross blades on and off we've also got the conditioning valves there are certain things that are modelled again i couldn't find the brake fan switch and we only had the two rns's but overall i think the level of fidelity actually quite a bit higher than i was expecting from the dc designs concorde clearly a fair bit of work has gone into the systems and whilst again the aircraft isn't study level i would say it's only above their previous output in terms of the systems modeling as we saw during the flight the aircraft does not in fact come with an ins as is true to life instead it comes with a cdu as i understand it that's currently down to some gauge programming limitations on the xbox for which the aircraft is also planned for release however an ins is planned at a later date and that's great to hear because really concord isn't quite concord without the rns system essentially what we get instead is an airbus mcdu that's been broadly reconfigured to aesthetically fit in with concord it wouldn't have been my own personal ideal solution i'd rather have had some sort of a tablet in which we could fill in the waypoints and then just use the ins nav from there nonetheless it did work it got the aircraft from a to b i planned the route out using the sims flight planning tool if you want to enter waypoints manually it can be a little bit laborious again not the most elegant solution but a functional one nonetheless and it does get the job done i found it could be a little bit tricky using the mcdu for navigation to aid navigation though the weather radar on the aircraft actually been fitted out with an airbus navigation display so you can see your flight plan routing you can also see your next waypoint with some basic information such as eta again not a solution i'm sure that everybody will love but it does do the job and overall it functions reasonably well given that the weather radar implementation the sim is still pretty poor overall i think it's a reasonable concession and there are a couple of nice little touches spread around the aircraft as well for example you can see here we've got the hanes concord manual we've already taken a brief look at the cabin so we're not going to go into too much more detail there overall the cabin modeling is reasonably basic but it is nice that we have some passengers included lastly we do also have a modeled and functioning toilet of interest to some i suppose but personally i'm not too bothered nonetheless it's nice that dc designs made the effort we're just going to briefly head outside of the aircraft again we've seen quite a bit of that throughout the flight but there are a couple of graphical issues that i would like to highlight overall the external model of concord i would say is broadly on a par with dc design's previous products the aircraft does of course look like concord there are some nice aspects to the external model some rough edges as well for me one part of the external model or the texturing i'm not really sure which it is but i'd certainly like to see the lines there on the fuselage cleaned up they're pretty aggressive lines they're quite obvious and they really make the aircraft look a lot less realistic so that would certainly be one of the first things that i would like to see improved personally on the external model generally speaking though the model's fine it's not up to the very highest standards that we've seen in the sim but again the aircraft does look like concord overall at a distance i think the aircraft looks quite nice certainly though if you get closer up some of the modeling is a little bit more crude anyway hopefully our flight has given you a good feel for the product and demonstrated what the dc designs concord can and can't do as usual to finish up the review and really consolidate everything that we've seen here today i'm just going to give you my overall thoughts and they break down on the product so my overall thoughts on the dc designs concorde are a little bit mixed broadly just outlining my thoughts initially i really rather fall into two categories when it comes to the add-on i was actually really pleased to see that overall concord can achieve its task in the sim we were able to reach mach 2. we didn't quite make it up to 60 000 feet but again concord is rather temperature sensitive we wear fairly heavy weights so 53 000 or thereabouts isn't entirely unrealistic i would have expected to get a little bit higher but obviously if you are looking to purchase the concorde for the sim that's probably in part because of a love of the aircraft but also you do want to be able to travel at mach 2 and get yourself across the atlantic recreate some concord flights that is possible on the dc designs concorde and as we saw overall the aircraft actually performs reasonably well in that regard the aircraft certainly can't be flown by the book there was quite a few nuances there along the way but overall we were able to fly the aircraft reasonably accurately in terms of how concord actually operated we were able to super cruise which was nice to see and for me one of the key indicators once again that the aircraft did broadly perform to the numbers we did arrive with 15 tons of fuel and that's pretty much what we planned for unfortunately though my enthusiasm in that regard is somewhat tempered by the fact that the auto flight system of the aircraft really needs some work at the moment i came away feeling like i rather had to manhandle the aircraft from a to b as opposed to it helping me out along the way quite a few of the modes on the auto flight system don't operate as they should in the real world for example we should be able to fly is hold using the autopilot independently of whether or not we have the auto throttle system in similarly the max climb and max cruise mode did get the job done but it wasn't quite what i was expecting to see there really we were almost carrying out step climbs to get ourselves up to speed and altitude we saw as well that the autopilot can be a little bit hit and miss it wasn't capturing vr loco on the approach but i'd really like to see the auto flight system receive a little bit more work such that it can be relied upon anyway with that being said we'll briefly just break things down into separate categories just to highlight what i think in various