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He is basically why I know about Neural DSP. Looking into getting a Quad Cortex eventually now.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/daedra_ 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

He used one of the fortin sims on one of his albums, but a real amp on his latests one I think,

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-Davo 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up everyone and welcome to ola figuring out yes today i'm going to show you my mobile computer guitar rig that i'm going to use for clinics and workshops you guys know me i love my amplifiers i love my cabinets whenever i'm out touring with the haunted you know rock and roll style amplifiers and cabinets that's where it's at and i'm also a very big fan of like fractal stuff sometimes i bring a fractal like the fm3 or the x8 on a fly-in tour or something like that just because it's small and you know i get i know i will get my tone when i'm out there touring without any type of compromise but i was figuring since i'm going out on clinics again that i will build up my clinic and workshop rig which is a full-blown computer rig and nothing else no amplifiers no pedals no nothing just a computer an audio interface and guitar now if i was going on a tour with the haunted for instance obviously i'm going to use amplifiers because that's just way cooler it's just a lot of fun to play amplifiers but for me regards of clinics and workshops it's almost become a sport somehow to make the rig smaller and smaller i just really like figuring out man making stuff simpler for me in that sense so i'm going to show you my workshop and clinic rig which is basically this guitar this audio interface right here a uad arrow and a macbook m1 air i'm using logic for this and the way that this goes is that i rock through my guitar through the audio interface and straight into logic and there i'm using plugins to make my tone and in this particular video i'm using archetype pliny neural dsp to create my tone and as you can see here this is a channel strip for my live guitar right here you have guitar it starts with a noise skate we have a pitch shifter that's in bypass right now i have one archetype right here i have actually four archetype pleni plug-ins right here and these four different archetype pliny plugins are basically four types of different sounds that i'm going to use on my workshops so right here i have a room tone [Music] and then i have a lead tone i have a clean tone hang on and i have a blue seratone [Music] so four different type of tones to cater the different tones i need for my songs that i'm playing during the workshop and as you can see here in the daw i have a bunch of songs going these are backing tracks on my songs so i have stars and ponies here cringy af sun and the moon and then down here i have a couple of the haunted songs that i'm also going to be able to play and since i'm not bringing a foot pedal or anything like that you know how do i switch the sounds well i'm using automation to switch the sound so here you have my guitar track and how it's being automated throughout my whole project with all the songs in it so you can for instance see here this is the bypass for my rhythm guitar you might ask why do i do it like this well because then i don't have to do a physical change of the sound that i have i just let logic do it for me so check this out for instance if i go into so as i'm letting this on play here we have the rhythm patch going and here you'll see it switch that's just automation that's not me doing anything i set it up so it will switch the sound there when the leads start so basically what i can do is that i can turn on and off and switch parameters uh as the song is going by automation so i don't have to do anything physically with a foot pedal or anything like that i i basically don't i don't have to think i just get to play this is really cool another thing that i've also automated is ascend to a reverb so so for instance here i have a lead tone and you know the automation decides how much of that tone is going into a delay and a reverb at the side so these spikes that you see here that's where it gets sent more to that boss so check it out [Music] nothing happens here but then it just spikes the reverb and delay so it's just really cool to be able to control things like that and let logic do that for you so that's one of the cool things that i'm automating another thing that is very particular for this song stars and ponies is that originally the stars and pony song is played on a seventh string with a floyd rose all the solos are played with floyd rose and all that but you know there's just so many guitars i can bring i don't have a seven string with floyd right now so how am i going to be able to play this song on a sixth string in standard e like this you know it's actually drop these well i solved it like this on this particular rhythm section right here in the song i have a pitch shifter going that's pitching down the tone five semitones so basically mimicking the low drop a on a seven string so in the actual song the pitch shifter is going on and off depending on what part i'm in so during the rhythm section of the song the guitar is five semitones lowered let me just demonstrate this real quick and when the solo kicks in it shuts off the pitch shifter and becomes standard again so check the parameters now chasing [Music] me [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you can see the bus even changing here how much it sends to the reverb channel and all that it's it's really cool man and all these lines that you see here going up and down that's all the all the automation that's happening so let's uh let's do the solo here [Music] [Music] check the spike change it's just really cool i don't have to do i can just stand and play how about that and i don't need to bring any foot switchers or something like that i can just bring in this this little thing in a small backpack and then have my guitar so it's just i just really like technology and that you can do like this how this works and you know being able to do all of this automated it's just it's just so much fun man i just i mean the tools are here and they're just so good we have a round-trip latest of 8.8 and an output latency of 1.3 so you know for me [Applause] there's a slight bit of latency but nothing that's truly truly shocking in my opinion so it's just i mean i'm just really excited that that this right here that's that's my rig that i'm bringing next week for my clinic and that's it so there you go that's my little video for you right there hope you learned something uh if you did not then hope you just enjoyed watching it and uh maybe not understanding you know so thank you so much for watching see you guys
Channel: Ola Englund
Views: 60,358
Rating: 4.9887228 out of 5
Keywords: Ola Englund, Solar Guitars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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