Conan O'Brien 'Kaptain Robbie Knievel 6/23/05

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[Music] [Applause] as one of the world's foremost Daredevils my next guest has successfully landed more than 250 professional motorcycle jumps and each week you can see him attempt another on a eni's Knievel's wild ride take a look please welcome captain Robby [Applause] [Music] is that a t-shirt or your real chest ticking through there you have taken we're going to talk about this because you've this is look I'm in no hurry there's a canine dog in my motor home right now I lost something so oh really relax okay I'm perfectly calm more about this dog and what it's looking for we'll talk about that in a second but first of all your father the legendary Evel Knievel we actually had him on this show I think about 12 years ago he attempted so many crazy stunts in his career he discouraged you from being a daredevil which surprises me a little bit he told you I don't want you to do this is that right yeah he gave me capfuls of Wild Turkey and said don't do this right when I was younger and he said this will grow hair on your chest right and I call him up later dead I'm thinking about joining a a the hair went on my back my chest caved in right nice so do me a favor jump the AAA building with the bottle of Wild Turkey in one hand this is a good advice from a father I think he would sit in the ambulance and tell me and my brother look at me you know he'd be busted up I'd never want you to do this and I older brother chose a smart profession which wasn't jumping and I chose jumping because I don't know I had the eye of the tiger it's my passion I've been doing it for 34 years I started in New York when I was eight years old at Madison Square Garden and had the benefit of doing the thing for 911 on the intrepid last July so which is crappy you jumped over fighter planes on the deck of the intrepid which I actually watched we have some clips here they heard some jumps that probably didn't go the way you wanted them to go let's take a look at those right now and this is yeah that is unbelievable tree it I mean I look at these and I think a bunch of these and I think I don't even expect you to get up afterwards which is absolutely incredible what do these guys I haven't earned my family jewels no and then this is on the okay now they got your put you to sleep let's come back here so the people can see you're still alive all right you hit the ground like that and I honestly I don't expect you see the footage and you think well that guy must be dead and then you've had that you've obviously had a lot of work done you've you had a lot of injuries everybody put to sleep to get the payment out of my ass a couple times and when the doctor said back it up just a second you can't you can't just say payment in my ass and then move ahead there was actual you were in the hospital and there's pavement in your but a doctor says I gotta put you to sleep to get this payment anyhow I'm like give me the mirror let me see and so on like this and I'm like you know okay put me to sleep because I mean it's just black yeah that's those good legs up one by the way no thank you now do you ever have [Laughter] [Applause] have you ever been on the ramp ready to go and had second thoughts be honest now you're talking brave hearted good yes very much what it's like butterflies it's like butter fine if you know what cockroach someone is like butterflies sometimes it's like cockroaches I mean you know you have that in your adrenaline going oh and your stomach like butterflies in your stomach go out over the frigate of Mel Griffin why are you thinking of Mel Gibson's talking about freedom and how they cut you off and do all that - Oh with Braveheart okay yeah okay okay so so you do have second thoughts you do with have second thoughts now do you and do you ever think how you would you ever just get off the motorcycle and say I don't want to do this I don't want to jump over the the 50 buses or Mel Gibson get off the table why are we [Applause] I like you Llorona you got moxie I've had everything else what is that we'll get you some I'm happily single what is that now your father tried to jump Snake River Canyon and and did not succeed he actually got into a rocket I remember this I was a kid it was 1974 you must remember this Bob you saw it happen yeah she went shooting up into the air it didn't make it and parachuted to safety you're gonna try and jump Snake River Canyon is that correct well I'm looking for a big sponsor you know hopefully I can see Trump on the side of the Skycycle somebody with money I mean you know give me a million just to build the thing people don't realize my dad had major engineers that worked at Nassau for 15 years and created this thing that was a sky so had to go over half a mile I show people how far I could jump across the Grand Canyon right it was only 231 feet on a motorcycle that's over almost a half a mile 1,800 feet right so it's like you know you got to build a contraption Oh with today's technology people are still splatting off the ground with parachutes guys that are skydiving so it's like get me across alive and then I'll give you you know a pat on the back so you know just you 10% if I do this beat man are you coming to the wrong guy all right I could get you like $900 whole you could stand on my landing Rafa go it's okay okay cuz I like the guy way down so I can just see the top of his head the further down on the landing ramp he is the better I can see so you could fit right in and just line my ramps up I like it I say I like it all I'm doing Knievel's Custom Cycles now I designed the Snake River Canyon choppered if you want to look it up I'm doing Knievel's Fried Chicken I'm gonna take the picture of the guy off with the glasses and put my dad or Conan on there I don't know which one and you get half off on the broken wings and your daredevil sauce you know whatever you want to do [Laughter] Knievel's Fried Chicken yeah okay alright though we're Cait KFC KFC that's very nice oh Lord can I be on the show this was one of your most treacherous stunts yet I believe [Applause] airs Tuesdays at 10:00 on a and E for God's sake take care of yourself man alright alright put it there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's our show I do want to thank all my guests I give the last caller [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Bobblehead Conan
Views: 39,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: fxnxQ2bvYC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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