areas so graphically both internally and externally i would say much the same overall the modeling holds up okay the aircraft of course does look like concord although there are a couple of rough areas externally the same goes with the texturing we've already touched there on the areas that i would like to see improved the cockpit as i said does have that slightly uncanny valley feeling in as much as it certainly looks like concord when you walk on the flight deck but if you actually pick it apart there are plenty of areas that are quite inconsistent with the real world aircraft flight modelling overall i thought was pretty good the aircraft handled quite nicely during the takeoff although it was quite heavy in pitch overall it was pretty easy to hand fly the aircraft both during the takeoff and especially during the landing again i do think that the aircraft felt a little bit underpowered but again i'm just basing that on my experiences in x-plane 11. the take-off acceleration seemed a little bit slow we ate up most of the runway there same in terms of the acceleration schedule up towards mach 2 the aircraft didn't accelerate quite as quickly as i was expecting the descent profile seemed reasonable and again during the landing there we did eat up quite a bit of the runway so i suspect that the reverse thrusters again putting out a little bit less power than they should be most of that though is conjecture on my part obviously i've never flown concord touching on the more unique aspects of the flight model overall the aircraft seemed to handle most of the speed regime pretty well no troubles there at mach 2. and you'll have noticed throughout the flight i had some pretty egregious fuel management and center of gravity issues there still getting to grips with how the cfg system works on the dc designs concord but the out-of-balance aircraft didn't seem to make too much of a difference of course in reality it should but i think dc designers made the right decision there in simplifying things again this is not a study level version of the aircraft and if you were a complete newcomer to concord i think it would be a little bit too intimidating and daunting to start managing fuel systems having to worry about center of gravity things of that nature and on that note it would be nice if there was the option to have a little bit more automation in terms of an automatic flight engineer for example just to make the aircraft a little bit more accessible to newcomers in terms of the aircraft sounds overall i actually thought those were pretty good the cockpit sounds fairly decent for the most part there were a few switches missing sounds but there was a decent level of noise in the cockpit quite a nice change as well between high speed and low speed flight we're sure as well there is a transition between the level of noise once we got the visor up external sounds pretty good as well not perhaps true to life of the real world aircraft but overall definitely gave a sense of power the engine startup sound was a little bit meek but once the engine's running they actually sound pretty good both at drive power and with the afterburners in again the aircraft does have a pretty raw sound to it systems wise generally speaking i was actually quite pleasantly surprised by the aircraft again there was more fidelity there than i was expecting it's still a long way off study level and it is questionable how much is actually going on behind the scenes with some of those switches but nonetheless there's enough there to make you feel as though you are operating a fairly complex aircraft really for me at the moment the big issue systems wise that i still feel needs fixing up is the auto flight system there wasn't really too many phases of flight where i was entirely confident to let the autopilot fly the aircraft of course some of that may be a lack of familiarity with the dc designs version and again you probably have to fly the aircraft as intended by dc designs as opposed to how you might fly the real world concorde as i mentioned during the introduction i would call this a concord experience as opposed to a concord simulation i've made that statement with dc designs products in the past and people have asked what i meant by that which i think is a very fair question overall you can travel at mac 2 the cockpit does feel the part there's certainly something quite special about looking through that visor the aircraft sounds pretty good it looks pretty awesome with the vortices coming off the wings and honestly for me personally i tend to enjoy the study level aspect of flying jet airliners so the dc designs concord doesn't tick all of my boxes but if you do want a more casual experience or perhaps a bit of an introduction to the aircraft of course as well if you're primarily a microsoft flight simulator user then overall once again the dc designs concord is going to allow you to recreate concord operations lastly just a couple of notes in closing firstly regarding the fps on the ground at john f kennedy so obviously a pretty fps intensive area we're getting about 40 fps in the dc designs concord versus about 48 in the default cessna 152 secondly if you did enjoy what you saw here today i do also have a future mini series coming to the channel regarding concord that is going to be focusing on the x-plane 11 kalimata variant of the aircraft so it will be a little bit more in depth those videos are actually already available to channel members and patrons as part of an early access playlist and on that note thank you as always to my channel members and patrons for all of your support it's very much appreciated i hope that all of you are having a great day wherever you are take really good care and i will see you all again soon you
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 179,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight Simulator, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Review, Full Flight, Realism, Realistic, Real Pilot, Flight Simulation, Addon, Add on, Flight Simulator, Just Flight, JustFlight, DC Designs, DC Design, D C Designs, DCDesigns, In dpeth, In-Depth, Concorde, Mach 2, KJFK, EGLL, Tutorial, How to, Atlantic, Supersonic
Id: Y2gAUvItJAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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